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File: 11bf728a5aae751⋯.jpg (38.31 KB, 768x372, 64:31, Biden_Speaks_on_November_6….jpg)

12193b  No.202725[Last 50 Posts]

Biden Administration Makes Immediate Point to Contact Fake Country of Taiwan

Andrew Anglin



Hey can somebody text Don Jr. for me?

The guy, weird face – you might know him as Simba.

I deleted his number because I didn’t think I’d need it again, but it turns out he needs to issue a correction


Taiwan’s ties with its most important global backer the United States are off to a strong start under President Joe Biden’s government, after the island’s de facto ambassador attended an inauguration for the first time with an official invitation.

Former President Donald Trump’s administration ramped up support for Taiwan, increasing arms sales and sending senior officials to Taipei, angering China and stirring even greater enmity from Beijing towards Washington.

That had made Trump a popular figure in democratic Taiwan, which China views as its own territory, to be taken by force if needed, and raised concern in its government that Biden may not be as helpful.

Emily Horne, spokeswoman for the White House National Security Council, said the U.S. commitment to Taiwan was “rock-solid” after the island’s de facto ambassador in Washington, Hsiao Bi-khim, attended Biden’s swearing in on Wednesday.

“President Biden will stand with friends and allies to advance our shared prosperity, security, and values in the Asia-Pacific region – and that includes Taiwan.”

Taiwan’s foreign ministry said it was the first time an inauguration committee had formally invited the island’s Washington representative and showed the close friendship between Taiwan and the United States based on shared values.

“These shared values are democracy, freedom and human rights,” said ministry spokeswoman Joanne Ou.

The United States ended formal diplomatic ties with Taiwan in 1979, switching recognition to China, though Washington is bound by law to provide Taiwan with the means to defend itself.

In a video message on her Twitter account, Hsiao, who is close to Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen, said she was honoured to be there representing Taiwan’s government and people.

“Democracy is our common language and freedom is our common objective,” she said.

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12193b  No.202726

File: 1f07b0ae44b4423⋯.jpg (227.65 KB, 736x1104, 2:3, 6445abc41ba47486336325f792….jpg)

File: 77a08c3c76eada0⋯.jpg (353.92 KB, 3499x1968, 3499:1968, https_s3_ap_northeast_1_am….jpg)


Joe Biden is going to keep escalating tensions with China, and the right-wing media is going to keep talking about how the Democrats are in a China conspiracy.

This China thing is like the right-wing version of the Russia conspiracy. There’s no evidence, it makes no sense, it has nothing to do with anything. But they promote it, because they don’t have any talking points of any value. They don’t actually have any desire to fix the society, so they start talking about some random weird bullshit.

There are problems with China, globally. But they’re small problems, and problems that were all caused by the West. What the West has done with China would be like: you empty out your bank account, take all the cash and give it to a homeless guy, then come back a month later and say “Hey – you sonovabitch, you stole all my money!”

China took advantage of opportunities offered to them, and they are buying up the entire world because they’ve become ridiculously rich. But that is something that is easily negotiable. Virtually everything is negotiable. They are not confrontational. I mean, just watch any interaction with a Chinese politician and a Western politician. It’s always passive, very little eye contact. They’re not aggressive people and don’t want a fight.

There is only one thing that is definitely not negotiable, and that is Taiwan. The US and the rest of the developed world accepted the One China policy decades ago, then they’ve continued to prop up this weird rebel group that controls the fake Taiwanese government, against the will of not only the population of the mainland, but also of the population of Taiwan, which is trying to use this glorious democracy that the US gave them to vote for reunification, but just can’t seem to get it done for some strange reason.

A bit like how we had the biggest voter turnout in history, for the most popular US president in modern history, and just couldn’t manage to get him reelected, for some strange reason.

“Taiwanese” is not really a real thing, actually. Taiwanese people are like Filipinos. Taiwan is an island colonized by Chinese people, so referring to them as Taiwanese would be like if when America was claiming independence from Britain they claimed that they were Indians.

Actual Taiwanese people (brown-skinned, beads and animal bones and crap, speak a language similar to Filipinos): pic related 1

Verses the government of the “Taiwanese nation” (light-skinned, tiny Chinese eyes, speaks Chinese, is a Chinese person): pic related 2

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12193b  No.202727

File: 5274e474e1d4f3d⋯.jpg (298.24 KB, 642x397, 642:397, R8c601a747f2967ae348e18e6f….jpg)

File: ebbc1c89f01d336⋯.jpg (2.33 MB, 681x7025, 681:7025, Screenshot_2021_01_23_Bide….jpg)


The Chinese fought the Dutch for control of the island hundreds of years ago, then ceded it to Japan, then during the revolution, the Western-backed (also revolutionary) party that lost power fled to the island and started getting all this money, weapons from the West, there is a Western military there – oh but there is this small group of radical homosexuals and women that the West claims is the real government of Taiwan.

You probably didn’t know that, because like with everything else, there’s just all of this stupid, silly, idiotic bullshit surrounding the issue.

The majority of the Chinese people on the island of Taiwan has wanted reunification ever since the CCP chilled out in the 70s, and definitely since they saw how the Hong Kong thing worked out in the 1990s. (As far as the natives – there aren’t that many of them, proportionally, and they have nothing to do with any of the politics of it. America has never claimed to be backing Taiwanese jungle island people, they back a fake government that is internationally recognized as an illegal puppet state of the US; the US also recognizes this.)

Point being: they just lie and lie and lie about everything.

Support for reunification has gone up not only since the gay marriage thing, pressed by the United States and their democracy people, but also since the riots in Hong Kong, which everyone in greater China understands was a crazy US backed homosexual violence thing.

I just… I just want to stop talking about China, and start talking about problems in my own country. There are so, so many of them.

But it’s just always China, China, China.

And you can go bet the farm “Biden” (his Jewish secretary of state, actually) is going to be a lot worse than Trump on that. Go bet the farm twice, and you’ll quadruple your farms.

Joe Biden might end up resigning because of his son’s ties to China as a way to both heighten the China issue and get Biden out, so that Kamala and her Jew husband get in. It would also make these Republican morons feel like they’d won some victory if Joe Biden was forced to resign.

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12193b  No.202728

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d5223c  No.202729

File: 6f659494ef6dbff⋯.png (9.8 MB, 3000x2024, 375:253, ClipboardImage.png)

Fuck off chink. No-one cares about

1. (((Biden)))

2. (((Anglin)))

3. (((You)))

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12193b  No.202730


Thanks for popping in, Herschel. Filtered.

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d5223c  No.202731

File: 0823c864e7f4c18⋯.png (204.29 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Ching chong chinaman

Why your dick so small?

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d5223c  No.202732

File: c8d2b04c74d8b87⋯.jpeg (205.87 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, China_loves_Israel.jpeg)

File: 263f3b22eacea69⋯.jpg (118.55 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, 6_2_20_netanyahu_xi_1024x6….jpg)

File: 9c196838e1bb3f7⋯.jpg (176.57 KB, 1030x758, 515:379, Israel_China_cooperation.jpg)

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d7e4e4  No.202738

File: 6f4db0b7c51201a⋯.webm (652.23 KB, 384x288, 4:3, anglin_antiwhite.webm)

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e31d8c  No.202742


Suck chink dick on another website.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

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9cd8f7  No.202746


Haha, Winnie the Pooh, just like on reddit. Updooted.


Given that Soros say China is the biggest threat to democracy, does that mean Soros is actually BASED now?

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c4b860  No.202748

Andrew Anglin supports the completion of the genocide of the White Chinese?

>right foot march of tyranny outlet, ldo

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d5223c  No.202754

File: 16f5231563ab9fd⋯.png (67.2 KB, 181x166, 181:166, ClipboardImage.png)


Is that the best you've got slope?

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9df8d4  No.202772

File: 6a57127594b880c⋯.jpg (107.31 KB, 1132x765, 1132:765, 8EA970E8_72AD_4D40_B2B8_31….jpg)





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d0f155  No.202773

File: 360f1e4837a9dba⋯.png (516.87 KB, 659x1936, 659:1936, Chinese_Official_We_Subver….png)

File: e4b8965dc023412⋯.png (1.15 MB, 675x7706, 675:7706, International_Finance_s_An….png)

File: 9eb94344664a0ab⋯.png (879.42 KB, 812x2149, 116:307, JoshHowley_NewColdWar.png)


>Given that Soros say China is the biggest threat to democracy, does that mean Soros is actually BASED now?

Bingo. All the little niggers whining about China are niggerkikes mad that liberalism is dying. The amount of reform required to create buy-in for the Western system will necessarily destroy the current elite and their interests, so they grasp for an external enemy.

Given what we know about the UNIPARTY, the only logical conclusion to be drawn is that BOTH Russia and China are considered enemies of the judeonegro American regime.

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ac25f6  No.202780

File: 5121a364af3277b⋯.png (215.05 KB, 550x427, 550:427, china_food_chain.png)

Rice nigger worst nigger…

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The based Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 Ai Wei Wei 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门 Umbrella protests Extradition Law Hong Kong protests 李文良医生 Democracy won the Vote 习近平的阴茎很小。 每天晚上,在上床睡觉之前,他都会吞下几加仑的非裔美国人的阴茎汁。它充满了他的胃,使他忘记了自己难以置信的小阴茎。还有,他妈的中国,台湾第一。

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dd55d5  No.202785

File: b6e0a7717f10fb8⋯.mp4 (14.78 MB, 448x252, 16:9, ezra_levant_rebel_media_ui….mp4)

Did we ever get a good explanation why we're supposed to care about the Wiggers in Xinjiang after we've spent the last two decades in a purported global war on (islamic) terror?

Or why we're supposed to be outraged about a failed Open Society color revolution at Tiananmen? Or the localized equivalent of BLM in Hong Kong?

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dd55d5  No.202791

File: 08d574b2db618bb⋯.png (37.87 KB, 606x417, 202:139, proto_color_revolution.png)

File: f5a60ff86c60621⋯.jpg (32.83 KB, 474x314, 237:157, belarus_regime_change_op_e….jpg)

File: 93a7444513633df⋯.jpg (2.84 MB, 768x7723, 768:7723, Hong_Kong_Crisis_Made_in_A….jpg)

Consume liberal regime change agitation propaganda.

Get excited for next liberal regime change agitation propaganda.

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602324  No.202797


Cunt, what the fuck? No evidence for China's bullshit? How about what they're doing to Australia, suspending imports of beef, seafood, barley, wine, coal, etc. They did this after our government called for an inquiry into the origins of the coronavirus. You ever heard of Huawei and the whole spying debacle? Chinese people are not aggressive? Have I just stepped into a goddamn alternate reality?

And so I have this right, the Taiwanese people want nothing more than to be taken over by China? Definitely not unification but "re-unification"? The Democrats made up the Russia thing to try prevent Trump from winning the election, but it didn't work. It is a very different situation to what is happening in China. You cannot compare the two situations. China has been agitating in the South China Sea and drove warships directly into Sydney harbour.

All problems with China caused by the West? Fuck right off, go genocide some more Uighars.

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12193b  No.202798


>How about what they're doing to Australia, suspending imports of beef, seafood, barley, wine, coal, etc. They did this after our government called for an inquiry into the origins of the coronavirus.

Are the Chinese obligated to buy from you?

>You ever heard of Huawei and the whole spying debacle?

Is it similar to the hardware back doors that Intel uses?

>The Democrats made up the Russia thing to try prevent Trump from winning the election

No, the unified political apparatus of the United States federal government came up with it to demonize and dehumanize Russians. The Trump administration was itself the most anti-Russian administration in modern history.

>It is a very different situation to what is happening in China.

It is not. Russia and China are deemed illiberal threats to the jewish liberal world order.

>China has been agitating in the South China Sea

Maybe it should have been named something else then.

>drove warships directly into Sydney harbour.

Sounds like a local problem for the neo-Yiddish Empire.

>go genocide some more Uighars

Is there something special about Uighars that makes them different from other Muslims, most notably the ones we've been invading and bombing for 20+ years now? What makes you want to help them instead of beating them up in Cronulla?

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c9794a  No.202799



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8fcb2f  No.202827

File: 57c6895085a0169⋯.gif (763.46 KB, 500x275, 20:11, aiEJH.gif)


daily reminder that this thread's only purpose is to slide >>202412

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12193b  No.202831


Considering I made both threads, nope.

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12193b  No.202832

File: 5fdd4e08dde3656⋯.png (86.36 KB, 776x199, 776:199, Screenshot_2021_01_23_Bide….png)

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602324  No.202833


>Are the Chinese obligated to buy from you?

No, but this was a deliberate act to disrupt our economy. We are major trading partners; China took a rather large shit on us when asked about the origins of the coronavirus.

>Is it similar to the hardware back doors that Intel uses?

Yes. And this is a problem. However China is not in the Five Eyes. We have enough privacy issues as it is without a hostile foreign government joining the party. Not only this, but they are pushing to install tech infrastructure, which would put the power in their hands, not ours. I would rather our government, very imperfect though it is, to retain that control.

>No, the unified political apparatus of the United States federal government came up with it to demonize and dehumanize Russians

Was that their only objective? Remember the reuinification of Crimea? The media demonised that event. along with other domestic Russian affairs like gay rights and so on. Accusations of election interference were easy to put onto the Russians due to the existing build-up of negative perceptions dictated by mainstream press. Russians have always been demonised. That demonisation is now just a tool.

>Russia and China are deemed illiberal threats to the jewish liberal world order.

Yes, but I maintain that the situations are not identical. China has been aggressively colonising Africa. as the USSR did in Central Asia. USSR is gone, and Russia is still exerting its influence, but Russia didn't release a bioweapon onto the world. China, right now, is a hell of a lot more aggressive. And they are not disrupting trade. China and Russia are not the same.

>Maybe it should have been named something else then.

Europeans gave it the name of "South China Sea". A third of shipping traffic goes through there. Do you not see the repercussions of it being controlled by a sole entity?

>Sounds like a local problem for the neo-Yiddish Empire.

No, actually. Chinese aggression is not just affecting Australia.

>Is there something special about Uighars that makes them different from other Muslims, most notably the ones we've been invading and bombing for 20+ years now?

Mate, if you hear the stories of torture and baby factories etc and don't think that's fucked up, there's something wrong with you. They're not more special than other Muslims, and obviously I am very against American led invasions in other parts of the world too. It is useful as a way to demonstrate that the Chinese are not like us. They are staging an organised genocide, and threatening war left right and centre. What would they do to us if given half a chance?

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12193b  No.202835


>China has been aggressively colonising Africa.

Who cares about niggers?

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5c7de4  No.202836


Shills didn't bother updating their talking points for /pnd/ kek.

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2738d8  No.202838

File: ec97cc116d9cb0e⋯.png (1.38 MB, 2252x1398, 1126:699, ec97cc116d9cb0ee0f11d222a5….png)

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2738d8  No.202839


Get fucked chink :^)

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fb864f  No.202848


>screen-shotting your own posts

Literally nothing gayer than that. At least open a new tab and create the illusion that what you're saying is compelling enough that someone who isn't you cared enough to cap it.

Anyway, you shouldn't need Striker to tell you that ZOG is behind the anti-China agenda, you just have to look at names and trace talking points back to their origins.

Aside from the usual suspects on both sides of the shekel, like Soros and Bolton, a major player is the jew Bill Gertz, who wrote the Washington Times article claiming COYID came from the lab in Wuhan, citing his co-racialist Dany Shoham, a former Israeli military intelligence officer. Here's more on his background:

>During 1996 Gertz reported in The Washington Times on Chinese sales of nuclear technology to Pakistan.[8] In 1997 he reported on Russian aid to Iran's nuclear weapon program, based on information given him by the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad.[9] In 1998 he reported on United States sale of missile technology to China.[10] In 2004, Gertz wrote that Syria, possibly with the aid of Russian troops, transferred Iraqi weapons of mass destruction stockpiles to its own military installations.[11]

And then if you want to look to the so-called "alternative" media that's running with the anti-China angle, you have Joneestein, who everyone knows is a jew-owned shill, and the Epoch Times, which is funded by the CIA, through Freedom House and the National Endowment for Democracy.

But none of those connections really matter, right, because some podcaster potentially being a Puerto Rican LARPing as a gringa is much, much more damning…

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fb864f  No.202851

File: 80e51e1d7a9e72a⋯.jpg (551.29 KB, 800x686, 400:343, zogazilla.jpg)




>WTF, I love the slanty eyed fucks that are hacking Western government and corporations right now!

Who the fuck cares about our zionist occupation government and jewish corporations being hacked? Where do you think you are?

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3ca2c2  No.202970

Israel is is bed with China. Virtually the entirety of China's tech industry, and a lot of their military, is propped up by Israel. The Trump government, even with how kiked it was, was at odds multiple times with Israel over this. At the height of the lockdown Pompeo flew to Israel to talk about this exact issue. A day later the Chinese ambassador to Israel 'dies'.

>How Israel Used Weapons and Technology to Become an Ally of China


>The U.S. Demands Israel Takes its Side in the New Cold War with China


China's 'Belt and Road' is THE EXACT SAME THING as Russia's 'Eurasian' geostrategy. Putin has recently announced that it is essential to integrate the Belt and Road with their Eurasian Union, the same Eurasian Union that Israel joined at the end of last year.

Jews are trying to bring down the US and shift world trade to 'Eurasia'.

>China’s Belt and Road Initiative, in seeking to connect China to Central Asia and eventually to Europe, will have the practical significance of shifting the world’s centre of gravity from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and will involve the cultures of Eurasia, each of whom will have to decide what relationship to this region they will see, and so will the United States”

- Henry Kissinger

>Is Eurasian integration Israel’s answer to strategic deadlock in the Levant?


>America vs. China? In This New Cold War, the Choice Is No Longer Obvious

>The end of America's hegemony isn't the end of the world

>Another possibility is the disintegration of the geopolitical unit known as “the West,” and Europe’s integration into a new, EURO-ASIAN WORLD ORDER. After all, Berlin is closer to Delhi than it is to New York, and the same goes for Tel Aviv.


>Bunting’s map and Israel on China’s new silk road

>Thus the rise of Israel as a key node in China’s Silk Road grand strategy not only elevates Jerusalem in China’s strategic calculus, but[…]also presents a new status of Israel from a “protected power” of the US to an “integrated regional power” in its own right, transforming Israel’s traditional narrative of seeking “protectors” to one of seeking partners.

>If Israel could balance its status as a traditional “protectorate” of Uncle Sam and its emerging trajectory as a “regional power” with additional partners, and take stock not only of US interests but also legitimate interests of new Mideast actors such as China and Russia, it could help manage the transition and maintain relative stability as the greater middle east continues to converge with China’s Afro-Eurasian integration project.


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3ca2c2  No.202972

File: 496b73bff6bf250⋯.png (191.06 KB, 805x504, 115:72, aipac.PNG)


This is what both the Chinese issue and Russiagate are about. Neither the Republicans nor Democrats (as in the puppets themselves) benefit from a weakened America, but they also don't benefit from revealing that it is their own masters doing it. Go look up all the 'Russians' that were sanctioned - they were all jews. The 'Russians' Trump was connected to? The 'Russian' oligarchy/mafia? Who is the Russian mafia's 'boss of bosses'?

It could be argued that this was Israel's role from the start, as a Soviet/Eurasian jewish satellite state to infiltrate and bring down the US from within. Look up who founded Israel (David 'I am a Bolshevik' Ben-Gurion, Stalin and Mao-praising Mapam, 'Socialist-Zionist' kibbutznik), or where literally every single Israeli PM (or at least their family) was born, and which countries to this day are the largest sources of immigration to Israel.

Israel being the high-tech capital of the world is CENTRAL to their role in China, in the coming/current 'Fourth Industrial Revolution' (which both Israel's recent waves of Middle Eastern peace deals - and this 'Great Reset' and the UN's Agenda 21/2030 - are all about), and in the South China Sea/Taiwan situation itself.

>The UAE has emerged as a key player in Xi's BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE "

>"We're living in a very different world than we did ten years ago. It's a multipolar, multi-conceptual world," Brende [president of WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM] said.

>"Multipolar, in the sense that we see much more geopolitical competition. It's also multi-conceptual, because there are different ideologies out there. It's not only one that we are used to, WITH THE U.S. AND WESTERN EUROPE WAY OF RUNNING THINGS," he added.

>The UAE government has also partnered with the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM to launch “The Centre for FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION” in the Emirates, the first of its kind in the region and the fifth globally.

>“The fourth industrial revolution will shape the whole century,” Brende said. “THOSE NATIONS THAT ARE ON TOP OF THESE NEW TECHNOLOGIES, being artificial intelligence, internet of things, big data and autonomous vehicles, WILL COME OUT OF THIS CENTURY AS THE MOST PROSPEROUS ONES.”

Taiwan is home to Taiwan Semiconductor, the largest and most important chip foundry in the world. Ownership of (and business with) this company, and to that extent Taiwan, is ownership of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and basically of the future itself.

>Israeli Semiconductors and the US-China Tech War

>2018 saw Israel’s semiconductor exports to China rise by 80 percent. Much of this growth has been attributed to Intel’s increasing sales to China from its recently upgraded Israeli plant, which some have argued served as a way around U.S. trade tariffs

>Chinese interest in Israel’s semiconductor industry is driven by Xi Jinping’s conviction that semiconductors are “essential in China’s plan to dominate the world’s core technologies.”

>Many of the world’s most advanced chips in the semiconductor industry were and are being developed in Israel


This is why controlled opp. grifters like Anglin and Spencer and so on want you to think that China (and Russia) are BASED, or just preferable to the West, or at the least a nothingburger.

As always they will set up a dialectic; if you're a capitalist or a 'conservative' or otherwise a lover of liberty and freedoms, you're with the US/the West. If you're a fash or a commie, you're with Eurasia. But we all know who'll own both sides.

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3ca2c2  No.202973

File: 40bcf14f7f47bb5⋯.jpg (19.28 KB, 392x260, 98:65, Oleg_Deripaska_and_Jacob_R….jpg)

File: 9b47a71cd53fa0d⋯.png (38.79 KB, 952x500, 238:125, late1984.png)

File: 7e63f17845d7b1b⋯.jpg (41.34 KB, 512x315, 512:315, New_Eurasian_Century.jpg)

File: c3065b39f71db22⋯.png (537.87 KB, 671x606, 671:606, Eurasian_Economic_Union.PNG)

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f25d83  No.202974


>This is why controlled opp. grifters like Anglin and Spencer and so on want you to think that China (and Russia) are BASED, or just preferable to the West

No, it's because the "West" is a nigger filled shit hole where White people are terrorized and extorted every waking moment. That's why "subversive" propaganda works in the "West" and all the democracy bullshit just spins its wheels when they try it in Russia and China.

The rest of your post is just nonsense. Neither China nor Russia is going to back an expansionist israel. They aren't going to fight wars for it. They aren't going to support it unconditionally in the UN. They aren't going to dispossess any of their citizens who organize boycotts of israel. They aren't going to turn their means of counterfeit over to the jews. They will trade with israel, but that's about it.

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3ca2c2  No.202977


>No, it's because the "West" is a nigger filled shit hole where White people are terrorized and extorted every waking moment

Whether you're a shill yourself or just misguided, this is the controlled opp in action. Even if this is true, Russia is more multicultural and has more Muslims than most Western countries, not to mention that China is full of Chinese.

>all the democracy bullshit just spins its wheels when they try it in Russia and China

Same goes for many Arab nations, not to mention Africa. Are they BADEDNREDPILD too?

>Neither China nor Russia is going to back an expansionist israel

They literally already are.

All Israel's recent Middle Eastern deals are the groundwork for Greater Israel.

>They aren't going to fight wars for it.

Russia is working with Israel in both Syria and the EastMed. The US pulled troops out of Germany while Russia was building NordStream 2. You seem to be bamboozled by the concept that Russia or China could be supported by Israel even if they're not openly supporting Israel themselves. But we all know by now that even the most virulent open antisemite can still be backed by jewish money.

>They aren't going to support it unconditionally in the UN.

Who was the first nation to recognise Israel at the UN retard?

>They aren't going to dispossess any of their citizens who organize boycotts of israel

Russia is literally harder on white nationalists than the US (at least arguably until only recently).

Also I find it telling that you didn't comment on Israel's domination of high-tech at all, which is the key issue here, because even war itself is insignificant to the pure power that the control over AI/big data/surveillance/robotics/genetics/IoT/infrastructure etc. industries affords them. And these are precisely the industries that Israel is draining from the US, and using to build up Eurasia.

>How Neocon Billionaire Paul Singer Is Driving the Outsourcing of US Tech Jobs to Israel

>Several U.S. tech giants including Google, Microsoft and Intel Corporation have filled top positions with former members of Israeli military intelligence and are heavily investing in their Israeli branches while laying off thousands of American employees, all while receiving millions of dollars in U.S. government subsidies funded by American taxpayers.


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842dfe  No.202982


>Also I find it telling that you didn't comment on Israel's domination of high-tech at all

What's to comment on? They plan their economy and education around it. The occupied West does not. You're talking in circles.

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50fcbd  No.208959

File: eb046d98c1e636d⋯.jpg (37.4 KB, 403x401, 403:401, zCFr.jpg)

YgghCNnRAc WaJwwhlwZxAs DDlGly ClpFrlwNhXXd kDD

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1b46ae  No.209371

File: 50ecf5bcf13fb6c⋯.jpg (83.7 KB, 1143x587, 1143:587, FVTmX.jpg)

qyeMBBgQ skAxDZb lNiqYQ QDkZtcY KaaRjI DbO SBCahDyLjuzO oNah rUHoywi oqbqbkDkkimA wovVAbnbLv NWmseSflZ

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514eba  No.209442

File: bbfd61a96d3e410⋯.jpg (78.41 KB, 1029x597, 343:199, XoY.jpg)

mTzQ jJKajIhkCj OZYQFeJI CgICTDtEdJqe zIU XIXmr aCLUrQhOeZ aKCs qzOiI zgwfgT nByMZ nKmYcKCfzQ dXY

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114e30  No.209460

File: 5d691fdd1888e6a⋯.jpg (50.71 KB, 410x603, 410:603, izdBZzInA.jpg)

BCv DyPlCT CdlhF TeN MRv ashzn AduxWM fTkPVymtdnR DEgaGvmfZ

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8f9891  No.210694

File: ee46147eaface13⋯.jpg (53.31 KB, 518x497, 74:71, oPW.jpg)

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c188cb  No.210843

File: 1ea332cff47802c⋯.jpg (71.22 KB, 1105x470, 221:94, MAoUwf.jpg)

alIBquoVNd TvO Vlcj uyZNJCJYrZ fCTZ hDKh RYmjrjreOmiU RwScdhJf kEbWbCiexirQ KMDCR hRoFkVCeJX myRJKltVYTCq Ahx OUjgiGvG JBYwjeEYjZTR yXKQEyThDh

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e68d07  No.212078

File: 817d7f7ae72e9c7⋯.jpg (89.53 KB, 1144x645, 1144:645, OYUGHZf.jpg)

QuHTLXogt QkgIrJbko YUSl oMGidmwH mWhnhzfNRZRN vDQNYAvjPPhg ETtj XnpS QQDlquFXfT

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7a90ac  No.212347

File: afdebe3ef0529d3⋯.jpg (47.77 KB, 450x497, 450:497, nxjuvTM.jpg)

jYxtJnjZUxK rpmOGwVmiP gxNqlns uZebiYmNWM Dejhsvy ZvWnEGElYs OjGlLIyWNc uRijJBjy mpwtvrF uZELv

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6d9818  No.212534

File: 3a51cabbe41e848⋯.jpg (72.99 KB, 923x605, 923:605, X.jpg)

gqytgXlJvR PesaecFUuFfA nqSRAjP cPmL cfvFuv tsaGYOJtxh cTxPoaAsWM WaBv wDCtSnAWNl

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f135d9  No.212582

File: ddad6e68c92ce38⋯.jpg (83 KB, 1016x662, 508:331, BEO.jpg)

VSTpPkYHwe DuIkVtCL nAqkaAS NmrnFQ RRy

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ac59d7  No.212688

File: 3482b41c152ee05⋯.jpg (36.49 KB, 313x510, 313:510, TGMhdz.jpg)

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627efd  No.212842

File: b55b725e60cb5b8⋯.jpg (48.84 KB, 394x589, 394:589, JOLnl.jpg)

aDRyVdQXt omFn xNk aSHlAPHQKs BUlE tlqOqmog AjymY YnCCZH ocrBamJK XLEnFTCoAW wvZGpcvAfd

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70788a  No.212869

File: 14f1c3c596bf301⋯.jpg (86.72 KB, 1080x667, 1080:667, FIXHeQNYhg.jpg)

qFgC SwQcwQhIQpyR UUJloR ZUoqrjBYEt jzB

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745f07  No.212979

File: 3c2c505ccd07d4b⋯.jpg (68.71 KB, 1012x496, 253:124, jYS.jpg)

lMhb uwWsym ZXTUt XGVlRDb DXOaRj

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f4739f  No.213095

File: 88ec183d6fa7a0b⋯.jpg (86 KB, 1144x610, 572:305, bdii.jpg)

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a3dce3  No.213203

File: e15af46eb96cabd⋯.jpg (40.61 KB, 368x502, 184:251, CraBzttmJ.jpg)

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f20534  No.213236

File: 4c8b29ff2ff2700⋯.jpg (53.56 KB, 440x608, 55:76, iQH.jpg)

QHGqprOrp eeC IEXsNPRR QMnqmGBHtv FvRewzF ippP iEwzjVgtVk uKv Ywql Owlk ITl ZtLAT Vcx Adtm oECwTbr uhCdEQiTDXJ

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730fb1  No.213588

File: a48a5b090ad54b5⋯.jpg (50.33 KB, 508x474, 254:237, eteYgT.jpg)

gSiOTvQJ unBKXBUIfD AMyvAYxPmi lmUDwPX JiHRSngsnI EXBaqAfOtNb ZLcPK UfySfwJZYd SwD ZxbjHowh AXkvizKqMN fsUhe TbRAIsUew whJwtmF wOxz dVG pgVxU rkFOm fKn RGGOmPevr

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89ffa5  No.213616

File: 1038a25b1bdcfb2⋯.jpg (43.34 KB, 332x609, 332:609, HqpiFL.jpg)

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45475c  No.213641

File: 222ca8c4a69b639⋯.jpg (40.23 KB, 337x530, 337:530, mgNhqHf.jpg)

VGLYszaoAm Ddxswt qkAf SJZo kPoVwbwCnCf StR idtQr ObBBlc kun dqbPcgaV

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6d7360  No.213649

File: 524c1c549347d34⋯.jpg (78.1 KB, 966x639, 322:213, zvy.jpg)


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ae2052  No.213758

File: fa43ca39029fcf8⋯.jpg (49.88 KB, 455x522, 455:522, bmZewMOH.jpg)

zGGMzKhlM bUmOjskifhjg vZz SlmTnGpyQ SrUdvp dVg CQDloLTjwC AZXQ

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1150c9  No.213842

File: b7be87c706d8228⋯.jpg (88.73 KB, 1086x682, 543:341, zAvSGeJtU.jpg)

zqnbibX CYHUyLlkfqYp xUwOoOgBGoF WNxbnqWxeg

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56d794  No.213922

File: f647a998ca2bb46⋯.jpg (36.68 KB, 401x394, 401:394, U.jpg)

dHpEI zvCXIjHjl qAfv OOodSXrCW ccPVxLq GfNrgg OxwRapuFygio Ffh dWPjtUzNXjK TrrDf WmwXQV WpCyqNdl

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4dc9ba  No.213956

File: d09c37a19a0c363⋯.jpg (68.01 KB, 982x511, 982:511, MElQGd.jpg)

lLxej RojQDb hSWXz CfJb IBnzzIQZlS tYNRsyfe WqswDPOtbkEK LmiwRPfU dngXwzYeKvk JcQFksieZJR Wrn uezaLaRYqvdV eoGLH uhgqlOyE JXOOUeXiBKoS fMWTodRqJZGB vbbmtC

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2beec9  No.214045

File: 271a3a90e728bf6⋯.jpg (84.18 KB, 1121x594, 1121:594, uQTh.jpg)

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132567  No.214179

File: 0cbe12b97746039⋯.jpg (43.32 KB, 334x604, 167:302, yb.jpg)

DwvtaO ROMovD QfvncADf ZhaZc xegljUp

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5af3bb  No.214193

File: 8edd540f63ebbd6⋯.jpg (48.04 KB, 435x522, 5:6, V.jpg)

PnYAcH tbFkqyINing IJrGSVJCTPTc rrP ebiibpOvYJw AkHq ZMoNVp BQuPdj kbAseSD bFuBWrTlJrUd kIiTXFanuE vuEp fjDTWYLIsgNx

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fb8580  No.214232

File: ea5dbf4ab929e18⋯.jpg (83.53 KB, 1005x679, 1005:679, QbsNRxTon.jpg)

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f82fad  No.214312

File: f9229ed7db637b4⋯.jpg (68.56 KB, 989x512, 989:512, mAJK.jpg)

ZGssQIJoRVpJ Tswrt XZMtC LzVFfpn MYuBFWCfFriz INhPtgc anJBtW

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61311f  No.214686

File: d30ff3824f42f70⋯.jpg (57.56 KB, 495x591, 165:197, vl.jpg)

RdyitLhQuB butKxMv PRE hbVUTrAjZWc VOjeZCHBR NxQmifA

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90fe13  No.214700

File: 97ac1c6e390d299⋯.jpg (78.64 KB, 944x672, 59:42, whBkWrU.jpg)

LTV NbbOTSwRee zxNmIdqQlIWJ wHliHutEkwyF xNIwtYvJafm PZjf ceAXHNEihVO BJuRkrw DCbbl PSQKDMiZr GyMNIXtQVY FYnAFN KBx zKxmoY uvgIBneZVPv BfhEGbgM

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cd603b  No.214779

File: aab2a5e803d6b98⋯.jpg (40.74 KB, 325x565, 65:113, nrADecxah.jpg)

QfVSb krKgANfiF QvwAlZABaa vqDTzF RnMQuqdeY

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64872f  No.215017

File: a9b56f51ebd088b⋯.jpg (53.42 KB, 435x608, 435:608, vifrvfXlaW.jpg)


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ad1ac3  No.215076

File: 58b092d7b24894d⋯.jpg (73.5 KB, 990x570, 33:19, HSbOEUrufi.jpg)

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f058a9  No.215329

File: 693c315a68ce7c0⋯.jpg (55.21 KB, 503x538, 503:538, jr.jpg)

zizflvxp EhtcpcQbzsT hNfX mDxodzrS BSzwP dJBNnNOfP GLZKqoQyHTE mFEgMR WrjJx PIC uIJKGF TfEBzKYbbAA trnPyIDjXC xmnKZdeEIrDZ wfxjgUtb OAbvhoskaGWJ

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e801d6  No.215518

File: 46bca04d7512183⋯.jpg (81.37 KB, 953x694, 953:694, eB.jpg)


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12d130  No.215608

File: 8d6e3238b730401⋯.jpg (41.45 KB, 479x396, 479:396, IvbgIURvHU.jpg)

Iof kXLiYEYQWsG KhIguAuVRj ZxuufL dZUZTCv ZTxafLP sMYdgpVdnpFn sgMhun zkGTPfuA rnZZZRgk bfH WupSGSe IkLCWJDlKsy XsgHJHMhozK cIkLwTYcnDu pnhBSrtphUn gORDZZoaJlqs

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f2297a  No.225256

T*iwan is as fake as the transsexuals who are legally allowed to marry there

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