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File: 781009354716dec⋯.jpg (151.91 KB, 440x538, 220:269, Yusupov_family_coat_of_arm….jpg)

882477  No.202724

A Tatar colony in East Europe is where the assassin of Rasputin came from to stop him from stopping the Russian Tsar war against the German Emperor that led to WW1

Felix Felixovich Yusupov, count from the Yusupov family from Turkic Tatar Nogai Horde and Turkic Cossacks killed Rasputin in 1916. Rasputin was indeed a native Russian holy man and a patriot.

Turkic Mongolians invaded, enslaved and colonized most East Europe regions since 2000 BC.

They became very powerful and wealthy and infiltered the ruling elites in East and West Europe and Russia.

From these Turkic Mongolians came the Huns, Bulgars, Romans, and Turks

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d093f7  No.202750

File: 63364e9f6100162⋯.jpg (49.86 KB, 287x475, 287:475, 21504696.jpg)

Much of what we see of the barbarity of the middle east is the result of Turkic pressure which really started making itself felt on the Arab world from around the 200 AD onwards. Egypt is about 87% Turk for example. The Coptic Christians are in fact the original Egyptians and they are under constant genocidal thread from the brutal evil minded Turks. Many people especially here, cannot beleive that Arabs created the original Mesopotamian, Assyrian and Egyptian civilizations which were astounding for the era they lived in…they're still astounding in their accomplishments even now. But their disbeleif comes from confusing the Turk invasion of the Arab world, their brutal murderous barbarity.

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055875  No.202820


Wasn't Rasputin killed by British secret service?


Arabs are even more subhuman than Turks. Egyptian civilization was founded by whites.

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