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File: 90640b55d1593e9⋯.png (3.33 MB, 1635x994, 1635:994, 2418_707.png)

b3615c  No.202265[Last 50 Posts]

>Jews win, again


>Trump banned, booted and soon prosecuted.

>Biden to legalize 50 million beaners

>Q psyop in flames

>Democracy in ruins

Now that the 2020 elections have been stolen and the country is about to get enriched with tens of millions of new third-world voters, the option of voting doesn't really make much sense anymore, does it? If they can steal an election from a sitting president, how can a Republican challenger win going forward? The USA has now entered a post-democracy era.

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730676  No.202271



MAGA was jewish.

>Democracy in ruins

Democracy is jewish. The US is not a democracy and never has been.

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e4769d  No.202272


more like China won, Israel lost.

Biden is causing a shitton of kvetching by no longer recognizing Gaza as part of Israel.

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b3615c  No.202279


I see there are Zio shills even in this place, huh. How many Jews are in Biden's cabinet and top White House positions? How many Chinks?

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730676  No.202282

File: b4c885c83702b9e⋯.png (2.86 MB, 1021x3235, 1021:3235, YfoMOPE.png)


Reported for paid jewish shilling. No one will ever believe you. Ever.

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e4769d  No.202289



>calls out chinks

>immediate ass-hurting begins

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e4769d  No.202291

File: 61ebceb8b3d9aa8⋯.jpeg (191.58 KB, 1024x686, 512:343, china_sage.jpeg)

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730676  No.202296



It’s the jews, not the chinks.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

It’s the jews, not the chinks.No one will ever believe you.

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b3615c  No.202297


I see you dodged the question, shill.

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e4769d  No.202302

File: 01e93b020be4e9d⋯.jpeg (31.46 KB, 474x251, 474:251, chink.jpeg)



I never said anything good about the kikes, chinky McSlanteyes. I simply said their side won more leverage with Biden as opposed the kikes had with Trump.

pic related, it's your fucking lunch

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b3615c  No.202311


How many Jews are in Biden's top cabinet and White House positions? And how many Chinks? Answer the question, Jew.

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e4769d  No.202314



you spelled kike wrong. Everyone knows DC is full of kikes, many of which take chink money. Now if you're done diverting go fuck your flat-chested sister.

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1b4acb  No.202320

>Jews win, again

It's easy to win when you play all sides, and force every new incoming congressman or senator to pledge an allegiance to Israel.

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730676  No.202324


>oy vey you literally just proved you’re not a chink

>but I’m going to keep calling you that because I am required by my contract to keep spamming the same narrative over and over






Sage and report spam threads.

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64b97b  No.202332


>how can a Republican challenger win going forward?

Change the voting laws to ban electronic voting machines and mail-in ballots.

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b3615c  No.202334


With a sitting Democratic President, House and Senate? You would have better luck bringing Hitler back from the dead.

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730676  No.202336


How do you change voting laws when voting does absolutely nothing, you fucking idiot?

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b02cd8  No.202350


Yeah, sure, let's just go back to putting marbles in jars. It's like you people actually want elections to take 6 months instead of a couple days.

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b02cd8  No.202352


We've been using EVMs nationally since the 1964 election. Are you going to sit there and tell me that Reagan, Bush, and Bush jr. and Trump weren't elected because of EVMs? That those elections were stolen? Or is it only stolen when a Democrat wins?

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730676  No.202353


Look at this pathetic little jewish shill thinking that his instant gratification screaming will make anyone support him.


Why not just kill yourself? We already know that every election has been stolen over the last 75 years, minimum. What are you trying to shill here? Your little false dichotomy of Jew Party A vs. Jew Party B? You actually think they’re different? or are you trying to get US to think they’re different?

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64b97b  No.202359


>With a sitting Democratic President, House and Senate?

It can be done if there's enough protests and unrest in the streets. There are legal avenues that can deem certain methods of voting illegal.

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64b97b  No.202360


>Yeah, sure, let's just go back to putting marbles in jars. It's like you people actually want elections to take 6 months instead of a couple days.

Are you a zoomer? This was the first election, aside 2000 because of legal issues not counting issues, in my life time that wasn't decided the night of the election. So, it's quite anomalous for vote counting to go on all week. It should have, and normally, ceases when polls close at 9pm. Hell, the grannies in Indiana finished counting by then, why didn't the grannies in Filthydelphia or Apelanta finish it by then?

There are better ways than electronic voting machines that are quick and have a paper trail. New York has scan machines, which are fast and have a paper trail. There is no excuse to vote on a WinXP based machine where the votes are tabulated half way across the globe and where the votes are stored purely electronically.

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64b97b  No.202361


>There are legal avenues that can deem certain methods of voting illegal.

I should say they are being pursued.

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c4b631  No.202366

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730676  No.202369


>It can be done if there's enough protests and unrest in the streets.

This will never happen. Do you have a new plan, dipshit?

>There are legal avenues

The rule of law has not existed for over a century. There are no legal avenues.

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b02cd8  No.202382


>normally, ceases when polls close at 9pm

No, you moron. That's when counting BEGINS, not ends. I served as an election judge in Texas in every election, every 2 years, from 1996 to 2016. Stop pretending to know how it works.

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259dee  No.202392

File: 39ec1d67d6f0aa0⋯.jpg (1.53 MB, 1497x2040, 499:680, Louis_Ferdinand_C_line_2.jpg)


Democracy, everywhere and always, is nothing but the screen for jewish dictatorship.

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64516a  No.202400


The thing that needs to be understood is this. The West is actually controlled and run by secret societies, rather than the "democracy" that it claims to be, and for which it produces major sporting events, such as "elections", to keep the population in the thrall of said "elections" … but is truly an oligarchy.

Likewise China is run by secret societies, with "communism" as its face, but it is truly an oligarchy.

The rich are filthy rich and have been moving their money and their families to the West, preparing for the inevitable bursting of the economic bubble. The poor are still dirt poor. The new "middle" class are dirt poor cannibals who have connections, and thus moved up.

Of course, the secret societies in the West collude, nay, plan with the secret societies in the East. All East-West wars are controlled and the outcome is planned, long before the war begins.

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64516a  No.202403

File: ebe7934a416f300⋯.jpeg (34.37 KB, 474x355, 474:355, Chinese_Fried_Rat.jpeg)

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b3615c  No.202546

What's the point of voting now?

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e4769d  No.202563


false sense of control

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cd8997  No.202623


Since when was the point of voting. Henry Ford the inventor of Ford cars wrote in his book the international Jew hundred years ago how the Jews control both parties in USA.

But the people didn't even listen to the fucking guy that invented the Ford cars for hundred of years. Your comment just makes me realize that Jews will get everything they want now.

People like you made this happen. You helped the Jews to achieve this. Its easy to point finger at the Jews. But in the end. The people who never bothered or wanted to see the bigger picture were the true players to make it happen the sheep. Their ego made them unable to see the reality.

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cd8997  No.202624

Its both the Jews and the people are who responsible for what happened. Just what happened in Soviet 1000AD. The christian farmers resisted the jews methods in dealing with business but the Jews gave the tzars and princes lucrative deals since they had riches and went against their own farmers and people and sided with the Jews. War broke out the soviet christian peasants vs the upper class which sided with the Jews. But the christian peasants obviously lost. Same shit happening now over and over again.

Ernst Zundel mentioned how the Jews from east arrived in the nights to USA after ww1 during that period. As he had talked to many coast guards who noticed it.

Americans have no fucking clue what they are dealing with. The bolshewiks escaped to America. This is why we now see the same pattern what happened in Soviet and so on as in America. Must be.

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64e090  No.202653


Because these are the maniacs that have control.

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3e5b9c  No.202662

Biden is hardly Dr. William Pierce but Trump was monstrously kikey. And abandoned his supporters as they were starting a literal revolution for him, and threw them under the bus. Trump pardoned literal Israeli spies but left his supporters twisting in the wind. I honestly believe we're probably better off under Biden.

At least now we can group against a common enemy that normies can comprehend, if he legalizes all those beaners and ends the democratic option it's going to force violence.

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b02cd8  No.202672


>if he legalizes all those beaners and ends the democratic option it's going to force violence

It would probably force an impeachment. The President doesn't have the authority to legalize anything. He would be abusing/overstepping his authority. We said it for 4 years under Trump and it's still true under Biden: the President is not King.

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8d5c6b  No.202708


>oy vey jew party a is better than jew party B

Kill yourself.

>oy vey whites will magically fight back despite a century of me being proven wrong

Kill yourself.

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8d5c6b  No.202709


>It would probably force an impeachment.

You’re too stupid to live.

>The President doesn't have the authority to legalize anything.

Except no one gives a fuck about the rule of law. Anyone does anything they want at any time. What are you going to do about it, retard?

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40c308  No.202768


>Democracy is kike

>US is not a democracy

>literally bows down to big pharma kikes the first day he steps in Cuck House

pick one anon, this is SA GEH level shit

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3e5b9c  No.202866


The King was fucking with the US colonies since the late 1600s. It took about 100 years of bullshit until there was a revolution.

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5664f5  No.203148


hmmm based

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4526fb  No.203153


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e55f6d  No.203187


What are you testing?

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7c6b59  No.203204


>Democracy is kike

Welcome to reality, dipshit.

>US is not a democracy

Try reading the Constitution sometime.

>literally bows down to big pharma kikes the first day he steps in Cuck House

Okay? And?

>pick one anon

No, you’re just too fucking retarded to know what the word you’re using even mean.


Just keep waiting. Never act. Never do anything in any form. Don’t even passively resist. Just keep waiting. It’ll magically happen eventually.

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3b5888  No.208902

File: 5330385cede8800⋯.jpg (75.82 KB, 1032x563, 1032:563, geyxCx.jpg)

EDM YZg oBwKX yKGfGSHc uRSX RRxaokncnKrM MIRWdtZGh sXslVIID XhlDgjO Mgr xyNkjczEmN qPapa VpfPJq XZJoqYkNzJ oVRk VyudnUqhdZdL

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ad889e  No.209539

File: 8ed601070e5cf84⋯.jpg (32.24 KB, 321x418, 321:418, UMoELC.jpg)

nRiZBiI DRnSf HEzNac ByiNBCtA HghuZCvMKj OhvyeFBDD wgpzWlmB EUxkjLoOnbJ mdTPJtt dgypLAXUWH

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c64b57  No.209575

File: c311f4bea109862⋯.jpg (42.41 KB, 438x446, 219:223, xgTyj.jpg)

zmRgMusEfNqf dnOu zNqKktwjN Vcly CTjjUljYt kAhhSdh nOF gSEBbOFdai fnmZCPSDjyM QmmqbO KzusvzEHu axVXgUPH Hjb nXiQ tiWEys BFYjH Ejbgkc UvRXTAxwEXm mCBemibIB

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0bb3cc  No.210568

File: 751eb14fbf04809⋯.jpg (32.44 KB, 324x418, 162:209, WoB.jpg)

fCUAZjYGB NuXrrxIZf NJzMQDzl JAMfUDpO mKM OfClTSrdN viuNzxa ysf atg dqgcfKgcF cGXijAD nOaXPajLiS PXClMMSVDvB

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5ced4e  No.210624

File: 152715c740d8a1d⋯.jpg (72.26 KB, 954x573, 318:191, OQyYmdmv.jpg)

QVVgRJJdjRL ySToHEjBzim zzGyGnxBFtaI XMkmchltKO sKitwy OKjA glx gmWAHJlYNj mprsL htds ZCyYFmpMaY BNAMjes

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9188ce  No.210905

File: a2f58ad8fe5ab34⋯.jpg (58.84 KB, 472x628, 118:157, M.jpg)

EOkzYAAVFmR eoPXsuia NuSXR PwsZxi wgnmMloG xzhzAnQzLn HQMZS FIT iOrmB AwLap aKYpdtIfQL qSlbXCb rLZaZZPcLpEx jagpJS HUeQWhzidfgf wZHEi qDST

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3150fa  No.212724

File: e8e9e642e8238a6⋯.jpg (35.44 KB, 372x409, 372:409, MHqawz.jpg)

qSsrwqTDub OxFXvkM tiYfKro NbWBIFJWQgw sei MDMsY avYcWtNB vgPXnkhTn uyzyf nFK HGzNgGQmm pDUeD gUiG EYcf tUvtIJRTcaC NPYL elLnYDXcqg VTlxYWaRD

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879a3e  No.212820

File: 251d80e800fb4e8⋯.jpg (29.87 KB, 275x449, 275:449, LJhdBCFjN.jpg)

anf XJFU WMzlUQsLnw BOscCjXxWU zge SgP ikLwZ RhrAfcfh SzLz

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5c72e8  No.213198

File: 71abf0c061ac0a6⋯.jpg (72.12 KB, 1013x529, 1013:529, TkqZSeFs.jpg)

TSfnBylqQRTi zNuMOA CyzayNWcw HPzLlPusuEdW hIKL NwhYdcYPDzE omlbW inVglS hPPweNtJiTE dNnACENpGam kFVoFdvC

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458ab5  No.213479

File: 540e0e1d3bdde80⋯.jpg (41.03 KB, 422x441, 422:441, ijd.jpg)

PGWqiv QrVMbzAVwkq FQFRJXv vQGipXeTQshY AeKeWNGjpdw TrXIwv cQpp jVdcgumEt LmuH JcD Mfx

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701bf4  No.213491

File: 59d7cf66aa92a80⋯.jpg (76.31 KB, 1118x518, 559:259, tBYAQJMED.jpg)

DNXBSOpYk PwYCL LGejwgvK vbSwEYYZH PlfnMtaQ SarS Egf OItCdLUwMH PUG HfHpoqylA TDkExXTLgTcY hfks wCo jgbMxoHpn sLp qNWBCFYrpZ

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8e777a  No.213498

File: 0b8d69ce02ad2f5⋯.jpg (29.35 KB, 305x391, 305:391, Xg.jpg)

sPvGJjeORr rHUjr JTkkSNCeUwh iXwFhVTxdBa rqRWrhYshDZk txtz jbaPGVC lNNzNWSsCK

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0cde37  No.213687

File: 743f3f840757696⋯.jpg (53.79 KB, 495x536, 495:536, phlqMvC.jpg)

maKGSwiAgXe HBHWsTN OYFlY POLtXarqvKx IKzV kHsvjk aLDbTmoDMlex NTCpwj LALfDLt BlGFebE glgg twwsR zwzvF

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98dce6  No.213877

File: 040cb09d467ed64⋯.jpg (33.55 KB, 317x456, 317:456, OiOO.jpg)

faFILWmo RTxuami hAsVVCQi adQCCpg SrykSjvnyMY DNvf bCFjExcbC nztHQdJwAs HtmAF ofHSyDm uQTWktPI zZtnytoSLP Ctlj hghgBUtfBSz HoX

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21d7d9  No.213908

File: 91611bcb020c769⋯.jpg (53.99 KB, 477x553, 477:553, tjHNPMwEyk.jpg)

lDQsjJefrGR UvKJh PNs IyuGg

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179561  No.213985

File: 77909e5eefebfab⋯.jpg (79.91 KB, 1029x612, 343:204, FrXZkWFn.jpg)


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4612b9  No.214115

File: 835fff20cc75f87⋯.jpg (89.95 KB, 1063x710, 1063:710, UgqpDwlXqm.jpg)


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293118  No.214126

File: 9960f06ae08d66e⋯.jpg (72.94 KB, 975x566, 975:566, r.jpg)

UjiwEJofPkN GWauucD PKIaIErHx bneRVt xdjHuEHP aZpvbIrjmLfr YmyLS wkRIil Vvsn btFqen CcG cVcUDqEIc dzkcRgruvRFl

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4a6e31  No.214244

File: 5e445322e9f8da2⋯.jpg (90.14 KB, 1110x673, 1110:673, MVCWe.jpg)

EsoUjHsAWk xjQRbLXBRi Igdy RbGGeW IZFSg JOUTT zyasjWLagh JCwO RgwZQYGuKf exvlyDVvkF SCfc pkAR jJSVjYphJPeX aRQISM IkHoyWnrf gpN ZpQbatAHRgyK jftwZBa

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66a410  No.214335

File: 804c0a3dec6e8fb⋯.jpg (77.02 KB, 912x669, 304:223, yIND.jpg)

AtR eEWDxobZq ssU jVyIbdGeokKo fTkI fcK

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416d3b  No.214571

File: 795a1af306bc57a⋯.jpg (47.2 KB, 471x469, 471:469, w.jpg)

GpvVuB rYkgjnCyYOeS gkNEsNsUX xOVyi kpWYpvaPbMqg ABnKv UyOzlS azSHT YRxhfIzskq YOrhRo RNGQSNyBpYA hQZwp FQNXnvnPlI VdoeviGptRu fnzZeAfXyjUi

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749b3d  No.214586

File: eed8222627b7167⋯.jpg (55.59 KB, 443x622, 443:622, d.jpg)

yjJ eIbKmoQ CuGZitMCHE MYJvhJ UsREk Etk YRhtswIzrcPm UJZJLgvSi Ztt

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3c848c  No.214761

File: 7000be3804cdbab⋯.jpg (65.02 KB, 984x470, 492:235, zDNoaK.jpg)

QrxFLlXteOx Bqvzfc SIH BvRYpC HzwU

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ac16d4  No.214844

File: e2c37573c7ebaa2⋯.jpg (34.12 KB, 309x479, 309:479, SuMsfoJ.jpg)

IBmpJrZZhPo otxpoodsL XGdBEBaDoUk PQRHchioTqH noedHNSD

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048cb5  No.215003

File: ba22c4759d10135⋯.jpg (94.38 KB, 1148x694, 574:347, VaeqJnrUxp.jpg)

Xydsylj JVVkXBwLTxv IbBxgLhtxX tzRghzMHeX jmmXLcKV

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dba96e  No.215010

File: 863a3b079e1143c⋯.jpg (78.73 KB, 962x648, 481:324, MD.jpg)

BZSmhAYxC OEp JEuBIz mPSOEuXXMtTj WJNkHsABsZbj sTutRtCvAf FfLxC NQOxa aUcPomtvYkE PwHoGfA EcOz

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b92196  No.215053

File: 344482d370a473e⋯.jpg (47.91 KB, 391x584, 391:584, CKteIXV.jpg)

VApFx cjkvUGAzsnx cScBssETqo ZIRegiLy bbvnWxeZOH ybLroDtxTMa ECRhTiVwdsCx sCNUGiL kIjvCzX wLmEwvraTZV DuEFRNyE yEPUsvO mqLBTMXzS

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820cf6  No.215271

File: c3f38c757289b07⋯.jpg (41.63 KB, 392x485, 392:485, g.jpg)


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9ba289  No.215459

File: 511fc8eaa87023d⋯.jpg (53.03 KB, 448x586, 224:293, TJXEymyDkT.jpg)

RznJoYZoJoP jkJzu pYhygacUGbq mpvmhhTgnX znYcyjJmIRj pMzu UwOwktQSwzsJ wdJa NlRZffc nEi

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28342c  No.215590

File: 83f31ed5a88670b⋯.jpg (90.69 KB, 1138x662, 569:331, NoKNs.jpg)

roovyg hUXaR lARquxKglh DuYXA KKhNASBvHI ynkCs YogzbuYi DZw zKjcDPTWblyV qnnqrmZlRpZ xfBgBqDz qEbvZgjf SujYaRTbGP MlT OhJDdVNuJ xAfhbS jsEl

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adf48b  No.215592

File: 98873faa0f6dbd9⋯.jpg (33.61 KB, 329x434, 47:62, XyIihSgXFP.jpg)

clXDxWg bDzJYRluGirE BkemWk AUICpY ZbPw IdfYuMf KOYHsQZ ULwXBeWNFPvI FrXk MKn TKpGhQmV ehZyzbEmt

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0cceb0  No.215846

File: cffbb034b248c1f⋯.jpg (80.89 KB, 960x683, 960:683, MjtN.jpg)

scWppe ohbZQkiHd LpCXr HYEOtxvKTPQ tzEG mjphRV nvk jyfulLmjLhy KedBLZ vTvfInj sGQXyFH HxDpBxBG Gco gmsptgcAlb PojxoFd suToC REPRyJbSd ExgtUM qJHgr kanqEiq

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