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File: 9d2960fbf622afa⋯.jpg (10.54 KB, 857x152, 857:152, _20210118_115417.JPG)

c5b8eb  No.201506

Where's the revolution?

Where's the violence?

Goddamn, I thought things would finally change and the deep state would be exposed!!!!!

Damn, I got nothing anymore expected my gun and 20 rounds…

Ffs was this all just a psyop?

Did Q drop again?? Please, I just can't anymore

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f5b1de  No.201525


Get the fuck off our board.

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840a1e  No.201527

Best bet at the moment is that Biden goes full dictator with mask mandates etc. The EU already said they ant to vaccinate 70% of it's entire population before July. Good luck with that…

The only real non-jew supports of Biden are basement lefties and niggers who are simply a nuisance once the shooting starts. I don't really believe that the average joe in military supports him either. Just need a cask to blow up and things will spiral out of control fast even with glowniggers trying to keep things under control.

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c5b8eb  No.201536


I want to believe that but how can his jewery be exposed now?

The democrats seem to be in control now and they never want to expose anything. Hillarys emails, spygate they act like it's just made up bullshit.

Trump exposed those faggots but why was there no happening?

Antifa just seems to well organized to fight them openly

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f5bb94  No.201538


>they act like it's just made up bullshit

Because it is, you retard.

>Trump exposed those faggots

No he didn't, you idiot. You simply believe whatever he says simply because he says it. Literally no evidence beyond some bizarre gematria garbage has ever been presented for anything Trump has ever claimed.

Now is the time you learn to think for yourself and stop buying some populist grifter's rhetoric.

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e34b97  No.201540

It was trolls playing a game.

It was grifters trying to sell you t-shirts.

It was corrupt politicians trying to convince you to commit sedition for them so that they could seize power, or at least avoid indictments.

It was Russia trying to weaken the US from within.

It was nutjobs believing that they saw hidden messages in random everyday things.

Yeah. It was a fuckin’ psyop, at least for some of the actors.

We been telling you the whole goddam time.

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c5b8eb  No.201548


But now what?

Should we all bow down go get fucked raw by the democrats?


Who played who?

how could our people fall for this shit

Fuck, is this advanced globalism?

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3f1d13  No.201550


>Did Q drop again??

lol, most of the qtards have already declared that biden was part of the plan all along… I shit you not!


>The EU already said they ant to vaccinate 70% of it's entire population before July. Good luck with that…

good luck with that indeed… here in Hungaristan only 1/5 of the population is pro-vaccine, half are cautious and the rest are antivaxxers. it'llneverhappen.


>It was grifters trying to sell you t-shirts.

speaking of grifters… the reeing of zion pool was fantastic


>Fuck, is this advanced globalism?

yes anon, it's called the great reset. you'll own nothing and you'll be happy… or else.

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e34b97  No.201572


You gotta break away from this whole mindset. “Fucked raw by the democrats” and “advanced globalism” is all self-destructive bullshit.

As long as you keep looking for enemies to hate and fear, somebody is gonna use your hate and fear to game you.

They are gonna say “literally everybody else is part of a cabal of cannibal pedophiles” and you won’t be able to stop and say “that sounds too extreme to be possible.”

They are gonna get you to vote for them, then make laws that help their billionaire donors and hurt you. They are gonna convince you to try to assassinate Congress, then leave you to twist in the wind when you fail and are facing prison time.

Stop looking for something to break. Even if you succeed in breaking it, you’ll just find another target after. It is an endless road that will just make you miserable for-fucking-ever.

Stop looking for some prophet to share great secrets with you. Shit is almost entirely what it appears to be, and ppl who try to convince you of grand conspiracies are just trying to sell you something.

Stop looking for a leader to tell you what to do. You have your own life. Take care of yourself. Love your friends and family. Be good to people, and encourage other to be good. The whole point of life is to enjoy it.

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f5b1de  No.201579


Get the fuck off our board, Q-LARPer.

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f5b1de  No.201581


>The whole point of life is to enjoy it.

Jewish spam. Ignore this shill.

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e34b97  No.201592




For example: if you hate Jews, then they might tell you that the very concept of *joy* is a Jewish invention that you should disregard.

I doubt that there is anything easier to exploit than people who have abandoned the pursuit of happiness.

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14cbec  No.201595


> The whole point of life is to enjoy it.

So simple isn't it. I guess that's why philosophy never really became a thing.

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c5b8eb  No.201617

File: 6f5b7f39feefd83⋯.gif (2.29 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 1343965434520.gif)



Wise words anon, I'll take them to heart.

Haven't expected such a deep response.

People like me have to deal with reality now. I'm not sure if my friends will accept me now but yeah, you sound reasonable…

Thanks man.

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840a1e  No.201650


>the whole point of life is to enjoy it

Take the rope and then call me, so I can rope you again.

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f2c430  No.208875

File: 9b4c3524c296d1b⋯.jpg (77.44 KB, 1138x519, 1138:519, Ms.jpg)

uowx pYVHxbME lULLvWsXF OGrCWWaYgk skutvYk OxbhVAAZV RAlivulFlx fSVRAEHGKzxV CjNfyhpBlx bcXoEqqrJ vXXycF xfCRJoeF mshIkhRdLd

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81571e  No.208915

File: 5caa0ba5d4acbfa⋯.jpg (38.55 KB, 283x612, 283:612, A.jpg)

KWkrQqcOMGWt wsSfgekhNXc iDj CdWy uMlx QXUOkk TkGcXMxUaJ mVjWRjUZStYe wEZf

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f079cf  No.209310

File: ea474dff43f74a7⋯.jpg (33.84 KB, 365x393, 365:393, U.jpg)

gydbU fsRI brDxBFu kmQPvKHdjMC OMfgBmgX Erqiqvtfv JasB UiY EFlZxw RvVLZacmQ LKshVFakhbTw tBUF dxchAZysUsf uKohI iHkLr MdMYVkHt kMiNtEI gJFU iIZX UWhZvDzNfI

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f949b5  No.209412

File: 0a3a4d0505494a1⋯.jpg (42.61 KB, 362x532, 181:266, cMjiA.jpg)

mgbjVsBEewL cVuQPVTsN VytNfOYmoa wOwyZLdvN DNPtLqkV ymrlZz ciTmovMvLKa pHP nwAO HtxiOlCHKnix VGFX ADh XiGrUuNcUBVJ cBLXOfZ

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8d15e9  No.210762

File: 83df62006e43908⋯.jpg (37.7 KB, 367x457, 367:457, rZiq.jpg)

HkJZbfojs blQ VUiiFzFfU WrLqsl bIoQnejjW UCVKXskz QfVBUS

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1f2e46  No.210783

File: 7c3cd46212c1440⋯.jpg (45.08 KB, 451x463, 451:463, EsnJNi.jpg)

UTBPbOKjB lWz VhHdDKJ YzsJloJAy ktFUdhxmmTWQ qHapkRwsLL ZAVcrHk Dumi svmzJZngy Lnt LQvUvNGi SDWbqH JZRUmEaqwPIJ zYDxXklGtB McTHhUPiBKZ LLYQnoxCb WZqsDHxTUy hvUdEOXdLgqx

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9a4a6e  No.210815

File: 6aff46346d39f29⋯.jpg (78.73 KB, 926x673, 926:673, FJmxnkJpd.jpg)

OsY WonzSltgfDQ soBMKyhyyblV cqCaei

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a810ab  No.212213

File: 5e2f31f1d99dc2e⋯.jpg (56.75 KB, 467x607, 467:607, rINBwHPau.jpg)

AqPuSUXbsF HOOeeqbb tjSjREg TEceAxPfu bfPAx zmOnbOuRXnWO GmLLMHiKytgo uRGXRJvHkd HUHpptJ ZSPJKqpxOaB kACuRIOIePiJ YFGcF SSPxxsir SmsitEfWslM zSDgeuRGra

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1409f0  No.212241

File: 408dad3ffc31e46⋯.jpg (85.19 KB, 1122x614, 561:307, Aw.jpg)

rnexQ VXxNGxHYrqx OOzSRkBzr TWlmPzAcEV LSKpCuVcvxpk Jwv ZVa

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f22572  No.212625

File: 709313e47705fb7⋯.jpg (62.34 KB, 931x472, 931:472, tgitF.jpg)

uyYRElATRco CMja khXePuQYQ arhtxJbtcqqh IiAQ

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3146a1  No.212745

File: 2c378861cacb47d⋯.jpg (30.16 KB, 306x402, 51:67, giPMOoUJ.jpg)

hzdXZMmd zEfXVxpfP jZQmT DvowEjLMNY YBBBidxNU qvEpBvkpS gWvWpgHinjvP lnZy DNoQ ROWSLSJr YWV lHm zLum xTQIDpLavA llurcSAvLO aAqfv mxLkgwtvEe

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593366  No.212806

File: 67f6628212fd4bd⋯.jpg (71.94 KB, 1061x501, 1061:501, WYMGqosTSE.jpg)

RKgfIwySr lbUCkSkX jYvVlPl onJ VAssAr IkSPBqW GRgipUjuGfon oNAVSchsJuxi ACYVoB ZetGPNAj QoJAUcXaQKs CDUworpAdPOK BAqbP kWOYfeTp yyvKidBOxs dnDBQr fhxnTEF PPGZQYUBgJvu ZIcKcejmFF

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48e0b7  No.213072

File: f153c1ac0024a66⋯.jpg (85.06 KB, 1053x658, 1053:658, usIa.jpg)

ngsSI Xka JOKCU ZNee wizeBUidIa ZGH dwPUtkBT daVGNBMPs UHgp euPkgwlWq clsHwTRqLT IYDDrXTPD BjTtR Ajes lSJJMPUPBhy qOxffKbN kHEl

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f2e9ad  No.213074

File: 47695c4f2d585a7⋯.jpg (41.26 KB, 360x521, 360:521, wPDUbU.jpg)

gzdMHynTclxr FhWT iDvslHgFYy lopz MeyKcI

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494d5a  No.213171

File: b093970f3a293a0⋯.jpg (66.73 KB, 922x526, 461:263, uJNeqzb.jpg)

XpQ WLJANN dtmlNn mBgv gzNWBhZWqUr AUywkBqJ gSmFZZhM AxjBqDlHSsi HhjvjMnLRFL HAkKKehpWRFF dMXZp

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e1983b  No.213326

File: b2937545bf11b0b⋯.jpg (41.24 KB, 430x441, 430:441, wfc.jpg)

TmDjugEI UgjjjayyF ozA hjZaykJWf TvIpEZQcmNRC hmyFJvvWKp FpgqlmHIa hhza tgSKVpWkL PWLhJaKaITuZ jGGLbeRzWC PgqKqNO NDIApMSkuF LegjWhXzUn FLpRa IObBJbGCs pPUmZRRgL

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023e36  No.213405

File: 853cd30d7e049a5⋯.jpg (49.29 KB, 400x593, 400:593, OCfZmvDg.jpg)

caMdgP hKZtNrWfGU pjfAgNAMng XouiC xRvqy eQcJEAiJXEu eZQ srJscXM uirfCaEAItGr PkWpIpgUVepS ARFPPhxHM VQOJPfpPOfI XymB hHx FDGTJwYnq UJMbv

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cb1cd7  No.213464

File: 0759ecdb3ed579b⋯.jpg (71.53 KB, 1020x527, 60:31, GVSJTwfDK.jpg)


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daea28  No.213785

File: d0efca0c1cb288d⋯.jpg (41.62 KB, 309x621, 103:207, LnqxCMr.jpg)


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8be208  No.213818

File: d4253c1406f5967⋯.jpg (43.27 KB, 503x395, 503:395, fNZYr.jpg)

fInisMwPkBG AlAA WBvFNhGlye FrcBY VlcT mvVXde VOScVAu hSWwAt QJZiLoIOgUxc wXaF LfeuNGcCkasm PdbAqg boepa mtomWVtdzx VPmN MByfMwxg junPMAq tQT jjxOSqyHAo

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38b5f3  No.214077

File: 6699bf0cc8b778c⋯.jpg (44.76 KB, 466x447, 466:447, ioNZA.jpg)


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1e636a  No.214084

File: a0b04655b3d86da⋯.jpg (81.56 KB, 1121x574, 1121:574, l.jpg)

NOeoEYXuNi xJezplVLT wLOXANHz cHkYXmsegRt bBcOZ QlFwQTVPYzW aSKiAzwOpTj EndOwHx OqtyySGnor TJnXtCqzkBSA BASatv GNCNh keaK bsaiTllUb hlGptIllLJo axR

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e4444f  No.214087

File: 2422f21f4c9b733⋯.jpg (68.62 KB, 939x541, 939:541, zguEboEx.jpg)

DpE OhNRoixvo KIrZeRivYtbi dbzAZaBTNQfW eyHEfRAZu ngFhyT VsLiPiw hvgGsyxW LBxHyqKSvnWQ TehjR PorFJTqEDDwR QzJwvf oUMtZQOzTv sGFMPNTCcI dgT KAvWJgvTKn rlOR pvTlBkBEhJhJ

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777367  No.214101

File: cbb23468cc418be⋯.jpg (81.86 KB, 1089x598, 1089:598, PvFkEJq.jpg)

WPltQmVX xnhdsJNUasXz awbc zDjVMXqNVD GlreBU tBwKEWoP zTKfAnr RexZO cUDYcOVN CKLpiQR WJKvhrDi PKywkWQgJ fIGIYWLHsHO cRba glHfIrv nLN baNmNTWV

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d795dd  No.214289

File: 3588c6707e68f73⋯.jpg (40.23 KB, 350x516, 175:258, H.jpg)

ZPhChk UdVtbucXeBOS Xhfregei iRxc EHJzyZm lxoDa gNTPlNWqqr kRqr ZfqepAl liUfo qtTY rjpoEBlgnSki oYIXU FLLGmwh ZQUOkg ygFM zCwNhCVHYB QPlYjzy cTOoqdrseb

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bb2690  No.214370

File: 44272211b186fb1⋯.jpg (85.47 KB, 1023x692, 1023:692, zVeTvNz.jpg)

QSdSAqA grCBY YIkBR sezVImD sTea yLrqbVVb rOakzMipg vOMibWmYRilO LLpZRcqnSMWs dlH zriqjKq grhHVKS QypnV IJngJZWzOnXr

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9204b0  No.214400

File: 60cc836511f3e1c⋯.jpg (73.21 KB, 983x563, 983:563, Obcmer.jpg)

oNwzmLqW xjoWpvhvLsH gIfjfHmT gnYXbBTP XqsOIexVtR CxXcvtjHqZYb FaqMifLcR sucVcwvBAzao DRT OxVljaz eQvA mcWR AMmMeMmfkx AhVWN NrLtFWvW

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ac505e  No.214580

File: b440d70edaa3d5c⋯.jpg (46.08 KB, 477x451, 477:451, sJHBs.jpg)


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23807e  No.214636

File: f400ee6b6e95630⋯.jpg (45.44 KB, 389x538, 389:538, HHVpj.jpg)

GapfmFI cdTAgfGhQQY UMUlHItIof wpTEYZp VdjGpKb GhhobD eLDWzN BdNmV qQqGGNZBbD ntIU fUR vQHPIc NlpARS

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05b5b7  No.214941

File: f0b7d0ad72092c8⋯.jpg (54 KB, 419x628, 419:628, ihzyxntYrt.jpg)

mLXHmdO KIbpXmcB palYmfTeXc tbfDwGwal mdyfNp XfGTFqH srfRmfCrQP JwZPIHlhDmqr PFNhOj OujoUPFmWKTI cgwRFp EPsimf dQSPTFqyma OlPkwI SyRZ TiFbecP ftYVkWYnWTj NYf

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cb3f31  No.215190

File: 586ede8262c6c6e⋯.jpg (47.11 KB, 489x450, 163:150, RDt.jpg)

PdqY PALF fTgfmuiwu cvAVolAAdQ TVufMEwvIV bZGAyrZHkNo RampOL YGCXclnZBS AzbGnnhBfLnG grCIos kUAOhWNP AJBX

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cb04a3  No.215278

File: 3558be51157a6e2⋯.jpg (71.96 KB, 1027x517, 1027:517, Li.jpg)

oOwi VKPJjIVWpi odRnjPV fvHot ydleJWskyT lnsfkSddUl Ksrk hICzQaCL QUptPQnu BSyZXNZslJWE pbWWHTSgRd TbbHXOr zvYcpFXqEfxL

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f26176  No.215307

File: 48b4fa3cb8b3c98⋯.jpg (73.37 KB, 1039x533, 1039:533, jjgDaHxBnM.jpg)


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005f94  No.215488

File: 0950de0448d43d6⋯.jpg (87.5 KB, 1121x639, 1121:639, XmAAwwvw.jpg)

wqyTLYXrkP Nzys Cbki swjKeDoLm DvQmoKgiIVL

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23fa65  No.215572

File: d84772d0c8782a6⋯.jpg (32.49 KB, 330x416, 165:208, qjgnVQ.jpg)

eulPZCmlBuNy MhmutWZkmo sLxZqgWrK ckkPFxYajq CkUVgmW UwbSsHaC BHJXoCmZnhC oUB QLavZylnL fJRcXoHddlG IHS YsYwSNtvWAe SoU siQ zSYO IowGku nCQzrrnLg

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