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File: 5e33b6ca2bad963⋯.jpg (3.1 MB, 1600x2033, 1600:2033, Qanon_Trust_Agents_2.jpg)

29c6f5  No.201424[Last 50 Posts]

Now that the Bolshevik "Trust Operation" failed… and civil war failed… and Trump's second term failed… and Nazbol failed… and Zionism is failing… how long until our boys in the CIA assassinate Ron and his Freemason daddy? Place your bets.

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9b63f1  No.201425


Jim's fat ass is going to choke on a pork chop and they'll claim it was an assassination.

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29c6f5  No.201426

File: e83df81d41d67af⋯.jpg (202.43 KB, 465x621, 155:207, jim_watkins_rabbi.jpg)


It's not ideal but I'd settle for that.

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e664cf  No.201430


Looks alive and well in the Biden cabinet.

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e664cf  No.201431

File: dcdd4c3de2bf24c⋯.png (323.64 KB, 602x725, 602:725, 1611152626058.png)

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29c6f5  No.201432


Any idea what their stance of Israel is?

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e664cf  No.201435


They've basically already come out and said they won't be rolling back much that Trump did geopolitically. All the anti-China stuff is staying. All the concessions to israel. Regime change operations are going to accelerate in Belarus.

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29c6f5  No.201438

File: f44c9581faba78c⋯.jpg (1.62 MB, 2000x4972, 500:1243, zionists_play_both_sides.jpg)


Nice. The Left will tire of Zionism in the same way the Right has.

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e664cf  No.201443


Nope. And the "right" hasn't really tired of it – just a small portion of it that at best can sandbag elections when they stay home.

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29c6f5  No.201444

File: 16ae826f08e97e4⋯.jpg (124.45 KB, 1131x732, 377:244, Russia_VS_America.jpg)




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220f2b  No.201447


>Now that the Bolshevik "Trust Operation" failed

It worked like a charm, wtf are you on about?

I bet 2 weeks ago you were a rampart Qfag telling everyone to wait for good news.

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29c6f5  No.201451


>worked like a charm

In what way? It was supposed to secure Trump's second term so he could complete his Zionist agenda. When that failed it was supposed to incite civil war to keep him in power. And now the method can not be used again in any capacity.

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e664cf  No.201454


Oh, is this a crypto anti-Russia thread?

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29c6f5  No.201457


Only if anon tries making it a crypto anti-American thread.

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e664cf  No.201458

File: 4c8ac1e16f43b8a⋯.png (75.82 KB, 612x1064, 153:266, europeamericachinacultural….png)

File: 19564624d87016c⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1339x5533, 1339:5533, Toward_a_Eurosiberian_Stra….png)

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220f2b  No.201459

File: 3d3ee013165eeb0⋯.jpg (229.99 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1600596605820.jpg)


No it wasn't you fag dreamer.

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29c6f5  No.201461




>n-no it wasn't!

Well.. whatever it was it's over, huh? And it can never be used again because it's that rekt. So who cares? It's over, Moshe.

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e664cf  No.201462


Keep seething kike.

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220f2b  No.201463

File: 36933677b0e828b⋯.jpg (442.59 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, 1608384268027.jpg)


yeah, over because it worked.

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29c6f5  No.201471


How am I seething, Migapede?


What did it achieve exactly?

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220f2b  No.201485


4 years of comatosed Qoomers like yourself begging for feel good bedtime stories from the kikes

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29c6f5  No.201486


You're telling us that Q was a psyop to make boomers feel good and there was no point beyond that? Now what..?

>No wall

>No lock her up

>No pardons of supporters

>4 years serving Israel

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2abf5a  No.201730

Beyond Anatoliy Golitsyn's ramblings, I can actually find no information that an organization called the "Monarchist Alliance of Central Russia" existed, nor that it was taken over by the OGPU. Moreover, the OGPU didn't exist until 1922.

It sounds like Golitsyn learned later on that Marxism-Leninism is always nationalism, and Russia was really no serious exception, though obviously a lot more complicated than say, Vietnam or Korea, where even the ZOG knows the nationalists just started themselves communists because the Christfags were willing to enslave their own people to Kikes and niggers.

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a6aed0  No.201742


>I didn’t even bother to read the post before replying

Great job, dumb fuck.

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d83058  No.201779

File: f31152ded7af139⋯.jpg (141.21 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Hitler_s_definition_of_soc….jpg)


<communism = NatSoc goys :^)

You're a fucking liar hasbara nigger

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2abf5a  No.202097


><communism = NatSoc goys :^)

This is actually true. The gooks in Korea and Vietnam that were having their women spread their legs for foreigners were Christfags working for the ZOG.

Only in the ramblings of ZOG-faggots do they want to turn foreign communists movements into the hyper-liberal shit that exists in "America."

The German case is a peculiar one, in part because the German communists were not willing to utilize the National Question in the same fashion the NSDAP was. This is not because the "Austrian" Social-Democrats had the same line on the question as the NSDAP, and the "Austrian" communists had boxed themselves into a corner opposing them. When the NSDAP overthrow the "Austrian" "Fascist" regime of Engelbert Dollfuss, they simply let the Social-Demcorats walk right into their party, but ended up killing most of the communists, because the "Austrian" communists were stupid enough to oppose the re-unification of Germany.

>You're a fucking liar hasbara nigger

The only reason the ZOG hated the communists is because they said niggers belonged to another nation, and that the Kikes weren't a nation at all.

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29c6f5  No.202101

File: 5bd9cf110cef3b6⋯.jpg (2.63 MB, 2550x2280, 85:76, Nazbol_is_Jewish.jpg)


At most you can say that NatSoc and Nazbol were both iterations of (((Labour Zionism))). But we've seen the differences between Nazbol and NatSoc, namely the willingness of Nazbols to deceive and use under-handed tricks to market their ideology because it can't stand up to scrutiny. A little more chaos and we get to hunt Communist traitors.

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e87fd3  No.202104



Good to see you here.

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2abf5a  No.202105


>>At most you can say that NatSoc and Nazbol were both iterations of (((Labour Zionism))).

In fact, the Bolsheviks viciously opposed the Bundists ("labor Zionists" to use your bizarre terminology). The issue of Kike identity became one of the split issues with the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks. The Bolsheviks wanted nothing to do with Kike claims coming from the Bundists about having a 'national homeland' in the Pale of Settlement.

>namely the willingness of Nazbols to deceive and use under-handed tricks to market their ideology because it can't stand up to scrutiny.

The only people calling themselves "Nazbols" seriously are Russians that realize the USSR was basically at war with the Kikes. There is actually a whole bunch of "Right" wing ZOG-fag literature from the 60s-80s detailing how the USSR was persecuting their own Kikes to such an extent that they fled the USSR in the hundreds of thousands. This actually became an embarrassment to Israel as well, because the Kikes that fled preferred to go to "America" over Israel.

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29c6f5  No.202108

File: 125bb23ff36e3e3⋯.jpg (82.63 KB, 932x598, 466:299, stalin_jews.jpg)


>bizarre terminology

NatSoc/Nazbol are versions of Labour Zionism, or "Socialist Zionism," which existed prior to both (Zionism being "Nationalism" so literally National Socialism or National Bolshevism):


>the USSR was basically at war with the Kikes


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29c6f5  No.202112

File: e0e8c3555bb86d4⋯.jpg (159.46 KB, 1704x536, 213:67, herzl_zionism.JPG)


Just two expand on this…

Kikes create Zionist Socialism. Their end-goal is a homeland for the Jews. The spread this ideology in Germany as National Socialism and Russia as National Bolshevism. Anti-Semitism was purposely spread in order to cause persecution of know-nothing kikes because Elites needed to convince them to leave Europe for the deserts of Palestine (pic related). Finally they caused war between Germany and Russia to extinguish Zionist Socialism among the goy nations only to later enact the very same in their newly founded State of Israel. Both sides got played and completely destroyed - only modern Israel reflects anything close to NatSoc and Nazbol. This is a hard redpill for everyone to swallow but it's true.

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e87fd3  No.202113

File: c1c45e93fbfc533⋯.png (519.67 KB, 626x5185, 626:5185, Screenshot_2019_12_11_The_….png)

File: 993ec7dadd2880d⋯.png (651.65 KB, 630x6362, 315:3181, Screenshot_2019_12_11_The_….png)

File: d1fef150f7c64e2⋯.png (524.22 KB, 626x5298, 313:2649, Screenshot_2019_12_11_The_….png)

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e87fd3  No.202114


When you see people pushing this kooky conspiratard shit about the NSDAP, it's always Anglo conservatives and jews trying to thread the needle but still discredit the ideas of the NSDAP and obfuscate that the Anglosphere's liberal capitalism is the sea the jews love to swim in.

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2abf5a  No.202115


>NatSoc/Nazbol are versions of Labour Zionism

Yes, and everything is everything because definitions look similar.

>dumb picture proving nothing

It's just as easy to pull up headlines from the 1920s with Jews like Schneersohn screeching about Soviet persecution by the Yevsektsiya, and especially easily after 1967, when the Israelis saw the USSR as their mortal enemy for supporting Arab Nationalism against them.


This is common knowledge, and can be found expressed in Israeli government documents like the Oded Yinon plan, which openly states the USSR was the greatest existential threat to Israel at the time.

Face it, the "Right" wing of the ZOG got the masses of the White Nation to think communism meant forced integration with niggers, which is the only reason any of that shit worked before. Now these people think it is going to work again on the youth of the White Nation, after the ZOG already forced integration with niggers on them, and when the USSR is no longer even around. The "Right" wing of the ZOG thinks the masses of the White Nation are infinitely stupid, but this is not actually the case. The youth of the White Nation will eventually be forced to discover the ZOG's "anti-communism" was nothing more than a purity-spiral against Eastern Europeans for daring to question a world order where "American" niggers have higher living standards than them.

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29c6f5  No.202116



Neither of these posts counter my claims or the sources provided. I don't even know what the source is for the three images anon provided. Is it an Alt-Right blog or what?

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29c6f5  No.202117

File: 46c90c6f6a8f746⋯.jpg (100.03 KB, 916x859, 916:859, stalin_jews_5.JPG)


You only deny history because it makes your desired future impossible.

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2abf5a  No.202118


>only modern Israel reflects anything close to NatSoc and Nazbol.

This is actually not true at all, because the Ashkenazi (European) Kikes that founded Israel also let in millions of Mizrahi (Sand-Nigger) Kikes after the war as a form of cheap labor.

That thing called "Israel" is actually a mixed-race state, and everyone there is quite conscious of the fact. The Mizrahi (Sand Nigger) Kikes even have their own political party, which they use to play king-maker in Israeli politics.

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29c6f5  No.202119


Israel is the only modern State capable of stealthily sterilizing an undesirable race, something I'm sure Nazbols and NatSocs wouldn't mind implementing.


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a3debb  No.202120

>>Zionism is failing

Your retarded. The jews have just annex a portion of mudslim land like a month ago. All politicians are still Zionist. Hell we just elected another Zionist.

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2abf5a  No.202121


>You only deny history because it makes your desired future impossible.

ZOG-faggots make up the most outlandish lies about the USSR because they'll do anything for Kikes. They come here and spit a Kosher version of 'national socialism,' so they can go back to the Kikes and tell them "Look, these people are idiots, and will believe anything we say, no matter how retarded. They are no threat to you."

The Soviets believed they could destroy the Kike on a spiritual level, that they could crush that identity out of them, like what the Han Chinese did to the Manchu after 1949. It didn't work, unfortunately, and the NSDAP solution is the only thing that will.

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29c6f5  No.202122

File: 2e9d1505899f90c⋯.jpg (178.67 KB, 799x569, 799:569, stalin_purged_the_jew_goy_.jpg)


You know historical information is readily available, right?

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a3debb  No.202123

Just a reminder the Soviet Union was the one who helps perpetuates the holocaust myth. Anothsr reminder every Soviet leader had married a jew.

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2abf5a  No.202126


>You know historical information is readily available, right?

People like you post pictures of Putin wearing a kippah and expect them to believe the ZOG only pretends to hate Russia.

Was Kaganovitch a Jew? Yeah, and he also got a bunch of Kikes killed in Birobidzhan. The type of Kikes they let into the upper circles of power were themselves viciously opposed to any expression of Jewish nationalism, and after the war, not even these types of Kikes would be allowed at the top ever again.

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29c6f5  No.202129


Herzl was a Jew and he weaponized anti-Semitism against his own people for political gain. There are no good Jews.

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2abf5a  No.202130


The Kikes couldn't rule the ZOG without millions of willing Christfag servants, that would turn every young white man into a faggot, and make every white woman marry a nigger, if they thought it would help the Kikes.

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29c6f5  No.202132

File: a3df63744632202⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 2580x2588, 645:647, Why_Jews_Hate_Christianity.jpg)


Your post has nothing to do with mine. Instead you resorted to religious D&C because you can't attack my actual claim. But I'll play your game. Name one religion more subverted and attacked than Christianity. Go ahead.

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2abf5a  No.202134


>Your post has nothing to do with mine.

In fact, it does. People like you think the youth of the White Nation are going to fall for the same *lies* as generations before. Marxism-Leninism is nationalism. The rulers of the ZOG believed they were fighting gook-Hitler in Vietnam and Korea, and utilized these wars to first force integration with niggers in the ZOG's military (Korea), and then on the rest of society (Vietnam).

It's called the Zionist Occupation Government for a reason, not the Kike Occupation Government. The ZOG always relies on religious faggots like this person for support. The conflict in Syria is a conflict between religious obscurantism and nationalism, just like it was in Korea and Vietnam, where the ZOG's puppets were all Christfags. Just like in Germany and that thing called "Austrian."

>retarded meme picture

Kikes don't hate Christianity. The Kikes couldn't even ply their trade without it. Christfags have always let these people into communities, given them special privileges, and enabled them, up to the point the regular people could no longer stand it and forced them out. They're able to do this because Kike-identity plays a special role in the Christfag imagination. The Christfags believe the Kikes are the original children of the Sky Kike, and that 'true' Chrisfags like themselves are the adopted spiritual children. They see Kikes as their brothers, which is why they serve them so willingly.

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29c6f5  No.202136

File: 058d2ddacb30919⋯.jpg (64.97 KB, 506x363, 46:33, jews_hate_christianity.jpg)


>The rulers of the ZOG believed they were fighting gook-Hitler in Vietnam and Korea

Then why not embrace National Socialism and not Marxism which Hitler opposed?

>Kikes don't hate Christianity.

You're either uneducated or purposely deceitful. The very word "kike" comes from their hatred for Christianity. Jews who couldn't sign their name in Germany refused to use an "X" because it reminded them of the crucifix so they used a circle. NatSocs began referring to them as "kikels" or "kikes" meaning "circles."

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2abf5a  No.202139


>Then why not embrace National Socialism and not Marxism which Hitler opposed?

The NSDAP didn't have any *abstract* political lines that could be easily adopted by non-whites. What NSDAP pamphlets could the gooks read like Stalin's Marxism and the National Question? The NSDAP applied the National Question in a completely internal way; they went to the German masses, told them all those little German-speaking countries like "Austria" and "Prussia" were completely fictitious entities (which they were), and got support from the German masses because they were the only one they wouldn't lie to them about something so obvious. They didn't see any need to justify it an abstract manner, so what is there to pick up from for people resisting the ZOG? Might as well just reach out to the Kike-lover's mortal enemy; the USSR.

>You're either uneducated or purposely deceitful.

This is you projecting. The Israelis know full well that their entire basis of political support in the ZOG comes from Christfag retards, and they do everything they can think of to placate these people, including showing up to their conferences, allowing them to spew Christ-crap on their airwaves, etc. The Christfags are willing to send tens of thousands of young white men to die for them, and their "Right" wing regimes do everything to protect them, as they did in "Austria" and in Poland, and the rest of the "right" states of Europe before the war, and as they do today. The Kikes simply couldn't do what they do to Europeans without Christfaggotry infecting the minds of the ruling classes, and yes, the Kikes are aware of this.

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29c6f5  No.202140


>The NSDAP didn't have any *abstract* political lines that could be easily adopted by non-whites.

That's your problem? You're going to bring us all into Hell because you have a racial inferiority complex? Why can't blacks, asians, or mutts love their own people same as whites? Why can't you just be decent?

> The Israelis know full well that their entire basis of political support in the ZOG comes from Christfag retards

Are you denying that Jews have subverted Christianity same as any other institution?

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2abf5a  No.202147


>That's your problem?

Retarded Christfag thinks he is talking to Charlie now. "Why, why did you have to call yourselves communists!"

>You're going to bring us all into Hell

Hell isn't real, Christfag. Hell is just a place you're supposed to fantasize about people you hate being there.

>Why can't blacks, asians, or mutts love their own people same as whites?

Communists didn't force integration with the niggers on the White Nation. Christfags did. They did it to benefit their fellow Christfag niggers. They did it while killing communists.

Moreover, Christfags look at the NSDAP and think they hated Europeans, because that's who they mostly killed. The few non-whites who are attracted to the NSDAP are that way because they think to themselves "Look how many Europeans they killed! They're the best."

>Are you denying that Jews have subverted Christianity same as any other institution?

Christfags just let the Kikes walk right into power in that thing called "America." They didn't corrupt the Christfags, they were already corrupted.

"America" was founded as an anti-nationalist project, to split the English-speaking Europeans into two, and it was done by Christfags who couldn't satisfy their lust for nigger flesh. The Founding Fathers were all nigger-fuckers to a man, and they picked up the Bible and read the Song of Songs to justify their lusting after niggers.

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29c6f5  No.202151


I see you conveniently ignored your racial inferiority complex. There are 3 billion Christians in this world, over half of which are Roman Catholics. Instead of acknowledging Jews subverted and infiltrated Christianity same as every other institution you purposely isolate yourself from nearly half of the global population. Wow. What a genius you are! Absolute joke. Right now there are Roman Catholic priests fighting the current Pope along with the globo-homo and Zionist agendas. But you don't acknowledge that because it doesn't fit your narrative. Instead you hold onto your false world-view and your -ISM because they make you feel like you belong and belonging to something is more important to you than doing what's right (racial inferiority complex is to thank for your absence of integrity). So in a few years when all of this comes to a head the Elite will destroy both white and mix, Jew and non-Jew, Christian and Pagan because we're useless to them and because people like you refused to compromise and unite against our common enemy. Your "movement" will never manifest because you're an isolationist who refuses to address the reality of our situation:

Kikes have subverted and co-opted everything from religion to politics to popular culture.

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2abf5a  No.202156


>I see you conveniently ignored your racial inferiority complex

Not every stupid thing this person writes deserves a direct response, but it should be obvious I'm a White Nationalist. My eyes are green and my hair is blond, and no, I don't think Europeans are inferior to others.

>There are 3 billion Christians in this world, over half of which are Roman Catholics.

Catholics created an entire race of Mestizos in Latin America, because Christianity is a race-mixers religion. The Kikes didn't force Catholics to race-mix with millions of Mongoloids in South America.

>Instead of acknowledging Jews subverted and infiltrated Christianity same as every other institution you purposely isolate yourself from nearly half of the global population.

Yeah, and when the NSDAP invaded that thing called "Austria," the Catholic-faggots were screeching louder than the Bolsheviks were about it.

Who cares about billions of nigger and Mestizo Catholic Christfags? Not me, but this Christfag LARPing at a National Socialist does.

Tell us your thoughts on Engelbert Dollfuss, Christfag!

>Right now there are Roman Catholic priests fighting the current Pope along with the globo-homo and Zionist agendas.

And guess what? The Soviets didn't have any problem throwing faggots in mental institutions. The only reason even the Cubans have warmed up to this disgusting shit is because of the Catholic Church being so pro-faggot now. The rest of the communist countries still to this day don't want anything to do with it. But that won't stop Christfag like this person from pretending these countries are mortal enemies of the White Nation!

>Instead you hold onto your false world-view

Here the Christfag means White Nationalism. White Nationalism is indeed the enemy of Christfaggotry worldwide, and when the masses of the White Nation wake up and realize what the Christfags did to them, not even the worse excesses of the commies will compare to what we will do to you.

>people like you refused to compromise and unite against our common enemy.

The common enemy is Christfaggotry. The Kikes couldn't do what they do without their most loyal and fanatic servants, and they're going to go the gas chambers with them when the Turner Diaries begin.

>Kikes have subverted and co-opted everything from religion to politics to popular culture.

All of this would have been impossible without their loyal Christfag servants.

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8c9fc9  No.202157


literally all of them. Who do you think poisoned prabhupada and took over the ISKCON movement?


Who do you think is funding and controlling the kaffir Muslims?

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8c9fc9  No.202158

File: 2dbc8b9f8b47bc3⋯.png (830.93 KB, 800x500, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)


oh that's right you are a low IQ dipshit that doesn't know about anything in your immediate sphere so you would have no clue what the answer to questions like these are >>202157

You fucking Christards are just as bad as the Jews with your persecution complex. You fucking faggots crave to be persecuted and martyred. Grow up you fucking faggot. Your cult is nothing special it is just an obstacle to be overcome to subvert your nation and people

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29c6f5  No.202159


>I'm white!

<how do you do fellow white man?

>Christianity is a race-mixers religion.

Scripture forbids racemixing.


I'm glad you finally acknowledge Christianity is shit due to kike infiltration and has a thousand+ year history of persecuting kikes prior to their success at subversion.

>But that won't stop Christfag like this person from pretending these countries are mortal enemies of the White Nation!

I didn't say anything about Cuba or homosexuals you disingenuous kike.

>when the masses of the White Nation wake up

2 MORE WEEKS! Trust the plan! Soon white people will embrace Communism! Then the kraken will be released!!!!!11

>muh turner diaries

You're an irrelevant child.

>All of this would have been impossible without their loyal Christfag servants.

Not to mention Communists, the Chinese, Russians, and every other victim of kike subversion. But you single out Christians because you're debating without integrity. How defeated can you get in a single thread, commie?

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8c9fc9  No.202160


*not in your immediate sphere

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29c6f5  No.202161

File: 17ecc08a730e2e0⋯.jpg (48.35 KB, 580x464, 5:4, jews_hate_christians.jpg)



Did you just answer on my behalf? Stay triggered you unhinged tranny holy shit lmao

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8c9fc9  No.202162


oh yah I am sure everyone can see I'm the one triggered here. you and your cult are the single largest collection of imbeciles on this planet and your cult is more deadly to our people than even the jews. kys you fucking retard

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29c6f5  No.202163

File: 5419335e3bfbdae⋯.gif (2.04 MB, 500x281, 500:281, triggered.gif)


You asked me a question and then answered on my behalf before I even had the time to read your question. You're defeated, triggered, and embarrassed. Stay defeated, tranny commie, you're getting the rope – there are more Christians than Marxists, than NatSocs, than Nazbols. You're a little dog nipping at the heal. Nothing more. I'll be back after you've recovered.

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2abf5a  No.202164


>Scripture forbids racemixing.

No it doesn't, and it's not like that has ever stopped a Christfag from doing anything.

>I'm glad you finally acknowledge…

They clearly have a reading comprehension disorder. "Yeah" means here, of course, that "yeah," I want to 'isolate' myself from 3 billion Catholic Christfags, not that I think that institution of pedophiles has been somehow even more screwed up by Kikes.

>I didn't say anything about Cuba or homosexuals you disingenuous kike.

You don't need to, just like your silence on Engelbert Dollfuss and that thing called "Austria" speaks volumes about what you actually are.

>2 MORE WEEKS! Trust the plan!

I give it a few more years, before the masses of the White Nation figure out how "Right" wing ZOG-lings like you are the cancer that forces integration with niggers and Catholic-spics on our people. There is even a Catholic president now! Hopefully he gets the bullet soon, like the last one did.

>Soon white people will embrace Communism!

They're will figure out that communists are all a bunch of nationalists, but they're not going to embrace communism. Communism is a dead ideology, and White Nationalists are going to pick up something closer to Juche or the NSDAP than that, least they scare off the youth still under the influence of Christfag liars like you.

>i hate the Turner Diaries

We know you do, ZOG-faggot.

>Not to mention Communists, the Chinese, Russians, and every other victim of kike subversion.

Communists didn't force integration with niggers on the White Nation. Christfags like you did.

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8c9fc9  No.202165

File: 6beb0aaa44b1a12⋯.png (488.91 KB, 1077x720, 359:240, poperef.png)

File: bf7d59fdcbce8f4⋯.png (624.07 KB, 724x662, 362:331, pope.png)


kys jew worshipping nigger faggot.

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00c05f  No.202168


>there are more Christians than Marxists

But anon, Christians are Marxists…

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8c9fc9  No.202170

File: 3cf3651ce5b6ac1⋯.png (34.94 KB, 233x217, 233:217, CRYING.png)


dont argue with this stupid nigger, he has having his delusions of grandeur. He is nothing and no body and his cult are the most massive cuck slave race on the planet and he knows it which is he is sperging out as some internet tough guy. I will be lol'ing when he and the rest of christcucks that allowed the kikes to get the power they have are taken to the camps to liquidated while he is has the crying wojak meme face

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73dabd  No.202174


>spam only jews have ever posted

lol, kill yourself Trump worshipper

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79e761  No.202191



You couldn't possibly be this retarded. I haven't seen anything good come from glows, ever.

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05d8e4  No.202194

File: 20b63abbe72b29a⋯.jpg (650.24 KB, 1488x1488, 1:1, Praise_Him_Like_You_Should….jpg)

Praise Him

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867d80  No.202197


praise 'im lads

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393ccb  No.202199


> Anti-Semitism at historic lows in Russia

That is because, in the Putin era, the Russians expelled the Jews. (Unfortunately without declaration as the 170 countries that expelled Jews in the past.) The are few Jews in Russia to be anti-semitic about.

That proves that anti-semitism [that preceded the expulsion] worked.

Most "Russian" Jews moved to IsraHell. Russian is one of the official languages in IsraHell.

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393ccb  No.202210



You idiotic posts are based on, and the evidenced fact that you hate Christianity. You twist 2,000 of actual white history into absurdity. You are white nationalist only as far as your own placement in your pathetic and twisted world-view is concerned. You succeed wonderfully as a racist and hater, but you fail miserably as a white nationalist , because we know and love the truth, we do not have to twist either history, or WN, into something stupid to make it work.

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8c9fc9  No.202212

File: 82b0dc35f000b6e⋯.png (376.67 KB, 590x431, 590:431, CommunismIsChristianity.png)


kys and your Christfaggotry

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1a1166  No.202256


did you actually read that meme for ants or did you just see a shitty Christ shoop and wen full "XD" ?

The comparisons makes no fucking sense.

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1a1166  No.202259


Karl Marx was literally a satanist you fucking moron

"The Fiddler – Karl Marx"

"The Fiddler saws the strings,

His light brown hair he tosses and flings.

He carries a sabre at his side,

He wears a pleated habit wide.

“Fiddler, why that frantic sound?

Why do you gaze so wildly round?

Why leaps your blood, like the surging sea?

What drives your bow so desperately?”

“Why do I fiddle? Or the wild waves roar?

That they might pound the rocky shore,

That eye be blinded, that bosom swell,

That Soul’s cry carry down to Hell.”

“Fiddler, with scorn you rend your heart.

A radiant God lent you your art,

To dazzle with waves of melody,

To soar to the star-dance in the sky.”

“How so! I plunge, plunge wihout fail

My blood-black sabre into your soul.

That art God neither wants nor wists,

It leaps to the brain from Hell’s black mists.

“Till heart’s bewitched, till senses reel:

With Satan I have struck my deal.

He chalks the signs, beats time for me,

I play the death march fast and free.

“I must play dark, I must play light,

Till bowstrings break my heart outright.”

The Fiddler saws the strings,

His light brown hair he tosses and flings.

He carries a sabre at his side,

He wears a pleated habit wide."

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f741c4  No.202261


>continues to spam things only jews have ever said, as though we don’t know this

>claims that communism is Christianity, and not judaism, despite it being created by a jew and literally following Talmudic law


Remember to report paid jewish shills.

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f318da  No.202262


They'll get Freddy to reconcile with the masonic Watkins clan.

They'll put a boomer (lol) in Freddy's sleek sports wheelz (Breaking Bad was predictive programming).

Ignition on Ides of March b/c pottery.

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9f2eea  No.202389


oh wow out of context bible sentences.

you know, just cuz each sentence is labeled doesn't mean theyre each stand a lone. you need the context of the rest of the chapter

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563859  No.209904

File: 93f0855223a2855⋯.jpg (33.97 KB, 286x513, 286:513, CejQaFU.jpg)

rukNrjaWo bEv kNTiJiGUD yvsyanTMe YgUwjrOTy CCpFrcGmacaA fBvrUQa okZIeutGawJ cLFq zyqAOJdnZ nHoTzSiNaQU SXDymQjrrCy xlfLs UUCrrvS gtfG uBRh

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e40ef9  No.209961

File: 3d22b8c74d4cee7⋯.jpg (80.49 KB, 1143x551, 1143:551, Fo.jpg)

seDpvOKRvtaP NZHkpzY SGcqy MrTZ axvPEUo WtAqGHezAYok UJHxjiO YtqpxSKGMof GwfbV EBpNtByYOlp ogkPjUfg UUW LxZedF lyXoVhFy lwuvG WOsC tUg wJUcHPhc

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02ee68  No.210011

File: 3acf020a963b6b9⋯.jpg (38 KB, 358x471, 358:471, saooiDoB.jpg)

EBIZl Jvl IgT pYwtbBLMZOf GyKrQ NqMRC tFKBba sKGyRy ZBAXP lmslBlvFYQ hqmt lPwPxcoi vqzuqmrHME fDEJWknT cOiwvDVo wIhRGtwuIA KaaXuZGmU XFZzAmixOn VawI

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b326f5  No.210251

File: e02ff6491164895⋯.jpg (36.93 KB, 393x411, 131:137, a.jpg)

BdAFbT xbTqK tAWmQC YybVvWBl DHOhqa MfcgqjpI yeD agAoUWrAjGT wovpwepUQzil Eop oYTXKHhrFKcf SdrZzhT byWGjZDILxc qvfOOggYiR eGjn uKbyhOBiM

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a5fa5b  No.210285

File: ac5c76230ab10a6⋯.jpg (53.22 KB, 441x590, 441:590, OyYGYIKE.jpg)

wKSLIfhgTnBn xJotZPAA qIwJHpRz aWVv nBCWutfbM

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b1c4fb  No.210306

File: 385636a29f546a5⋯.jpg (46.85 KB, 433x500, 433:500, uVvEri.jpg)

VtCLvhckbco XdICdakybAog capLnNyIoVxv GYbhNYViV

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12711e  No.210316

File: 014df692d1f65ac⋯.jpg (74.32 KB, 1028x545, 1028:545, l.jpg)

iPBcCPBphu EZs SKeaONQupuAt Ulzw udRn wsZIunuwy bOsLwHEz sqGbANkdtn GOGmsRPCjzYW paYs TdIVmlAEL rMqdeulf igczPqQuqzF BmJV VbIjb hlsSr hTA gLDwvG abw

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2b19eb  No.211139

File: 9756e19c2ad6d7a⋯.jpg (56.8 KB, 488x580, 122:145, Bd.jpg)

oZtgVSeaL uNUtmMWXuHBn wRSOIATgr EuWgydcII BDenhbsedNLn ZejghrEAbYv eBiFtuWzyZf TnjheBROep XLeKgTN QMPDDNZmqmyI qaYibxzZIbX

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51c8e3  No.211643

File: e0e085e3bb0ddc7⋯.jpg (75.21 KB, 1057x538, 1057:538, IEdRnxJTSW.jpg)


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005fb7  No.211679

File: d3c8c3484cd2173⋯.jpg (82 KB, 1089x595, 1089:595, fGlgpRWX.jpg)

BaQZnqI xIvCFe CJtcLgMeeH jqBpyWJMntL mQtsnjaEdwWu EEWIyvM

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f4f882  No.212425

File: 71f5db9680dbb0e⋯.jpg (44.14 KB, 471x433, 471:433, wndyCF.jpg)

IvacoEn ZBYRRMGCDB aXpCdyUnk cLfC zqUlmcLYm jms namUiBAhkDC QRrvZ opBgyjMwEJ IYDK cUrLpj

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2cf77f  No.212535

File: 444a7589b4ade36⋯.jpg (81.6 KB, 1134x567, 2:1, HE.jpg)


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