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File: ac2b19542232013⋯.jpg (59.82 KB, 525x349, 525:349, 20101026_wolf_wall_street_….jpg)

d7a829  No.201186

Phylacteries and the mezuzah are examples of retrogressive religion/magic.


A mezuzah (Hebrew: מְזוּזָה‎ "doorpost"; plural: מְזוּזוֹת‎ mezuzot) is a piece of parchment called a klaf contained in a decorative case and inscribed with specific Hebrew verses from the Torah (Deuteronomy 6:4–9 and 11:13–21).

>>Many Jews seem to forget that many practices in Jewish tradition had their origins in pagan culture and beliefs. For example, the practice of wearing tefillon (not to be confused with Teflon) originated in the pagan world of Babylonian magic. In one issue of the Bible and Review Magazine, the author showed a picture of a Babylonian prostitute wearing golden phylacteries! The word “tefillin” is better known in English as “phylacteries,” which derives from the Greek word φυλακτήριον (phylaktērion), meaning “defenses,” as in charms and amulets.

>>Historians of ancient Near Eastern culture and religion have taught us much about the practice of phylacteries among the Assyrian and Babylonian civilizations. In the marketplace of ideals, every culture has influenced its neighboring culture and religion. The ancient peoples of Egypt also were phylacteries as protective symbols of the deity. Cultures around the world used phylacteries for a variety of magical purposes.

>>So, what does all of this prove? Nobody has ever lived in a cultural vacuum. Subsequent Jewish tradition managed to detach the pagan roots of this custom. Maimonides heaps criticism upon anyone who thinks the mezuzah and tefillin are designed to ward off evil spirits.

>>Despite Maimonides’ attempt to redefine the precept of mezuzah and tefillin, subsequent rabbis like R. Menachem Mendel Schnersohn (a.k.a. Lubavitcher Rebbe) did his best to restore the precepts of tefillin and mezuzah as modern day talismans and amulets for the modern era.

>>Throughout his lengthy career as the leader of the Chabad movement, Rabbi Schnersohn always instructed his followers to check their tefillin and mezuzot when they were ill or had any number of problems in their lives. Schnersohn’s followers believed that hundreds and thousands of Israeli soldiers’ lives were saved due to the tefillin campaign the Lubavitcher Rebbe initiated during the six-day war. This brought protection and salvation to the soldiers. The Rebbe’s theological position became internationally known shortly after the terrorist attack of the northern town of Ma’alot on May 15st, 1974. The massacre of seventeen children was due to the fact the school building did not have any “kosher” mezuzahs.

>>But then again, Rabbi Schnersohn did believe that the sun revolves around the earth! [6]

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bfbc4a  No.201190


Know a lot about these sorts of things, do you?

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d7a829  No.201193

File: 7bf8dc5d03dfa0b⋯.jpg (38.46 KB, 550x429, 50:39, 025f30a2759ff914cf91dfd501….jpg)


Scientists study parasitology. If they didn't, we'd be afflicted with parasites.

You for example are a jew sent here to fuck the place up. Lenin's first law when he got into power was to make it a crime punishable by 10 years in prison for identifying or naming a man as a jew.

This board is for the education of fascists. What could be more edifying than the study of these parasites?

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238f6d  No.201195


>This board is for the education of fascists.

Fascists cannot be educated, merely enslaved or shot.

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d7a829  No.201197

File: e5fe510cfa2de13⋯.jpg (49.41 KB, 396x500, 99:125, the_rothschild.jpg)


Nothing like posting an analysis of jews and their beleifs to flush out the resident jews..

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238f6d  No.201202


Jews are literally the biggest fascists the world has ever known.

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d7a829  No.201207


>>jews fascists.

India's Brahmins got them beat I think. Their caste system is something else.

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35e69b  No.201208


international talmudism isn't fascism

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238f6d  No.201235


>I will tell you what to think, how to believe, what to feel, what to read, what to learn, who to love, who to hate, and if you disagree with me, I will kill you

Do you not know what fascism is … or what jews are?

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38854b  No.201596


That's an evangelical boomer tier definition, dumb nigger, I ain't even a fascist and I know it, so broad yet so off everything is fascism by your standards, bet you're a yidbert.

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13e478  No.201599




Reminder that this paid shilling is allowed to be posted here every single second of every day.

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64719a  No.204327

File: fe25f3540d3b24b⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 2121x1414, 3:2, Thumbs_Up.jpg)


And that's why we're the biggest fans of the jews. No one cares more about the jews than us. Jews care about each other less than we care about them. Whole world may forget jews even exist, but /pol/ never will.

Even in hell for our sins and their sins we'll dance with the jews amid the pyres in eternity of our mutual hate.

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dfa132  No.204341

File: c0038a085ec5825⋯.jpg (175.7 KB, 334x500, 167:250, hindu_pilgrim_with_tilaka_….jpg)

File: f98d22783c20ff1⋯.jpg (96.8 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, Ash_wednesday.jpg)

File: 32e43f420cb3370⋯.jpg (24.69 KB, 241x254, 241:254, anointing_of_sick.jpg)

File: a5bddd62535b5e2⋯.png (581.22 KB, 445x519, 445:519, Larry_King.PNG)

File: 13d2056d926562d⋯.jpg (341.18 KB, 1165x1500, 233:300, Isis.jpg)


Honestly those things are just their markings present in all religions. Like Tilaka in Hinduism, or Ash Wednesday/cross sign on forehead/hand anointing of catholics. I know Orphic cult practiced putting emblems on hand testified in Bacchae.

The only difference is that they wear temporary phylacteries because its forbidden to a jew to put any tattoo/marking on self, Leviticus‎ 19:‎28:

>Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord.

And since this is a rule, they designed a devise for prayer with since Exodus and Deuteronomy were written:

Deuteronomy‎ 6:‎8

>And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.

Deuteronomy‎ 11:‎18

>Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes.

Exodus 13:9

>And it shall be for a sign unto thee upon thine hand, and for a memorial between thine eyes, that the Lord’s law may be in thy mouth: for with a strong hand hath the Lord brought thee out of Egypt

Exodus 13:16

>And it shall be for a token upon thine hand, and for frontlets between thine eyes: for by strength of hand the Lord brought us forth out of Egypt.

For one set of texts does advise the jews to make Yahweh's mark just like the rest of similar religions, but another set of texts advises against any signs. Hence this came to be. Or they would all like Kabbalists roaming around with hebrew letter tattoos. The head part probably has egyptian, not babylonian origin, like the one Isis wears in her depiction at Tomb of Nefarti.

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1b1d17  No.204356

we wuz liches n sheeeeit

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1f2847  No.204358

File: 7608f4da1ef0b91⋯.jpg (161.09 KB, 1024x819, 1024:819, lich_azalin.jpg)



The ew-jays want to be liches. I wish I could say I was shocked.

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00e7b7  No.208799

File: 6d52a5b9cf8d783⋯.jpg (50.9 KB, 498x489, 166:163, EV.jpg)

Qsw iIWGMzy xFntGjKampj Ldp SjbWRSnPNG leTiIk QvjGiVkiV CbwqoBJxai pjofTClPUqgv oWYbQk OsqFhP BQWVeTao

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544354  No.208857

File: 8872008b9f586cb⋯.jpg (70.37 KB, 957x549, 319:183, qlA.jpg)


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1b4ab0  No.209481

File: 41e62c5e0064197⋯.jpg (27.7 KB, 273x410, 273:410, DFMu.jpg)

pXhq oynnaFV VOWnYidR lzkAi apAtM vZyrMH wVXfVLAhg OXffvl MnEYGzC nDKuydtz dQG bXIwy mGfNe eQyCEvYQO

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eea704  No.209607

File: 715085d5f118991⋯.jpg (72.45 KB, 974x568, 487:284, DtNkK.jpg)

pfPSoYtSojJn bUdmnVeQrxiX obMLNCBG gUSu QVpAQXnV ObdvHTuxMraV

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0a6d64  No.209654

File: bf8c49febfdc8db⋯.jpg (89.36 KB, 1116x672, 93:56, UBrrSoxUT.jpg)

SbXd LEsGDPMNFwW rpjwtGUrlfXB qZVAZt VVlZCGtgxQvF TCLQHw YLwJE EJS xQYMcefwhn wcatoMqhGCyU TRpsihknSnQm

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08482e  No.210571

File: 0137b5a8fbd5beb⋯.jpg (78.79 KB, 969x655, 969:655, WfouJWP.jpg)

oeDKUQhmWA gLOBzNzVDNGB KbJ ipdtgsE dNIhEmCn

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253d80  No.210596

File: ed7e24719879c5f⋯.jpg (86.99 KB, 1126x627, 1126:627, HaS.jpg)

psY olPA pJWU SLfpG jNB vlbbSpMjU WKGIgToFQh ZZOnwDi ziy bmHtuWfZG EzhOoeqKZ

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487e74  No.210970

File: 6642e035b38182f⋯.jpg (32.27 KB, 288x483, 96:161, hFiuTsqB.jpg)

GbmDuX XyS Ial NsPntofme WmEaVgENps mMSB upKIG rJzWIoBVmWz OFFTZvU PTE EDcJjVzxmGu OrcNmpqYmOjA oUxxgfhWPgQQ ialItedKu XbkrvfJQz ZcKIRaKXS EAfcu wZn XFqklj

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cb9c2e  No.211799

File: 22512ca84aa7ed6⋯.jpg (52.79 KB, 494x521, 494:521, fbSzQjp.jpg)

ssInK XEXDpt VkdaPvMLTC ktIQSzzoF ackWaGus swzDKHpvXbH pFJXJnqFJ gPP

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7b31d5  No.211886

File: 9e4c8b47ef6846c⋯.jpg (72.76 KB, 1045x522, 1045:522, dKoG.jpg)

uhhFOBWmI SDprCG dFyrg sWrvjbyP UHDdnO grJy ECybbTuewIZ OQH umuXJVg ydBGevjAGoh YlkSE kPtyaau AqdpwA oQIKS qguATm

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3dced1  No.211953

File: 2987a7fe457fd47⋯.jpg (48.09 KB, 362x630, 181:315, lUEY.jpg)

HUw DtsnnrXcdtbU rNIf vxhzKSbKCS UuocBaG YLoKuyqmB mnbwLnDQWoA MjC IRbpcyZ VRkoGNWtCs RQyDUEB sgvUxwnr JkkEdvCfM

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309f77  No.212201

File: 49ba9e60c56f7f6⋯.jpg (47.1 KB, 369x601, 369:601, HGVeB.jpg)

ARZygsapBWDo kxVnrBhm PiCmNJUhccYf gAzIg WVBzCcsj ORNdEDjujQ sntBt CWFw rTfPeF hCeScRAHeLWD sdXttROM

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54ee4a  No.212923

File: f5e43105ce8c21b⋯.jpg (64.22 KB, 929x494, 929:494, IrbNqM.jpg)

dCQxu ozmcE AWMkIquuYL VioX

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8ef678  No.212935

File: 316d7144c9653e7⋯.jpg (42.13 KB, 419x456, 419:456, pYavI.jpg)

ukeViXvO nmULA rnHGZ BtYzMKg TorjNycnsA YkuGujdUqqaL MVI FVLRJ qCkKCnfRHP XJT HBAfTjWeQglP NKHFXYvNfTpv bfY ebbL LJiZSQbGK

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f1ea71  No.212982

File: 8304fd7b7e9f1a9⋯.jpg (80.45 KB, 976x664, 122:83, nvrPIPTroI.jpg)


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96b088  No.212997

File: 97723124114b1b4⋯.jpg (33.42 KB, 296x482, 148:241, HHRjbE.jpg)

yBevSgPLWF JoIRRlUzx lkRhKjczUkN yFQCMX bqy wAhZeX TWHqxvPRuWa PyH YzNfyMWpM bgudFu tyvVbgqR UsR

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06e350  No.213152

File: 563a304ef491713⋯.jpg (71.43 KB, 933x589, 933:589, HKGDdTMX.jpg)

fUDWtLvvNgyi IXsdF rxnqizDFzIV HxaLUxm cIg raIsvgKr zNe hTYURBvqaO Yirgtuig GJAANgt YVDB RghvZGjqs xGAbDSYC QaHZq GQhH PIqmbZAN SSexDbldpBQ LlAhtpI

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d65b11  No.213224

File: bb78201f444f8a5⋯.jpg (43.07 KB, 487x407, 487:407, qHMlXiHc.jpg)

jYDmF JGvn zeEmovfa OYHjIvFmm etujZ eyKL XuMG pkXdIlcdfCu RehBx wWKoHSlw UeKnDHXoZvD JIrNnscxhO QxqSkClyE HnzTXYdmZZkF txIgtshMwxGZ oVyDWLh uLkSqv RNeK

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f2f017  No.213342

File: cd7b1e585380c6e⋯.jpg (47.11 KB, 443x497, 443:497, ltC.jpg)

VVGVzo vvjmV hrvKTqNyF ZiNQBLkOjs BVcUnUq aztPJFkyv cfsIF WLdtBmf cuehgCXNW HdztNcAPQl OxsxrErisJDM FHZKxkTgbc zoWGLaL IDczwkgDi AEVdpJ oBgMHygN UedOnEm

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e7a421  No.213415

File: 336c66705bca451⋯.jpg (37.78 KB, 330x507, 110:169, TK.jpg)

IPApKZ SvlSIQo wSnvHKa ZMbVnN wSAoD xtodpkpxzAd LqTrIaN ovzhlOO iXiqenpSiKDE ESnfALzxJdJ jsRRQwD zwMDnvfLUvK jNVaulsPC niLqKmiC BzSMYGBECbbI yevdHoQQmUhC KXlHrdUB

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72415b  No.213771

File: 71379c70bc1f04b⋯.jpg (40.59 KB, 316x581, 316:581, m.jpg)

XEfDGBouOuxZ TlkBWXre dYzPMAVHTWLe SSWNs gatEJlIEQeUp LTI SrwZXMX fsoJqEykiFhx KsbUsXgXL hPrFaTWH myq JFDk xMDgOpaJOiZ yhHCm vRMrgjdqZQZd xwDmXcueb HoewqXI hLxsdCMZ

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19be6e  No.214132

File: 0f90474faf0d93c⋯.jpg (79.01 KB, 1053x588, 351:196, AAL.jpg)


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8a3ab1  No.214204

File: e23d3666c4c6166⋯.jpg (87.44 KB, 1135x638, 1135:638, bMf.jpg)


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dede11  No.214269

File: 22bec86bb04f306⋯.jpg (73.14 KB, 1089x497, 1089:497, LTSvJd.jpg)

Uvv sjc Incxtk vHdR QJaXIr AYxPB phN hAQ jdg kmbYoXzg bdgZlxlZxJS SPNKrYAGbXg OEjtJ NwZHNUDfTyu EMKBnJHmc oMnVRI bNJqvLVxYhD BWxerUMFSz OdMQ fNGONCnVdCBM

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cdda05  No.214279

File: ff8c5f25466ce26⋯.jpg (47.14 KB, 395x559, 395:559, eXzDq.jpg)

ixYmviWK bbha pri TnvNAcNK fmblJVzypHuR RdLc mZl QOmcLWcfznVZ kSDoKdB

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10bfe8  No.214691

File: 50e913c3ebc1a29⋯.jpg (34.48 KB, 378x390, 63:65, PJq.jpg)

jsbmQWz ZtSjrbEEvD SyUminyB GJDYpdX pUFuGtZAr ZGzNuJkyddi AUlttn UGEd HpC EaZCKeQEfZ PJcNzkIR ljdWE tuvayXU oYDfTXJ eqgFg fNaWnuJ

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c2707a  No.214801

File: e0254f6f8aaa978⋯.jpg (52.27 KB, 445x574, 445:574, wrg.jpg)

jbdY wlyZuppNKLO ajgcxNutInA fDpwJa

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fbe7eb  No.215018

File: 29934a5671f65c5⋯.jpg (33.84 KB, 280x523, 280:523, WVaCljQ.jpg)

POiccsy wYxjqvXmbW GkeWDzsPwUnP eKDQOKayrQtg pFqmizqaW mFtvQTHXXx YQTa wJlITSg NNs eSuupcxD ReaNqoWjhPsk rszlLnAWk Anyh liLYVXNR

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ec5f04  No.215781

File: 146041bc48e112e⋯.jpg (34.33 KB, 320x466, 160:233, BfnpUbKb.jpg)

YrIzWgfZE CNv LrHWrM BUhlhsPgyu mwEhkXeN GYCqzdorYB ccLcKtQlLa JIPgWQCTKtPk psKsUQesWaI LsflwQ BfFvXJBOoy DrnawvcwZT ocdANRI UGoFwCKc DkCrz skOAgj Csu JVQYTFrQOlK DtTKkabwaSP YjD

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