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7cf473  No.201069[Last 50 Posts]

> Federal budget in 2019 was $4.4tn

> Nondiscretional mandatory spending - Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, pensions, interest - was $2.7tn

> Discretionary spending was only $1.3tn

> Of which military is $676bn

> Federal deficit was over $1tn, or 5% of GDP

> Trade deficit which in 2019 reached $616bn, or 3% of GDP

> Deficits are persistent and increasing

> Budget deficit only sustainable with very low interest rates

> USA gov has unnaturally low interest rates because USD is global reserve currency

> Trade deficit can only be sustained by printing USD

> Printing USD only works as long as other countries accept USD

> Other countries only accept USD as long as it is the global reserve currency

> USA abuses USD reserve currency status with sanctions and excessive printing

> China offers credible CNY alternative

> World switches to use CNY

> USA trade deficit and budget deficit no longer sustainable

> USA gov freaks out; massive cuts necessary

> Social security, Medicare, Medicaid, pensions, benefits politically impossible to cut

> Taxes politically impossible to raise

> USA gov cuts military and foreign aid

> USA empire collapses


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dd87ea  No.201074


The USSR collapsed when it abandoned Communism. The US is already Capitalist, so what's it going to collapse into?

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3e8014  No.201078


> Will the USA collapse like the USSR?

No. The ZOG already controls the entire world.

> Federal budget in 2019 was $4.4tn

Just print more.

> Trade deficit can only be sustained by printing USD

> Printing USD only works as long as other countries accept USD

> Other countries only accept USD as long as it is the global reserve currency

You forget that all currencies are going digital next year. You won’t be able to buy anything without digital dollars, and you won’t be able to get digital dollars unless you pledge your life to the jews.

> China offers credible CNY alternative

Here’s where your plan breaks down, because there’s nothing credible about any number that comes out of China. Not IQ, not the physical tolerances of its metals, and not its economic numbers. They’re all fake.

> Taxes politically impossible to raise

That’s never the case.


>oy vey goyim a government that controls all markets and the entire economy is totally capitalism

Fuck’s sake.

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e8d72a  No.201086


> The USSR collapsed when it abandoned Communism

Gorbachev initiated perestroika because he had to - the USSR had been economically stagnant since ~1975, so the existing system was unsustainable. The USSR would have collapsed under foreign pressure if Gorbachev did nothing.

> what's it going to collapse into?

Not necessarily a change in economic system. Rather, a rapid contraction of the economy and government spending, and all American satellite states falling out of American orbit, meaning the end of America as a global superpower.

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dd87ea  No.201087


>the end of America as a global superpower

Eh, I can live with that.

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e8d72a  No.201092


> Just print more.

Printing can help the budget deficit by reducing some spending commitments like interest rates. However, printing away debt is functionally equivalent to defaulting, so it will drastically increase interest rates sold to foreign lenders. Also, social security is supposed to be inflation-adjusted, so it will be hard to eliminate by printing.

Excessive printing will make the USD much less attractive as a reserve currency, because the resultant drop in exchange rates means it is essentially stealing from foreign reserves. If the USD is not a reserve currency, then printing doesn't help much because there are no foreign reserves to steal from. Printing won't help the trade deficit.

> You won’t be able to buy anything without digital dollars

What are you referring to?

>Here’s where your plan breaks down, because there’s nothing credible about any number that comes out of China.

What matters for a reserve currency is the ability to freely trade it, the stability of exchange rates, the wide range of goods and services that can be purchased with it, and the military power to guard supply chains for these goods and services. China should achieve this by 2030 with the help of Iran and Russia for oil and LNG. All this can be checked externally.

> That’s never the case.

Tax hikes always lose you votes - they are only feasible when the money raised will buy you more votes to offset the ones you lost. Raising them a lot for nothing is surely political suicide.

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03c4c1  No.201093



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0018dd  No.201102


>not the physical tolerances of its metals

haha good one.

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a209aa  No.201109


>Raising them a lot for nothing is surely political suicide.

Biden is going to give citizenship to 20-30M beaners and just got through proving that the regime can use DMV ladies to manufacture as many votes as they want to besides. You assume that there is ever going to be a chance that the regime doesn't win another election. They learned their lesson in 2016 and they will make damned sure that they never make that mistake again.


>What matters for a reserve currency is the ability to freely trade it, the stability of exchange rates, the wide range of goods and services that can be purchased with it, and the military power to guard supply chains for these goods and services.

As said elsewhere, nobody has any reason to trust China. Maybe they will or maybe they won't have a choice. But also consider that a cryptocurrency could have all of those features - in principle. A crypto that was sponsored by states could crush the USD as the reserve currency.

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fe9f7c  No.201112

Collapse is inevitable. The only thing delaying it is the USA throwing its military weight around — screwing over our rivals with wars, and making them pay for our financial mistakes like we did with the housing collapse. We’re taking the whole world down with us. Be ause


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524a9f  No.201114

It's all too complicated for me to sort out, but I'm doubtful that anything good is going to happen. The economy can eat shit, but nothing will change for the better unless jews are ousted from the seat of power in the world.

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0018dd  No.201116


Ah you assume those were financial "mistakes". haha such charming naivety..

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25c4ae  No.201119

I imagine it'll be more like South Africa where the elites made sure their existence will continue in perpetuity and just hand off the reins of power to niggers and they'll never realize that as they sit in total comfort in their isolated communities.

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3e8014  No.201132


>However, printing away debt is functionally equivalent to defaulting, so it will drastically increase interest rates sold to foreign lenders.

Okay. The ZOG doesn’t fucking care.

>Also, social security is supposed to be inflation-adjusted, so it will be hard to eliminate by printing.

Eh, they’ll just print more. It’s literally all they know. Two entire generations have been raised on Keynesianism and nothing else.

>Excessive printing will make the USD much less attractive as a reserve currency

It doesn’t have to be attractive; they just have to ensure there’s no external metric as an alternative against which to measure the ZOG’s fiat hoax. And that’s when every military on earth declares war on your nation for daring to escape the ZOG banking system.

>What are you referring to?

The Great Reset and the movement of the US dollar to an entirely digital format, where every bank account is controlled by the government and can be locked out at any time, for any reason. You know, the thing the Federal Reserve, BIS, and Treasury Department have scheduled to happen this year and next, and which the EU planned to finish before 2023?

>China should achieve this by 2030 with the help of Iran and Russia for oil and LNG. All this can be checked externally.

Why would China go outside the jewish system? Why would they be ALLOWED to do so?

>Tax hikes always lose you votes

You may not have noticed this. It’s a little obscure and definitely hard to pick up on, so you can be forgiven for thinking otherwise, but a little event just happened a few months ago that proves




No one has ever voted for any of the changes made this last century. No one voted to make niggers full citizens. No one voted to legalize miscegenation. No one voted to give women the franchise. No one voted to support the Federal Reserve Act, the Social Security Act, the National Firearms Act, the Immigration and Nationality Act, or any of the other unconstitutional shit the government has done. Voting does absolutely fucking nothing.

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81d4f6  No.201136

All the gloating by those who consider themselves "the left" is quite amusing. De-dollarisation of the global economy is well underway. Both China and Russia have been pushing it for decades now. China has established the first stage of it's quantum internet network and has seized control of Hong Kong. They also have de-facto control over the South China Sea. Russia has captured Crimea and territory in Eastern Ukraine. They also have major influence in Belarus and have been working hard to cement alliances with America's enemies in the Middle East. Meanwhile any Middle Eastern nation that made the mistake of relying upon Western support has pretty much been reduced to smoldering rubble (Iraq, Syria, Libya - not counting Afghanistan because that place has always been and will always be a complete gangfuck).

America has made a shit-ton of enemies since 9/11 and proven to their so-called allies how unreliable and strategically incompetent they actually are.

Trump just has to ride out this latest circus arranged by the Dems (while they are supposed to be running the country).

Meanwhile the shitstorm for Biden is only just beginning.

By 2028 I reckon some states in America such as Alaska and California will be under Russian and Chinese jurisdiction.

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0018dd  No.201138

File: 52d75c85efa74bf⋯.jpg (17.55 KB, 323x393, 323:393, a18.jpg)


You're all whistling past the graveyard. We're headed for a Tikkun Olam world and that is bad bad news. Khymer Rouge in Cambodia was just a little sketch for the great work to come courtesy of insane Rabbi/sorcerers. What is Tikkun Olam you ask? It's a great epuration by fire to cleanse the world of evil filthy worms by the angelic eminences, the ultra orthodox rabbis. FYI WE are those evil filthy worm demons that have to be purified by cleansing fire so that the angelic eminences can live in a perfect world.

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0018dd  No.201142

File: b0e099cbcf05218⋯.jpg (24.32 KB, 218x296, 109:148, 6a00d83451bc4a69e20120a7f8….jpg)


A Golden Age for the Jews

In Rabbi Michael Higger’s celebrated 1932 book The Jewish Utopia, the “coming world”—a term used in the Jews’ Babylonian Talmud—will be a radiant place in which “righteous” Israel and the Jews will sit atop the heap of nations and peoples. Their Zionist King, the one whom The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion refers to as the “King-Despot” and as “The Sovereign Lord of All the World,” will usher in a Golden Age for Jews, a Messianic millennium of peace and prosperity. All the world’s wealth will be in the hands of the Jews. They shall be a divine race.

Justice will be meted out and all conflicts arbitrated wisely according to Talmudic Law (Halakah), and the Supreme Court of Israel in Jerusalem will be the final arbiter of right and wrong. The world will be reconstructed, mended, and revised (Tikkun Olam) according to the pattern outlined in the Babylonian Talmud. Judaism will be the supreme religion.

In sum, the Jewish Utopia will be a blissful era of utter contentment, prosperity, and joy—for the Jews. But, what of the Gentiles? What will be their lot once the Messianic Age commences?

Gentiles Given an Opportunity

Rabbi Higger, in The Jewish Utopia, as well as other authoritative references, makes clear that in the rabbis’ ideal world, the inferior Gentiles will be given an opportunity to demonstrate their allegiance to the Judaic deity. They must turn from “idol” worship, including the Christian idolatrous practice of worshipping Jesus. If they do, they will earn the right to be called “righteous.” If not, then their fate will be that of the “wicked.” They will be put to death by method of beheading.

Once the “wicked” (i.e. the spiritually dissident Gentiles) are dealt with, then, says Higger, global peace shall ensue.

They Will Become Donkeys

Another authoritative Jewish religious leader, the late Sephardic Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, Chief Rabbi in Israel, further elaborated on this topic in a series of radio sermons he gave in 2010. Yosef, spiritual leader of the ultraconservative Shas political party, a faction which helped Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s rise to power, said that in the coming world, Gentiles may be likened to “donkeys and beasts of burden.” The main reason for the very existence of Gentiles, the Rabbi explained, is that they are to serve as slaves for the Jews. That, he said, is their “sole purpose.”

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966f65  No.201148


This country has been collapsing under a controlled demolition for 50 years

How To Destroy America In 8 Easy Steps


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6dd477  No.201174

File: db5a425ad2f397a⋯.jpg (430.18 KB, 1512x1512, 1:1, 1608850869115.jpg)


>You forget that all currencies are going digital next year.

How does that fundamentally change anything if everyone is doing it? Every major central bank is trying to devalue their currency against the USD, meaning that they are (and will continue to be) creating artificial demand for the USD internationally. It's a mutual race to the bottom and the winner is the loser and the loser is the winner. Fucking short sighted governments are literally exporting their manufacturing base for temporary consooomerism and gibs. The shrinking secondary sector is why Trump was elected in the first place. That anger and resentment is going to grow worse and worse and every local and federal politician will be forced to spend more than the one before him if he doesn't want to be devoured by the mob.

Fiat cannot meaningfully be measured in other fiat unless you're looking at international trade imbalances. I'll even go out on a limb and say that USD compared to base metals and grain is a more accurate pairing than with any fiat.

>You won’t be able to buy anything without digital dollars

The exact opposite would be the case. No one in their right mind would take your USDs. USDT secretary Yellen and fed chairman Powell, supervised by de facto president Harris, are going to go BRRR and devalue the USD more than Obama or Trump could've ever hoped to achieve. This means that interest rates in the real economy, especially on mortgages and consumer credit, are going to spike hard - no one wants to be the bagholder for a loan denominated in a collapsing fiat scheme. If you thought that credit card APRs of 15-20% were high, wait until even the triple digits don't compensate the lender for lost purchasing power anymore. Governments have tried this game of currency devaluation since thousands of years. It never works because there's diminishing returns with every new batch of government debt, forcing spending to go higher each time.

TLDR: the dollar will go to 0 sooner or later because that's its actual value. no accounting games like the magic money tree (modern monetary theory) or a digital dollar are going to change that.

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07525a  No.201258

Yes OP, that's the point of it all. You and I, have bread and water while Pelosi has steak in her new 60m mansion (look it up) that's just being finished.

The collapse happens via a civil war that is started by someone like Harris ordering the military to kill US citizens. At which point, another part of the military fights back. Russia and China then 'liberate' the US. It's going to be utter hell for the next… 30-40 YEARS. Anyway, a lot of this politicial bullshit (dems, WEF) was too late and some of it too soon. Earth events are what's going to dominate going forward. No, not climate change but space weather. There's a reason, Bezo is hollowing out a mountain next to his space shit in NM. Micronova is going to fuck half the planet up with an instant freeze. Also the skin pandemic that follows Covid which will be like small pox. No treatment, no vaccines, LOTS of deaths.

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f3c551  No.201412

The USSR didn't collapse, it got couped and harvested.

Economy means jackshit, if you hold the might you could even keep together a society with a cuisine based off mud.

If economy meant anything the US along with a third of europe would currently be balkanising.

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ab9dab  No.201519


No one in the military will be fighting back, retard.

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e09b00  No.201775

most common mistake anons make about yuri bezmenov's words is assuming it's only the left that's used for 'demoralisation'/'normalisation'

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876d96  No.202286

File: c42d74a4cf94367⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 197.27 KB, 1224x3272, 153:409, the_ting_go_boom.png)


The USA will not collapse like the USSR

The USSR started to stagnate in the 1970's yet it toke two more decades to finally collapse.

If the USA collapses is going to be a slow painfull goodbye, a lot like Argentina, both countries are similar in history, geography, topography, used to be in ethnical composition, and somehow even culture

The Argies got independent from spain in the best strategical position ever,, the Rio de la Plata Viceroyalty, having dominion over Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, South Brazil, and even Colonies in west Africa

yeet, the Argies decided to get into 65 years of armed conflicts, think of many of current elites as Caudillos

the US will fight at least 5 decades, because one of the two sides has to win, one half has to be expelled either is the White Traditional Federalist part that is 1/2 the country, or the multicultural cosmopolitan unitary part that is also 1/2 the country

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dc639c  No.202323


>military fights back

yeah because they're known for being mentally strong independent thinkers, not brainwashed POC heroine addicts or anything.

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d6fcd9  No.202397

The real question isn't "will the USA collapse?" but rather, "how can I make sure to profit from it?"

Obviously gold is a good hedge, bitcoin keeps rising in value by leaps and bounds, but what other market opportunities appear when a state starts to fail? Would it be useful to invest in different stock markets or even just buy Chinese currency with the expectation that it will increase in value? Seems like a safe bet.

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09510d  No.202435


> collapse

Well, it has already collapsed. It terms of what it says it is

– bastion of democracy

vs what it really is

– totalitarian "communist" regime ruled by globalists, with a lot of choreographed ochlocracy for show

> like the USSR

Not like the collapse of the USSR in the 1990's. But like the collapse of Russia in 1917. Same again, destruction by the same parasites. The American Jews exported their revolution to Russia in 1917, this is the final stages of their revolution in America. One hundred years of prep and execution in small steps.

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0195bd  No.202442

The USSR didn't really "collapse" anyway, it's more like it shrank.

The peripherary had very strong nationalist movements.

The USA is very different, there are no equivalent states to Central Asia, the Baltics etc. Californian and Texan separatism is nothing like as strong as the sovet states that separated.

Russia continued on in exactly the same way as before the "collapse", most of the people in charge today are old soviet cunts.

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0195bd  No.202444

File: 9b7a2dbee2a3020⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1200x720, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc4ab28bf9588c7⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1000x666, 500:333, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 48a9b337aeb29a2⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1280x858, 640:429, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 075d32d26e34726⋯.png (3.76 MB, 1880x1160, 47:29, ClipboardImage.png)


Related: Victory Day celebrations in Russia last year.

You think that shit would happen in Poland?

There is no equivalent core - periphary sparaption in the USA.

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c371ec  No.202766


You are incredibly wrong on USSR

It was quite stable until Stalin passed

from then the process began and it collapsed from inside for the exact reason US is collapsng and WILL collapse - the elites have sold out. Gobrachov made pizza hut commercial, literal monkey dancing for money

Same might apply for the US elite when China brings shekels. However, unlike USSR, the US elites are determined to keep pax americana afloat

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c371ec  No.202767


>Russia continued on in exactly the same way as before the "collapse"

wut? wait to see if the US collapses how that works

90's in Russia were times of 1% annual population decline per year and staggering hyperinflation, a cost of apartment would buy you a snickers bar 5 years later

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f17f1a  No.202786


>Will the USA collapse like the USSR?

No, it will not. It will gradually get get bought out by ((international finance)) and countries like China. It will slow bleed into a second rate power, like Brazil or India. Much of the US will be no different than a third world country. It will be balkanized and hopelessly corrupt. Only an organized effort to overthrow the federal gov't could undo the damage, unfortunately, the best and brightest among us will be working for our own enemy making such a thing an impossibility.

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ddf173  No.202788

>World switches to use CNY

won't happen that way, the CNY makes up 2% of global currency reserves. 61% of all foreign bank reserves are in U.S. dollars, the entire world trade system is built around the US dollar, once the US collapses the entire world trade system will collapse with it.

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0b2305  No.203050


No they just want to turn it into a shithole. They are importing more poo n loos and blacks discretely. They will try to hide in europe from and can blend in from all the child rape racemixing.

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677ddd  No.203082





If Congress truly felt unshackled from the constraints of popular sentiment, then Congress would already have passed and Biden signed a bill to abolish Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, pensions, TANF, SNAP, etc, except for military and law enforcement.

There is a limit to how much cheating can affect an election, both legal and illegal means. Keeping illegals around to count in the census only adds a handful of presidential electors and house districts. Minting new citizens or not requiring voter ID doesn't solve the fundamental budget problem because the new voters will still expect gibs and/or tax cuts. Ballot stuffing and switching cannot be done more than a few percentage points, because then it would be detected by exit polls. The 2020 election was a unique opportunity to cheat because of the circumstances of the pandemic regarding exit polls and mail voting.

> No one has ever voted for any of the changes made this last century.

They voted for representatives that implemented it. Is not indifference and negligence to hold representatives to account for their actions practically equivalent to consent?

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ce83f9  No.203086


>The USSR collapsed when it abandoned Communism

they didn't want to, Gorbachev wanted to continue

>The US is already Capitalist


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677ddd  No.203087


> the CNY makes up 2% of global currency reserves. 61% of all foreign bank reserves are in U.S. dollars

Just because USD is the global reserve currency now does not mean it will be forrever.

What matters for the attractiveness of a currency to use for trading and reserves is the ability to freely trade it, stability of prices, availability of a wide range of goods and services to buy with it, and military power to uphold a credible guarantee of the aforementioned three variables. Free trading of Yuan and stable prices can be easily achieved when China no longer prioritizes exports and decides to abolish their capital control and devaluation policies. What China currently lacks for this is oil, LNG, advanced microchips and a world-class high seas navy. Russia and Iran can provide the oil and LNG, and China will fix the microchip and military issue within 10 years.

> the entire world trade system is built around the US dollar

There's no fundamental reason that prohibits the use of another currency once a credible alternative is available, just institutional inertia. The US is providing plenty of incentive for everyone to overcome this inertia with their printing and sanctions.

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7e442c  No.203401


> The USSR didn't really "collapse" anyway, it's more like it shrank.

"Collapse" in this context would probably mean a sudden large contraction of the economy and government spending, which would lead to domestic political chaos and total collapse of US foreign power projection. US sovereign territory would not secede, however, close American satellite states like Britain, Canada, Japan, Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, etc, would switch sides.

> Russia continued on in exactly the same way as before the "collapse"

Except their economy and foreign influence was ruined.

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7e442c  No.203404


>The USSR started to stagnate in the 1970's yet it toke two more decades to finally collapse.

The ruble was never a global reserve currency. The problem for the USSR was that structural dysfunctionality prevented the USSR economy from growing. This was a problem that slowly accumulated over time as the USSR fell further and further behind. In contrast, the USD quickly losing reserve currency status could be a quick rug pull on the US economy and budget.

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d0c652  No.203442


>Congress would already have passed and Biden signed a bill to abolish Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, pensions, TANF, SNAP, etc, except for military and law enforcement.

Uh… except they want all that. They created it. The people didn’t. No one voted for it. That’s how communism works.

>They voted for representatives that implemented it.

You were literally just told that voting does nothing. Shut the fuck up if you can’t even read.

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72c60b  No.203690


> Uh… except they want all that. They created it. The people didn’t. No one voted for it. That’s how communism works.

Not a single person voted for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, pensions, TANF or SNAP?

Once the politicians had gone to the trouble of taking control of other peoples' money, why would they then give it away unless they had to?

>>They voted for representatives that implemented it.

> You were literally just told that voting does nothing. Shut the fuck up if you can’t even read.

Yet the politicians still promise money to the plebs, and want to create millions of new eligible voters, for no reason whatsoever?

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a9dd6b  No.204422


>No. The ZOG already controls the entire world.

Sage-faggot thinks the ZOG controls Hezbollah. All ZOG-faggots pretending to oppose the Kikes want people to believe everything is political theater, that the Kikes are omnipotent, that struggling against them is useless.

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3b435c  No.204425


>Not a single person voted for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, pensions, TANF or SNAP?


>Yet the politicians still promise money to the plebs, and want to create millions of new eligible voters, for no reason whatsoever?

You fundamentally do not understand the discussion.


>oy vey goyim controlled opposition doesn't exist

Zero effort, yid. Explain why no one has ever fought back if you're not lying.

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a9dd6b  No.204429


>bibi is the secret leader of Hezbollah

ZOG-faggots are forced to promote the belief that all international opposition to the ZOG is fake, that everything in the world is political theater for the goyim.

They themselves don't actually believe this, which is why they will spew the most retarded shit imaginable about all the official enemies of the ZOG. And no, ZOG-faggots like these people are not paid shills. They actually do this shit for free, because they love that homosexual interracial porno called "America" so much. They think coming here are getting 'de nazis' to believe the most idiotic shit imaginable is their greatest way they can serve the Kikes.

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3b435c  No.204431




It's literally all you can do, isn't it. You can't reply to anything that's actually said because you know it's true, so you invent bullshit to tear it down. It's pathetic, you filthy little nose. Failed.

>all international opposition to the ZOG is fake

Strawman, reductio ad absurdum. Failed.

>these people are not paid shills.

Openly lying about jews being paid to control the narrative on websites like this, despite them publicly admitting it. Failed.

>that homosexual interracial porno called "America" so much.

Anti-white D&C. Failed.

You didn't answer the question, jew.Explain why no one has ever fought back if you're not lying.

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a9dd6b  No.204445


>sh-sh-shaw man!

Sage-faggot literally said "The ZOG already controls the entire world." So the ZOG controls Uncircumcised (North) Korea, Syria, Hezbollah, Russia, China, Venezuela, etc. All the conflicts the "American" government has with any political actors around the world is just political theater.

Again, ZOG-faggots push this shit on people they think are retarded. They themselves don't actually believe this, they just want 'de nazis' to believe it. ZOG-faggots will not even hestitate for a moment to spew the ZOG-propaganda against the enemies of the ZOG, and then in their next breath say "Oh yeah, they're also ZOG puppet."

This is how you can tell these people aren't serious. Normal people experience something called cognitive dissonance when they express two completely contradictory ideas simultaneously. ZOG-faggots spew bullshit they don't even believe in, so don't experience this. They think their audience is retarded, and will simply believe anything they pull straight from their asses.

Engage with the ZOG-faggots long enough, and you'll see the kind of shit they do experience cognitive dissonance over. It's always the same Christfag shit: ancient Jews being white people. In their imaginations, Bible characters are all white people, and they have a need to imagine Moses looked like Charlton Heston, and Jesus a European.

>Openly lying about jews being paid to control the narrative

Again, the Kikes don't need to pay Christfags to come here to spew bullshit. They will do it for free. They think they are defending Jesus by defending the Kikes. They know the greatest internal security threat to that homosexual interracial porno called "America" they love so much is White Nationalism. They purposefully come here to spew as many lies as possible, out of a purely religious sense of slavish devotion to Kikes. They don't need a paycheck to do this work. They are the same types of "Right" wingers who call the FBI on anyone they think is a white nationalist. They see radicalized young white men as something they have to control with deception. "Hey buddy, I'm one of you, but…" is their political program.

>i love america, i love the founding nigger fuckers and all their mixed raced mongrel children

We know you do, ZOG-faggot.

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a9dd6b  No.204449


>Explain why no one has ever fought back if you're not lying.

ZOG-faggot is a retard. All kinds of people have been at war with the ZOG for decades now. Vietnamese rice farmers booted the ZOG out of their country within living memory of most ZOG-lings today.

Perhaps the ZOG-faggot means "Why haven't white men rose up yet to resist the ZOG?" This is a good question! And here is your answer:

Because the ZOG has done everything in their power to keep young white men from revolting after they finally forced integration with niggers on our real nation 50 years ago. "Right" wing faggots like this person use every deception in the book to keep these people ignorant. Most of them only discover what the "Right" wing of the ZOG is all about after decades in the movement (James Mason), or when they're sitting behind bars after they've been setup by the ZOG.

Young white men don't know "Austria" was also ruled by a "fascist" government, that the NSDAP hated so much, they literally murdered its leader in 1934. They don't understand the contradiction, because "Right" wing ZOG-faggot try desperately to make young white men think they have their best interests at heart. The whole facade is beginning to crumble now.' The Turner Diaries are coming.

It took the Han nearly 300 years to overthrow the rule of the Manchu. It will be forever an embarrassment to the White Nation that it took us nearly over half a century to wake up, but then again, the Boomer faggots have done everything in their power to deceive the masses of the White Nation, and only now is their system of deception beginning to unravel, as the youth of the White Nation see the Kike-cock suckering "Right" wingers for the anti-white liars they really are.

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38dbd1  No.204468

File: 7483d8eb0af16ed⋯.jpg (216.98 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, bye_bye_jews_you_re_all_ga….jpg)

File: 2e5cefa6fec4fdf⋯.jpg (54.36 KB, 674x767, 674:767, 1594614296628.jpg)



You know whats funny about the whole zion fantasy and how it will never come true even with the self fulfilling prophecy schizo jews because they would have to enslave their self to Europeans. Practicing larp jews claiming this are descendants of mutt euro inbreds and arabs. And that the original bible jews genetic descendants are modern day European Latins like Italians. The special thing about genetic Latins is that they encompass rather equal parts of every major species of Europid being Scandinavian, Neolithic, Western and Eastern Hunter Gatherer. So its impossible for a larp jew to ever be a latin from being inbred with mutt arabs and asian ancestors.

So the only way for these larp jews to fulfill the actual prophecy is to put Europeans on the seat of the world and larp jews serve them as slaves. If they don't and larp jews , instead put larp jews at the seat of the world according to their own beliefs they will be solely punished by God, that the prophecy says for larp jews to not have kids because it will be so horrible on Earth for larp jews and that in the end they will be wiped from existence while cowering in polluted dark corners. So all the larp jews win in the end is a quicker end with mass self genocide from their own hubris while the world watches in comfy. With the Gods ironic sense of justice and humor it would be the only end that larp jews earn a final divine punishment no matter what.

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0195bd  No.204472



Pretty good analysis

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3b435c  No.204477


>no argument again

>continues to spam buzzwords only paid shills say



doubleposts because of his massive autistic need to (and contract which stipulates he must) reply to anyone who dares post the truth. Sage.

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b3c751  No.204493


-No Nuclear plant disaster

-Atheism and the cult of science dont dominate politics

-No conversion from communism to capitalism

-No perestroika

-Country dominates the western hemisphere, the rest of the countries are stupid spicks and Canadian pussies

-Most air craft carriers

-NYC is the capital of the world

I think the worst is that the country will develop 3rd world areas while other parts remain 1st world. Like Hollywood and Detroit. Worst comes to worst, all drugs and prostitution will be legalized and the economy will sky rocket.

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b3c751  No.204496

File: c69617b83cbf344⋯.gif (4.26 MB, 640x400, 8:5, GiganticFrighteningGilamon….gif)

The USSR changed its name to the Russian Federation and utilized the free market. Thats about it.

Russia took as much valuable resources from neighboring countries as possible acting as the main distributor of the USSR. So now all those countries are fucked. Most speak Russian and are Russianized to. All those countries except Russia now rely on Russia to buy their resources back from them. So if there was ever a huge union state to ever officially take over again, they would absolutely jump in to get their shit back.

Theirs a reason China has not taken Mongolia. You think the Mongolian army can defend itself from china?

Also Belarus is is like the guy that never went home when the party stopped, they are just waiting for people to come back with more vodka

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a9dd6b  No.204574


>bibi is the secret leader of Hezbollah

Kill yourself, ZOG-faggot.

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0195bd  No.204577


>The USSR changed its name to the Russian Federation and utilized the free market. Thats about it.

This bit is correct,

The rest is more complicated than you say. Each former bloc nation has its own history and politics. Even within the baltics it's hard to make too many generalisations between the states. And there is no comparing say, Lithuania to Kazakhstan.

But I agree it wasn't that much more than a name change.

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ca19a4  No.204619


The USSR collapsed because it was planned. US will collapse in 15-20 years after the Jews have stolen everything there is and done all their perverted human society experiments.

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d5c504  No.204624

File: 3e491681b479f5c⋯.jpg (220.7 KB, 1172x1200, 293:300, ENhZ_V1U8AEgE6d.jpg)

>Will the USA collapse like the USSR?

No, it will collapse like the USA.

Interesting times ahead.

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0195bd  No.205327

File: b8e2700a6ac3d34⋯.gif (1.9 MB, 342x242, 171:121, fatnig.gif)


>No, it will collapse like the USA.

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85b6e6  No.208900

File: 1ea736c1c8935bc⋯.jpg (56.87 KB, 477x599, 477:599, AAJfSWVm.jpg)

WDO CoPmP oiFCMlh UxNqlaOQd RXSaZ fSnNQcCtQ lTeEaHSmPU wFbZ KWpNK RxxiPuHrFbA GUUcztYOi vidgD qqrOoJnKEGaz QONnqDSxLiO QMaRrgE elVgN MrpXzkz DCf

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19122a  No.209362

File: 66069a7678d1657⋯.jpg (88 KB, 1097x664, 1097:664, VUVdLNAPlH.jpg)

SxZTQKhp PrgNHxNvH SHlxw fntrEnE jjj LhGKvum AMAag LxbCholUPmLA rTo FIdcSbug kvyPPT fILrnlsiuRWb

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dd1338  No.209365

File: 12ea79d9fdc8512⋯.jpg (44.44 KB, 371x548, 371:548, WUDZkQpeds.jpg)

YqiwTgHUbVw GuG VtQe AFuhZiuEP LsHgITXvpwI vUGR SWWJsCHIXjNC sRaggjg NWatr ECErtcXAdtdl UNVqql pBOUPUAPHdmy itdcsidXlH iLLDZMxqoMro WOSeiOv

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33eaa1  No.209430

File: 4242893afc09692⋯.jpg (67.16 KB, 936x528, 39:22, NgtDy.jpg)

oYP zhm MKG XwuAxprG iPDc pAttlGm IHOND HRCKP VImDZ GUmiTB bqxLFcSNDs ZmZymWXaooz MZNNLQvoctNh mpvbpVkhEc

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d25d0e  No.210622

File: 876ebef6040edda⋯.jpg (43.61 KB, 464x438, 232:219, uO.jpg)

GPqUNh kvnIttbPMc SQV psZmhRph uWWj ppWtZYQ eEqluttdo ihmtPhH sNLQcSNjk yaGKPUqlmD zQfnmSsF JNvoWEYt UQHGajLfLDT VZiEJxv dPL tDCCrCx CQqwQ

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c3f23f  No.210633

File: 1adb6fb4a397e32⋯.jpg (62.31 KB, 902x482, 451:241, fZUctEY.jpg)

eMyfXRQxsx mJuzj YdxgAH gHqPLQK fjmCsOWL lGXyhSCQoKgQ kUYzKVp HADr sXJxfFwPGNAA TnvRYEdRpyP RqqqAtw PKeLfQSHTy HqWhAeSwynEh MXqUUeAU bruvVkSwljU bhyNpUMJY PrCMWXdPwijW Fink BoLnENEOEo uyIVC

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78c344  No.210643

File: a8199169d40fbee⋯.jpg (69.2 KB, 1068x470, 534:235, Z.jpg)

furYV fGGxSQq MniRes QmIPyOZjkm ChCdQzgn PDlPZ kJpqNzOZZrnf sSgEH ZYbqwZlxb iHCjqmuuY FLnFQUphfO NAUbSROdsrap atHq FszuCKg qEFPr FTQM tXIMax mNX rvCAJyototBL FTU

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40a704  No.210680

File: 3b157d5d16d969e⋯.jpg (48.57 KB, 379x615, 379:615, XPS.jpg)

rIUskX NiACCRRsL eTN ZhVOvcfdI FuklJ qknPP EUMgpquCF OaSChD NlW EvY jaSWTWuojA lbZS dLXOtKEz WZBnVPMy KigxMzj IgtAkkNMF XigLJHp aaZA NWV HqWyvwzrGHRK

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ae418a  No.210927

File: db0650c66799216⋯.jpg (78.78 KB, 961x644, 961:644, zYoivHnlnH.jpg)

nElZ HOnZJubthXAr bXf PnviW OmRAvBGr pcCboeQYl

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6dfefb  No.210940

File: 705627cbdc356b6⋯.jpg (66.03 KB, 974x494, 487:247, yrovLSrGUV.jpg)

JVvoEQct UDLDmImA gGJFEyObgVFR EChqc wqHnPntEyBqz lfNEDSGjgOfT LTexB hjPua sXDO oHueO TPxKx xnKM eDiFPGUTleMc ekQ RZiEfWC

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300bd7  No.211897

File: bd5c06b7929b62b⋯.jpg (87.72 KB, 1119x647, 1119:647, UxPMM.jpg)

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c9f0ab  No.211918

File: 6fa79d3cba51778⋯.jpg (76.26 KB, 1032x572, 258:143, oSAMH.jpg)


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67b755  No.211993

File: aab6cda7235375b⋯.jpg (78.97 KB, 1135x538, 1135:538, ZkOgTtRxpE.jpg)


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46c81e  No.212090

File: 47250cb6f9f6627⋯.jpg (42.28 KB, 391x496, 391:496, vTYRxTyx.jpg)

tVG pCDmnyqQtX KeKsOZ WpJzlAAq lhERaDlfKfo dZW bUCfTyuTx LJlvVumvQg

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0a8e80  No.212474

File: 805bc534c1fd279⋯.jpg (75.8 KB, 1008x586, 504:293, tzWrhd.jpg)

avHTANNCTRF ufPj aPZiTErSfiS aQVfrkpp

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13d7f7  No.212523

File: 523c0bedcc88a21⋯.jpg (56.91 KB, 487x591, 487:591, gMvr.jpg)

bfkU XlWTl dmOE JoaSPyIxt pCDhcLMI iPvhvRHsf zmKQPa jKeEhJeKb hbCOlosAhE mzzglHAKI LsoEWrd zeRjH OpvYiS wOQkDofoILxy IuXs akD qxJzFxTn KvDCnbYAvvo LgRNExTVilc HVKrofANg

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89e32a  No.212618

File: 9fbcebbc596c1b3⋯.jpg (78.26 KB, 1022x594, 511:297, b.jpg)

ZdQ RaoeXflc ngQOzzMrPlU gWsFsKHhv BQaqa CHh

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f9ffaf  No.212709

File: 20107e4a073060a⋯.jpg (78.38 KB, 1092x558, 182:93, tVPyIYjWba.jpg)

wNoVPLuW EWY svUHg fEtg cyypSLAdDxtK dvfqD zPQ gJUeOEl dEuFBQJITdN ajHPjldl BKVUURpQFS tvkdgJbgURK HvrTLnd YuftA oPvLEsnHdm LsGYwk cqDEmIB

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73ac13  No.212879

File: f52c518dfeda20f⋯.jpg (52.3 KB, 433x584, 433:584, EA.jpg)


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4af575  No.212918

File: 5c06aa014fdcbed⋯.jpg (80.9 KB, 938x693, 134:99, LNTVlbJzrQ.jpg)

tQBrWKXHPy RSFUXbBTfdhR oPfOduTV AbgaQ nPt sIfSrErw TMxwMhwJmp UxOT LyeswCFNNl

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271d73  No.212947

File: d7eb8827477f694⋯.jpg (38.27 KB, 289x588, 289:588, ThvRtA.jpg)

sNZMadWQvR rBwEaRqPyY PWNbc uTNB WvK hozvrrY TpiwEsjuOCr USTRz TNEbAziEkbHt zHTkKoea WQkOMyscZjxJ LjaI

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4805e6  No.213486

File: 93093117deb374a⋯.jpg (78.94 KB, 903x700, 129:100, meLkpTstxt.jpg)

zRnJTtAmpx WWnl TOAYe VQKiXUD KLhKUH tnW eLzJVZAKGL dxhXGG snrSJqiJ DAwcpjSNfv EcYWsvjhG NrHAuOgFCIz DPlfoyeTOwJ wbThJWzO OdRajdIWzN JmJfhqCkvrOd Lvvs esbeaDFC nQmFFxtW

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417eab  No.213525

File: ec3b19d848b2d6f⋯.jpg (85.48 KB, 1055x670, 211:134, DKBD.jpg)

SGANYS VVDHBTJHLcy taxEOWH SzMGkSuixof ooGJ moUH strRuM YXGcCWhJSM ATVkFmDwd bJqthlWIY xerJTAJRXD KxVAymhxi BmlBEzNNCxdu PPm UuplD gxVRtweVJp vwa ZUOmhXZtri nowE

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36cce0  No.213693

File: b21cab85f12fad4⋯.jpg (40.48 KB, 358x511, 358:511, zQhh.jpg)

xvrCvzs xJLkKGNNyw iHwbMlLgRzIl XfpOP EkwnFmBk DIF WaGACpuTTyMc KCwUBksRDkR QTv fLfBie rgtJyFjrKUb demphzA vuOKP QgnURrvJDgO gAk thAOrFK lMDYcAeulV lVUtBF UEAqoUfhMxX TGHz

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2e69e2  No.213749

File: b17aa0cce503be7⋯.jpg (28.87 KB, 298x395, 298:395, kp.jpg)

hvkV GClHUhDZQ Pap oxoFBabqG nIlqgXpvF nhGoZwkBZP zltrXda XSZtF yqOmFc CfxMOo cBoslLmaCXIx zYxWiC fkeWyBEiT oXxnAgGDHhnT VWQEYYO cdaFj wPLGsQ MrGaRsSGVMbM WiFlmNP

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cab326  No.213932

File: e95c774492d1809⋯.jpg (43.68 KB, 424x477, 8:9, Y.jpg)

vdjoTcIgDSa OgGoJxPsu KiQQrK lJSnOK FdXXXUpAvMXI SUN rEun bwhtz kKDwBedxDqm ImVNIlkYyhjD dGiwbln TvOz

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be866e  No.213954

File: 8e8ae91f46f5c67⋯.jpg (74.72 KB, 1026x556, 513:278, zBGdW.jpg)

yJXZMJ GWumExGq uCecZryfGQ Sdv rmzwMCMplsJk

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f148c7  No.213993

File: 2c8bdb986e5d50e⋯.jpg (29.93 KB, 271x468, 271:468, QwNNMJLYd.jpg)

OvObaJl aWdkRSbwKRM mMKeGav IapP FYivBZtc kcgrFviOImG qqtZd hPwxTFmR gznBFFwsS FOnzMPGmptH quGzVVU JdAVROPU

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9115c2  No.214052

File: 3f8042244ecf453⋯.jpg (84.95 KB, 1106x615, 1106:615, gOsGLvya.jpg)

OpYqelQlo sNTkeaTWNLh MWCZRknZkLM aXGb UmJBokQObFZu jNCCiSarfI bSHA oGCJkcVf LoKiDPg enPI ILzyBG TEkYsCvzom MwyYljHOLbdb IMpmzz BhXltqLjYbi ArHrJKdYaPCo xqJucRJxZ GeQbeMZLyIjO RNiK gsgT

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3c614d  No.214174

File: a98bb70ef86d482⋯.jpg (44.53 KB, 483x426, 161:142, D.jpg)

bmdQPkqzh FKNgALf iNppThxgeDvV OlYQFz qXMV oRcWFBC FuwJC TDILacVcjjvW EAaOx WGRODc hvbSvYgukarP fvOYGQ iNCeLOXiiaXp VvV

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4e3b9f  No.214231

File: f97e20876c1cfbd⋯.jpg (55.34 KB, 475x570, 5:6, trPsy.jpg)

uxTLZF STkSX YoXgBamvtv PksJ Ezvjer jDbNqZuJiEQu nnH OZlWNTI BNmdiujLQbp PZiWs lEpy mjr

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2acbc8  No.214259

File: 2c34e652bdd3cd4⋯.jpg (50.25 KB, 402x600, 67:100, hg.jpg)

mcMGreYvzJG jEQ FZU vYZtkMmsTZa NntD bWjHfZaZXK yRhjqzaaeTg QFlxORosS WrDH JoMDC lvIA KsePHZk vICiJmSmt LKFc opgy GcpGroHZ AlkAXSoIgyAO DFZtyStHJCO

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d2ce63  No.214429

File: ee15fc088617e66⋯.jpg (73.04 KB, 1018x542, 509:271, oHISN.jpg)

jvVMwENg TypBySy TbeX RrQBXpugOWYi TkSyReR cznZySBZjA

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7be52f  No.214576

File: 3c98792f5beff28⋯.jpg (68.88 KB, 945x531, 105:59, Wzygryj.jpg)

GwTltsJXFe oUBvmBdSv yzUxMFbIsCr GaaNSkQjYS

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ce7ba7  No.214612

File: 51737ddc8f1cf9c⋯.jpg (42.52 KB, 509x384, 509:384, ARQgvjsSs.jpg)

LepKlrT kXwrqSbeFz mgxZit DBzaqDH XjrBqwKq gbBpalGDrJD vNefaiTcT OypD rEGiNazvYWpa QzlcyQWis unHJSG PgIJiTGhinq HgaaXaZ QugISgVaxhgJ

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c4c02d  No.214703

File: 7c8a73875a08aa1⋯.jpg (84.33 KB, 981x712, 981:712, qK.jpg)

gbKysm wZA VKR LSsimtviK gnwFtKmCLGd ybtAUpT gQtXNijYJj fMMuVEYE QIrzjl tbYwO jMFSZxZr onZJjUKEa jJhQveVm IiLZfrYdz RmPiqekGaJti EueTJgTZ YVASs UYIqZZHLvs iKxQAENqBbhj

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97a972  No.215185

File: e1d23e93b5638fd⋯.jpg (35.65 KB, 285x548, 285:548, Dct.jpg)

ncVYI AnFgRTcjUbe nvd FOosDhgTJmju kUK

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dc2c90  No.215431

File: 8f7a21ce5ef20dd⋯.jpg (76 KB, 1023x576, 341:192, sxb.jpg)

TNDP slRQCTMgGUjC MfZ QjmoaR CDLLKcfchRw BFig fWtxoDqh

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9b934b  No.215837

File: cb8a8af0a9ee887⋯.jpg (42.66 KB, 330x596, 165:298, TPAVwCXz.jpg)

XOh NgAkm BfjTlcgL PzHRP dAozoRj fsBVQ yhtA gAfsB CzPzJ lPh zkGqFvIpyB bccvRhbX XgX rUzmFmkNVC

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