c40933 No.200811
What's the deal with the Unz review? The site owner is a jew and so are many of its columnists. But at the same time is an excellent source of redpills on the JQ. Certain things like denying the Hocaust are banned but naming the jew in many other instances is not.
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1ae294 No.200816
There is no better source for anti semetic ideas than Haaretz and the Jerusalem Post.
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c40933 No.200819
Yeah yeah kikes but why let so much out? Users like Mefobills would be banned in any other site. NS pops every now and then in the comments and it isn't banned either.
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0eeb1a No.200828
>Certain things like denying the Hocaust are banned but naming the jew in many other instances is not.
Holocaust denial isn't banned. Ron Unz himself essentially denies the holocaust at the end of this article. https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-holocaust-denial/
From the sound of it, it seems like Ron Unz left his religion and his jewish identity a long time ago.
E. Michael Jones lists many jews who have "woken up to logos" to some degree in the first several minutes of one of his videos.
Converts away from Judaism to Christianity are often the most outspoken critics of the jews historically.
Read about Benjamin Freedman's "Facts are Facts". He was a zionist jew in FDR's cabinet at the Treaty of Versailles; after converting to Christianity, he devoted his life to trying to wake up Americans about ZOG.
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c40933 No.200829
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a6936b No.200899
Every single article in Unz's "American Pravda" series is a must-read.
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3c648c No.201042
As far as stuff goes, it's better than most; but to me, it's still disinformation.
The stuff on the site is critical of Jews, but he's not going to use the most potent best sources, nor is David Irving. For me, that means you're not a truth-teller you're an agent provocateur.
You won't see anything on Unz about Ludendorff, Dietrich Bronder, Hennecke Kardel, "Hitler's Oriental Sultanate,"–anything about Nazis weren't Germans won't be on there. You'd never see a reference to Ludendorff's Volkswarte or any of books. You'll never see anything close Ludendorff's commetaries critical of National Socialism, or how Hitler immediately ingratiated himself with the Vatican after his release Christmas 1924. You would never see Unz comment on Douglas Reed and C.H. Douglas both being very suspicious of the motives of Hitler.
You'll never see anything about American zersetzung what is commonly called the gangstalking program inside the U.S. You won't see anything about how Intel agencies have drawn from their notes about abusing P.O.W.s to construct today's policies regarding the torture of dissidents.
Unz would never touch on Judeomasonic control of Naperville, IL, for example. Because that connects directly to the main vein Rothschild Mossad Ring. Unz would never touch on how this article reports an impossible event: https://archive.vn/4GAG9/efbf7e9320bbd09bfee8699c1e69f98572d31811.jpg
Not because it wouldn't make on his radar, but because he'd cover for the people responsible.
You would never see Unz comment on why famous meteorologist Cheryl Scott is saying the n-word in this video @14:28 https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=335749047284215&ref=watch_permalink
Touching on Mossad control of Chicago is off-limits to Unz.
You would never see Unz investigating what Jackie Kennedy is doing with her left hand near the back of the seat, and is she dropping a small gun…maybe she is or maybe she isn't….but you would never see Unz touch on it. https://i.gifer.com/IQAv.gif
People who incline towards thinking someone is an honest-to-goodness truth-teller need to step back a second and imagine what that really looks like.
p.s. I think Dr. Pierce, Kerry Bolton and David Irving are all compromised also.
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8feb91 No.201047
here is an idea. Not every kike is a banker giga kike and there is actually a large number of jews, even a majority who just want to be left alone and live their life without being swamped with niggers and tyranny from gigajew bankers
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8feb91 No.201051
>You would never see Unz investigating what Jackie Kennedy is doing with her left hand near the back of the seat, and is she dropping a small gun
Take your meds schizo
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f22c51 No.201056
That's a stupid idea that only an uneducated retard or a kike would say. Jews are one. If I were jewish I'd every reason to join up with other jews because they're the single most powerful group on the planet.
The truth is jews play both sides, and this is nothing new.
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c40933 No.201084
Extremely interesting, thanks. Can you expand in any ot the points you made, specially the Nazis weren't Germans and Hitler and the vatican part?
I know Hitler was connected to them but I don't know to which degree. Also I can't find Ludendroff's books anywhere.
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3c648c No.201115
Maybe I'll go into more detail on the Chicago connection in the next few days. The point I want to make now is take a look at how my information brings out Mossad "take you meds schizo" is not something an in-earnest site user says. https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1590734609656.jpg
My information is good because my grandfather was connected to the little mentioned Kissinger-connected spy group the National Counterintelligence Corps. Old spies. WWII era
There are some works by Ludendorff untranslated. The ones I want but cannot find are "War Agitation and the Massacre of Nations' and "The secret of the influence of the Jesuits and how to put an end to it."
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c40933 No.201121
I'll take a look a this, thx.
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e4bc21 No.201126
>Users like Mefobills
My dude.
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5ddee7 No.201129
>buzzwords only paid shills have ever said
Great job, shlomo.
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8feb91 No.201143
Actually it is a reasonable and logical idea and you are a stupid person
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8feb91 No.201144
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8feb91 No.201145
yah… I am not Mossad, Mossad doesnt give two shits about someone schizo posting on this dead ass website. You are a just a mentally retarded donkey
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5ddee7 No.201153
>oy vey goyim jews aren’t acting together
Sage. Report.
>buzzwords only paid shills have ever said
Sage. Report.
>oy vey goyim jews don’t care about this site
>ignore that you have hard proof that jews are paid to spam their lies here
>oy vey you’re insane if you repeat the truth
Sage. Report.
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3c648c No.201154
I would believe you if your behavior wasn't strange. "Take your meds" then insults like "donkey" is what Mossad JIDF does on the internet. If you didn't want ppl to think you're a shill, then the best way is to not act exactly like one. Obviously I can't waste any more time on this.
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8feb91 No.201155
stfu reddit schizo faggot
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8feb91 No.201157
I really dont care what you idiots think I just think it is funny watching you schiz. You are so stupid you fell for the "jackie killed kennedy" meme which immediately shows you are a fucking retard and to be dismissed henceforth. kys
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3c648c No.201158
This remark definitely doesn't make me incline toward Oswald.
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5ddee7 No.201168
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6f7e24 No.202247
Unz is a "self-hating Jew" according to the kikes. He's been financing right-wing causes in California for many decades. His website is based as fuck. Great articles all the time.
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8feb91 No.202559
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1bcb70 No.202569
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2cc5cc No.208350
No one knows. Every now and then, a couple jews become extremeley critical of other Jews.
A skeptic woudl probably say he's controlled opposition, paitning Jews in a negative light but giving no really useful information.
But in any case, check out these ebooks he's posting:
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ea656d No.208353
black propaganda. limited hang-out.
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1ae294 No.208354
She's not dropping a gun behind her. Jackie had a bad dragon dildo in jfk's ass to relax him on the parade route. She pumped the bulb full of pretend cum too hard and it made his head explode. You can see her in the vid ripping the evidence out of his faggot ass and throwing it out of the car.
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1ae294 No.208356
Henry Makow is a jew too..I think he converted to Christianity. He seems to see judaism as pure evil and has consistently preached against them. He allows a wide range of opinions, often conflicting out of a desire for freedom of speech.
I'm suspicious as hell but I will read his stuff from time to time and some of the info is excellent.
Right now I'm reading Flavius Josephus The Jewish War and the idea that the jews always present a unified front is absurd. They're constantly falling on each other to slit each other's throats with the utmost treachery. They're at the very least like a gang of brigands that will unify to loot and plunder and then they'll murder each other over the spoils.
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ea656d No.208359
There are no good Jews.
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1ae294 No.208363
I never said that. Go back and carefully read what I said. What I said is that the jews don't always present a united front. They constantly are in civil war with one another but they will withdraw into a unified front if under attack or pursuing some loot they want to steal. Then they fall back upon each other with daggers drawn.
With the jews controlling almost all communications sources you must learn to read their utterances like a citizen of the soviet union. You read pravda and isvestia and you learn how to read between the lines and understand their coded language to extract the truth.
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ea656d No.208364
>jews don't always present a united front
That's intentional and misleading.
One Jew is a Zionist and the other a Communist. They feign in-fighting when the reality is Zionism is Communism. So they're perfectly united while appearing divided.
There are no good Jews.
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1ae294 No.208375
Go read Josephus. It's not intentional. They're cut throats with one another. You know very little of jews.
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ea656d No.208377
They've admitted that it's intentional.
>pics related
Sorry, man. But the information age has resulted in one thing for the Jew, whether he be Zionist or Communist, considering one is the other:
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1ae294 No.208388
Imagine if Ron Unz and Sandra Bernhardt fucked and made a porn video of it. It would be visual syrup of ipecac.
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452396 No.208658
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97ca4d No.208674
jfjyk mHHQHT MAJYh RrddYqNtwf czvvLp JejivtFQy RcLGqmjjWCd wYbfD vPTvwgWZRKWE sWr vWIditNmB hPotT KxRJDAICbB
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bdbb2f No.208737
EwSw dXEiAb mjxyA DbujlvApxdia hwsOrWe
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e64067 No.209704
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7aff93 No.209792
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a2d2c0 No.210357
JToKHq rrvrpwSQpG ZVIpM aQnfexzOsT lGHPer JzxrvVw rfymcPK xIZSxYwA
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d88fbb No.210400
DJattdBWDuT EnXKNwDAwhSN xpvkF uzwajNXdmkMw JTZqInUMM yZr
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affc67 No.211086
xxEth QSISYqrmf gRrmpLZfOkD hnsTCvCtEqZo DLOhxb KuhdsTF HCfhpjnKYK NHwsgFiSnJtZ DXrXFNnDUraz vzIN BTICDXyr NEwdr CVDwzqpjvnQp xImbjcEUalhE oIcs MDMDv
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69f13f No.211096
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c8d744 No.211116
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102778 No.212246
pQJERCnJhTM lbzFjIlNA bnlHzVXBYY BsiyKE UgBFBh sUzCeI xIgYtzAbIS keGDyYrdg iHJo BTiXJCklABXK OzcncTYZoD PHfvnRElgHBr WPrqTh gGyQm ocf vjXek
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162bc8 No.214032
KEwueQdG qXnpp WnDRDb gqrpsV eXtkSlAayqV MyrCHwSlF wIIJBWHbzeD yvcicvlG fJGkVcd CmGoFEJNE PyDDojPoUP hXvUuGDJCn yIdrRBsoCCZS
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