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File: 12f12569b5ff9ce⋯.jpg (90.59 KB, 680x680, 1:1, 7a3f56e0e6d678.jpg)

e3c851  No.200486[Last 50 Posts]

I'm watching this and learn that it's worse than we thought, and China is already winning.


With Biden administration coming I think it'll get so much worse, honestly I think Biden (like Trudeau) will just hand the country over. These elites have so much to gain from not controlling China and we have everything to lose. Yet here we are saying stupid shit defending chinks because it's diverting the jewish campaign.

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1b4dde  No.200490

File: f3e61412cf77e63⋯.gif (672.5 KB, 756x880, 189:220, 1594811052679.gif)

CCP got anal fatigue from 4chan users. They showed up here for Coronachan too, but got their assess handed to them.

8kunt doesn't have many regulars or proper users since then. We mostly get our shit from 4chan and read it there.

We are still waiting for a proper board or alternative as this one is shit-ass, slow loading and frags images.

No one really cares about here, it's only a 4chan backup due to it's wanton level of shitness.

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ba9fee  No.200491


Biden isn't owned by the Chinese, just like Trump isn't owned by the Russians. When the failure of America's liberalization/elite corruption strategy was publicly and formally acknowledged with the "Pivot to Asia" strategy, Biden was Vice President.

Many of you are BADLY misreading the geopolitical tea leaves.

Anglosphere+israel+India vs EU+Russia+China. That is what is actually going on.

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ba9fee  No.200492


It is only logical that White Nationalists would side with the EU/Russia/China in this alignment.

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ba9fee  No.200493

File: ea5e170e980e236⋯.png (45.63 KB, 905x310, 181:62, nationalinterestexcerpt.png)

File: 9eb94344664a0ab⋯.png (879.42 KB, 812x2149, 116:307, JoshHowley_NewColdWar.png)

File: e4b8965dc023412⋯.png (1.15 MB, 675x7706, 675:7706, International_Finance_s_An….png)

File: 0f6da441e4affc1⋯.png (247.1 KB, 662x1498, 331:749, mefobillsunzjapanindustria….png)

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ba9fee  No.200499


With Biden indicating he going to scrap the Keystone Pipeline, that may be an indication that the US sees Canada as a potentially unreliable part of the Anglosphere [it likely views New Zealand this way, too].

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49e9c7  No.200526

Same horseshit as Russiagate, they're using China as a spook instead of Russia because conservatives are just another team of kikes, same objectives and strategies.

Why the fuck would I even care about China? I don't recall them carpet bombing European cities and blowing up metros because muh red scare, and I don't see them running the central banks and trying to exterminate the white species.


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40bb1c  No.200529

File: dbb38a02bfd482d⋯.png (559.77 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, 8chan_jew.png)


totally this.

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40bb1c  No.200530


>Anglosphere+israel+India vs EU+Russia+China. That is what is actually going on.

I'm getting all these jew tube videos the last couple of days about the $4.5 billion in rail investment in India; high speed rail, passenger rail lines separated from freight rail lines, massive bridges, plus big hydro electric dam projects. Something is up in India for sure.

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c74ccd  No.200535


Or maybe Biden just made a deal with Warren Buffet and/or the Saudis to kneecap pipelines and American oil independence in general.

Women and niggers are either too retarded or too short-sighted to think strategically about national resources, and just want their gay emotion-based policies implemented as fast as possible.

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c74ccd  No.200536


All I know is that the US government as it stands is fucked. We can't stand up against (mostly) ethnically-homogeneous and unified nations like Russia and China at this rate. The kikes and nihilistic business elites have let too many nonwhites in; and the Dems are busy preying on the white population to keep their own political machine going, while the Republicans just sit in the corner and watch it happen. Once whites become 30% of the population or less, we'll be just another worthless banana republic.

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40bb1c  No.200541


Oh fuck, FUCK…

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40bb1c  No.200542


Thanks for that Princes of the Yen movie…excellent. In Canada the Industrialist Capitalist system was called Social Credit and it makes everybody fucking rich. Which in the end is kind of a curse since it is a magnet for sub human scum, parasites, grifters and junkies of all stripes. Sad.

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1b4dde  No.200550


That's right, Australia has been pushing hard to partner up with India too. No objections on either side, probably because we all play cricket together. India is the only country capable of taking over much of china's production capacity. Medicine in particular.

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d74aa8  No.200551

increase social scores duh

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b4f37a  No.200571

File: ec97cc116d9cb0e⋯.png (1.38 MB, 2252x1398, 1126:699, ec97cc116d9cb0ee0f11d222a5….png)



Because there's literally a faggot shilling a wetback communist on /pol/.

Not sure if it's the beaner himself or just some autistic shitstain.

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e9f8a6  No.200596



India is anti-White, anti-Muslim, and anti-China. That's the appeal to ZOG. It's large population also opens up an avenue for capitalism to continue the wage arbitrage game after being rope-a-doped by China.

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78112b  No.200604


again.. goddamn get a fucking life you porn addict

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18ac43  No.200616


Is that you, Reid Ross?

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b41ccd  No.200622

File: d3062d5363edd9e⋯.jpeg (772.18 KB, 1446x697, 1446:697, 0E13D241_9308_4B02_AABD_0….jpeg)


Biden is even easier to control than Trump.

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18ac43  No.200625

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If you mean controlled by the MIC, it's just a difference in strategy. Biden is going to try a more multi-lateral approach to containing/destroying China. Thankfully, the recent developments from Germany and the change in tone emanating from Macron/France, makes it look like the NigSA is getting cut off from Europe no matter what.

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18ac43  No.200626

File: 19564624d87016c⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1339x5533, 1339:5533, Toward_a_Eurosiberian_Stra….png)

File: 6507dfa3e951798⋯.png (32.03 KB, 649x540, 649:540, mefobillsunzgermanyeurasia.png)

File: 59226821333c0d7⋯.jpg (154.29 KB, 890x350, 89:35, nordstream2.jpg)

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48992f  No.200632

We’re just pointing out that China is not a threat to us. They’re not anti-white. They’re even willing to trade with the white South African town for heaven’s sake. The real threat to the West is the Judeo-American elites who sell out the West to foreigners.

That’s obviously not to say that we want the Chinese to control or influence the West in any way. We’re just telling it like it is.

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48992f  No.200633


Not that I’m disagreeing with you, but how is India anti-white?

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18ac43  No.200664


Colonial resentment + general integration into the Commonwealth/British system. They seek to, and already have, mass invade Western countries and provide a bulwark for the zionist occupation government. They predominate in the American and English tech industries which work to extract and oppress White people worldwide, and especially in the United States. It is a unique confluence of geopolitical, economic, and cultural factors that align Indians/Hindus with the continuation of the American imperial project, which is the same imperial project that is suffocating White Americans and killing them.

India is a primary enemy.

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65365b  No.200666


>Why are there so many Chinese Aplogosts on this board?

There aren't - you made it up

>but how is India anti-white?

There are too many of them. They leak brown all over the world.

They are fine in their own country,

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18ac43  No.200678


>Or maybe Biden just made a deal with Warren Buffet and/or the Saudis to kneecap pipelines and American oil independence in general.

The Keystone Pipeline does not have anything to do with American oil independence. Its purpose is to transport Canadian hydrocarbons to export hubs.

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f63d73  No.200687

File: 3e18cf1e134e2e5⋯.png (231.16 KB, 1024x614, 512:307, oil3_1024x614.png)


Most of our crude oil comes from Canada and South America these days

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e3dff6  No.200747


I agree, but i would be more nuanced and say that China is less of an immediate threat. In the long run they could and i would say that they probably will be one, but right now the jews are by far the bigger one.

First of all, while the chinese seem to be trying to infiltrate white countries, the jews are already deeply infiltrated. They, not the chinks, run the media, central banks, politics.It's the jews that are the source of all the anti-white shit we see in the west.

Second of all, the chinese are seen as outsiders by regular people. Or at least that is my impression. Plenty of people see them as a threat too. But most regular people don't see jews that way. Maybe that's because of the propaganda and brainwashing, maybe it's because they have been present for a long time and they just got used o them, while the chinese are a new sight. Whatever the case may be, this is critical. The first step to defeating any threat is to recognize that it is a threat.

To put it simply, the chinese are an external threat while the jews are an internal one. And almost all empires fall from within.

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f63d73  No.200769

File: ac0f51f34882094⋯.jpg (150.19 KB, 790x444, 395:222, poor_people_in_china.jpg)

File: 190f467467bdc00⋯.jpg (97.44 KB, 640x391, 640:391, china_poor_migrant_workers.jpg)

File: c8e02e8387012ef⋯.jpg (76.21 KB, 569x398, 569:398, MW_CD071_china_MG_20140512….jpg)



China has been a threat since the 1950's when they decided they wanted to be commies. The east only exists because we use them to make our products because China has one of the worlds largest rare earth mines, they're basically our slaves and Chinks don't like white people, that's such a huge fucking lie. They routinely lock up westerners for virtually no reason so I can't even begin to imagine how deranged you retards are to actually shill for bug people

I mean that's not even adding to the fact that China also steals our tech all the goddamn time, their Consulate in Texas was raided by Trump last year who shut it down due to spying and they were even caught on film burning a shitload of documents




But I guess we just magically forgot about that huh

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48992f  No.200785


No one is claiming that we should allow the Chinese to harm us.

>they decided to be commies

Wake up, boomer. Communism is not a thing in the 21st century. China is actually closer to fascism than communism.

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18ac43  No.200790


>The east only exists because we use them to make our products

Wage arbitration leveraged against your own people [well, not yours since you're a kike].

>They routinely lock up westerners for virtually no reason

That's what having an actual country is all about.

>that's not even adding to the fact that China also steals our tech

Is it really stealing when you send your IP to their factory voluntarily? Or contract out all of the work to a Chinese firm in the first place?

>they were even caught on film burning a shitload of documents

That is what every competent consulate of any country would do if it was about to be raided. In case you don't know, embassies and consulates are spy nests.

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6e071e  No.200791

File: 6ade224e5cd433f⋯.mp4 (7.85 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, chinese_burning_documents_….mp4)


> their Consulate in Texas was raided by Trump last year who shut it down due to spying and they were even caught on film burning a shitload of documents

video related

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0e39a4  No.200807


>China is actually close to fascism

hilarious to see this angle once again

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f63d73  No.200861

File: 1565c64f11f85a5⋯.jpg (191.07 KB, 969x645, 323:215, D3FE0BB3_C9C5_409D_B58B_C5….jpg)



Every fucking time the west does the same thing, you niggers whine and fucking bitch about freedoms being taken away and liberty dying, then you do a complete fucking 180 with other countries, our enemies, and say they can do it because it's fine, it's THEIR country.

You people make no fucking sense unless you factor in the fact that you're not even American and then it does make perfect sense. You don't get to be a hypocrite saying it's fine when these countries do the same fucking thing you retards whine about America doing

Also no retard, it's not fascism, it's communism because incase you fucking missed it China was Allied with Russia and still is and GUESS WHO INVENTED COMMUNISM. Christ I swear you people must be living in the pacific or something

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69ee42  No.200868




Reminder that this paid shilling is allowed here.

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c74ccd  No.200871


It transports it to Houston refineries, and gives the Texas economy a boost, so either way Biden is kneecapping US industry.

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78cb82  No.200879


Great you love interracial porn/qanon-autism slidethreads getting spammed over and over and over again, good for you. If you love it so much, why dont you fuck off back to cuckchan?

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78cb82  No.200894

File: aa45b61748fb338⋯.jpg (121.76 KB, 429x640, 429:640, img_4697280355.jpg)


>You people make no fucking sense

LMAO poor, pooor, kike shill :( getting frustrated? maybe you should cry about it on Reddit. Over there you will find a nice swarm of mindless goyim who will happily suck you off until your penis sings oh cum ye faithful.


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c26bdf  No.200997


>Every fucking time the west does the same thing, you niggers whine and fucking bitch about freedoms being taken away and liberty dying

The West is a niggerjew shit hole.

>You people make no fucking sense unless you factor in the fact that you're not even American and then it does make perfect sense.

Or if you understand we don't consider niggers and jews to be American.

>Also no retard, it's not fascism

China's state organization is essentially national socialist. It's not a one to one, but the end result is close enough to spook the niggerjews in DC.

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e3dff6  No.201009


>China has been a threat since the 1950's

China in the 50s was a third world shithole. Meanwhile the jews have been a threat to whites for how long? Centuries? Millennia considering the shit they were up to during even the time of the roman empire. And these people now have enormous influence in the world and especially in white countries and it shows. I'm not saying chinks aren't a threat but anyone that says that they are more of a threat than the jews is either a moron or a jewish shill.

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c26bdf  No.201017

File: 4aca3ae63c55b82⋯.png (24.01 KB, 598x349, 598:349, _gambled_withyourcountryan….png)

File: 360f1e4837a9dba⋯.png (516.87 KB, 659x1936, 659:1936, Chinese_Official_We_Subver….png)

File: d1350e949a59ef2⋯.png (420.29 KB, 598x576, 299:288, chinadefections.png)


>I'm not saying chinks aren't a threat but anyone that says that they are more of a threat than the jews is either a moron or a jewish shill.

Correct. The problem is internal and the empire wants to produce an external threat to obscure itself. It rings especially hollow since the empire exported its industrial base to China as a bribe in the first place. The empire is furious that it was played for fools.

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48992f  No.201040

File: 05f05b9c99c288a⋯.jpeg (79.53 KB, 750x376, 375:188, 58DB3CE3_E1E2_4025_85CF_A….jpeg)

File: b9967f6be265b51⋯.jpeg (37.61 KB, 739x205, 739:205, 0153C774_7953_4A1D_A5E1_7….jpeg)

Hope you kosher shills are happy.

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f63d73  No.201052

File: 56c124d9df055e5⋯.png (119.68 KB, 303x303, 1:1, 1576764760007.png)





There's no difference between an Asian and a jew and you'd know that if you ever dealt with either. You can tell all these fags are chinks living in the Philippines or some asian shithole

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f63d73  No.201054


This is good news, industry needs to return back to the west, it's the fucking thing everyone has been whining about forever

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4179ff  No.201068


>wonton level of shitness.

fix'd for racial stereotype

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c26bdf  No.201095


>industry needs to return back to the west

Yeah, that would be terrific. The problem is, it's going to India, Indonesia, Vietnam, and everywhere else. You fundamentally do not understand the motivations of capital and haven't realized that the owners of "western" capital see the historic populations of the West as permanent enemies. They don't want the means of production in the West.

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c26bdf  No.201096


All China has to do is keep hammering the White replacement stuff. They've broached the subject a couple times in a few throwaway comments from diplomats and their "Western" counterparts got a bit clammy. It really doesn't matter if China is completely cynical about it. Just bringing it up does enough of the job.

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48992f  No.201098


You actually think Biden is doing this to bring jobs back to America?

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f63d73  No.201101

File: c0e3b702f59083a⋯.jpg (551.34 KB, 1150x1027, 1150:1027, Stinky_Chink2.jpg)


Talking about white replacement when you're not even white is why this shit is stigmatized in the first place. Unless you're a WASP you have no business talking about white anything

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c26bdf  No.201105


You glow.

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5292db  No.201107

File: 2b4b160151280a9⋯.png (5.9 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ErLGXEUXEAAE9gL.png)


They do it partly as a gloat and partly to shift the focus away from their own abuse of their people. But either way with their motivations it's an uncomfortable topic for all the cuckolds who live in the US. They prefer to live in their echo chamber and avoid anything inconvenient to them, so here's to hoping the chinks inadvertently shatter the fragile reality they've built

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c26bdf  No.201108


>shift the focus away from their own abuse of their people.

I think the extent to which they abuse their people is very much overstated. In my opinion, most of the really egregious stuff workplace safety standards, extreme work hours are things that have come about when they collaborate with Western capital, not when they oppose it.

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5292db  No.201110


Well of course, communist China is communist in name only almost. But regardless of what ideology it was that necessitated suicide nets, the fact remains that the nets exist, Tianamman square happened, and children are working 80+ hour weeks in Nike factories

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65365b  No.201111


> Unless you're a WASP you have no business talking about white anything

Eurofag here. Reminder that here we still have our own ethnicites and don't really identify as "white". Having my country fill up with Italians would be as bad as it filling up with Indians to be honest.

My country is for my people, not for "white" people however the fuck that's defined.

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e3dff6  No.201113


>There's no difference between an Asian and a jew

There is Shlomo, jews have infiltrated white and western societies for far longer. Who is naming and controling the central bank leadership in most countries, chinks or kikes?

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5fb905  No.201117


Tianaman was an attempted color revolution. The Chinese were right to crush it. I don't think Nike is in China anymore, but I'm not sure.

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12b24c  No.201252

File: 0c9344fa2e42ff1⋯.jpg (165.26 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Unassisted_diagonal_donkey….jpg)


Stop projecting fungaljew.

We know your boss is displeased with your sub-par, shilling performance.

Your best bet is to start shilling for toilet breath mints on the israel-Palestine border. You'll be out of a job soon anyway. If Biden wins, he'll be closing down all these boards, shills won't be required. You better figure out how much nigger dick you can fit in your gay ass to pay for your tranny surgery after the 31st.

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490ee2  No.201254


>Why are there so many Chinese Aplogosts on this board?

Because they know Kikes don't like the chinks, because the Han can see the Ashkenazi Jew is the European's Manchu/Tutsi, and that faggots like you are working overtime to convince the masses of the White Nation that "America" isn't ruled by Kikes, but somehow by chinks.

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f63d73  No.201259


Europeans are all mutts and you're being browned to death anyways so who cares what a mutt thinks


Chinks and kikes, what's the fucking difference anymore

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1a4186  No.201408



Glow? He's blinding me.


Checked and approved.



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945a4c  No.208996

File: c8d8834ceb47279⋯.jpg (69.98 KB, 1052x488, 263:122, eU.jpg)

MFUCbYmsIy vBc ctuMNt vhrmUbGboYA bdOx mlCgyJ

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d2fc0f  No.209116

File: 9d3f87ea932dd4a⋯.jpg (75.02 KB, 1126x499, 1126:499, EOeTz.jpg)


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028a5a  No.209124

File: 522df858629f012⋯.jpg (51.91 KB, 472x533, 472:533, wDMwJ.jpg)

tSHXwmbwOnGr WzdYKCRr DVM RThsQAl PNjvysYlC

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99d4fe  No.210031

File: ba9c9deebd3344d⋯.jpg (44.74 KB, 400x521, 400:521, RfzDGLf.jpg)

eKYIq dJUd OOyIOO vAc iqvQ HMP SsdErSFmbq BpxroDIMpoT BouOzvOb qDcrSldArHKH BwdZQkHsn Quqy kpfNqHE LaKMG PnaOVfUbq oYTsBYssMXTN

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8d85ee  No.210056

File: 74745d283d33077⋯.jpg (50.84 KB, 466x522, 233:261, MkrvRFD.jpg)

fOIjdJt vVyaSxU rjSyUgCrJW oGjmSsHBZol qXQJ nxgGRk ZdPyOtTbzsGs YVreBLI

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31c9c5  No.210144

File: 382df9086b847ff⋯.jpg (39.95 KB, 472x384, 59:48, KFoOGpPYh.jpg)

QwEZvCh JNDZbY BAkpnjX mRsQrGcA Xnnq kJwPCwe Nyyd NyKMiczT WCGe qXSBbyrmZ ddJOpVY MqCBlOX SyES XnCoMYtAeH

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e385d7  No.210160

File: 5633ed253b8d8a8⋯.jpg (66.59 KB, 1018x466, 509:233, hSNzGbOi.jpg)

zFAgm EgndDMqSv TlxGiYyzM QUNZjB LADQchgWiobD NVjvkuUiXV OxjN wGQoMXw PuPn Zptyj kTWaZHArUnSN JGBPJQLLf vIzuUtJzf gPh VmiQOVZz

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3f2ceb  No.211323

File: 59f62372c91a97a⋯.jpg (71.1 KB, 942x567, 314:189, rOH.jpg)

saS jGJDCDAiu aevglBXR tiWEvK GffxnSBGwDUf uveClRGEB AkqOCizPPP HQhTRRcbY NSTVdbhQrBZ Ydyi xoxkHqyZwOT ToDbMrWily HnIgFp ivpyZsBZMyh uIxhQfPe NSwEm

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79cb7a  No.211358

File: e5996456d6fce0a⋯.jpg (85.12 KB, 1143x606, 381:202, hMzxxcWhHK.jpg)

ivYTd WvJPjUkeybf vfLXoBNBnR tqEtlmgissx GTOODgzTUMI zWfeSzFDjuVw vhY kjvca JtigZAxlRj sIAjFBbBH HVOQNKVbcFKj yad FtNz AmaT

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5395a5  No.211386

File: 3c4bde6f43c404a⋯.jpg (74.42 KB, 971x585, 971:585, ZkUZH.jpg)


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a090ed  No.211631

File: d17750c481958d4⋯.jpg (28.62 KB, 285x412, 285:412, ViPVlT.jpg)


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bfde25  No.212118

File: d08ff22f8519fdb⋯.jpg (38.16 KB, 427x398, 427:398, LXkmDf.jpg)

ZBer mdoFCE HoDEIyS RRT DChRNBKhCw hdH qojSlhhmipvx myNqeFSRtsM chvO MXAyqpweh rWZAQRiqUivW gaGn MxkbthFByri IbNPH FMnIHn WzcJxtwcZuM

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92f582  No.212234

File: 9bfe1a62a73e3e4⋯.jpg (50.46 KB, 506x478, 253:239, xQIXbd.jpg)

Dyi glQTskFsJpd GMoSxkFxs prI cLHZYjbTwNZ lhwz PHwMLs JRhlRTdB cGx

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df4092  No.215631

File: 9b44beea1bb047c⋯.jpg (48.93 KB, 459x509, 459:509, yjgsDvnwk.jpg)

USQPGvyE kbAUk dKpTTbsfOMlb mSxvZi cVHlJaHcCVy phLvr

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bbbe18  No.215721

File: bdfb581eaed3605⋯.jpg (71.44 KB, 1099x476, 157:68, zmxZ.jpg)

QNnEyTbL sGqbDhMExd pBr wYqBs EIszzooL TEOovblHK jXEmiiDhu vgAVCvT bvSzknmyj EzvNzIQO

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3ee174  No.215819

File: 2e0be1c311b7529⋯.jpg (48.13 KB, 455x497, 65:71, RLx.jpg)

jEILDKu YBGmcg dCicxrBGrz aDfNaD

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82eeac  No.216053

Fuck China, and fuck the Chinese

The second most schizophrenic and primitive race>>200486

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bfe4f1  No.216062

>Why are there so many Chinese Aplogosts on this board?


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bfe4f1  No.216063



>Having my country fill up with Italians would be as bad as it filling up with Indians to be honest.


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bfe4f1  No.216064



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3e4879  No.216074

The Chinese aren't are us: they're our competitors and rivals, potentially our enemies. But, our truest and fiercest enemies are currently trying to get us angry at and fearful of China, so fuck that. We'd be wise to be more concerned about what our deadly enemies are up to in Washington, New York, Hollywood, every university, every government agency, and every American corporation than anything that might be going on in China.

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0628b5  No.216075

清庄永旺乒乓亭 清庄永旺乒乓亭 清庄永旺乒乓亭 清庄永旺乒乓亭 清庄永旺乒乓亭?

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58ce0c  No.216119


The secret to China's success: because there's no voting there are no female voters.

Wuhan has 9 subway lines and no welfare queens.

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4bb1fd  No.217131

File: 54f2137d935f47b⋯.jpg (56.28 KB, 802x450, 401:225, 1611356561067.jpg)


Don't be a idiot, White Nationalist only align with the interest of White People which is letting both sides fight it out while we watch, then acquire access to large resources and organize during their war ,getting involved with jew and banking wars is retarded. White Nationalist come in after both sides exhausted their self and while WN gain local political power. This is the way foreign groups took power in Europe from jews to successful invasions, chaos is a ladder.

Siding with no soul chinks who are just as bad as jews , islamic caliphate hostages nations of EU and kike mafia state is retarded. You align with the White people not the government kike agendas.

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113f52  No.217157

ZOG-fags also, strangely enough, will screech about chinks allegedly trying to take over Hollywood from the Kikes. You know, because that's the worst thing imaginable for the Christfag, that the Kikes somehow lost control of it in the first place.

Because its hard for them to imagine chinks paying Eastern European women to fuck negroids.

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917b91  No.217158


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1ea74b  No.217190


Voting doesn't matter in the present world. Europe would have been flooded with refugees even if women weren't out in the streets welcoming them and voting for more migration. The facade of elections and propagandization of certain agendas only exist to keep the populace pacified and to legitimize the actions of the government.

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6200b2  No.217192


Fuck off kike. Were being locked into our homes and have our lifes taken away by ZOG and you want me to give a shit about China?

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