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File: 4e25cb8cf2474c6⋯.jpg (112.68 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 42002438_342677419835663_7….jpg)

b7f34c  No.200187

I just met an US Vietnam war vet in his 70's who was living in my countries capitol suburban town (Croatia) for the last 2 years with his wife, He said his daughter and her family of 4 are coming over right after Corona crap settles down and travel becomes possible again. They already bought the house as well. What is happening over there? Don't tell me happenings are real this time.

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cb547d  No.200190

Nothing is happening in the US. No one is fleeing in any statistically significant number, no one is fighting back, no one is doing anything against the ZOG.

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90de81  No.200213


Explain why you think this and every thread is a spam thread? Can people of the same like mind not just speak?

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c8cf6d  No.200215


For some reason after reading this it reminds me of creatures that constantly says DONK DONK and just wanders around aimlessly.

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d107e0  No.200239

File: fc30c221e1b3d1a⋯.jpg (12.7 KB, 200x251, 200:251, images.jpg)

File: 340c1ca5d0bed9d⋯.jpg (170.23 KB, 496x600, 62:75, 8tf4dequ37211.jpg)

File: 31afc6932849e6d⋯.png (655.54 KB, 720x803, 720:803, oo7sjk4c8wkz.png)

File: d0bccbff26c9f8f⋯.jpg (155.59 KB, 403x529, 403:529, QVbulPg.jpg)

The USA has gone from being the paragon of the first world lifestyle to being a dangerous third world shithole. I wonder how?

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d107e0  No.200241

Personally I'd choose Slovenia (not Slovakia) over Croatia. Slovenia is less likely to be involved in Balkan madness the next time it erupts.

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1e200b  No.200289


> Americans starting to move out of US

I hope not. Americans are brown and homosexual, they can stay the fuck away.

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15f6ff  No.200418


>Explain why you think this

This is a spam thread because it furthers the jewish narrative of “OY VEY GOYIM RUN AWAY FROM YOUR NATIONS NEVER DEFEND THEM JUST FUCKING RUN AWAY AND GO MISCEGENATE NEVER FIGHT BACK.” Also we have a goddamn QTDDTOT thread for single sentence questions, you worthless fucking cuckchanner.

>and every thread

No, only the spam threads. You’ll notice there are about a dozen good threads left. I never sage those.

>Can people of the same like mind not just speak?

What like mind? You want to abandon white nations. You’re not like my mind.

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