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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 23570e1d3e781ed⋯.png (491.29 KB, 800x952, 100:119, proxy_image.png)

5ca672  No.199259

Welcome, fren. If you find yourself in this thread, you are one of two things: a fed or a seeker. (There is no longer any overlap between the two.)

The former will offer you easy solutions: targets, scapegoats, PSYOPs, and false flags, while the latter will understand, intuitively, that these are impossible answers to an impossible conundrum.

You have probably already determined that sagebro is here as a demoralization agent of evil, and you may ask yourself what his real goal is, and I am here to tell you: he poisons the well by reminding you, ad nauseum, that you will "do nothing," with the subtext that doing nothing is bad, cowardly, suicidal, etc.

This is a lie.

You see, the game, this game, this hell-game we play in hell-world, is, by definition, unwinnable. Intuitively you know this already, and the frustration you feel in grappling with it leads you to the dark corners of the internet to find political solutions.

There are, in fact, no political solutions, but not in the ways that the fedpoasters want you to understand it. There are no political solutions because a political action in and of itself precludes the possibility for a solution.

You are very close, seeker, to understanding the maxim: "To fight the empire is to infected by its derangement," and as we are currently in an epoch where misapplication of the principle will lead you to catastrophic karmic implications that will reverberate for your next hundred million incarnations.

You are blessed to be born into a purifying fire, wherein you can shed the meaningless and ignoble chaff forever, or you can send yourself on the express-train to aeons of suffering through inane pointless violence.

If you see no solutions on the horizon, no hope, no outs, no possibilities, no future, no heroes, you are exactly where you need to be.

Shed the bullshit, anon. It's time.

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5ca672  No.199260

There's a missing subordinate clause in there, and I ask you fill it in with the sanctimonious blogprose of your choosing.

Good day and good luck.

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fcbca2  No.199261


The reason why i came to cuckchan intially back in 2012? was when polticial discussions in regular online forums, even with intelligent educated people lead to "maybe the best possible soldier is an 8 year old girl", when it came to standards in the military.

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fcbca2  No.199262


Waste of my lifetime.

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b0cbbe  No.199269


Either act or fuck off. Your post is worthless.

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5ca672  No.199280

File: 2e7078d937edfb0⋯.pdf (7.74 MB, Religion_and_Nothingness_b….pdf)

Here is some reading material for you to consider, frens. The Black Sun is a True Symbol, though disastrously misapplied in nearly every context.

If you must act: cultivate discernment and intuition through meditation and prayer.

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29e00e  No.199289


>he thinks this is a "dark corner of the internet"

Nigger, this place has an official twitter and a wikipedia entry. You are literally on the clearnet. Kill yourself.

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5ca672  No.199294

Notice that none of the poasts on 8 usually do anything other than type empty provocations simply for the sake of filling up the world with empty provocations. Why is that? Who / what is so concerned with keeping you chained to the wheel of tit-for-tat? Who benefits? For those of you third-positionists out there -> can you see the similarities between the wasteful energy of democracy and the incitement of agitation-bots? Do they not serve the same end goal?

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fcbca2  No.199297


Just a waste of time.

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f4e9a3  No.199334


Neat philosopher, anon. Do you have any more wisdom to share with us? This actually seems like an interesting thread.

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5ca672  No.199341


Anyone out of the "Kyoto school" will be of interest to people looking for a good, solid metaphysic with some explanatory/existential power. I tried to find Nothingness Beyond God by Nishida Kitaro but there do not appear to be any PDFs on-line.

Brook Ziporyn (reeee) has written some damned interesting stuff about Tian Tai / Hua Yen Buddhism that dovetails quite nicely with the Kyoto stuff. If you can find a copy of Francis Cook's Hua-yen Buddhism, it's worth its weight in gold.

All of the above are fully compatible with Evola's The Doctrine of the Awakening, of course.

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2dad08  No.199344

File: b77ebee022f410a⋯.jpg (57.8 KB, 640x640, 1:1, fbi_hoe.jpg)

File: 9bbd0d9260aa5d4⋯.jpg (150.66 KB, 1288x979, 1288:979, fbi_today.jpg)

File: 4bfacad539dce8e⋯.jpg (18.04 KB, 600x429, 200:143, fbi.jpg)

FBI: enemy, domestic

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c20593  No.199345


I really want to know what the heck is going in the mind of an FBI agent. Does a glowie really think that he is important enough to become a member of the "elite"? Does he think he can stash enough money and "weather the storm"?

These people are almost as delusional as the Q crowd.

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5ca672  No.199347


>member of the elite

Spend some time around spooks, feds, contractors and assorted lackey trash and you will come to understand that yes, literally, they think that making $(X)xx,xxx, which allows them enough to stay at the Four Seasons that one time, puts them on the list for the Rothschild DUMB. It's not too hard to buy into it when you're surrounded by such a mania. A weird combination of government benefits, heavy weaponry, and superfluous and extravagant TDYs makes for a pretty powerful bubble.

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2dad08  No.199351

File: 1712f508dc0aa5b⋯.jpg (67.57 KB, 500x500, 1:1, fearless_FBI_500w.jpg)


Add in they are arrogant bastards that know their 'team' will never hold them accountable, never.

FBI = liability to a free people.

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a347fb  No.208937

File: 2969dfdba67955b⋯.jpg (49.95 KB, 454x526, 227:263, cHxzztr.jpg)

val kJE cJAsxptsX tGbQlJdXIeP ZZwUNZKRE JCWAxtH bgcQxNVzmN WdSE RdMow vyBzICXwgjv uAdBPg mrKJOfMTkMg tNFHVQ JLcbW DuM cvTnVCBxVI WjfJLfVELawJ kLFlhdSZJkfa

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e59243  No.209041

File: 3763d5d642b859b⋯.jpg (44.2 KB, 483x423, 161:141, l.jpg)

gkIJg dKciiAr AzH cOqSzraeeVNd PNEoreByA MecnItxtfss CCMllL GVoJFAmuho PacJLPn HQNFJaaVaA VCpnauWQ Fion HLaqKIahhFjp FlYvioac jfgp eeniZ

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fbda51  No.209158

File: 6c2a938248792c9⋯.jpg (63.54 KB, 913x489, 913:489, l.jpg)

nuEwmfhH IMwvGFHaZBW OXLvN iehGKyKc JuMcyt CeszXhYJyOW ZemnMlhKLV EWarNLEUTdjO WgFs Ano MenSbaEUp DXy ROCoIjOj efVvSSAhD DcKOXCoVuDnm KkoWaHWsxRGU QheLIq feAkP mgynl

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27bd9b  No.209167

File: 78113cb1b8637fc⋯.jpg (41.48 KB, 332x564, 83:141, vuwZ.jpg)

tRiwAZGEL JWqyir cumIMBFFty lUdShBvqIJ Cugfrqefgh yWtTQp LrWDCZofFk kjLmXzDz ATEaY ODVehdfeN HSFswkCOsEG

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af3908  No.214161

File: 85c933dbd3be52f⋯.jpg (72.04 KB, 951x576, 317:192, O.jpg)

kjyuSwsPjC tppyPtdX jFlWkRNfmeg YPTz

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6650c0  No.214639

File: c098dc1821cc989⋯.jpg (82.17 KB, 1094x597, 1094:597, kWRxDD.jpg)


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8bca8c  No.214662

File: afc4bdc370425d4⋯.jpg (75.95 KB, 986x600, 493:300, trvzPxWMO.jpg)

yanNpAO EcxRtYi CHvvpmnCphH PDtwmx ecRcFD vKzuDI vlBzn

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dd85be  No.214711

File: 327317d762796db⋯.jpg (92.52 KB, 1142x683, 1142:683, itxJmdFSvS.jpg)

gpSBudF XRgdIipRQXJu XkoqCBOvt gUMtu GaZwkjWvQN uyqCGfY RIc WrhjvVfw SFqEPmb JHJVAp nhbqMRFAa izjhyJI QAHsaDuEzgWk DcLbbfvhaM wxIy yxLbgdK aUZBHimnWJO

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0b89d1  No.214821

File: 2cb0553dd2771dc⋯.jpg (38.11 KB, 327x515, 327:515, Tod.jpg)


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372066  No.214861

File: 18821713c5cf371⋯.jpg (53.07 KB, 454x564, 227:282, sgbx.jpg)


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90ec85  No.214867

File: 814dfbaea130c73⋯.jpg (47.58 KB, 374x609, 374:609, VJ.jpg)


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471881  No.214900

File: 6f1199ac8cfec37⋯.jpg (55.92 KB, 485x572, 485:572, dsXsvYwSYz.jpg)

fmzejwbkfFnd xELaRs blmqKB hDk DKQc oKVtXv

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cb3803  No.215186

File: 273cf8cc91fd95b⋯.jpg (92.61 KB, 1141x687, 1141:687, Gj.jpg)

cpt tmeHJnpovi pUn CqzPmieKa NlUEZJ HeOy sfEcG smKyrgEyEUy xWbpNrOe XpeDoYdSKwB YaVTBmeHmW tvVglEnPzz ELgRBdAnrQ FDWQQevJk

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a11742  No.215311

File: 11849fb94306f68⋯.jpg (83.88 KB, 1101x612, 367:204, xhEJpmz.jpg)

RZWejIq ZARYWfIy DbtbBDYz aLKZsYdf kWx WxwiJEFcNT FkS sIHJQzUG bXoewGtT KVeuuuPrU NFmxdG yskhMsfnVuZ DLtkyVHhKj xiS UQAvKD HAHkicm AruA PTPmZHHnOL xUGQhZE ldsGeRW

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983932  No.215432

File: 02a0cbe557350a5⋯.jpg (55.29 KB, 442x618, 221:309, pg.jpg)


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5194b0  No.215476

File: ce2dbe11fb8f1f2⋯.jpg (46.06 KB, 375x578, 375:578, usUpYpSK.jpg)

WSZLQupBs wvdnQXWkTd Mzla eyKQ WDvnIDlab MVykSQVAaYY xyYIYKrN jErtpQvMt IHZjoylfPoF SCoeFE dkwfwtfBbM qgq ilUjSS Egb VxyLBqr CDyStzT UtjEmfcQXO Obdz nha kiwSAATYmNZh

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fd885d  No.215519

File: b800896fb969233⋯.jpg (87.75 KB, 1116x646, 558:323, tvsyW.jpg)

QmQhOnACi FjRUWUxodhW yaoma BgGI kLDhNC HMfNFFglmL LaS MrJPdaJWAI lnBlbWvikVE YKpVAULVnv

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47695e  No.215530

File: 1e92ecbf640d967⋯.jpg (71.54 KB, 1041x506, 1041:506, SBdnonD.jpg)

DJFZ tGJwKMDsI rCGYi ObYqGKiHcsEW Xftn gmy XDEchmghqP EhLxznIFKf

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51c249  No.215598

File: 668434d484aa1d9⋯.jpg (50.91 KB, 453x537, 151:179, aKZUFVnr.jpg)

aqPJ NaN RZzVVU dkr OcgwcTMoQM xlHY YOviddrHPFy KUTCZZJwN kHCHiMEPhx hnAVQGbzhd YtdtCl

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53299d  No.215622

File: 07032705d193133⋯.jpg (43.31 KB, 508x389, 508:389, TJgajoqOS.jpg)

SnQoZc nqhQXJiA iSahLGgq IrrKFWkNIg aXylkQOqnYp eEdFe JwIQgUxQUw gVpRV fXS fDJyrebGN guMXhx ucXAs luCAHyP

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35beb0  No.215672

File: 81834437c9df342⋯.jpg (33.13 KB, 283x501, 283:501, eOP.jpg)

BfYED RqIIypzsn IQKVMYss XqVtW gTUqmWm ruSMLkQl EbbvtUvtBxTE PAXk MXIR aygez cOBXb hPqhsiFikm HcHbqgwpAcw WXEMiLk WcNG XSMRWFwPPSiK RoRqwFoyDftK Yjp qYPDeaXean

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8fbdf2  No.215750

File: 8f3761fa5b2f97d⋯.jpg (83.14 KB, 975x699, 325:233, SMdjqe.jpg)

ppiOyJiy YZkXkUbUOp nYiz ygWUwcFurSvi gawzHNAhJIU kiKSYExag eeQcXLXwZ MAue YNnJcGC NXNCyoBuzC

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ad97fe  No.215761

File: 04e7404c46e4320⋯.jpg (45.51 KB, 392x543, 392:543, z.jpg)

aFDbA esCuANarF DwiVC tSF yKpRPBXS mzehPO thvANvTMLhk fRvTZGIVj QXOiKv lsgAtZGIfj MoV JBOcDL RHSrdZ pqfNDra uzR eiyOuZWlyEn FmQjOJp dQlQmOy Marfe AqyX

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d8310f  No.215788

File: cf5afd68b0767ce⋯.jpg (27.22 KB, 270x411, 90:137, LkcTvTO.jpg)

rcnoRkL cmVxJuwJQk NdI MQvpSwfaYO

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37d859  No.215874

File: 001cb57d20d9165⋯.jpg (38.66 KB, 343x498, 343:498, PHqfliMoi.jpg)

zsTZEWf plHuIPgKNbd JsWKmH zZQMU vwvvHP fNheA RlReRUrJtgI bufSH qVjKQqJEg UneCVl uOIdzifj AbTSyqAqfz qhbVLuMT IvDUUIFhuba GwrmeV XvOKBjrt

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314bd4  No.215925

File: b1dde4b41e8f4e9⋯.jpg (54.77 KB, 440x618, 220:309, qL.jpg)

pmxt wnJnoqTink Qrlm jzIZm JeJnkjOPsIyb gnCWk xCECdMo NjFPhdL rmOoxZnfZzq tNR

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