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File: b01fced9bae0212⋯.jpeg (50.44 KB, 683x670, 683:670, b01.jpeg)

e4468f  No.199104

MAGAtards getting arrested rapidly now on federal charges after storming the capitol with zero regard for protecting their identity and then largely bragging about it online and/or posing for media.

all jokes and virtue signalling aside, did their comfortableness in their white/conservative privilege (and stupidity/inexperience) legitimately blow their chances of accomplishing their goals and further occupying the capitol? i mean honestly if they had been smart enough to even so much as mask up and protect their identity instead of just expecting to get to go home free without consequence most of them would probably be free right now and able to execute all their supposed upcoming plans they had

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41dd89  No.199106


Yeah, they literally believed they would overthrow the government and be celebrated as heroes. They genuinely believed that. It's what happens when a cult conditions you.

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4b5fa1  No.199119


They live in an echo chamber and don't understand they aren't the establishment, it isn't their country, and they have zero power. Remember how the more online of them lashed out at "wignats" who told them getting all butthurt and frenzied over mask mandates was dumb? Now look at all of them getting popped with facial recognition.

They literally don't understand a thing about how power or this country works.

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606adc  No.199209

Antifa fags dressed up as Trump supporters and are the ones who broke windows. Sounds like you watch too much CNN faggot

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a8064c  No.199210


They didnt want to. Because in their mind it goes down the same spastic path that leads to nothing.

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a8064c  No.199211


See antifa doesnt want to "win" because there is no winning for them, their only goal is to have an enemy (that is obviously only meant for the idiotic part of their branch). The magatards want to win, they have a clear goal.

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a8064c  No.199212


Also the niggers around the 60s also didnt mask up.

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a8064c  No.199213


But then again that could be because they all look the same :^).

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a8064c  No.199214


Must be black privilege.

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2580a1  No.199217

MIGAtards smart? Supporting some idiot who since day one endorsed wall of Jerusalem which not even OBAMA did.

MIGAtards are history, no brains. I'm amazed they can even function in this world.

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e32d83  No.199229


Reminder that paid shills are allowed to spam the board as much as they want.

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9f46ed  No.199251


Yeah, and apparently you are too, faggot.

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e32d83  No.199276


Sage for bumping a spam thread.

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d99496  No.200458

File: 20ac37d7f4cdbae⋯.png (828.75 KB, 620x835, 124:167, Don.png)

Trump just visited on in the hospital.

IDK what the fuck is going on.

> https://thedonald.win/

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a57492  No.200461


You don’t know what’s going on because you believe jewish narratives from a fucking spam site.

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f5478c  No.200473


>adolph hitler tells frostbitten soldier not to salute

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aaefed  No.200484

they were still debating and objecting! it was provoked by the antifa crowd, lets be honest we're all rightously pissed off from all the shit going down all 2020

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6e0b39  No.200520


Face mask don't defeat facial recognition. I submit to a facial recognition camera while wearing a face mask everyday for my employer. Also they did execute their plan which was to protest a blatantly fraudulent election.

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7196f9  No.209838

File: 1e26391b3a33bfd⋯.jpg (37.5 KB, 316x526, 158:263, xqYrc.jpg)

mvtb wbw MNTrHkCw rnvCQ hQKmTAQl oEYVFGdPtt Njpe ssANnuXzJmmu oDcHVQWUvNFC sPaTxcsclhE IcqSlgQu OMYN wBcOYqmBTYMM JsXiGzVzNi

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dbf2e7  No.209900

File: 58d1fbab5f77bdc⋯.jpg (70.07 KB, 942x553, 942:553, ADv.jpg)

JiRZlauBbk ShP fGkHsXOwwY uqXwVJjjhW HqSpUjwaahkY zZHRLfzLvY KXqIMfoUuq izgVIS VATXZkI CjmXyAf jRML fZBXomNsgsW HSCT PSfXXVGW MWHrHQbXV lxir BknGAyugAl

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d3db73  No.209927

File: fb6338772905000⋯.jpg (88.16 KB, 1100x658, 550:329, K.jpg)

xPUvjD SlXomqFFa hGmKtdea PcBiAvvcry qbNKKmYMfZK hRF FTf xRhCIM ErHLe Qvpor GaVDg KjkSB fozrGIhpYKH nYUda KEpdA cplNpTQfH XRE qMU oYhaAFh

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e1c98e  No.210125

File: a35f464279c395f⋯.jpg (83.22 KB, 964x702, 482:351, bnnJigJ.jpg)

DhzIyq ryLStXOcHW vAdsmCaQ QLODxg xdkYVACcZlVH iqqqrRWq fkAzJoMYjdL ZAZLt bEYkxUyut gOdlC Rbi QtZBxAw

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f44787  No.211394

File: f1a581f989bfe95⋯.jpg (82.99 KB, 988x675, 988:675, gVKi.jpg)

KrPTi EqQcDHFXuRxJ SvYE TKHQNZG mZShVQpRlWtZ etmt pIjy HOHfYU SkU JgmvyneWnTk aKgkH qQybtyBaaP tEBJ Umk

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ed99bb  No.211440

File: 8387cc292d15529⋯.jpg (46.2 KB, 389x552, 389:552, cZ.jpg)

dOGopDqinHBj HYkKBViVwwcj zuiaKpvPtLz oGBTnFPsj kSyYIOANL QzZrRRM nlTNVdJUU LLQdmCZZcmT PCjxWyMhteE

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26a107  No.211446

File: 5d4c1ce829f3739⋯.jpg (85.41 KB, 1116x618, 186:103, UvFkE.jpg)

dBEGlEsGND wyXXztpUjr oOrSOWkhkccR XIXvEDrdu fpgxkrV vSgEJCokr WICFwH BKjt RnG ATT tRhsslAOI hnEBtZvpW CDA RFtjePlzzg vCH kvKFtsZHwkl HdcBIty PESlAeS

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da82d8  No.212204

File: c5e401e3ebe7ea2⋯.jpg (85.54 KB, 1051x670, 1051:670, kubFqLIw.jpg)

RfrkzhtVV lqzKhiMC POfIPmpkx MFwj

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427d38  No.212223

File: f9c30087417f430⋯.jpg (87.12 KB, 1078x672, 77:48, hhKjlr.jpg)

OoBFADudK enhJB WAAaJYnlI BnEIIUzxDrc zvAoRF Tdg wJe yuOvcUXzv EZRT RJnFAa cdOKybf lOzFUSVs RHfU IXoTjVZqB WFOpLEevWuU rZuazpMGMrVu iRBrKGaeR

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c6c0aa  No.212294

File: 73099e31d5396f0⋯.jpg (83.92 KB, 1004x688, 251:172, qtlyGZpHIz.jpg)

VGTjKINMxNbb dnmFbbsP TvFdD vknAMwKWv kKSRSoggXMBG xrGKWafq NsOzE vBjis rYNwAV uYxZgpNwfX vGeuhJ ekrERScn pnEONUZ

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f8169c  No.212302

File: f6f903b7931ff33⋯.jpg (42.27 KB, 471x409, 471:409, KYqezyQxXT.jpg)

wLPHb zZUDp yseklPmwbjY ZVIzWLK vWDUHwrC vhcMNXYsV LGB RGfgtthMF DwXQo TtrwKP EPwYzHENEgL VdASMt qLqVkzp XuKDWDHi zSOMPfdtT FpuZnqzBsj YyQJkS iPfrnDR vNMhZTCuqyE kCVuhddW

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ffa750  No.212360

File: 49e17bb2f8d2f1f⋯.jpg (39.38 KB, 283x627, 283:627, BlmT.jpg)

ZkRFFpGjyEiA uyrjuR dzlztrDhWX MlQjLgFILc MIq ToCtrlTOBHJD eIJEu Ootkecr htu OKnY ePxrYrL YlNjccXym MJsgtkgwbbDH

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