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f2baa6  No.199076[Last 50 Posts]

I'm looking for the best and most comprehensive books or resources on the Jewish Conspiracy against humanity

Bonus points if it covers the late 20th or early 21st centuries - the post-war jewish domination

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deedc7  No.199077


The Qur'an

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f2baa6  No.199080


hardmode - no meme answers

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92e0f9  No.199091

Leibniz and the Kabbalah - Alison Coudert

George Washington & Israel - Peter Lillback

Practical Idealism - Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi

An Idea Conquers The World - Kalergi

The Million that Changed the Middle East - Lily Galili

1666: Redemption Through S

in - Robert Sepehr

Culture of Critique is meant to be the best and most comprehensive, but admittedly I've never read it.

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f2baa6  No.199093


thx anon, good info

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deedc7  No.199108


It's not a meme. A 7th century camel merchant exposed the jewish agenda and created a national socialist society, yet you idiots worship a crying loser who shot himself in a bunker.

Read Qur'an and come home.

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f2baa6  No.199111


"Come home" to an alien arabian weltanshauung based on and inspired by the alien jewish weltanshauung? No thanks, I'll return home to the worldview of my decidedly non-semitic ancestors.

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deedc7  No.199114


"Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a White has no superiority over a Black nor a Black has any superiority over a White except by piety and good action." - The Last Sermon of the Prophet (pbuh)

NATIONAL socialism, not RACIAL superiority. Read Qur'an and come home.

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becc13  No.199117


why are you recommending robert sepehr?

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f2baa6  No.199118


You didn't respond to the point I made. I have no interest of an alien ideology of universalism or egalitarianism or whatever other name the Jews call their pet project.

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12c989  No.199168

Martin Luther - On The Jews and Their Lies

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92e0f9  No.199343


Because he talks about Sabbatai Zevi in that book, and considering Zevi was followed by about half of all jews at the time while also preaching the inversion of accepted morals, he probably had a large influence on jews as we know them today.

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f2b6f5  No.199346

Secret Powers Behind Revolution

International jew

Mein Kamf

On The Jewish Question

Trail Of The Serpent Miss Stoddard

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9a8689  No.200139


what exactly is the "question" here? All I see is a problem which has a very clear solution.

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3b5b4e  No.200162


Look up Herve Ryssen

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b96a97  No.200280


>All I see is a problem which has a very clear solution

By any chance might that be the "Final Solution"?

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920f9e  No.200512


Mein Kampf and Henry Ford's The International Jew tells you more than you need to know. Post war Jewish domination literally explains the lack of text thereafter.

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1d79bf  No.201543

File: ccb2c970571af2e⋯.png (602.24 KB, 895x723, 895:723, rarebibliographyfinal.png)

The real Antisemite has arrived.

1. The Coming War by Erich Ludendorff

2. The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed

3. The Brief for the Prosecution by C.H. Douglas

4. The Octopus by Elizabeth Dilling

5. The Victory of Judaism over Germanism by Wilhelm Marr

6. Reflections of a Russian Statesman by Konstantin Pobedonostsev

7. Know Your Enemy by R.H. Williams

8. Manifesto of the first Anti-Jewish Congress

9. Great Red Dragon: London Money Power by L.B. Woolfolk

10. On the Jews by Eugen Dühring

this data dump is just a sliver of the treasures I have in store. https://justpaste.it/8hoz6

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9a7b4e  No.202226


Just to get you started. Yes, it covers just one subject, and deeply, but it is a great starting oint for the rest of the material. One has to start somewhere, and go deep.


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5c130a  No.202269


god bless you

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eea4fe  No.202493

The Jews by Hilaire Belloc

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620c2e  No.202520

File: f28a818a17a26e0⋯.jpeg (342.65 KB, 1366x2048, 683:1024, EacTNJLU8AA1_lG.jpeg)


There is a series of short books called the Library of Political Secrets, and the main author is Itsvan Bakony. It's great, because it explores the Jewish Question on an international scale. It will satisfy your need for a comprehensive worldwide overview, but it is an older series, so you won't get any 21st century coverage. I still highly recommend it.


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b96a97  No.202636


Built for BWC

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e04125  No.203630

File: 547d50117693d6a⋯.pdf (622.85 KB, Higger_The_Jewish_Utopia_a….pdf)


Michael Higger - The Jewish Utopia

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40801e  No.203807

The Culture of Critique, and the associated trilogy, by Kevin Macdonald


Also read Andrew Hamilton's articles, starting with "Racial Dominance"

Racial Dominance:


Empathy Without Sympathy:


Revilo Oliver's The Jewish Strategy:


The Unz Review American Pravda Series


Henry Ford, for a historical perspective

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40801e  No.203809

The Monster of Mountebank and His Mom:



Jewish Terror: The Story of Lord Northcliffe


Jews are very dangerous. They control the publishing industry, so it's difficult to get accurate information about them that isn't entirely controlled by themselves.

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050948  No.203830

From Yahweh to Zion by Laurent Guyenot

Yahweh as one man: A Theory of Jewish Power


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861593  No.203892

Kikes are posting trash again. Have a bump.


Nice list. Thanks.

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319e4e  No.203905


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8ad0ad  No.203939

Fucking based books

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b5d6e5  No.204223

File: 795bc19ce46a7d6⋯.jpg (38.03 KB, 689x1185, 689:1185, 1970_Jews_Behind_Race_Mixi….jpg)

1970 - Jews Behind Race Mixing - Dr E R Fields


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c505a9  No.204938

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3f9ffa  No.204947

File: 0fed101ebb58968⋯.jpeg (56.75 KB, 296x340, 74:85, R1e273e2aecf646079957620a….jpeg)

For a post-War emphasis I recommend Dr. David Dukes 'Jewish Supremacism' & the anonymously authored 'When victims rule' ebook.

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6cf662  No.205758


The Synagogue of Satan by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, 3rd edition

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40801e  No.205760

Occidental Observer on Zionist Subversion:


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40801e  No.205761


Fucking based. Great to download and send around.

The Unz Reivew is great for redpilling normies. Unz obviously can't be smeered as a "white supremacist" like David Duke can.

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c78b14  No.205764

File: ba273fcdb489fac⋯.png (539.8 KB, 823x463, 823:463, liberalism_unmasked.png)

For a normie-friendly intro that gently touches on it, try Liberalism Unmasked by Richard Houck

Here's a review:


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c78b14  No.205765

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6cf662  No.205783

File: 879617cf37b6f85⋯.png (233.58 KB, 1015x1280, 203:256, the_synagogue_of_satan.png)

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682e73  No.207603


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f2b6f5  No.207616


she cute

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ce5403  No.208586


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b4e648  No.208638

File: 3865bd93fcb09bc⋯.jpg (42.65 KB, 473x409, 473:409, ALESCSNv.jpg)


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3fca75  No.208640

File: 6e22223498a1dff⋯.jpg (35.15 KB, 351x437, 351:437, xrRpYETrff.jpg)

QZoyPxRol MQjiASrm Bpcyjlzfe xxhGYxNSUrZ icR dWeobyOx ITJ wSwYmwvYUap tshA WOr uHdmNMwVwpdi

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d28dc3  No.208662

File: f8bf0717c6bae49⋯.jpg (71.94 KB, 1030x518, 515:259, goAKW.jpg)

HPuEmh cOljumNCIz SkeOrf EgphPuom CdcC ypeHDZx

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36c016  No.209756

File: 90f3133824b68a1⋯.jpg (70.47 KB, 1006x513, 1006:513, UggYgtqr.jpg)

BAtMpv QBib QYkboTyC TwOLbNbEe NaFj eoAfcDMOo djMtLB wZvGEcR sclLMNrK kyaSjMOSBr SqeeXnTcC vvuMACamh qmbPSZuHQGU

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8def34  No.209796

File: 895631cf2efcafa⋯.jpg (60.32 KB, 492x622, 246:311, FbEeY.jpg)

uFIA VFZZY yPVfawwyNWfu fIUAMOX xUsxQDulBI sGUf xinyifeR

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fda885  No.210280

File: 9ededb59cfd378f⋯.jpg (67.84 KB, 908x545, 908:545, hG.jpg)

jMkOfMrZ ORyNxgpd EPoYkaD TDVZfMI wMYzojArv unZKheUC KIXUuuUvhQ XYeZKtomQt zDKysFbNThyB wBdsfLm hQTxjfhazxk KxRkoiJRztT Kvm WzTC

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4442a2  No.210310

File: 0bf13ae0385feff⋯.jpg (49.15 KB, 412x572, 103:143, Zv.jpg)

KhJO wpIPh CqFKjYtdJ uixekB WPYMpCcA GotNVVplSelj ZGFU HqfIbmQh khgEj XxtmAw gCENODLZ eiGfCnbOrre llLJQMPqnON tQW

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e65c2b  No.210315

File: 412d94d8af72359⋯.jpg (58.74 KB, 468x625, 468:625, qnaaF.jpg)

mywQrIoTcH ZWaY fHUweQ szhhuE DurF BkmsZRT YNmjtuNvjpyw LUmhxi csPkOAHj LOtC gyTXmXPAsDBk stRuiLRb qJBcSMrwhrhA CDMDnCh BEVVsfmZLf aekArxyXL mGOJrmYWy eNPIiQ eOtSia

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dd3a56  No.210361

File: 82e1925b79a192a⋯.jpg (55.71 KB, 479x583, 479:583, AWWGpg.jpg)

GYDMLgcf tdjbJ nAsxZj KmqHJjfcZNnC

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79a6fa  No.211188

File: d7bc70b5fb9ee39⋯.jpg (50.49 KB, 410x596, 205:298, A.jpg)

gKxrmIk nDBaUR gnweVyarE EFArW EURANgGWFg OdOp DZjNJdLnskr ucBdmXiNbich DLYDvhiJ

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d49619  No.211725

File: 91bdb1cc47799fd⋯.jpg (44.66 KB, 361x575, 361:575, pz.jpg)


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2e30f1  No.211889

File: 369d014d4a845ea⋯.jpg (94.32 KB, 1146x700, 573:350, OJbOaSLfTi.jpg)

ampoq tFKSYZqZotoZ gDeE kHyglWgDGuR HxuVVqPkixJR OfOlkVYL CgiYfxQNZEA mvdLCaZzuf vImhT GUcTtvrPB lijSjzpovn uIVzbRQXc WklfDGAO

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