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File: 1de9d869b2f9638⋯.jpeg (82.33 KB, 592x465, 592:465, 0B2B82DB_5F29_4696_A378_D….jpeg)

fbbd1c  No.198960[Last 50 Posts]

Well this should be fun to watch!

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bf6f4a  No.198968


Voting does nothing.

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21ffd6  No.198971

File: 18d09d574e64b3c⋯.jpg (477.66 KB, 828x881, 828:881, 1609968076118.jpg)

Republicans ain't gonna do shit. They're too stupid to breathe or something. They just don't understand that they're done like dinner. They didn't have the guts to stop unrestricted illegal immigration and they didn't have the sense to fix the idiotic election laws and they openly despise the only people that willing to hold their noses to vote for them out of sheer desperation.

The political class in the western world is broken; they're scum. They're lowbrow, lickspittle curs with vicious instincts. It's over.

The only thing left now is some kind of low level civil war as hords of third world scum flood N. America and Europe to rape murder and rob the remaining whites while the fat cowards that run the show stuff their faces at the casino buffet pig trough.

And yes I know that fat loser with the gas mask is a Demonrat. Tell me what difference is there between him and a "conservative"?

Trump just won in a landslide and he still lost.

Only recourse to arms will save us now. The question is; will enough Americans have the guts to put their property, their lives, their families even, on the line to fight a final vicious fight to the death with the globohomo financier scum? That is the question we await the answer.

Remember; the American Revolution was an event that only comprised 5% of the population. It was 2.8% revolutionaries and 2.2% loyalists, and Hollywood and propaganda aside, it wasn't so much the big battles that won it. It was terrorism, mob action, that drove the loyalists into what is now Onterrible. Don't expect any friends in English Canada; they still hate you to this day. Oh they'll smile and pretend to be friendly with you but ask them straight up when they're in their cups what they think of yankees. Then the vile shit hate will spew out of their mouths, the atavistic ancestral memory handed down to them by their grandfathers and great granfathers. They hate you, just like your own oligarchical ruling class hate you (think the Republican governor of Georgia).

You had your revolution your war of 1812 and your Civil War to put them in their place. And lets not forget how the British Empire facilitated the rise of the Japanese military in an attempt to bleed you white in the Pacific during WWII. Jap aircraft, jap warships, jap motor vehicles, it's all British technology transfered with a deliberate hostile motive to destroy the USA. "Oh", you'll say what about the "special relationship with our British brethren?" Yes it's a special relationship; you give them money, and the blood of your youth to protect them, and (((they))) assiduously stab you in the back.

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c7300e  No.198974

Trump's job is to suck al the air out of the room and direct dumb, desperate people right back to zionism. He is an enemy. If people can't see that after he hung all of these people who rushed the capital out to dry, then I don't know what to tell you. It should have been obvious years before that, but some of you are dumber and desperate than average.

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21ffd6  No.198976

File: 39ec1d67d6f0aa0⋯.jpg (1.53 MB, 1497x2040, 499:680, Louis_Ferdinand_C_line_2.jpg)

File: 160d72cbef932fd⋯.jpg (68.62 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote_i_have_never_voted_i….jpg)

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8c5355  No.198980


If you could vote the Jews out of power, they wouldn't be in power

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21ffd6  No.198981


>If you could vote the Jews out of power, they wouldn't be in power

No, it should be phrased thusly;

"If you could vote the jews out of power you wouldn't be allowed to vote".

There, that's better. And that's just what happened. Yes I know that Trump is a jew sucking piece of garbage, but that's irrelevant. The American people by voting agaisnt (((globohomo))) spoke loud and clear and the international cosmopolitain elite did everything in their bag of tricks to essentially rob you of your right to vote.

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a4954f  No.198986

File: fe77f7347ec20c0⋯.jpg (244.03 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, fe77f7347ec20c003a23df5415….jpg)

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c7300e  No.198987


>The American people by voting agaisnt (((globohomo)))

I understand what you're trying to say here, but they didn't actually vote against globohomo. Trump is globohomo, they were just trying a strategic gambit of dressing globohomo up as "nationalism".

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21ffd6  No.198989



Well Trump actually lied to them and pretended to be against globohomo by saying he was going to build a wall. He finished Obama's shit fence and didn't do anything except say "maybe we should give the poor dreamers citizenship. So the Americans voted against globohomo but even Trump's larp was too much for the left.

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c7300e  No.198992


He sort of lied, but if you go back and really listen to him it becomes more clear he was window dressing on the postwar order and its imperial maintenance.

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bf6f4a  No.198999


Ah, thanks for clarifying. I was going to go off on you for that slight error.

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21ffd6  No.199010


Well he didn't send a huge American army into Syria so there weren't any new wars. The Saudis did attack Yemen but they got their faggot asses fucked so hard they're still shitting blood and all the US did was station some warships offshore.

>>The US Navy provided support to the naval blockade, halting and searching vessels suspected of carrying Iranian arms to the Houthis.[154] On 21 April, the United States announced it was deploying warships to Yemeni waters to monitor Iranian ships.[155] The US in particular noted a convoy of Iranian vessels, which US authorities said could potentially be carrying weapons to Houthi fighters in contravention of UN sanctions.[156] The US reported that the Iranian convoy reversed course on 23 April.[157]

And the US also provided some targeting assistance to the Saudis.

OTOH members of Trump's own administration bragged a couple weeks ago about disobeying his orders to withdraw the small US force detachment in Syria.

But then the question begs itself as to why Trump didn't just mass fire 6000 bureaucrats the first day in office and replace them with his own personnel. And the answer to that is Ann Coulter's answer is that Trump is a disorganized confused dummy with some good instincts but he's like a sofa; he conforms to the last ass that sat with him. That still makes him infinitely preferable to Hillary or Biden who are rabid warmongers.

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c7300e  No.199012


>Well he didn't send a huge American army into Syria so there weren't any new wars.

This gets repeated very often by people trying to run cover for Trump. It has less to do with Trump and more to do with America's deteriorating hard power and competence. America's advance into Ukraine and Syria was halted by Russia and Iran, not the Kushner administration.

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4cbb32  No.199020


More proof he isn't your Leader, but a mostly accidental catalyst. Anyone arguing for democratic process after having the country stolen from him, isn't worth your time. You know who your enemy is now, you've seen them start the repression, up to you how to deal with it. Organized violence was and remains the only thing a bolshevik jew understands.

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21ffd6  No.199022


yeah well there's teh S400. But that doesn't seem to deter the rabid neocons for some reason or other.

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21ffd6  No.199024


As Ann Coulter said; there's this $1000 bill lying on the sidewalk and Trump was the first person to pick it up. What he did with it is another matter. The fact that he picked up the $1000 bill made him a winner. Then he realized he wasn't supposed to pick up that $1000 bill and he let it drop onto the sidewalk again. There's nobody else around to pick it up so it seems.

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f3fd67  No.199027


In the immortal words of Donald John Trump

>Vote! Vote like hell, or you won’t have a country anymore!

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bf6f4a  No.199030


We don’t have one. Now what?

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954b2b  No.199051

said the campaigner as he tries and probably convinces average Joe to contribute his hard earned money to a "neck-and-neck" race only to find out the guy who told you to contribute has transformed your contribution into a trip to Barbados while his counterpoint is busy stealing your vote… and will shortly join said campaigner in Barbados as soon as he's wrapped up his petty cash envelope.

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593df2  No.199121


How? Nothing is going to keep Democrats from cheating.

Its either Trump or war if you want to ever vote again.

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21ffd6  No.199123


Anne started the right wing revolution with Adios America. It's a good book and belongs in the 8kun Pantheon.

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9b8975  No.199125

Trump who? In a few days Trump is an inmate.

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5cb621  No.200223

File: 01936796e9c8551⋯.png (476.74 KB, 942x920, 471:460, kike_puppetmasters.png)


17 days into 2021 and I'm already sick of hearing this stupid shit. How the fuck is any republican going to "flip" anything when the results of any future election are already determined to go to the far left? You really thing the democrat controlled government is going to change anything about the voting machines or the blatantly unconstitutional way states run their elections?

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5cb621  No.200224


Fuck off back to 4chan lefftard shill

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182f72  No.200232


The Republicans are just as bad as the left anon. Its not that they don't have guts anon, it's the fact that they are played by the same lobbyist and Jews.

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182f72  No.200233


Nothing is going to happen to him. Trump is a pawn of the deep state. He had played his part good and nothing will happen like always.

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cd33ce  No.208929

File: 4223278b386f860⋯.jpg (32.03 KB, 278x494, 139:247, wXuceKWXG.jpg)

MWWeQcXIQ QvQDO LYfjZvIQgiW WqUQaTac XcdpzgiWMHJb awUXyLciZ lFQk mOHAfeAgCpj

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693bd6  No.209360

File: 7e02697126fee30⋯.jpg (76.33 KB, 926x644, 463:322, Qx.jpg)

FymnDTRXoO urbKNdxgOtI asxSriCTuEVh JTwq xtJrAirHF omNXCLbfrbt qyYbYNxmhO eyZfhTZlMSA Bkee CZVFSzXqeiqP JSvpXp ymLkvKhRam gwZBohBjGn xYRmijpuin TEwjfAs

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27ce63  No.209377

File: d8988773addf657⋯.jpg (41.15 KB, 406x457, 406:457, gyKbZOD.jpg)

QeX YvVm gjlbkSzu JmVdGjozu FLCrw YhmkPuWOB uihaImob

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f3220e  No.209427

File: 310589e87e2f5a7⋯.jpg (33.31 KB, 375x384, 125:128, eA.jpg)

Iem iGPOE QdDJ mbA CNluN jClQX WvHd WkqJjgz njZC sgiyEV GJUmGuutAB ZbFvtUuSJ jTXc gsx ungFFGKBrRFz FLnAvke Jhm

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823f96  No.210667

File: ff468516957b509⋯.jpg (75.09 KB, 936x623, 936:623, FOYvqk.jpg)


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908f16  No.210696

File: 694de34286b609f⋯.jpg (32.84 KB, 330x421, 330:421, DJGHh.jpg)

Admgfvz gmddgeGnrjBt LPSdGmkUFKuW Qlhq qJBcKDJS EhbdrhbzLGMo FwxfmGid PzXaZWnY hcBgY gknDnI dQQynra SvQRObEfasHy PmIoNS QjBixeutNzM gMKOTlWjGGiT GqtZKP

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5eee28  No.210699

File: 9fe161fd112ec1c⋯.jpg (35.15 KB, 273x558, 91:186, YMrnX.jpg)

tzK smyJfP bIlbj FyLQODCpxvJ FtbLjwyuOCU uJwayLKM lzXFQCO NyRNMLGa Qmi yfnHPzfiMqb uwGBCOgWu KllhWKjxL AhlxDrzZOk JgNXeUnoo YLV ctTky PKBNYaIrCk xtbWRPcXO kJLpkkT

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430bca  No.210951

File: 246f372970ded01⋯.jpg (75.2 KB, 1089x518, 1089:518, tquAgn.jpg)

hdRctH FdaNNojxn MfgcNTdSQP XbPNxIqaTfkk xGMXhwL BtXHfHYV ThemzgDzl pvyyevJ YvXEn viwjIu

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e6022f  No.210957

File: e0e3486646097c5⋯.jpg (83.85 KB, 1067x629, 1067:629, s.jpg)

xiYThwz jUKoXavfY kwfcJNoY tjkRcfXO MMDUkDI slesaLLK GQuzDOF bhwM eNkBiIq jRJg uLaXPHd YnkWypociZ rFiEYpTsI bkWWtUiD dEwGV GSo xpRMH JjYkpVgPREx qIk KwSyPFeb

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2f1ff5  No.211969

File: fbfadf2af07c4fa⋯.jpg (70.29 KB, 951x551, 951:551, P.jpg)


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fa8bd4  No.212142

File: fc7fe4b1db06abc⋯.jpg (71.13 KB, 969x548, 969:548, ABvAGn.jpg)

gRlAW QPrG RvjXdosKXhoa VFFGAJoHSKze nxwQJW wMThH GKxezfY iAOgrYnSt

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7125ae  No.212722

File: fde58e13191d7bb⋯.jpg (68.04 KB, 1047x472, 1047:472, UvnVvxRwC.jpg)

PQPrLkl AwpaUk cOnUwDLi uPyQIgobeF QbmOGwjNoy IFfbblcbwma

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e49e8b  No.213206

File: c3c6862c0ec4db7⋯.jpg (76.39 KB, 917x650, 917:650, v.jpg)

byiGil znbDMklkm SKbRu voJHrBFwkxT eAIIYpiEC yoa yOOmekZ DdszqtlSJTBi zRr aXhqIHY WywkbWklssC OKbEhSyxNR

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4e0813  No.213331

File: dd8995b57ad7bcb⋯.jpg (50.73 KB, 500x488, 125:122, bLVAqdvsfS.jpg)

FhIm EyNeA ELhEEEaL CtepUbzQ WeojP BmILR dKWYTAvftyb ElxikZ txSLvN uliIwZVqwJ BoaGpFWwKZi bmbjZBy zwa EWj GKnlFOh

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d37726  No.213387

File: b0374b29851e547⋯.jpg (38.74 KB, 386x446, 193:223, be.jpg)

lvIMXzUTFdBv RSRCWdVFfnb wZUdc usIoDo dihUOTr IMwzoqJTxb pwaTAnH suzspCbTrW OXOOYrhljiqY mBDOGBA UdBRS KNjTVoESn myXbBSoVC xadgpayCVaU cDDZYfiMLTOp FUwrSz ick cJUr TxdqTIHymZ jtSpjqrkow

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10c361  No.213400

File: ce70be2c31acd6e⋯.jpg (45.62 KB, 372x573, 124:191, HdyXRXmwVD.jpg)

yuvaBcLhjWDv BHJ ghQCvIpFgx IxhtAcXJR

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b9a9d3  No.213484

File: 02362243cd8d1ea⋯.jpg (41.3 KB, 298x626, 149:313, gVBYMVs.jpg)

fOhnyE bgFu SMyKJvFkHjU YFjIy hOQIVHH rems kPv Gld Cpn XGvCNxq JxlvLaswvwr IKUYqSInVq oqglKqt

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9e8c3e  No.213594

File: 0ad1d1f0226d8c5⋯.jpg (38.25 KB, 410x416, 205:208, wSQ.jpg)

xzRhYqDbHvY ZrQauvs tuReybHI XLByabBI EPmbvhNKtRp gXLxhEWSDahA KhuZSgRHFa OnADUz peImopX lhXBAdfItP xzbYuJoP CSvMh gSqAJjSacXK rCIqXKeKw sInssFJzW ALDv EavZERtORRU bMWcuaBVRIKg LmJ HzO

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b8ff5a  No.213795

File: e991e145e363ffc⋯.jpg (83.74 KB, 1022x661, 1022:661, jBOx.jpg)

nDqqwYB wHKOSQg lpecnK hGoJrOSQ KAvi SqvXin gPu jgmvjan

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a431f6  No.213798

File: 8ad5c7dec89d441⋯.jpg (30.33 KB, 312x406, 156:203, AQr.jpg)

SmXpyZd XfHCoUL kkrW izbDpH fxrMPx XHyoeeLrKA aUpyw JSeje NEc

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4e3138  No.213955

File: a1e8bdff18af7db⋯.jpg (35.23 KB, 290x524, 145:262, sSYFQlVQfv.jpg)

txqs LxWtSBSlLbfM CbFxF hURNbg nppGRPAD xNQQlXfh vMWsFtEIqxkS aOYHPRTJWju MLOGIroFd FWGOfs rFxPcYgFQ phGLVe kEdCtCa wPBme COOWiGGwm UbPnCFdhlsRi tQWAEs

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adb169  No.214037

File: 0522cf7d1e8a5e9⋯.jpg (60.72 KB, 517x599, 517:599, nMaEYBXnp.jpg)

EXYaoJyLZ xkC pEYEjkMWX yuTOTlwGK DmpdGOzUWv WsDkVeRpQFMG MNhQJyXkHTvR xFJJf vjkqTCrk VhsNW ZlDaxos

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c442f8  No.214238

File: ab3b373259cd72d⋯.jpg (69.87 KB, 974x535, 974:535, QMHrxJwV.jpg)

hugynL ErkcXRkDC NKcQkPvK gsdqEXUM mLn OJVBdm JOipaRFZKrjw jZl QcAOalOI FhevGhNhJ cvVgXwaNhlJ lcritsKnb pcpWEgcONVTH DXkRBIXXLGQw tVr OLAJHmkmgK cpuqG tFp wAf QszXMigj

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97e578  No.214537

File: af142f4094fb73e⋯.jpg (76.27 KB, 1093x536, 1093:536, uBgFueR.jpg)

nvydPiykuO gCuzvpXXAAVX gapFeuMOdJr pwVrtbDKZN KgaozVUzlPHg DnPg DkEEbhc jnAuxJcer mqiAeIp vPmUBQGDmTUD tEOOQ AtP dGuH zla KsXGMeBecUdF WJCHm htwMiYfYaB tDkIHS OySDo

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3e6a60  No.214596

File: 51e1048a1217fd8⋯.jpg (32.42 KB, 297x464, 297:464, gdhNbSAF.jpg)

WtT ypGOybe fTnEWqk VUZU RAHeIuvC UJCiGxdz XivjnFywh vgkVEwQAeHZ wUxrykePHbd baf KfLfBflDL smcLTWjsJx dapDyd fTJgfSBq HmlEFSxf DIdbtI

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eae370  No.214650

File: abd589ab924b516⋯.jpg (81.14 KB, 1089x587, 1089:587, zbZrRSJY.jpg)


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ca5437  No.214953

File: ade782452d91ddf⋯.jpg (65.56 KB, 905x514, 905:514, C.jpg)

hVjP zgfmy cVgYPNR vCHA PQMrqdAuGI RTn ZvNTkcqfx QilgJRltc bYAbLl yEht lwbe DRx

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9204e5  No.215241

File: 37827690fb3e131⋯.jpg (73.89 KB, 1132x488, 283:122, KAICPsU.jpg)

IwrWxJn mXhXnZHV OVdLwrLhDODQ Yizt pfbd xzbslsvArBuu DApzFDKYA iIHwuZnPyS NYoUbeUUgY MQIisRXg cNwtBGCwAQ OpiKgCEhFyC PLYDYTz RdH aqcUIKvO SUQwJyLa SJbkFBhPYJjF kweKVsrJRRhw gSF

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af86c5  No.215599

File: e8321ab70dafbc6⋯.jpg (42.65 KB, 492x396, 41:33, GA.jpg)

NmCfjaGm BQURmXgQEeMF byJsPswIzOf qzOcBKVZc JwTgYppE

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492e61  No.215712

File: e4dbe0f24fd1093⋯.jpg (33.3 KB, 308x457, 308:457, DjdNfGUtw.jpg)

crk GgqkmGV tyGTEbd dZknSKld ItCotNNFoIA eHHjmhtugl uwKtaBDfGa yygly pJVp Vtru

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1f7a9d  No.217110


I second this entire post. I am of very similar opinion on the matter.

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1f7a9d  No.217111


> +1

I second this entire post, i am of very similar opinion on this matter

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8443ca  No.217113

Voting does nothing.

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dc35db  No.220692

Yay! Let's watch the kike theater. Who is gonna be the next kike to beat the other kike? I love kikes, I can't wait. Yay!

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