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File: 652219546f4a0f2⋯.jpg (50.99 KB, 540x504, 15:14, 133630751_845350652674393_….jpg)

File: a12eb785290d522⋯.jpg (40.49 KB, 352x522, 176:261, 134077058_845359712673487_….jpg)

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File: b05c54162aa8d40⋯.jpg (46.43 KB, 615x615, 1:1, 135204984_845408156001976_….jpg)

e19f1d  No.198918

I see alot on chemistry but we also have to take into consideration ALL math and science… We already know our word is moving into quantum physics to understand AI and all that is and chemistry mixed with AI is biology. Biology is ALL living things . THE KINGDOMS of creation. We are in the ANIMAL kingdom, there is plant who ALSO lives off light…

All of "evolution" is correct at some point or another. BIG BANG was when the CELESTIAL spirit og THE SOURCE the great great grandfather GOD clapped his hands or fists together ( biblical) and said BAM and it was light and dark ( good and evil)

whats inportant to remeber is II peter 3:8 - For one day to GOD is 1000 on earth and 1000 on earth is one day to god. We are on the "

6th day" of creation. HE IS STILL forming us to his image. We are coming up on 6000 years when "CHRIST" returns ( i believe in spirit of those who are AWAKE )

this fits into some of the other posts ive seen about FAITH and being SAVED but not being able to "contriute" to eternity.

These next few months or year will be INSANE in an exciting way for me anyways since " I get it" and see we will be seperated into our cosmic destinies. the GOD of this earth/time will have another 1000 years to come to HIS "revelation" . Now this could have already happened since time/space is not linear. but for the sake of argument on this timeline of space reality we are coming up on the part of the " bride of christ" be taken up"

as you start to think further and further into the universe and look onto earth from the auras of the planet you can understand that it is ALL neccessary for the entire " unit" to be GREY not black or white… GOD needed it all to come to his full understand of who he is and who WE are because after all GOD sees himself through our eyes. Literally

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e19f1d  No.198919

File: 29279743a451287⋯.png (1.04 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 29279743a451287220a29a32a3….png)

File: cf02a06438fa8c9⋯.jpg (156.19 KB, 828x899, 828:899, unnamed_5_.jpg)

File: c0100bae3cde9a7⋯.png (732.76 KB, 1040x655, 208:131, download_7_.png)

File: a2d858e6685a326⋯.jpg (21.81 KB, 400x300, 4:3, download_20_.jpg)

File: 7464cbc3ba6cdc2⋯.gif (3.18 MB, 777x437, 777:437, 7464cbc3ba6cdc22c5c084e39d….gif)

take a look at these too

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4cc226  No.198922



Come the fuck on, you stupid fucking nigger.

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e19f1d  No.198923

File: 88b85b6e954182c⋯.jpg (28.54 KB, 461x615, 461:615, 135461169_845446312664827_….jpg)

File: f4f9e69d7baf685⋯.jpg (67.94 KB, 709x615, 709:615, 135261308_845474642661994_….jpg)

File: e2265179d64c72e⋯.jpg (407.57 KB, 1356x1969, 1356:1969, spiritualhierarchy_2.jpg)

File: 4f8bcfc02f1a7ed⋯.gif (15.41 KB, 515x801, 515:801, Hierarchy_of_Christ.gif)

File: 15c6dcb7a0e5713⋯.png (65.37 KB, 1024x1122, 512:561, 141012_governance_structur….png)

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e19f1d  No.198929

There is MATTER - metaphysical

There is ANTI-MATTER- spiritual

There is NORMAL- 5 senses

There is PARA-normal- other senses


BOTH are neccessary


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