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File: 6aaa816dc7cc77c⋯.gif (448.97 KB, 320x240, 4:3, download.gif)

b70e0c  No.198473


halfchan bros are stumbling through some strange collection of voter rolls and government info. Type 2049 1046 3429 1117 in google only. WTF is this shit?

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23620f  No.198488

File: e909e250ec962a2⋯.jpg (8.93 KB, 300x168, 25:14, Rg.jpg)

If you can 'Google' said numbers and produce a result, it means Google is sniffing ALL directories and files around the web that it can access and penetrate, most likely illegally.

It's indexed them into the search engine, which means full scanning and generally saving it all to boot.

Terrifying if true.

Talk about overreach.

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54c9f7  No.198513

I don't trust anything I see on halfchan anymore. It's even more infiltrated with glows than this place, and that says a lot.

And do you know what I trust less than halfchan? Google.

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e8eb94  No.198602


If we cared what cuckchan was doing, we would be on cuckchan. Reading documents is not going to save the white race.

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