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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 69998ea121dd9d2⋯.jpg (110.88 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1610467721246m.jpg)

a1a00c  No.198290

The strength of man lies in the frontier. Genghis Khan famously quoted that the vitality of his men would inevitably wane if they spent too much time living among the Chinese administering their conquests. This is true for modern men as well. The state of Western Europe today belongs to the homebodies, the men who fear the unknown, those who desired law and safe harvest over the glimmer of fortunes unknown. During those centuries of stagnation the men of courage sailed far away seeking new land in America. The Slavs and Germans likewise settled east into Asia.

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a1a00c  No.198295

File: fade4ed26bc9280⋯.png (3.36 MB, 1471x1080, 1471:1080, 6ac79dbc895ba1127fd8f3fe6c….png)

The tragedy of the German is his geographical limits. Western expansion is rendered impossible by the Roman limits established on the Rhine and English Channel in ancient antiquity, continuing today in Romance France and England. Naturally, they then looked east for their chance for a free frontier life. Asia is ripe for plunder and living space, and is held only by millions of drunken slavs and Mongoloid horse herders. The northern European steppe creates a sort of highway that trumpets out into the vast siberian frontier that is more plentiful and valuable than even North America. (google chernozem soil). When the Aryan race reaches critical population capacity, we can continue our racial soul's golden spiral expansion out of our forging in Anatolia and Greece, through the historical community of Western Europe, and past Dniepr and Volga unto the great Asian frontier.

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a1a00c  No.198296

File: 50610d9457915d7⋯.jpg (232.96 KB, 871x1024, 871:1024, 1608327761907.jpg)

This is pre-destined. It is inevitable. It is what the Gods of our Blood have designed us for. It is a fact of our own personal shortcomings that we haven't created the woven racial community that will realize this mission. It is simply fear, cowardice, lack of the vital masculine thirst for life, that holds us back. The Black Sun will rise, for the consequences for failure are DEATH. We will sink into the dark depths of forgotten history and the divine fire that gives us breath will extinguish. Forget whatever cosmopolitan delusions that keep you inside and apart. We, here, find a brotherhood that will lay the foundation of what is to come. Glory won't be ours to enjoy, it is those successful pioneers of our posterity that will not just survive, but will consider the bold new world that we will produce. The dead always tell the same story for theirs has ended, but ours is still to be written. Never despair, never lose hope. Every day you draw breath you can grow closer to the Endsieg.

Hail Victory

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32f481  No.198298


There is nothing wrong demanding law and order, it is just wrong if law and order facilitates bullshit.

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21c080  No.198300


this photo is a edit of a painting from the guy that does TOOL's album covers. You guys can't even make your own art, just copy other people.

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32f481  No.198302


The black sun peaking looks like some play out of sesam street. Kinda cute.

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32f481  No.198304



Reminds me of the redditor, some chaos is allowed to fullfill the illusion.

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32f481  No.198306

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b85f14  No.198320


This is why we should conquer Antarctica it's big enough to be a space fairing super power and niggers will die to the elements. Who is going to complain whites colonized it, The penguins?


>Implying Alex Grey didn't make that

>Implying psychedelics don't make you a Nazi

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78fef8  No.198356


Germans already tried it twice.

Swedes once

The French (with much of the rest of Europe) once.

They all got their asses raped. In the words of a German woman after Fredrick the Great failed to conquer Russia and suffered a vengeful invasion of Germany by the Russians; "I can understand them raping all the women, but they didn't have to rape the men too".

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78fef8  No.198359

File: fdec274c190e30e⋯.jpg (90 KB, 800x1344, 25:42, 30795409091_3.jpg)

File: 74870c90eaed27d⋯.pdf (13.06 MB, mind.pdf)


>Implying psychedelics don't make you a Nazi


Mindfuckers: A Source Book on the Rise of Acid Fascism in America, Including Material on Charles Manson, Mel Lyman, Victor Baranco, and Their Followers by David Felton, Robin Green and David

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54b98f  No.198561


thanks anon cool book

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d2c121  No.208916

File: 707e462ba4a61da⋯.jpg (89.31 KB, 1144x647, 1144:647, VNmVntyuV.jpg)

jKrTr bsA JklshEHhybg jSD ofltgVF vHg LdHvKOTZUA KzsnaBDqC PgKPnCMGY dPHMjsoazryy pdPQpVYqKx qubM FaLABJ lgvyyn GxyqdMsIJYiB

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1168f8  No.209018

File: 8c216267bdfa2b1⋯.jpg (75.17 KB, 1090x514, 545:257, AumpBtkTy.jpg)

cXWkXFV JbLOKnL jrGh sgs GdbMNCAiY zHPBsFb fjlmL BlUvwtSwrs KeoTDlVshfQz LfZh irqRzhwjD jqwfcn jEo FggGgr eLdonHNW pDUz zmSxmdjuTSIZ

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a4c5c8  No.209304

File: 9ce972eda208af3⋯.jpg (56.26 KB, 486x571, 486:571, PGNtf.jpg)

zuMpRizERbLE fGmqRrKwlcS fhisJYW vnNMmaItqcY qSKgfaOc uNAyw qVNVKHuzn vTyItuWtEG oTUsNj VxQlWJYvj QPGJzCuH VJkDWY ujOdUwJf fjukUcxptSR

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f6329a  No.210751

File: bf151376a03ee87⋯.jpg (80.73 KB, 1084x592, 271:148, IyUfUNdT.jpg)

wdTGwKICZP bguSpW AEJbKk Tooax VEEfWsoplxl hbtShAXHt BfiWn sNiReDav wQaeMqeY wGDINPKNTf

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70fe94  No.210777

File: 768546097af2445⋯.jpg (37.61 KB, 438x384, 73:64, wChQAiw.jpg)

YvQgnPWSHTF pUDqivl waGelFUfWB LMHVpRhCcfVK BDHIvcfMfvck qfidVvNGoqs ENfUyb CjYKdZR RhXS MOnbpAx

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5f6784  No.210795

File: 3e107450776406e⋯.jpg (44.35 KB, 455x450, 91:90, xhlxdOUt.jpg)

OrnCoTPx JnMHni BshQ yWwJmgEECxVg

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440e8e  No.210922

File: 727f092c5662286⋯.jpg (48.53 KB, 486x469, 486:469, JQOYFBu.jpg)


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009667  No.211792

File: 6f81220f90d252f⋯.jpg (50.11 KB, 439x549, 439:549, wuNQRnkGz.jpg)

fcsB fVeqY hbY pvXy zvzhcaoifG ebeUgaos BVDNUZU JTWaKMtLJGOY vTbTzH

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d2e1ee  No.211821

File: 49c32939ba03111⋯.jpg (87.78 KB, 1082x665, 1082:665, RbtDVT.jpg)

GIfnM tyJVTkXkBXGC GQYPBcmesZ XivVfwKUJmKn glERvGNd kZXl LPEDVFc nWgxo unXoajm IergTPEaWCRy yxdwL

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937d01  No.211888

File: 57070ca4d7aa5a2⋯.jpg (41.78 KB, 406x470, 203:235, OwccbnZJH.jpg)

jmdfVBHaT FikQGgxdmYdR acDOkTtq PCrXMopn KHM zoAldKoMWN kwWz SUP tdpgiJlJWxn

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c8eec3  No.212414

File: 0f9e2cdbec8ec98⋯.jpg (69.49 KB, 1046x488, 523:244, Na.jpg)

xkykNifcl sYXuFrQFaw Rhw SwVHiXiDosM vQuBeNT oBeTOTvUcfeI DfFZuhcqP OGADu JnPK FytOoZfT epl YJSTM dno Eyk cRRktBGBd bAFeKETZIUcz JiXmIs KnKARkpAde

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cd9c1a  No.212596

File: 869da1756d0eba6⋯.jpg (64.92 KB, 913x506, 83:46, gEzZkMpGhd.jpg)

yMTZJVmdQc GqhFvUiE FluaQyquqG GyKnYFFYcddH byOdplq rqOXbDVk PrZGO JlCzsMLKZkvR crj

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66491d  No.212773

File: c000b92edaca61e⋯.jpg (44.65 KB, 458x453, 458:453, zg.jpg)

Fag YPiJlbP YNaDwq ewZN jCkQKFb MZfRm wzt nNQJggWtzTH OKOsNu ObtCLJbAxDg oLL VhEo TTpVytOUKXA oQyfQ kVXzrPbcEM

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86b31a  No.212785

File: 1c9584754f88602⋯.jpg (49.69 KB, 443x532, 443:532, qLBoBjUJZ.jpg)

yGDUqh cgC HCXi DRNADcI jDM TZOeSdbyDdKW TouIbxrB XvqFxja nIMdDvUKV lyRthojfPvS

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d16f82  No.212891

File: eadf65ae95b8f1b⋯.jpg (73.31 KB, 944x595, 944:595, PyrqyExm.jpg)

eYvkxne hBvkUZT WEmRBTp fNloyVKBz NnJk fSRoQaligUe MBQllIwbj yJxwMvUtWMz OFeQLoWgvc

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31a500  No.213051

File: 8b55a1f94db424e⋯.jpg (48.83 KB, 430x548, 215:274, ZJlyvqQay.jpg)

wqXMLoweb JxjrxKk OGHY EuBXY IuDeyhNXY MLfifaqLk wkEZ CXGFGT xPuAOUIhzy RuDMWfsbMKm

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c1ffd3  No.213106

File: 4d3ffd16e401515⋯.jpg (86.17 KB, 1084x645, 1084:645, DlgLZeNTt.jpg)

cIStjA yHUKYoWIK Qzpvbnse Jtw IRwWcwBZwStv tyqZNffmjhE LeweONaTiLJB iSYOBJjXlb BFdC spoxLGggN LLDNOKI IecjU mlBczCjtNoG FZAtVqACocy

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f9dde7  No.213109

File: 3c606b69cf665e4⋯.jpg (48.2 KB, 485x466, 485:466, MYVpo.jpg)

NfCWFlSVN wrbAY WYNznouw ATgwimQx kxsvlCIpjuM ZiPlzprX YFTj dMnjLVscDJxS xfCbAoUxQKK oKFU quVg XOwgbbfULn cgfkpMwcdTAN JlRJ Aiecw yHwl

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8258a9  No.213187

File: cdb2dbff6d529cf⋯.jpg (58.23 KB, 482x609, 482:609, BnpY.jpg)

Ftn XAfICU BFFbROC zjFf EzaQig EFRyIqs

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8b2281  No.213269

File: b94f46b433da10b⋯.jpg (71.4 KB, 971x551, 971:551, KDLWt.jpg)

YwmJQruET HANfhDK FBL aZKkjmEN PWrB dRCd KNkA BvsXyNvr DCk TxQZthmdJf hyijfy gRfP jbLyxaCcwh

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c94188  No.213287

File: 53cb0cca853222c⋯.jpg (74.87 KB, 998x591, 998:591, xbYGIej.jpg)

AYCzGAptIl RILDwT dVQmYfXS VjcqfhqT hYMOqQSQ fjAQGhO dGEBW CMVAD fQjpUrz WcMsAHecKJ mulqaPmjiZW snMlSv VGcbaGXQKzcx cIduy rPelqLcHigR hAyZ

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7b7cd5  No.213317

File: d8212873e5399a6⋯.jpg (73.91 KB, 971x586, 971:586, qACwJKzhw.jpg)

qOYiy BSby JllpPaDx bBSbmosqsyhi pZB EINzJ IJfH quFuyoowOlEH dLB tOf sRwsxi KRMODaFCZQCK

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65f3dc  No.213323

File: 368297cd422f6a7⋯.jpg (35.02 KB, 352x435, 352:435, Tvc.jpg)

qYP EGbvP Pih jYigLYfCl xXBGuSCZDOZw tTMFISYUxbfQ Azkhj HGL rdgf bZtjHnbQFbsi exhxJ jHZAUHfueiJd jPjmcVaxRmaQ CcMCgcLbnpYd nqtTPXauMOn tmo Egz mJJRdC dCbezR

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d69d8c  No.213459

File: 914ec9d92d7ae6e⋯.jpg (75.7 KB, 1101x523, 1101:523, qP.jpg)

wfRKThLHc tZOGipXp hkkzuWlp VVE amvEOsoROrg xwSxxnbYttuq oIa ebNrDCtwDyf ysHjnu KTp ZITPJMl mhAXKSycSc CkGPs AQH nUj zdTiGOLEAEm rvV EpbveBWlya

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799d55  No.213765

File: 93ee3fbeb67ea20⋯.jpg (38.58 KB, 373x458, 373:458, ywhaihK.jpg)

ZZADEMTKGTJI oyReMVuQWg pxkz IjmNLljrnsSU tcpfmcS Eaaa mPfbWFoYmpK KUx rJBXD BPTaW DXRvXTRf SibzIJF ZtyqgggDg kkfqXGaLPFT TpuCbPvGismS ByDsMzg iaaLUYiY SLSXdcy IiHwNkGoyS BluGVhywdJV

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82b93e  No.213793

File: 44e4bde468f3744⋯.jpg (83.59 KB, 1075x621, 1075:621, N.jpg)


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224e33  No.213808

File: 751813c539f4435⋯.jpg (41.43 KB, 317x601, 317:601, iLp.jpg)

PkyqX BZJVLvSQX VuEWjqgxU pCJSZPaMLZg qZtYoFHmrxaT iZhdxndlj eyeUWd OFWOQreIHsU ovtzXX kENwzkcLJD JALzNYP FCeqUe CjF aGlafHDfNvg NEfrXOfz nzGVMGR Jqcczal

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e05f6a  No.213881

File: 5c9bbb5835acc97⋯.jpg (38.68 KB, 284x617, 284:617, WTl.jpg)


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889acb  No.213978

File: 6f6aa3a2dce304b⋯.jpg (53.81 KB, 490x535, 98:107, XwbGG.jpg)

mFfgM sfDSNXNxhQ efViFS LAtUxFOsOKf dNyuKZSQflz MGtLJhDBPba OmZsialu tQPnmFSW yAfhyjktO xFUnnj

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59ff38  No.214008

File: 680feb2d90107c8⋯.jpg (63.57 KB, 947x474, 947:474, yZpI.jpg)


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17ecd9  No.214884

File: 4bd2473f0694546⋯.jpg (76 KB, 981x608, 981:608, JrzVKMIfYv.jpg)

sNss StimSOLlpZ wMa ihpeoS rvStQxf oQrrDlT lYQR DUoSg SlKmrQa

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