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File: 23b49623e287166⋯.jpg (60.54 KB, 520x780, 2:3, C4PKMkrWMAA9hHf.jpg)

88fb79  No.197825

Remember before the orange retard we actually planned shit? How do we strike while the iron is hot and convert MAGA/Q-tard' passion to national socialism?

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c8b584  No.197828

One way to do it is to shove your dick up your own ass, you dumb nazi fuck.

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88fb79  No.197830


Why are you here, nigger?

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f0c609  No.197831


90% of MAGA/Qfags are 60+ year old Boomers who will cry "omg literal hitler" if you bring up NatSoc ideas. Just wait a few years and they'll all die off. Their kids, Gen-X, are much more receptive.

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9acb42  No.197832

Americans don't want a strong centralized state control. That is the source of much of the evil; a centralized strong state gets quickly divorced from its people and becomes insane, dangerous to it's own citizens. You're always one death of an emperor, king or fueher to a demented asshole like Commodus the corrupt vain degenerate or a Heliogabalus demanding insanely frivolous shit, like a pie made out of hummingbird tongues.

Americans just want to be left alone to go about their own business, armed to the teeth and ready to gun down anybody who fucks with them.

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88fb79  No.197834


That's great in the long term, but look at the corporate tyranny of media and big tech. Sometimes you need a very strong centralized power to stabilize the nation and then return to democratic elections.

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88fb79  No.197835


>gun down anyone who fucks with them

Can you cut it out with that LARP, they allow us the guns because they know we won't ever use it.

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902f18  No.197836


>How do we strike while the iron is hot and convert MAGA/Q-tard' passion to national socialism?

I am not sure. 95% of their rhetoric and belief system is about murdering "nazis" and how everyone they don't like is a "nazi".

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902f18  No.197837


>Americans just want to be left alone to go about their own business

This mindset is why we are on the brink of extinction. Conservatives have to be destroyed if we are to have any hope at all.

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d34cba  No.197840


>How do we strike while the iron is hot and convert MAGA/Q-tard' passion to national socialism?

We don't. America is dead.


>they allow us the guns because they know we won't ever use it

This. Plus selling firearms is profitable.

Brainwashed NPCs consume anything the media tell them to. At the same time you need to make money of /k/ larpers too.

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88fb79  No.197845

File: c58ae25164eab84⋯.jpg (150.8 KB, 1024x685, 1024:685, 1610079613728.jpg)


In early European fascism, most fascists were ex-leftists. The most passionate MAGA were never proper conservatives but economic leftists, union guys, and independents… these can be funneled into natsoc. Besides, most of them don't think our democracy is fair, don't believe the media/big tech and are racist (despite pretending to not be) besides they're not about "killing nazis"…

They're about killing commies, which with antifa are literally already on the streets.

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0229a8  No.198074



Sage and report spam threads.

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88fb79  No.198108


What the fuck are you talking about? Boomers are now on fucking Gab, Bitchute, LBRY and are prime for further radicalization.

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f0c609  No.198111


>wants an army of grandmas

lol have fun with that. hope you like changing diapers.

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0229a8  No.198118


>What the fuck are you talking about?

Don’t reply if you can’t read.

>Boomers are now on fucking Gab, Bitchute, LBRY

No one gives a shit. They will never fight the ZOG.

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2f6f13  No.198119


Ashli Babbit

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c8b584  No.198122

What a bunch of whiny little bitches you are. There is no NatSoc because it's feeble and weak, nobody likes you, and you're vastly outnumbered by the exponentially more powerful capitalist state, which can crush all of you like a tiny little ant the second it gets in the way of profit and prosperity. They'll let you play your little LARP games until it messes with capital, and then, it will smash you like bugs and you'll be crying to mommy about your internet posts.

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0229a8  No.198124


Yawn. Best you can do, huh paid shill?

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3e15c3  No.198130

File: 970b367182f9bc6⋯.png (14.76 KB, 112x112, 1:1, baseddeepsetpepe.png)



There's no converting them. My dad is extremely a conservative boomer. He's the one who taught me about how stupid niggers and shitskins were, but more recently (the last few years) when I've tried to redpill him on the kikes he gets angry and calls me a NAZI. When I say yes, I literally am, now look at these stats; he doesn't bother and just stays ignorant; then whines about how he raised a literal NAZI; even though he's in organized crime, and is honestly more racist than me towards everyone but the kikes.

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c8b584  No.198131


I'm "paid" insofar as I get a salary from my job, unlike you basement dwelling fat fucks. However I'm taking a break from said job to watch your God Emperor get his dumbass impeached, and having a good laugh at all of you in the meantime.

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3e15c3  No.198133


You wouldn't be here if it was hopeless.

Just remember this faggot will probably end up committing suicide.

I think it's time to dilate.

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c8b584  No.198134


Nah I'm here to watch you miserable people whine on this glorious day. Like this fuck above whose dad is angry at him for being a Nazi, I love that shit. You guys are so fucking sad.

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3e15c3  No.198139


That's me faggot, and we talk about how much we hate you tranny, spic, nigger faggots.

You will end up committing suicide when you find out your life is meaningless and you helped the ZOG take over the world.

Your hole is closing, it's time to dilate. You will never be a woman.

Jews Say Non-Jews Are Only Born to Serve Them as Slaves.mp4

57.8 MB


What World Famous Men Said About The Jews - The Video (Converted with Reduced Size).mp4

38.6 MB


What World Famous Men Said About The Jews (Original).wmv

0.2 GB


Dr. E. R. Fields - What World-Famous Men Said About the Jews (1964).pdf

8.6 MB


Henry Ford Sr. - The International Jew (Print-Ready Quality with Bookmarks and Cover).pdf

11.4 MB


The Myth of the Good Jew.avi

15.3 MB



911 Missing Links


9∕11꞉ The Israeli Connection (4 Part Series - December, 2001).avi

51.7 MB



Christopher Bollyn - The Dual-Deception of 9∕11 and the Fraudulent War on Terror

547.2 MB


Christopher Bollyn - Solving 9-11꞉ The Deception That Changed The World.pdf

4.5 MB



[911MissingLinks.com] Expulsion Of The Jews Throughout History [109 Times !!] [ ProThink.org ].AVI

30.2 MB


Black Man Exposes the Jewish Controlled Black Slave Trade on the Montell Williams Show.mp4

12.9 MB


Dontell Jackson - We Thought They Were White (Website Screenshots and Pages).zip

27.4 MB


The Jews of Mass Destruction.mp4

73.2 MB


Why Are People Afraid of the Facts About Jews.mp4

0.2 GB


Willie Martin - 1001 Quotes By and About Jews.pdf

1.3 MB


These Are The Jewish Psychos That Run Our Governments and Industries.mp4

75.8 MB


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c8b584  No.198142


Hahahaha. Oh man you are some sad, mentally ill fucks. I probably shouldn't insult you, you've got some serious mental issues… but still. Daddy doesn't hate you because you're a nazi, daddy hates you because you're a dumb mentally ill little bitch.

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0229a8  No.198143


Yawn. Best you can do, huh paid shill?

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0229a8  No.198144


Yawn. Best you can do, huh paid shill?

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3e15c3  No.198149

File: d24e852af0ae641⋯.jpg (61.33 KB, 699x599, 699:599, 90sclip164.jpg)


>can't even read IDs

>shitty markov Python script doesn't work

>manually comes to shitpost

>thinks he pwned the fascists

Remember these faggot shills wouldn't be wasting time if it was hopeless anons.

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c8b584  No.198177


You guys are such winners in society that you think how you post on this ridiculous website somehow bestows respect. Just pure, unadulterated losers. Really the apotheosis of loserdom. You've made an art out of being a loser. It's almost impressive really.

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ec483f  No.198182

I think most Q tards hate white nationalist as much as they do the communist they just believe we both have the right to speech.

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d772e0  No.198183

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64fb0c  No.198199


come on you can do better this isn't even entertaining

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c8b584  No.198223


I'm entertained, and that's what's important here.

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e8932b  No.198763


>hurr durr

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8f15a0  No.198834

File: c78c9108f7d3925⋯.jpg (54.36 KB, 1080x607, 1080:607, IMG_20210115_054910.jpg)

Convert the renegade commies, those with enough brains to apply logic and despise political correctness and instigate niggers to commit acts of racially motivated violence, easier and more rewarding that trying to turn the dozen of them with two braincells into a separatist.

Conservative boomers are as useless as dogmatic pseudo leftists liberals, as they will support this degenerate system even if it tries to kill them.

Settle for single states, not the whole supernation, hell, settle for enclaves even, political solutions are not available.

Do not pander to christians, just don't.

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de9cbc  No.205245


>we actually planned shit?


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3e64fb  No.205279

File: 6f28ec202a8e787⋯.png (91.41 KB, 500x375, 4:3, when_you_forget_youre_reta….png)


>we actually planned shit?

No you didn't, you larped on image boards like you always have

And there is no "we"

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94aecf  No.205342


>I am not one of you

>let me tell you what you did because I know better than you do

Commit suicide, yid.

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4faf29  No.209915

File: 17a4142289507b5⋯.jpg (65.86 KB, 996x477, 332:159, Runp.jpg)


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321afb  No.209946

File: c36ad3e32a85b60⋯.jpg (54.33 KB, 495x541, 495:541, ae.jpg)

uzGauZLPt FtMxhTAbi NfUAX LZol kERnmAaT iMCYZoaC JAzLeUJKl aOlKEkbpPS UnMZERFZ RsbndNvXe NAptkdQ iQSdb VXYCZshFp ciTCkUGuC GnGiHweGdGaM oxilQdXCpdKi yAVnnTRwY

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1a229a  No.209975

File: a4a7da7ddfc64bc⋯.jpg (75.21 KB, 1117x512, 1117:512, DLXdRcIKO.jpg)

NOCVrISAvGJ TaXlcXngx sxsvnIHzc htjCD DmTU qRNBiu tQoAwS

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913939  No.211439

File: d6fe643d9313d15⋯.jpg (75.87 KB, 911x652, 911:652, inOtL.jpg)

Hhz HegOzJMQsW WNTgPxVAb DtG wuGLW aKfgtaYOXNg InEKTjETUY JMWRJZ mcrHLKwv uUq mlyjDp nyAAWQRinCF duUYhmdtAMhR

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755151  No.211619

File: 69351867dd93b37⋯.jpg (36.08 KB, 276x576, 23:48, MKn.jpg)

Rhp Hma DmGUbLOV Pym eQPzwDvl kcPlVfpiGM LNQgIyNCuEAo mjw jZQJRcpvEG PHnBUMl lgmApRViU IPr xpXFvG gbKylCN ldVBVyQdr ZCLFTAkDM eiJJrqCOq

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d41524  No.211621

File: 0a3d758f8d893fd⋯.jpg (55.8 KB, 485x566, 485:566, QpRyudMWx.jpg)

axNecWRR fYyjkmcMV XgQOsxKo hIba

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60a245  No.211627

File: 6113af7cdd540a1⋯.jpg (74.17 KB, 1047x531, 349:177, Pj.jpg)

VfKXPt XeJr xERZavDEBTSv yMJa qmUPxpOXycF daHGoci vPKnE Ruk MstQvIWPJQf NMuBhUf MvnoDSYkWfqn

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ccddce  No.212335

File: 2bbf82b9afd3d61⋯.jpg (45.7 KB, 436x494, 218:247, owiDT.jpg)

JvbvaXGt LIDUqT XmbGLIikZ rlt PrPVlRcU bNpdvWLIFGz QXtuHTfHkYz

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552fb3  No.215746

File: 19c347b6a59c63d⋯.jpg (79.88 KB, 1029x611, 1029:611, nGilN.jpg)


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d4a36e  No.215843

File: 3e69b8545cb9843⋯.jpg (46.29 KB, 383x575, 383:575, jnI.jpg)


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c1a004  No.215922

File: f9d03584fb47ae0⋯.jpg (82.68 KB, 1094x606, 547:303, cZPyo.jpg)

xcxiKLyGyV hVPbd xCWFsHzeDfb BoOSOuMKS QAlcIyyaexc VmmzXkcv cRqtnNkOCt HLbqExGeqlu HJn dBlqIj OcSiIkZIsbJ YgHwnQ ywA DpK KtmSbmupIHlv XXRDTohUECk ykMNfRPRfNl xrwYKSXe hPeZdd TxLuXhUOdMn

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