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001428  No.197550

Simon Parkes, Trustworthy, or MK-Ultra'd for knowing too much.

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ac33c7  No.197555






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f1c3b4  No.197557


He has gotten some traction this week with his posts, but ive been seing some real bs coming from him too

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e02fe4  No.197567



red pill me on this dude with a QRD

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c2bd04  No.197583


No one cares what happened to this jew.

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dab3c4  No.197672

I fully believe Simon thinks he is talking to Q. He also, however, believes that quantum computers can look at different future timelines, in free energy, and that we are going to become 5th dimensional beings. The only way any of this is true is if there are aliens who are giving us technology way beyond our current understanding. Are there aliens, Simon?

The reason he is so believable is because he seems to genuinely believes the stories himself. However, he has yet to make a single, provably correct statement about this whole election debacle. He also gets angry if you try and question his failed prediction history. In short, the man does exhibit classic symptoms of delusion and some kind of neurosis.

That doesn't mean he isn't correct on some things. But he could also be a tool under the influence of either side. You need to be very, very careful trusting anything such a man says.

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ac33c7  No.197674


do you think these dudes know that they're going to wind up getting beheaded by an amped up magahat tweaker????

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e02fe4  No.197686


>in free energy, and that we are going to become 5th dimensional beings

I can prove these for percent fact and have on my website.

>quantum computers can look at different future timelines

As a computer scientist there is nothing far fetched about this claim if the thing actually exists which is highly questionable

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e02fe4  No.197688


100 percent

shit didnt realize my num lock was off kek

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