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File: 5524000a8d8046c⋯.png (803.06 KB, 1850x5205, 370:1041, New_World_Order.png)

e5c8c9  No.196958


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8fe83c  No.196960




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e5c8c9  No.196965



>be hundreds of years ago

>also be Jewish

>start the banking cartel

>"I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls the British money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply." - Nathan Mayer Rothschild, 1815

>be in control of the richest nation on the planet

>be in control of the biggest empire the planet has seen since the days of Alexander

>begin installing your central banks all over the world

>control the world from the shadows

>Attempt to install a central bank in the newly formed United States of America

>First attempt is via Alexander Hamilton, our first secretary of treasury

>Thomas Jefferson and James Madison want a central bank to be under government control

>Hamilton installs a private central bank

>Taxes wind up getting so high only 5 years later from this scheme people rebel again

>Whiskey Rebellion.exe

>Hamilton's central bank has a 20 year charter, from 1791 to 1811

>Congress refuses to renew the central bank's charter

>Outraged, the Rothschild controlled British Crown starts another war with the United States

>The War of 1812

>Country is fucked up really badly by the time the war ends in 1815

>Rothschilds get their way again, the Second Bank of America is the new central bank, with another 20 year charter

>1823, Rothschilds gain control of the Vatican's finances

>1832, Andrew Jackson is president



>Jackson successfully gets congress to not renew the charter for the Second Bank of America

>Survives the first assassination attempt against a US President


>Rothschilds have established the banking house of Kuhn, Loev and Co with Jacob Schiff

>This bank finances the Rockefellers Oil, Carnegie's Steel and Harriman's railroad

>Also assist JP Morgan in bringing his banks to Europe

>Rothschilds now control most banking in the United States

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e5c8c9  No.196966

>Rothschilds now control the most powerful men in the United States, as well as Europe

>The plan begins to establish the Federal Reserve


>Titanic is going on it's maiden voyage

>I won't get into the switching out of the titanic and the olympic here but it was basically a giant insurance fraud scheme

>Who did the scheme?

>JP Morgan owned International Mercantile Marine

>This company owned White Star Line, the company that owned the titanic

>Biggest opponents to the plan to make the federal reserve in the USA, such as John Jacob Astor, Benjamin Guggenheim, and Isidor Strauss, board the ship to go to the USA to oppose the formation of the Fed

>They all perish in the sinking


>Federal Reserve is established without opposition

>The Rothschilds now control the entirety of the money supply in the USA

>Rothschilds start world wars to topple nations and expand influence amidst the chaos, to destroy nations and buy up their assets for dirt cheap

>Starting with WWI

>Germany gets blamed for the whole of WWI even though it was started by Gavrilo Princip, a Serb with the black hand, assassinating Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary

>Germany is not in control of it's finances

>Germany starts printing money to pay off it's debts

>economy is destroyed

>the rest of the world economy is destroyed with the Great Depression

>wheelbarrels of cash can't buy bread in Germany

>there is starvation, there is child prostitution and rampant degeneracy

>Communism is rising, there is fear that what happened in Russia to Russians by the hands of Jewish Bolsheviks would happen in Germany

>Out of the chaos and despair rises one man who wants to stand up to the banks

>Adolf Hitler

>privatizes state industries

>issues a new currency backed by the work of the german people

>builds up incredible infrastructure like the Autobahn

>The Jewish bankers in Germany, who had been living well while the german people were destitute, had everything taken from them

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e5c8c9  No.196968

>Then it spread to all of the Jews as the Reich got into full swing


>Despite people like Mao and Stalin being far worse, Hitler is remembered as the worst dictator and mass murderer in our history, because his real crime was against the banks


>Be jews

>throughout history, be expelled from kingdoms, nations and countries

>One of the common threads behind it is blood libel

>one such story is William of Norwich

>a child, tanner and skinner by trade

>disappears, is last seen alive entering the home of a jew

>investigated by Thomas of Monmouth

>Interviews with surviving witnesses say the body was fixed to a cross in a mockery of the crufixion, and he was stabbed and tortured to death

>William's head was shaved, stabbed, and affixed with a crown of thorns

>this type of ritual torture and sacrifice comes up a lot in history

>quite similar to the ritual satanic abuse of children today


>Be 1960

>The Cabal wishing to enslave the world and bring them under their control are now in total control of the developed world's money supply

>Cabal has new weapon: the CIA, which has control of Hollywood and Media via Operation Mockingbird

>they have their hands in fucking everything, money, entertainment, news, everything

>"We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and rutheless conspiracy, that relies primarily on covert means for expanding it's sphere of influence" -John F Kennedy

>JFK vows to liberate the United States

>June 4, 1963 EO 11110 Issue real money without fed, in the form of silver certificates

>November 22, 1963

>In broad daylight in front of hundreds of witnesses, multiple people fucking brain JFK

>Pin it on their patsy Lee Harvey Oswald

>Have Jack Ruby assassinate Oswald before he can talk

>Ruby is sentenced to death, appeals it and gets a new trial, but dies in prison (Epstein, anyone?)

>Loose ends are tied up

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e5c8c9  No.196971

File: 9901488a763d2a4⋯.jpg (81.64 KB, 1024x538, 512:269, 1610308566243m.jpg)


>elements of our government and military loyal to JFK and opposed to this cabal decide to start planning in secret

>This enemy is dangerous, it is everywhere, it cannot know the war being waged against it

>It will take generations to dismantle this beast that has been rising for centuries

>the real work begins

>be 1971

>Richard Nixon removes us from the Gold Standard


>Our money is not backed by gold anymore

>USA strikes a deal with the Saudis to only sell oil in dollars


>The push for women's liberation is in full swing, convincing them that working a career is liberation

>this doubles the labor supply with a static labor demand

>wages steadily decrease to the point that one man working can no longer support a family, both parents need to work now

>inflation does not destroy our economy despite us printing money like a banana republic

>this is because we force the rest of the world to use our money to trade oil, creating an ARTIFICIAL demand

>the ability to print monopoly money allows us to finance the largeset military force the globe has seen in this iteration of human history


>Edmond de Rothschild forms the World Conservation Bank

>WCB assumes the debts of 3rd world countries in exchange for control of their real estate

>this is 30% of the planet's landmass


>9/11 happens, justification for endless wars on "terrorism"

>Only 7 nations do not have a Rothschild controlled bank

>They are Cuba, China, Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea, Sudan, and Libya

>Afghanistan toppled

>Iraq toppled

>we now surround Iran with a military presence

>Relations with Cuba, Norks and Chinks are not good, they are our adversaries

>Muammar Ghadaffi in Libya announces his plan to start selling oil in gold-backed African Dinars

>You can pull up his execution by an "angry mob" on youtube

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e5c8c9  No.196973

File: 40ff9009ca84182⋯.jpg (143.68 KB, 811x898, 811:898, 1610308639004.jpg)

>At this point, Barack Obama is president

>BHO and HRC are part of the Cabal's end stage plans

>The NSA's surveillance state, built on the back of W's Patriot act is one of the last pieces needed for full control

>But resistance is growing

>These people all have blackmail on each other, the worst kinds



>They all partake in the ritual torture and murder of children

>Here, you have a first-hand account of Dutch Banker Ronald Bernard and his rise through the international money laundering rings up until he get's invited to join the Satanic cult, and it broke him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFAhJ5N7qdc [Open]

>AI is getting powerful

>AI is getting so powerful that Deepfakes are becoming a thing

>Suddenly all of the blackmail everyone has on each other to keep each other in line might become useless

>If it is released, anyone can call it a deepfake

>Enter Julian Assange

>Assange has a nuclear insurance file of hundreds of gigabytes

>Insurance file was encrypted and released prior to the existence of deepfakes

>Assange now has the only real blackmail

>The NSA has been able to scoop up all information about damn near everybody in the world

>Now THEY have real blackmail

>Panic starts to ensue among the elites

>The plan has been in full swing for quite some time

>The parts of the military who have been watching and observing know how the elite work

>They know about the satanic pedophile rings

>They know our elections are fake and rigged

>They know the show was supposed to end with HRC starting a nuclear war with Russia

>They know everyone's MO

>George W Bush pardoned himself and his cronies of any potential wrongdoing on his way out of office

>They know Obama will do the same (and he did)

>Now is the time to put the plan into action

>Epstein was investigated in May 2005 for fucking a 14 year old girl

>Investigation reveals up to 36 underage girls involved

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e5c8c9  No.196975

File: 70048083d60f230⋯.jpg (62.26 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 1610308734994m.jpg)

>Investigation reveals up to 36 underage girls involved

>He gets a slap on the wrist, 13 months of jail time, mostly with work release as part of a plea deal

>FBI was not happy with Palm Beach PD's investigation

>FBI begins their own investigation

>Epstein knew several billionaires, millionaires, politicians, actors, celebrities, supreme court justice Roberts

>Just go through his little black book and you'll see tons of names

>Everyone is tight lipped, nobody cooperates with the Feds

>Except for one man

>A prominent businessman, a billionaire with a house hold name


>The military has now identified someone they can run against HRC

>someone with so much money he can't be bought

>someone who wasn't compromised with blackmail

>someone who was willing to cooperate in an investigation against one of the child traffickers who was a lynchpin in the elite's blackmail scheme

>Someone who was good friends with the Kennedy family

>He is a billionaire, but he isn't one of the elite

>He talks like the people do

>"You call women you don't like fat pigs!" "Only Rosie O'Donnel"

>"You can just grab them by the pussy, they let you"

>Despite having an apartment of solid gold, he eats fucking McDonald's and loves it

>The people see themselves in him despite the vast class difference

>becomes massively popular

>utilizes meme magic to win the presidency in the same way he used it to build his brand and become a household name



>November 8, 2016

>The Cabal has already decided Hillary won

>Their presses didn't even bother writing stories to cover the possibility of a Trump victory

>Hillary didn't bother to write a concession speech

>Now the military acts

>The voting machines were supposed to switch the votes like they did in 2020

>But white hats working against the Cabal hacked into them and stopped it

>cue the screeching "THE ELECTION WAS HACKED!"

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e5c8c9  No.196978

File: b6bc182ffd0e72b⋯.jpg (51.1 KB, 992x558, 16:9, 1610308829512.jpg)

>They know it was hacked

>Because she was supposed to win

>and their machines they used to cheat didn't work

>They have to keep screeching that Russia did it, because the plan was for a war with Russia

>They can't produce any evidence of their allegations

>The only way they know there was interference was because they lost

>Obama pardons everyone

>Now Trump is in office

>The show begins

>Declassifying JFK files

>Trump merges the Fed and the Treasury

>The elite release Covid-19 to destroy the economy and provide endless justification for lockdowns, to give money to destitute people to keep them dependent upon the government, to gain the control they so desperately crave

>It's now an existential war

>they have been backed into a corner

>there is no way out

>people are waking up to this reality at an unprecedented rate

>if they were winning they wouldn't be trying to get Trump out of office with less than 2 weeks left

>if they were winning they wouldn't be trying to prevent Trump from commanding the military

>if they were winning they wouldn't need to deplatform and silence Trump and his allies

>if they were winning there wouldn't be so many faggot shills here


>Q Anon was meant to start slowly revealing information to the public

>Q Anon is run by military intelligence

>People can't handle the entire truth at once if they've been asleep

>They needed a slow drip

>They needed to see for themselves what these people would be willing to do to the country when they were worried about losing control

>They needed to see for themselves the elite playing their hands, releasing covid, the blatant election fraud, the BLM Riots for destabilization to justify further control, the calls for purging their opposition, the calls to deplatform and ban everyone they don't like

>They needed to see THE ELITE WANT YOU DEAD

You guys ready for the way this ends? Trump is going on Mount Rushmore

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e5c8c9  No.196979

File: 7b628f8f56bdf88⋯.jpg (38.59 KB, 600x430, 60:43, 1610308346091.jpg)

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e5c8c9  No.196980

File: 4219e7429d49841⋯.jpg (49.34 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 1610308428408.jpg)

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e5c8c9  No.196983

File: a091df93918fb49⋯.jpg (32.74 KB, 577x537, 577:537, 1610308490428.jpg)

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e5c8c9  No.196984

File: a0a577b9e662335⋯.png (71.32 KB, 465x570, 31:38, windows10.png)

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dbac13  No.197015


>paid shill now destroys his own spam threads for me

>I don't even have to lift a finger

>instantly obvious which threads are created by jews to poison the well, because the psychotic lunatic now outs them without us even needing to look

I have broken you.

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dce525  No.209095

File: 192c9b2d70d81c9⋯.jpg (77.42 KB, 1133x521, 1133:521, KzPoNPjaM.jpg)

FAVZqh eNXTVWRwz EInPmq SxENFbO nExELnHynM vEtQV SHakp OGvSYj yBuzjVhjWfG OocC xyM Drd AAEkGW XaFXHtrJmH vhRM RlIZPjzoQ hARZPvVzB YbeVTcsipY bLIQOirHh

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bd5458  No.209171

File: bfae8fb5a6197a8⋯.jpg (66.35 KB, 997x482, 997:482, l.jpg)

fQdppusrtJL xOf uurz bzN zYpyChIbi uQwcMJRIihc zFsxOREycrB FlbxCA eRfpU zdDaOlpQHCr NSo mKtjYHX xCc ybtuSeC ishmkvz QOfpgi wxdAsVAPoCa xUmMTmcRP vAocHQolflXl dTGqhc

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6d5431  No.209194

File: 44c75cbfffb7bef⋯.jpg (43.2 KB, 508x387, 508:387, DDkMykiG.jpg)

hywnrJbOhlT DlUvk AaEObOevNYG joRDGbFVpxuq SAfBc yOJ pced xiy LeBbe ROTYkkdXq pngteL gWufjNX ZUnqRuCvlAio

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18e01a  No.213692

File: 7d15a9439937ed1⋯.jpg (30.29 KB, 316x399, 316:399, ntPXSUS.jpg)

tcg vQnzQchQrE GziBLh eQsrXsxmi ygNZGpZx riGsOz Rwa VPmCEGNgXJLy zNVCAOTxch FajudxEUYXmD FkpqGyAFfqE ThJoRCmeQRB fDhATLdTHO YRklJozWSd

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955a46  No.214178

File: 498d4e703e70fab⋯.jpg (34.52 KB, 350x428, 175:214, MyyMOR.jpg)

upEpLMPx AJQvpxc YJavypvrCO UQVnTvnVrkU pagfCodiwe CHKWBzvX PEJgjbOcp iYogHAnrgUvc BYCUepcqWBO Tophd ptvKopXNCjg uCSMOrrf fJhtucqpdLk ivOcEKkRLpY

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8e1fc2  No.214367

File: 5a5acafa6f37ae0⋯.jpg (63.85 KB, 932x485, 932:485, aC.jpg)

XNhTdWzRau WItWaIKtf KvQv OIQojhigt IMABQd

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e66767  No.214375

File: f2f99dca8679449⋯.jpg (43.54 KB, 411x488, 411:488, vvwMKA.jpg)


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8015ca  No.214440

File: 7bcfa3ce3c611b8⋯.jpg (51.81 KB, 407x620, 407:620, mLefu.jpg)

JruA RnXG NAEKb njrmnQmiI fzpTCsUu jEDj BlZovSyMLuvS nCwzaU OOVWicFHk rWGN Fbal EwqJHJztbc

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0903e3  No.214569

File: ef5dfc67f9fa6fb⋯.jpg (47.14 KB, 441x498, 147:166, l.jpg)

nHrK eyvVk HyfDWLkExuk LCMgHpe KlOjR LHVOaEfC pMCQSbYZyWrq rsZJOLcApgXa XyiQdWBG XJNeZgH iKpimhTBwX fOVHxIZG xYXTJjSOub DqdTYHHBhlf QslZvacpIW xIIC qqH ueBrRygq

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e67212  No.214876

File: c918d163b9c66b1⋯.jpg (35.54 KB, 399x389, 399:389, naxtSEDcDB.jpg)

hRWV FBqpQqJT AybpZA zjuyu

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a020a2  No.214943

File: c5c81adbbf5ce15⋯.jpg (80.02 KB, 1088x578, 32:17, mqFNgMqadU.jpg)

XcfyFLIQSDaD SWAFpHicgi filAdAgWJwD pVahdS gSuxpwzGJ miYZMeSu VRUexRYq SszOtwbi pyf chIHq

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788475  No.215068

File: 7350fccca76b11b⋯.jpg (70.14 KB, 1062x481, 1062:481, RjtOVkG.jpg)

EwI pFW hVLMpSFOZxUq BykoSj pZW WOalssHuHGN lCugdtd OKbbW TXcvBfGKJ jjEz nWDzI BSh wWIFODfriSHW DANQ ZBziLkH cVQrQPUI jxZuwwLZjSFl

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76a831  No.215092

File: 33b551968095bfb⋯.jpg (43.19 KB, 401x489, 401:489, EOzsVj.jpg)


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3770f9  No.215104

File: 8ca11ccf7d5b104⋯.jpg (71.58 KB, 931x582, 931:582, HOTfsj.jpg)

Msxtz oUOYWkXInSA kMlAZaVHDdH rRkIHJq aqJJRCbsha JrnVrh pIZtnf yeuoc dfBJgPdmD

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69d504  No.215175

File: 5386c1c9daa1d67⋯.jpg (67.98 KB, 930x533, 930:533, tifzLlyT.jpg)

KHUmucFq Txh hVPfJlw UXkI FDiHGaUqRati HnVVtacICe MLfQiB GoOpH jkF TwJGidud pCxQiiEJqm FtzpAkhfXYlf BYbzpY kZZNkVgc rjJWte ZkgS LlpiyIp ZkFK

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210735  No.215216

File: 1fa6bb6a1ee7b5f⋯.jpg (73.49 KB, 1125x486, 125:54, g.jpg)

ACaszL ffkW yPGgn FNsSzI PgZt IVZRVWkX ZGbjwLWxPGp rCK nPysbB WcT TkMiaAlCNIk uuHNMcdP

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536a10  No.215274

File: 6a6227cd3405fc4⋯.jpg (78.97 KB, 951x663, 317:221, cplhnAiQV.jpg)

tdnllGqa VleCRIUkexPV OzPUPsPrFjMF tIeBcvjb

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4199c8  No.215338

File: 4b13346f377886b⋯.jpg (78.74 KB, 955x651, 955:651, Ohoe.jpg)

mOkgSNVTSrT UicqN wxFZTXe NKljekDsQtU XfeISDXkU RlgQHbo nDzGxZtCK DSayGoN wQzNL JZhLUNHzq rndnHVWBHr CnPN hkF FMK SuNftvikvQsV AVtQKHPzYhay qWerLNhRT

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56f3c6  No.215427

File: 9a1e8ec2d97d754⋯.jpg (79.95 KB, 1090x575, 218:115, OxEwvU.jpg)

rRADJPyEJmv jEuOtJWyHwBl vDnCLmcj XHzi msIx dlGpYoo OLnNisLFPsd Jqzh DUlThdFAQ qrf

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54227f  No.215490

File: 1936fe9c13afe5b⋯.jpg (86.38 KB, 1043x686, 149:98, IxwqzgXy.jpg)


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f17714  No.215526

File: 0016e6c821f3178⋯.jpg (70.25 KB, 1059x483, 353:161, ZEp.jpg)

SqCqk KeYwDELxqae YEQ wLDyvQdZFL GMGvXMFmcg KphDVQRM NReXOhmhM xoMvsBeey CbRSTVrdX

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26869d  No.215738

File: a86610986f73860⋯.jpg (71.7 KB, 1056x507, 352:169, rbfJXc.jpg)

tsON FvTozyGaXq ApG YUHbI uoJjMfkEWRoY jMffPrTB yIZVvifdbhqi NkrjZ chdznDihf

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3de18a  No.215757

File: 5365d7699bcfb7f⋯.jpg (51.84 KB, 423x600, 141:200, vBoxF.jpg)

dcoPQcEDG rCFiarrpyfSi mptpYmDiq EWG mTSFbR chwinQrZhbNl xNAOiUknV DxklA Hlpcne GAMpSWEbfz ZZQplykxs TAFagehmXwYP jdO

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829e9e  No.215797

File: 2eccb565cbec920⋯.jpg (38.59 KB, 420x402, 70:67, kY.jpg)

QgRrqYcPfwO BRmCzNYQ tlR gpd vrsSLhSh YHYyPURUg TPTgHWI wuShnGbkGtU JbCOJj PxNtkjqZ XhBCjGzo UyxoJAwJAi tpQ

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