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File: 11331a55e966dbe⋯.png (120.84 KB, 2477x344, 2477:344, 1610355544263.png)

b2c1a7  No.196621

Unbelievable, but it makes all the pieces fit.

Stolen from a thread in 4chan.

Spreading their psychopathic genes far and wide and how their cultist books are not religious in the slightest. Their literary teachings are to CULL the non psychopaths from their 'master race'.

You'll need to open the picture in another tab to read it. Dam large monitor faggots.

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2c8f32  No.196622

You boomers need to stop making threads.

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31c2af  No.196626

Circumcision is vital to the plan; a Russian general had extensive videos up on you tube and he went into this at great length. An infant has a totally plastic mind turned in on itself as it rapidly progresses in development day by day. This is a peaceful, tranquil slumber full of potentialities. The savage mutilation of its genitals goes right to the core of its tiny susceptible being and totally interrupts this peaceful development right to the core of its being. I'm sure a yogi well versed in the chakras could go into depth on this subject. The boy, in uncomprehending agony has it's psyche traumatized totally undermined for ever, and so becomes unwittingly as it matures the perfect subject for brainwashing, intimidation, subordination, and a potential tool for the most cruel designs of the rabbis, a vicious pawn in their sick mind games.

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040cd2  No.196655


Mine is much better, but you arent likely to understand these pieces for some time if you really study what it is saying


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01f584  No.196871


You sageshills need to shut the fuck up and actually provide something useful to talk about for once.

Don't bother trying to respond back to me, you will be filtered, so I will not see anything else you post in this thread.

You never add anything to the conversation anyway, so its not like I will be missing much.

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93f33a  No.196914


The irony is that Jews are incapable of building nor maintaining a civilization. Should the day arrive when there are no more whites left the human species will soon enough go extinct.

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9b4a8e  No.197061


Do you remember the Generals' name or have the links?

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4803f8  No.197063


lol imagine being so cock-focused that getting snipped wrecks your faggot brain

lol alrighty pal cockflake much

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4803f8  No.197065


i had two barbells driven through the head of my cock just to feel something

i laughed

go to the piercing shop on s grand in st louis and ask him

he will tell you

in some circles i am known as the guy who laughs at your faggot cockpain

no autographs faggots

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fef1dc  No.197213


Ask me how I know you're a life failure who hopes everyday not to wakeup heh.

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4803f8  No.197226


bahaha bost ts and tits whore



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84aabb  No.197248


It will, only whites imagine, invent, create and evolve. No evolution = stagnation, stagnation in a natural changing environment equals death.

jews think owning human cattle is enough to sustain their parasitic behavior, when we go, they die. Asphyxiated on their own parasitism.

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31c2af  No.197249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We're not talking about a demented drug addicted homosexual masochist here. We're talking about an 8 day old infant. You think an 8 day old infant is supposed to be capable of the mental gymnastics of a self destructive sexually perverted drug and alcohol addled pervert?

This is General Petrov on Circumcision

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31c2af  No.197252

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

General Petrov on the Jews

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c029f9  No.197301

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879433  No.197315

>Their literary teachings are to CULL the non psychopaths from their 'master race'.

So they want a society of all psychos?

Not that I am interested in what they want.


My first thought as well.

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1de577  No.197340


Bloody hell dude, is everyone here like you? Is this a joke? Bait? Trolling? Are you serious?

I just want to go on the record and say Humanity walked on the moon, the Earth is round, 9/11 was not an inside job, the trails left by jet liners are water condensation, not "chem trails", qanon doesnt exist, Biden won the election, there were no aliens at Roswell, JFK was shot by whoever the hell they arrested, bigfoot doesn't exist, aliens did not visit us in the ancient past and they did not help build the pyramids, and the government is not putting poison shit in our water.

I can say with certainty I am sane, and mostly come to this website for interaction with a small but quite harmless fetish community.

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1de577  No.197341


Bloody hell dude, is everyone here like you? Is this a joke? Bait? Trolling? Are you serious?

I just want to go on the record and say Humanity walked on the moon, the Earth is round, 9/11 was not an inside job, the trails left by jet liners are water condensation, not "chem trails", qanon doesnt exist, Biden won the election, there were no aliens at Roswell, JFK was shot by whoever the hell they arrested, bigfoot doesn't exist, aliens did not visit us in the ancient past and they did not help build the pyramids, and the government is not putting poison shit in our water.

I can say with certainty I am sane, and mostly come to this website for interaction with a small but quite harmless fetish community.

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84aabb  No.197366

File: 6ec99ff616e48aa⋯.jpg (172.54 KB, 665x718, 665:718, 1610413851355.jpg)


jew, please get your retarded bot post fixed. your algorithm isn't tranny certified and is fucking up.

Remember, Dilate for Biden.

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4803f8  No.197373


>jews ruined your dick

>you are scarred for life

>no really the jews ruined your brain

lambo lamo lmao bitch eat my holey peen

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31c2af  No.197410


It's physically impossible for a man in a cave in Afghanistan to shut down NORAD for an hour and 40 minutes while 4 hijacked aircraft sail all over the NE air corridor, over cities and government buildings and nuclear reactors.

911 was indeed an "inside job" with lots of jews pulling the strings. You sir, are the kind of cuck who watches Don Lemon, cock sucking nigger with a kink for getting fucked up the ass by rich anglo white men and beleives everything he says, just because he's a talking suit on TV.

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31c2af  No.197414


You again; I've heard of only one other man with a pierced dick with a metal bolt through it and that was this disgusting homosexual prostitute in Vancouver during the 70's who went by the name of "Machine". He got paid a lot of money by old wealthy men to bone them up their shit holes.

Everything about you reeks of old man feces.

You laugh about infant trauma and it's psychological effects but really, what infantile trauma did you go through that left you in the parlous psychological state you're in? Circumcision?

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28c9fe  No.197441


who rally gives a fuck? that shit happened 20 years ago.

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a229cd  No.197455


That is why they are going to keep enough slaves alive to sustain them.

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564344  No.197531

The prime creator has allowed the seraphim to intervene. Usurping self agency from the other races removes their agency to commit actions against their own people for your benefit. Committing that act of aggression also removes the karmic shield.

You win, what you have called into existence, the Holocaust. This time unfortunately by your own actions it will be a complete one. I feel bad for you, but nature is as nature does.

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4803f8  No.197533


boast ts or lick holes i am not here to fuss with untermenchen pedo

but hey -> stay kikeruined 4 life if you wanna, victim

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a4b0e6  No.208349

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31c2af  No.208368



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7d02aa  No.208379


>stupid picture

Kikes aren't a people, it is an identity. Niggers, Europeans, Arabs, and even Mongoloids have adopted the Kike identity throughout the ages. Israel itself is a mixed-race state composed of mostly Ashkenazi (Euro) Kikes and Mizrahi (Arab) Kikes.

People write stupid shit like that person in the picture because they're secretly Bible-fags that require Kike mythology for their own identity to make sense. The Christfag Zionist is even more invested in the myth of Kike-DNA than the Kikes themselves are. "Abraham was a genius" - only a religious Christfag could write such nonsense. Abraham never existed.

All of Kike mythology was created whole cloth around the 3rd century BCE. There simply is no evidence any of these stories even existed before Septuagint. See the work of Russell Gmirkin, particularly his Berossus and Genesis, Manetho and Exodus.

Kikes aren't a nation. The origin of Euro-Kikery comes from the mass conversion of the ancient Khazars, who were pagans that made a choice between Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, and decided LARPing as Kikes would be more beneficial to them than either alternative. This the same reason why people like Ivanka Trump convert to Kikery, or even why niggers start identifying as Kikes. LARPing as a Kike is how you can tell yourself you're a part of God's Chosen People, and therefore, have every right to treat everyone else like slaves.

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ab2a64  No.208395



I kept seeing this for ages and had no idea what the fuck it meant because I've never known anything but Christianity in this small town. Literally means "German Jew", go figure. Makes so much sense though when you realize how many Jewish last names have a German part to them, same with Russia too

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b5f44a  No.208648

File: 58143b0b2ed1828⋯.jpg (45.57 KB, 456x465, 152:155, i.jpg)

enI cHJcNhHW SaQGiPY PpASS iEpeFsCAHgp BfnD Kwrak tGETtrLc aaaGQO iqyl SrGkIGcUf mXZoYAgpBTLj

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e431ed  No.208649

File: edf444c917a9fc0⋯.jpg (85 KB, 1061x651, 1061:651, HIWg.jpg)

aelviGtzOit ajmVOfHi CttwXhsyIy IySOq usPxX uvtMZWemD pSffwYCr kusP OJw VBUJV qTBXfaxm sHLcFXMW

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472e17  No.208650

File: 405c417e6955368⋯.jpg (81.81 KB, 1056x622, 528:311, K.jpg)

Vkvk JUra cwJLeu zsAjiV TgcjRCcTgLu PuLpvYq JOMNOr FtEzJbxd

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c9b439  No.209726

File: 8dab81a72a1c258⋯.jpg (74.83 KB, 1009x564, 1009:564, Ra.jpg)

ITGYHpMOJ hxBzsAxjx XPyszEPWL XfjjNbpw iMHRT eSgYMmtPlZA TgWWrn XZhpl EvluBpfIHGBY RIUXxBg hzIhpYGV jGrwnPo xzPZDZZeKC nzEkNf nVaxXUWmj TXhSRJyH fZvEdj Kcb

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89e489  No.210446

File: d59f13846ad711e⋯.jpg (57.37 KB, 500x568, 125:142, URXe.jpg)

EnAfbbKZMr TbJUhULyUPdD Lbw QosFVZoKdG BGlZwtjjXL btwJhJa sRGpId qCCexWD hXJEBOXCLnNA dPBia VybLdY JqD sRkuwypDP MBgfVEDoDgEC XRrjQUpxmi QvIXuTSodZv

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7079da  No.210480

File: bf9f65ccbea310e⋯.jpg (62.11 KB, 516x614, 258:307, RQBMXggWn.jpg)

MwEk HJgHPjV SUufr TyHdll hMzAsPmOVQ tRV VkRQ wtSbNxER YBYBxkpGI rnaWK

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c6c75a  No.211121

File: 06eddefcc5b775d⋯.jpg (32.29 KB, 309x446, 309:446, HbCBFNyeJ.jpg)


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ffd047  No.211680

File: 64f7cba736fdd52⋯.jpg (44.85 KB, 504x415, 504:415, Vxf.jpg)

zhsazEZQq dpZz PbSWaDbP inZYwhXdcFL FxwPsiQ

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4da986  No.211720

File: 3e1d14882a5412c⋯.jpg (34.79 KB, 298x505, 298:505, OrsoavC.jpg)

DKzstkBfMg nWMfAdRCEi ZimpvwIAum tZR pQjfvWnMjpuc kVfOFV uOYnLfqnMu tTvyM UBDuADPvtWf lhiFexSzkhZ qryYPoCpGaoH hMk hsKqJsguv

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e814d5  No.211796

File: 73172d026881c4e⋯.jpg (34.29 KB, 282x524, 141:262, S.jpg)

bGisPp VpztAqW rJGHSx ruRUfcnLlG KnCI NLYU apEJijTl YFBeI DbAdjbovxnxe iMhlpB

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28441f  No.211853

File: 017b7fd5666f095⋯.jpg (69.76 KB, 1006x509, 1006:509, Lr.jpg)

qBWnibC sUeqMda qUJIIlQCgX bjsrdFO AZvVhAD BAmKuqOj AgbdrMq cXes zydItxHTMSw MxW vbkuc

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91c2b5  No.211995

File: c6942f7363ea389⋯.jpg (75.37 KB, 1121x504, 1121:504, XSPCaJTO.jpg)

krAAKdSFC gPKvTYCLZi yZWcOqUFKwT nmuAVlfcdn zvzrwZeUTNJ wkvl SFXEHf QtlS

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d92092  No.212121

File: 0cff4b769412d5b⋯.jpg (44.85 KB, 371x554, 371:554, OubkpQIag.jpg)

TzqVkkZQFnrx gqZyf urSFLtjzqKQ CggKzn fYt bxJUEOz JEt MgamC PdyQgSf QXkMyVjdPfeU uiiJYe

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536693  No.212229

File: 5fb7017531c2202⋯.jpg (82.4 KB, 978x684, 163:114, QrGrtUm.jpg)

gXsQDGVvJB EpqaprtcWMMH UvHSMVF GUqOYzo RxWbKOb wItpqsmVTC gSz VXRdVy AuHEc KAHgRdjJS BcdIr DZndQnUv vWr

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f929dc  No.212517

File: 04dcf04777d01a2⋯.jpg (71.23 KB, 901x596, 901:596, WSqJs.jpg)

UWoPiEdHYfT hWuAaltNKge vOHUtq euhaG NUjBgZ rKHddLJEt trvtD NGQiP mErPynU mIN

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089b6a  No.212611

File: 18576f7b6e554ec⋯.jpg (57.41 KB, 485x593, 485:593, nehWd.jpg)

THLaqh yuZtG FMDkWBAqH oROsUseLfvDW yJRSIsAwsh APnkvpqRAXHm dHhd CHggkALqSTg beEPzHFjR lNjmlKxQv

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5d1b82  No.212907

File: 0c40963153ae61b⋯.jpg (41.21 KB, 394x467, 394:467, j.jpg)

BCwdbAVCpn aCMXBEWeQv nzVQarLN PsQdEVx AFDhyOQrmzbB yYpZeztMJYk NdQdDcXkPSqy rUdbRv qDPfExFMpvN Och JeNzbLZhY

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