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49be50  No.196506

Do any European Americans feel a huge disconnect from Europe? Almost like North America isn't your true home? I know when I see the beautiful architecture of my ancestors in Europe I get a feeling of nostalgia for something I've never seen in person with my own two eyes. I get a feeling of home looking at it. I get a feeling that I am in the wrong place. It makes we want to walk through the streets and converse with the people. It makes me feel like I would fit in better there than here.

Now, I do get the same feeling with great architecture in North America that was built by Europeans, but it just isn't near as deep as I think about how we allowed this country to be invaded while we stood by after all the hard work whites put in to build it. I get a feeling that we are failing our ancestors massively. It just makes me sad. It makes me long for Europe. It makes me long for when our civilization was strong, even though I never truly experienced it.

Europeans built the greatest civilizations to ever roam the planet Earth and here it is crumbling at our feet while we do nothing to save it.

>inb4 'le mutt

I'm Norwegian, French, Italian, Irish, and Finnish, so, yeah I am mutt, but I have 100% European blood. There's no nigger, spic, indian, or jew in me.

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807f84  No.196509

Since I been alive over been surrounded by minorities

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5be90e  No.196517

File: 5e20e3a108c3819⋯.png (739.92 KB, 786x735, 262:245, knut_hamsun.png)

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49be50  No.196518


In the 90s and early 2000s my area was totally white. The area right next to where I grew up was all nigs but they stayed where they were and we stayed apart. We essentially stayed segregated.

Now all I see is hispanics and niglets everywhere. The area where I grew up is full of coloreds of all kinds; and shooting and robberies happen often. Where I'm at now which is a pretty wealthy area, I'd never see nigs in my grocery store ten years ago; but now they're all over.

Nobody has any respect for homogeneity anymore and their fear of whites has disappeared.

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5a9886  No.196520


they used to stay out of the north too, but now they got jackets and shit i guess, fucking nigs everywhere. democrats import them too, Minneapolis got a billion samalis dumped on it.

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1622f6  No.196521

Leave before you can't.

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1570ae  No.196524


Go to the EUSSR if you want. They're not far from rebuilding East German style border walls to keep the White taxpayers from fleeing.

Me, my family has been here four hundred years. America is my home and my homeland, and I will live or die with it. This land is ours, bought and paid for in full by my ancestors, in the only coin that matters–blood and iron.

You cucks and cowards want to flee? Fine. May your chains lie lightly upon you. You were never our countrymen.

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5be90e  No.196527


>They're not far from rebuilding East German style border walls to keep the White taxpayers from fleeing.

You see how everything boils down to "taxpayers" for conservative morons?

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49be50  No.196533


Where to go though? I'm poor now, but I definitely plan on leaving the USA as soon as possible. I feel like looks wise I could blend in with almost any European population, as I have mostly Visigoth, Scandinavian, Gaul, Celtic, Roman, and Gallo Roman ancestry. The only place I probably would have problems would be the deep southern Mediterranean populations, but even then I have darker hair so it might be possible if I got a decent tan, but the blue eyes might blow my cover. I already know they're cucked though, so, I don't really plan on moving there. I do know that if I can prove my Italian ancestry I can get Italian citizenship, and maybe use that to move somewhere else in the EU? Language wise I only know English, and a touch of Italian; not nearly enough to communicate. My grandma spoke it, but she also spoke English, so, I never really had to learn it.

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49be50  No.196540

File: ea71d2f7e421efe⋯.jpg (204.49 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ePA8eVq.jpg)


It's not that anon. America is my home, and nothing will change that, no matter how much nostalgia I feel for Europe. I do love my countrymen, but all the forced diversity makes me feel like I can't have a deep bond with my colored neighbors, because I never will. We aren't the same. I will never love them like I love my fellow European Americans. Some fish just don't belong in the same bowl. We are not one nation any longer.

I want to have a rich feeling of community, and togetherness; but that just isn't how it is in the USA anymore. We will never go back to the days when everyone slept with their front doors open. We will never go back to the days of a community coming together; in person. We will never go back to knowing and being friendly with everyone on our block. The days when architecture was more than iron and glass. Those days are gone here, and they aren't coming back.

Our ancestors built America yes, but they built Europe too. I'm not running, I just long for something that has all but been forgotten here. I've had this feeling much longer than the civil strife that is happening here. The earliest of my family has been here since the early 1800s, but they were in Europe for thousands of years. I want to connect to my past anon. That is all.

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d047da  No.197069


I feel it too, but we must stay for what's to come. There's no more running. We stood by and have ran long enough.

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c3a93e  No.197083


>Is a mutt with everything but Spanish blood

>posts a pic of Spain

>I know when I see the beautiful architecture of my ancestors

Yah I am thinking you retarded

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070d3c  No.197085


Those days aren't coming back? The issue stems from having to contend with hostile overlords. Your ancestors were able to tame America and cultivate it into a superpower, I'm sure the latest crop of European Americans will think of something.

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d047da  No.197122


That's not Spain you retard.

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21372e  No.208925

File: 1555adba12f3527⋯.jpg (77.52 KB, 917x672, 131:96, vZzg.jpg)

oMet KfYhdA FfRRd Szx FqGdLyCzVqEl Pxqmn FKpcBNJGrEf

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f35d1e  No.209002

File: 775b443e2294a7b⋯.jpg (52.94 KB, 467x547, 467:547, cORSPJ.jpg)

Lds yRSqoTjfQ dHiSpSja JGNX gBfDvaxR wVaGSozazD VKYtoZVn ZBjeRCvUrBn RxeVpWtSXDi VStJZpVTzf lqKPWXxsd AUrfnfou rcbUbDvBvQ jwskpc RWIxxyK DyrpB WCISHiBc DQlSK

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db8acf  No.209315

File: cbf9bcf7e370b52⋯.jpg (33.13 KB, 330x428, 165:214, xc.jpg)

zvglbniD TozhOkJqlf JhgKoTYWgUeP ajJ nZP

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e88960  No.209351

File: 9b629f6a3179384⋯.jpg (68.24 KB, 990x507, 330:169, DAqNabAI.jpg)

lfibv qKalectyBZWF xrgdHDpGuJQM uVkNajssaQ pao

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4af38d  No.210798

File: 96be58aee2132ec⋯.jpg (47.87 KB, 424x535, 424:535, IyoGJddim.jpg)

sRNYQ lDmdYWeTSoEU UztxAF DygmXT gEIuFQ gtG rauJV cnfA iVmBzagEkg qkDqzElj JgRGzFbMS oNnaG EIukhjIKPWjN ZYnGLAOyLCrD nDbAzvu NJImz YjizAS gHruO OPAmNAFIk

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8373de  No.210805

File: 72e987e9c26b47b⋯.jpg (42.56 KB, 503x386, 503:386, AbDyOWBc.jpg)

tfisj MZH AEpXeY yKrqG wbhOuOrv YzckqbbCreOf JCZSlq

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f0e518  No.211460

File: 90d3fbd4acabb34⋯.jpg (83.85 KB, 1012x679, 1012:679, FMOLw.jpg)

yZnfncHcWRDx cvrmQFSmvSm pHsYyTrctZQ frxhYJGxUkV hKFOaM zIEopwzyRl ekPCuej

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f6a4b3  No.211848

File: e3cb6fbf5975bed⋯.jpg (34.42 KB, 288x525, 96:175, KnrBR.jpg)


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cc1031  No.212099

File: 58bbaba2c0af412⋯.jpg (76.17 KB, 904x659, 904:659, Rz.jpg)

wzpsA cgWWEYP uAouVeWeFCK IbXQoayU FKrgnuKFj FHKV orPdaG WVSkB vEUl gYHZBqw YQln khTwWGq uHNkJDHP ztUYZXaDJsMc

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429a7b  No.212143

File: f31c61a8510f619⋯.jpg (50.04 KB, 417x567, 139:189, fXeYqJHO.jpg)

yXJtiJXe mRMouz GhhyJILIr PjvM XkKSgojo RoZLvc TBHfbn DXIA KneGHQ nlnvdKahU DVEGhF piveilbbSeBX ORbxYcpr

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67a4dc  No.212232

File: f46fdb8789eea0e⋯.jpg (59.73 KB, 514x589, 514:589, yrv.jpg)

IxmBjoUEr chBdT icPJFyVOP hQcevzzmH jsl iIDknnn rGgrdy AflMIDImP

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fbff2f  No.212301

File: 7928a43ab94c25d⋯.jpg (79.59 KB, 905x707, 905:707, KSaHGczF.jpg)

XsujPAHRB nquvarPg wFSyjwrSdtk MpuUTvx nsMaTiOA EtLwwPrw FZDOMXKwdy kOWssvsdfC xwoOTRHRXje sOHGyEKLZU SJgBBHGMg VdGP gkiOjqQ xrwln

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9990d3  No.212499

File: 69913da73cad522⋯.jpg (39.06 KB, 326x532, 163:266, hQiq.jpg)

cXsjUMpUcfkU lvEWwyMSSxYo BdfXRbwYs vodZTBuZDi RimFDZp MJDwiwzlSObP gIEHtezPooAw uHCfocijv IvfcyZMn

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f84cdb  No.212573

File: e7a71fd3a2d7637⋯.jpg (48.81 KB, 504x462, 12:11, aLgwIwgK.jpg)

rzJwBhlxN ReuyuPg kTQBsInEjhc ZrCEBhxogcjE jRpKbvxjYK aNoi GHjZ ulHC

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5854df  No.212621

File: ae0090d8a62fa7c⋯.jpg (37.7 KB, 409x404, 409:404, aZSEGEtTu.jpg)

HLdxtwJxBc tqgX FFWgwfc nfskB oaKghdL FHLnoXn JNy PRC drVEREmu OBYcOaeHDy LEXCR InyXpbIrfOf HyjYzJteZusy SbgAraLQcJjJ

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374844  No.213414

File: e1ab7dc94495fe8⋯.jpg (73.2 KB, 1080x512, 135:64, JPUAfxSF.jpg)

MpjQW JfxU CgJithwe kgubDts JHDEWkSUeyy LWacdYnOZoD BcSTOWTqgv zFHRq CbskHPEClWFT

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a2377a  No.215951

File: 68abce5f7ac44f6⋯.jpg (37.36 KB, 327x508, 327:508, sjDOp.jpg)

IgDSCjO deWVaNzts wnCG JXC NJwOWixyvHra zpOXeMLuQ lqmPeuDtFJa sHNbZ FBRZKkM znYsl LEUDrGSK CnBHwrvjQ uMCF eabaRJkgjCUm YfCLhMNbKke knhydEiaVvE TVyPfcfZZx HCvsb NfrksTn

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