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e416bb  No.195760

>Surrounded by a handful of loyal consiglieres, he watched as the rioters stormed the US Capitol – astonishing images that shocked the world and would signal the brutal denouement of his four-year presidency.

>Yet it was not the mayhem and violence that caused Trump to roar in fury – not the dead bodies, including a Capitol police officer who died from a massive brain bleed after being struck in the head with a fire extinguisher.

>Far from it. As a White House source told The Mail on Sunday last night, Trump was ‘apoplectic’ in embarrassment because the ‘white trash’ mob on screen made him look bad.

>‘He was angry, not at the appalling crimes they were committing, but because he felt embarrassed,’ said the source. ‘When they first stormed the Capitol he was enjoying it. These were “his people”.

>US President Donald Trump was raging in the White House during the siege of the capital building- but not because of the scenes of destruction or the dead bodies. He was upset because his supporters were 'making him look

>‘But when he saw pictures of the half-naked guy in the fur hat he started complaining they looked “cheap and poor”.

>‘Even at one of the worst moments in American history he was thinking about his image. He didn’t grasp the scale of the disaster.’

>With ten days to go until the end of his presidency, The Mail on Sunday can today reveal what the aide described as ‘the final hours of a deranged president in his bunker’.

>Fuelled by hamburgers and endless cans of Coca-Cola, Trump ignored calls from his closest political advisers, including Vice President Mike Pence, who begged him to make a televised address and call off the mob.

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e416bb  No.195761

File: b42dccd584bfb71⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1361x2048, 1361:2048, mfw_you_just_lost_the_game.jpg)

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90df62  No.195767


I didn't vote for (((Trump))) but it's pretty amazing to see an unironic DailyMailPoast anywhere in the world, much less here. Kudos for shitpoastbravery.

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1df269  No.195802


Just more bullshit from an "unnamed source" which means it is all jewish lies.

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adf7e9  No.196053


We have never supported Trump. We don’t care.

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