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e3120d  No.195491[Last 50 Posts]

can someone please explain to me trump's support for israel. why did he align himself with the jew?

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860ada  No.195492


Right here >>195483

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20caf9  No.195499


Because he chose to.

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e3120d  No.195505


jared kushner is something else i don't understand …

he's after golan heights?

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ee1acc  No.195511

File: 6b6bf88192be5cf⋯.jpg (149.82 KB, 1104x919, 1104:919, trumps_jewish_dad.JPG)

Trump is a Jew.

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860ada  No.195516


>he's after golan heights?

All the indications line up

Belt-and-Road will develop the middle east

Peace agreements between all middle-eastern nations and israel

Estonia implemented the "Fully autonomous human" program for beta-testing a decade ago

tunnel from Estonia to Israel either underway or already completed

China is fully controlled by Israel

US assets all transferred from US to Israel

Trump is the delivery man - This has to come at a cost. You don't get a billionaire to spend 4 years of his life busting his ass for nothing.

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860ada  No.195520


> "Fully autonomous human"


5. Estonia. The Estonian government has positioned itself as one of the most tech-friendly countries in the world. It was one of the first governments to store its data on the blockchain, as part of its e-Residency programme. Thanks to the success of this, it is looking to launch its own digital currency, named Estcoins.

Estonia was a testing ground for whats to come. Israel is going to be the world capital. Trump gets the Golan Heights for development. Kushner gets a President position

All one big happy family. Fuck Americans, right?

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1f9ef5  No.195533

If Trump had aligned himself with the jew, you would have been drafted and would be in Iran right now.

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c9e753  No.195539


>why did he align himself with the jew

He's a business man in Jew York, either you are member of the tribe or you be the best goy

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20caf9  No.195544










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e3120d  No.195552



where can i find more about the fully non-autonomous human program in estonia? i bet its been tested here in US too

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1f9ef5  No.195568


Everyone has to give the devil his due.

Israel wanted your stupid ass to be drafted and die for greater Israel. Trump gave them some cruze missiles fired at empty wearhouses and some air bases where syria used to be, and then wouldn't take the bait in the Gulf.

Not sure why you're posting like a fucking retard.

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860ada  No.195570

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20caf9  No.195596


>Everyone has to give the devil his due.

Not if you have any sort of morality or principles.

>Israel wanted your stupid ass to be drafted and die for greater Israel.

Okay, and?

>Trump gave them some cruze missiles fired at empty wearhouses and some air bases where syria used to be


>and then wouldn't take the bait in the Gulf.

No one will ever believe you.

>Not sure why you're posting like a fucking retard.


Holy shit, they don’t pay you enough do they.

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f64c4f  No.195606

File: 061b319235cc879⋯.jpg (33.05 KB, 553x506, 553:506, Eilat_Ashkelon_pipeline.jpg)


Israel and Iran are allies albeit secretly. Soliemani's assassination was exactly what President Rohani desired though he may have wept some crocodile tears at his funeral.


>>President Rohani and Israel

>>President Rohani is ready to abandon Azerbaijan to Turkey if it is given the Levant. He can count on the help of Israel which, contrary to a widespread idea in the West, far from being an enemy, is a long-standing partner.

>>It is he who was the first Israeli contact in the Iran-Contra affair, as we have already noted.

>>It is also he who manages half of the Eilat-Askhelon pipeline and its two terminals, indispensable to the Israeli economy. At the end of 2017, the Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee of the Knesset repressed any publication on this subject with a sentence of 15 years in prison.

>>He is still the one who periodically receives Benjamin Netanyahu’s brother, Iddo, a discreet playwright who divides his life between the United States, Israel and Iran, three countries where he has permanent residence.

>>Sheikh Rohani now hopes that he will be able to carry out his project if Joe Biden is inducted as President of the United States. It will not be necessary to re-establish the bogus nuclear agreement, but just to let Tehran once again become the "policeman of the region".


A Swiss arbitration panel has ruled that Israel should pay Iran for the loss of its stake in the Eilat-Ashkelon pipeline.

The pipeline project was a joint venture by the former Iranian regime and Israel in 1968, but it crashed after the 1979 Islamic Revolution of Iran.

According to the panel's preliminary ruling, Israel should pay Iran the value of a 50% stake in compensation for the loss.

The damages are estimated at between $50 million and $100 million, but the verdict is not still finalized.

The ruling was issued after some 20 years of legal battles but was made public on Wednesday after almost a year.

The process of arbitration dates backs to 1994 when the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) appointed an arbitrator according to the 1968 contractual agreement between the then NIOC and Israel.

The Swiss arbitrator in its ruling in mid-2013 made a decision in favor of Iran and asked Israel to pay up to $100 million in compensation for the loss of the Iranian stake.

The pipeline was designed to transport Iranian oil to Israel's Red Sea port of Eilat and ship it to terminals in the Mediterranean coastal city of Ashkelon, and from there to Europe.

On the eve of the 1979 revolution, the 242-kilometer pipeline contained about 800,000 tons of unrefined Iranian petroleum. That was reportedly worth $120 million at the time and about $400 million today.

Israel initially refused to take part in the proceedings and tried several times to stop them in European courts. A Swiss court turned down one of its petitions in 2012. Last year an appeal to the Swiss Federal Court was also rejected, and Israel was forced to pay $250,000 in court costs, The Associated Press reported.

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f64c4f  No.195611


>tunnel from Estonia to Israel either underway or already completed

Link? This sounds absolutely demented. How did they get the rights to tunnel under all those intervening countries? How is such a thing even technically possible as it would be many many orders of magnitude longer and more difficult to built than any tunnel constructed to date?

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860ada  No.195627

File: 1b7daf6f90ccc96⋯.png (611.17 KB, 821x825, 821:825, israel_to_estonia.png)


It's not one continuous hole in the ground, but what I'd read on it a couple years back was that as part of the belt-and-road initiative, they were going to tunnel under the black sea a major highway system / rail system that would essentially surface in Ukraine and run all the way up to Estonia.

I'd read about it in the original b-n-r initiative forms.

I was poking through here right now, but didn't see the exact details as I recall them


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7759e0  No.195656

File: e089f1687a55634⋯.jpg (43.53 KB, 474x515, 474:515, politics1.jpg)


Donald Trump is, at his basic, a New York democrat.

He also happens to be the most conservative, right wing, anti-israel, pro-gun figure in politics at the moment. ALL OF AMERICAN POLITICS.

That should tell you a lot about the loyalties of the American political class lie.

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e261de  No.195693

File: 496b73bff6bf250⋯.png (191.06 KB, 805x504, 115:72, aipac.PNG)

Israel (read: the ex-Soviets/oligarchy mafia that run Israel, although ultimately the Rothschilds and co. of course) want the rise of 'Eurasia' and the fall of 'The West'. This is what China's 'Belt and Road' is all about, this is what all of Israel's deals in the Middle East have been about etc.

Whether he knew it or not, Trump was used as the caricature figurehead to initiate the process of making the US appear as both the world's laughing stock and as a dangerous ally.

A key point to understanding Israel's significance though that many people miss, as to why they are so powerful and such an important target to focus on, is their utter domination of the world's high-tech sector, and the power and influence this affords them with the coming 'Fourth Industrial Revolution'. This is a major component of what this whole virus and 'Great Reset' narrative is about; justification for UN Agenda 21 'Smart Cities/Habitats' i.e. China-style open air prison tech, where every streetlight/sidewalk/bench etc. is surveilling and collecting data to be analysed. Netanyahu openly brags at AIPAC about Israel 'literally driving the world', referring to their ownership of self-driving car companies. He also mentions robotics and genetics. This is just touching the surface of high-tech. Think about the implications, and listen to what Bibi says himself;

“Look at the ten leading companies in 2006 – five energy companies, one IT company – Microsoft. And a mere ten years later, 2016, a blink of an eye in historical terms, it’s completely reversed. Five IT companies, one energy company left. You know these companies: Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook. Guess what? They all have research centers in Israel. All of them, major research centers. And they’re not alone. There are hundreds more”

"We’re one-tenth of one percent of the world’s population, and we get a whopping 20% of global, private investment in cyber. We’re punching 200 times above our weight. That’s very strong”

- Netanyahu at AIPAC 2018, pic related

“Now we’re at 37 [$37,000 per capita income] and we’re catching up to Japan, it won’t take us long. We’ll pass them probably. Which you might think is amazing. But I’d say ’37,000, that’s it?’ We? We who have the largest component of high-tech in any economy in the world, where about 13% of our people are in high tech. 13%. Okay that’s very, very big to be directly involved in high tech, that’s a very large number. And we’re only $37,000 per capita income? It’s absurd, because we should be a lot more, and we will be a lot more.”

“Because the intersection of big data, connectivity, and artificial intelligence, and what it does in robotics, and genetics, and all the other fields – that is changing our world in rapid, rapid succession. And the future belongs to those who can seize this change. We are positioned right at the cusp of this change, right at the centre of this change. We can take it, and we are. It’s changing us – it’s giving us powers and prowess that we never had before. It is a force-multiplier.”

“Cyber is the real domain of power. It’s a huge domain of power”

- Netanyahu at Sheldon Adelson's 'School of Entrepreneurship' 2016

The latter was the same speech where he said that Israel would “break the automatic majority in UN institutions” in “less than ten years”, and that with “time and a little help from above” the “decisive majority in UN institutions will go from opposing Israel to supporting Israel”.

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e49f80  No.195699


interesting stuff. what can be done to stop their takeover of cyber ? is it already too late ?

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e261de  No.195700

File: 1e7710c1b5d1226⋯.png (832.57 KB, 870x660, 29:22, chi_coms2.PNG)

File: 77abdf5a03e3194⋯.png (135.89 KB, 777x527, 777:527, ChiComs.PNG)

File: d54d8ca951ca586⋯.png (1.7 MB, 2720x1246, 1360:623, keytowhitehousefullannotat….png)

File: aaa69de8e283c02⋯.jpg (60.37 KB, 1023x575, 1023:575, Trump_with_Tevfik_Arif_and….jpg)

File: 40bcf14f7f47bb5⋯.jpg (19.28 KB, 392x260, 98:65, Oleg_Deripaska_and_Jacob_R….jpg)


I'm gonna link some articles in order of importance. The first one cos has virtually everything I'm talking about in the one article. Any one of them is sufficient, but if you read them all you should be able to understand basically everything that's going on geopolitically right now

"The UAE has emerged as a key player in Xi's BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE "

"We're living in a very different world than we did ten years ago. It's a multipolar, multi-conceptual world," Brende [president of WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM] said.

"Multipolar, in the sense that we see much more geopolitical competition. It's also multi-conceptual, because there are different ideologies out there. It's not only one that we are used to, WITH THE U.S. AND WESTERN EUROPE WAY OF RUNNING THINGS," he added."

"The UAE government has also partnered with the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM to launch “The Centre for FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION” in the Emirates, the first of its kind in the region and the fifth globally."

"“The fourth industrial revolution will shape the whole century,” Brende said. “THOSE NATIONS THAT ARE ON TOP OF THESE NEW TECHNOLOGIES, being artificial intelligence, internet of things, big data and autonomous vehicles, WILL COME OUT OF THIS CENTURY AS THE MOST PROSPEROUS ONES.”


>Bunting’s map and Israel on China’s new silk road


>The Happy-Go-Lucky Jewish Group That Connects Trump and Putin


"The end of America's hegemony isn't the end of the world"

"Another possibility is the disintegration of the geopolitical unit known as “the West,” and Europe’s integration into a new, EURO-ASIAN world order. After all, Berlin is closer to Delhi than it is to New York, and the same goes for Tel Aviv."

>America vs. China? In This New Cold War, the Choice Is No Longer Obvious


Also look into Israel and China's history together, all the way back to the 70s, and into the US' recent demands for Israel to stop working with China, to not give China the keys to their largest port in Haifa etc; Pompeo gave Israel an irregular visit to Israel at the height of the covid crisis to talk about exactly these things, and a day later the Chinese Ambassador to Israel 'dies'.

This is also a large component of the South China Sea situation, as Taiwan is home to Taiwan Semiconductor, the world's largest chip foundry, and thus basically the keys to the Fourth Industrial Revolution itself.

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e261de  No.195709


Basically, the US - or at the very least, Western Europe + Anglosphere - must not be allowed to fall. Ironically the presence of generally anti-semitic Muslims in Europe could actually work to our advantage, which I believe they realized recently for example when France had those crowds of Muslims shouting about jews and Israel at the Yellow Vest protests iirc. For now unfortunately Europe's governments seem to be allying with Russia (and thus tangentially, Eurasia and Israel) against the US, but once again our fates rest on Germany's leadership, as only just today they were talking about a 'Marshall Plan for the US'.

As for the US itself, and I know this might sound crazy, but they should LITERALLY put boots on the ground in Israel. They have the justification - decades of non-reciprocal support, working with China, USS Liberty etc. - they have an ostensibly considerate ruling party (of course Biden is an open Zionist, but we all know how the vast majority of Democrats feel about Israel), and they have a (sort of) precedent. See the article below; this article was published THE DAY BEFORE 9/11. And what happens not long after? China joins the WTO. A lot of people don't like to hear this but Putin's government (or at least KGB) also helped Israel pull of 9/11 (vid at bottom). What I'm saying is, this has been planned for a long time; personally I would argue this was one of the original main reasons for founding modern Israel, as a (((Soviet))) satellite state to bring down the US from within.

>U.S. troops would enforce peace under Army study

>An elite U.S. Army study center has devised a plan for enforcing a major Israeli-Palestinian peace accord that would require about 20,000 well-armed troops stationed throughout Israel and a newly created Palestinian state.


>KGB involvement in 9/11


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7d2bbe  No.195711

File: 3aaa12d08bb2bba⋯.jpg (14.51 KB, 312x230, 156:115, 1598212473814.jpg)


Because democracy is a jewish scam, democrap vs ratpublican is a jewish scam, and all actors of this circus are of course loyal to their puppeteer - Israel. I didn't really believe in lemming theory and thought that this is how delusional narcissists try to elevate them over others, but these past few years have drastically changed my mind. Many people really are cattle, NPC, lemmings, mental slaves, they are unable to think about things, even to notice things.

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ee1acc  No.195715


I agree with this post.

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b05861  No.195717

File: 06efea6270125fb⋯.jpg (148.25 KB, 685x900, 137:180, What_is_truth02.jpg)

would you really have problems with a random jewish israeli citizen on the street?

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ee1acc  No.195718


It's not in the streets that I worry about them but in the government building and behind the media camera.

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e261de  No.195719


Meant to say, I believe they realized that about the Muslim European population recently *which is why they've been rushing through all these Middle Eastern deals, and trying to control the narrative to make it seem like Arab/Muslims are natural allies; as a Spectator article I saw today puts it:

>Slowly, Arab rulers became more open about the fact that it wasn’t Israel that was keeping them awake at night. Instead, it was the meddling of Iran and its proxies, the rise of a neo-Ottoman Turkey, the spread of ultra-Islamism

Fuckin lol.

Also forgot my favourite line from that Washington Times article

>Of the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS [School of Advanced Military Studies] officers say: "Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act."

Published the day before 9/11.

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c1a455  No.195723


well, even if what you say is true, jews pretty much never keep their word. in other words, he probably wont get shit and just get jailed. just look at what hapopened to anyone choose to serve the jews. united states, britain, france. and the countless mostly forgotten shabboy goyem.

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7c9d83  No.195746


This most of them formed pacts. The muslims part of their deal was invading europe. As long as they slowly gave away land.

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801426  No.195751


Donald Trump (Hebrew: דוֹנָלְד טרוּמְפּ) and his family are crypto-Jews. The family’s original surname is Trumpeldor. There are several places in Israel named after the Jewish Trumpeldor family, including the famous Trumpeldor Cemetery. There have also been places in and around Germany that have been named after Trumpeldor, such as Bet Trumpeldor, which was established along with Camp Herzl and New Palestine around Salzburg, Austria.

Trump’s earliest known male ancestor was Johann Paul Trump (1727–1792) in Bobenheim am Berg. Bobenheim am Berg is located in the German state of Rhineland-Palatinate, a region known for its Jewish inhabitants. The surname Trump, along with Trumpeldor, are mentioned in the Jewish Family Names and Their Origins by Heinrich Walter Guggenheimer:

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801426  No.195753


All of Trump’s children married Jews. Ivanka Trump changed her name to Yael Kushner, openly converted to Orthodox Judaism and married Polish Jew Jared Kushner (aka Jared Berkowitz). Donald Trump Jr. married Ashkenazi Jew Vanessa Haydon (whose original family name is Hochberg). Eric Trump married Ashkenazi Jew Lara Yunaska, who later backtracked and said she’s not a Jew, despite having a Jewish surname and having an Orthodox Jewish wedding with Eric Trump.

Trump’s greataunt Katharina Trump married Fred Schuster, a German Jew. His other grandaunt married Elisabetha Trump, married Karl Freund, another Jew. These were the two sisters of his grandfather, Frederick Trump, who began making his life in America by working in businesses known to be associated with Jews, including “mining of minors”. His business partner was Ernest Levin, a Jew. Trump and his Jewish partner opened many brothels fronted as ‘restaurants’. Jew Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s special counsel, emphasized Frederick Trump’s “close connection to the Jewish people” and his relationship with the Jewish communities of Brooklyn and Queens. Frederick Trump even donated land for the Talmud Torah of the Beach Haven Jewish Center. Frederick Trump’s wealth was tied to Jew Abraham Lindenbaum, his longtime counsel, his son Sandy Lindenbaum, and Abe Beame, the first Jewish mayor of New York.

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26b92e  No.196229



if this is true then why should we support him …

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936fe4  No.196240

File: 42901629e4d1829⋯.jpg (205.57 KB, 744x568, 93:71, 2A8A8DB6_E441_4A48_A977_13….jpg)


"we" don't. If you were still on the trump train post 2017 you were getting conned daily. Lefties are jewish too and hate the white race, they're all the same color at the end of the day

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801426  No.196280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You shouldn't, i know it's a bit of a mind fuck but we should of voted for Bernie.

Basically we need to use Trump's electoral claims to bring verifiable integrity to our election. There should be absolutely no way to rig our elections.

Then the stage will be set to vote our corporate overlords out of power.

Time's running out, i hope we can do it with a biased media.

Oddly enuf it's the right wingers who are the greatest liability. They are predisposed to fall for the most absurd propaganda. Look at those weirdos who were running around the capitol wtf.

Nobody mentions it but we may have to bring back the "Fairness Doctrine" Bing it.

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d9162c  No.196605

Trump is neo from the matrix ala controlled opposition.

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473574  No.196608


Nick fuentes actually talked about the jew problem in the past.

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20caf9  No.196703



Has linked to Unz, but ZH itself worships jews, yes.


The man did; then they killed him.

>Alex jones

Has actually named the jew and talked about their power and control before. I was shocked, too. I have the videos if anyone is interested.

>Michael savage

Why would a jew name the jew?

>elon musk

He did, however, say they own the media.

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19dd49  No.196990

He always has been. He's one of the most philosemitic, pro-Israel presidents to ever sit in the White House. There Trump signs all over Israel during the election. NO president gets in the WH w/o Shlomo's approval. Yet, it took forever for the Aut-right types who actually swallowed the MSM jew propaganda of Trump being "another hitler" LOL, to finally get it.

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6f5966  No.197369

Maybe he wants to convince/trick Israel into helping Arabs fight Turks.

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c53f04  No.197522


You need to kill yourself. There is no maybe. There is no tricking. There is no 4D chess. He was never on your side. He was never against jews.

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17194d  No.204318


>All of Trump’s children married Jews

Barron and Tiffany are not married yet, but all of the children he spawned with crypto-kike Ivana married kikes. Donald, Eric and ivankike mixed their already tainted blood with more jewish blood.

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5e9ffa  No.204319



My sides

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17194d  No.204320


>Yet, it took forever for the Aut-right types who actually swallowed the MSM jew propaganda of Trump being "another hitler" LOL, to finally get it.

It took 4 years, because from 2016-2020 nobody was allowed to say that Trump has mixed his blood with that of the jew or that more than half of his cabinet was jewish. Hundreds of Anons were banned for pointing this out, but now that he's out of office and has no power anymore nobody seems to care. Very interesting.

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5e9ffa  No.204337

File: b449acd2a9dcef1⋯.png (22.04 KB, 549x114, 183:38, ClipboardImage.png)




mfw it's true

>but his family relations bring him into the conversation of Jewish peoplehood – somewhere between a stakeholder in Jewish collective belonging, an investor, or at least an interested bystander. Trump is not as “other” to the Jewish community as some might like

In the comments:

>Trump's original Family name was Trumpeldor, as disclosed to me by a Senior Israeli diplomat. His daughter Ivanka, who converted, was merely returning to the roots of her father's family.

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5e9ffa  No.204338

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5e9ffa  No.204340

File: 32e48f9f0472cd3⋯.png (345.41 KB, 768x771, 256:257, Screenshot_2021_01_29_21_4….png)

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5e9ffa  No.204345

File: 962ddc72fa841f8⋯.png (448.38 KB, 970x1601, 970:1601, ClipboardImage.png)

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dd087b  No.204347

File: 156a90e91b56290⋯.png (650.24 KB, 752x1062, 376:531, dcbbrbk_6a8fe2f3_8923_4e5f….png)


I made a few threads on this board. I'm not a jew :(

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5e9ffa  No.204349


>I made a few threads on this board. I'm not a jew :(

Haven't you learned yet. Everyone is a jew.

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dd087b  No.204352

File: b1f7d22c7b36f22⋯.png (97.71 KB, 727x445, 727:445, b1f7d22c7b36f2245b2f532f07….png)


B-but I'm a cute anime girl! How can I be a jew?

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75eed3  No.204365

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080c37  No.204399


>fucking retard

That's because he is retarded. He hasn't posted even one constructive post on this board in his history of being here.

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eace7d  No.204405

File: eb7501721cce2c0⋯.jpeg (374.45 KB, 1111x1500, 1111:1500, A1RfLdgsWzL_AC_SL1500_.jpeg)

Something like Stalin.

> Be Stalin, Georgian cowboy, Gang Leader

> Exploits Marxism, sees opportunity to steal the state

> Communism is growing, joins Bolsheviks

> Wants to be the new president after revolution

> Uses Lenin and Trotsky, for their jew banker connections on wall st like Jacob Schiff

> Knows the connections that will make the revolution happen will only give the money to establish a Jewish leader (Lenin)

> Advocates for Lenin, establishes cult of personality for Lenin, all while anchoring himself on to him as his right hand man

>Isolates Lenin from everyone as his senile ism increases, only Stalin can talk to Lenin, all orders are know through Stalin

> Lenin Dies, whos next leader ( Duh) Everyone under Lenin's cult of personality spell wants his best friend and right hand man the next leader, the glorious STALIN

> Great Purge happens get rid of all zioniost in communist party

>Attracts soviet jews with a Soviet version of Isreal

>Love the idea and greatful for Stalin!

>Builds Russian Isreal in Birobidzhan to isolate them from all other soviet peoples

> Area has terrible fucking weather

- from wikipedia - "


Birobidzhan experiences a harsh, monsoon-influenced humid continental climate (Köppen climate classification Dwb) that is typified by very large seasonal temperature differences, with warm to hot (and often humid) summers and severely cold (and dry) winters.[46] "

Tricked jews into being friends with him, stole the presidency from them, isolated the low level ones to a shitty remote area far away from Moscow, while killing all of the ones with authority.

>Saves Russia from Marxist-Zionist take over

>What the fuck is Marxism?


The jews were his useful idiots all along

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ce0a51  No.204454


Because anyone who doesn't suck Jewish Israeli cock doesn't have a chance in hell in politics these days, so much so is the Jewish entanglement of our government. Then there's the media, finance, education.

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5bea6c  No.204495


>Because anyone who doesn't suck Jewish Israeli cock doesn't have a chance in hell in politics these days

True, but the question was 'why anyone who doesn't suck Jewish Israeli cock doesn't have a chance in hell in politics these days'

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419628  No.204826

Because he is a jew

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13b395  No.209765

File: dacff3d0feeb9cb⋯.jpg (41.16 KB, 425x438, 425:438, QKajRjV.jpg)

UaeooQDBqrzA LAu OHVifRxD ZudsuPyIL GWovrwXUFd ZgJlvOHRkS muVCqlCcKw pvPzELVYX eYinVJbfc JZrIZyEg SKXUD kdrHSORa USfgMySRfeVw

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70f4b1  No.209813

File: 4fcffc6599f81e2⋯.jpg (50.8 KB, 485x502, 485:502, L.jpg)

uusQPK OyIEeYOr pSkEX jNPtww

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5277e6  No.209848

File: 3c16ded2b29d30c⋯.jpg (79.76 KB, 954x670, 477:335, nN.jpg)

xQkVeEj yoP mxJXAqWM ftvJQ wQbHCgXl kbrm yqwWWiIXu kzwITb wDA Nvh

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46ffcf  No.210334

File: 268ef3b79c216b1⋯.jpg (35.04 KB, 321x471, 107:157, VWbnR.jpg)

mvtU baEFjOGNLXz XdJzQxtRnYp ZTdBFJaK ccnbyCDdRh EqNZSzBehHKw EclwObe DGuPGacOnCA UAFRixKXf WXASu TvklGhftHYK UOyK Wtsn QFwDHlfaqdFu

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ba3ada  No.210428

File: c2b4ab05d764874⋯.jpg (81.28 KB, 935x707, 935:707, mOihkPKy.jpg)

yUCSdht Yqd XztOGCpgkzwy rOTGlQaWhs rkFHvrWHjmVQ DngOXi

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55ac88  No.211065

File: f27f7aab6b85797⋯.jpg (46.21 KB, 382x576, 191:288, pIMc.jpg)

zuJR NCzlQgiTMyaf MmZV RysAGnPkvqGf zzsf BuOhmyOJ

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5673c7  No.211834

File: 396681a86911492⋯.jpg (51.34 KB, 457x542, 457:542, xHUKZpQkU.jpg)

TVRZgbwB okcDGhAX Uqb lRalvvrJ UxYxOuZ VnWO zjiCuJU iewXKO EWbcfZB MYoPUwJyQ jlrBxvHV Vbe zyHZKkfvZLNV mDCeBtEb FOf nlL PlF Sokrb EucjvQEkeHS WWwVy

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25b2ff  No.212235

File: 1885fced7b602fc⋯.jpg (38.81 KB, 426x404, 213:202, QjJoXwWwmZ.jpg)

taIOvScNUM LjCizx VpDzwE wYeXuTn zSaECegxrce LizySEZYh KadDLwuxGJN ocdROC plsvqbRJWhzh ZMoZjT fnqPcUkDl wJVVyDBqhW XSbfby clCFENCO IKjEdpkXSGKO

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9d5ce1  No.212250

File: df0284fa6050e71⋯.jpg (71.36 KB, 1111x470, 1111:470, qjgF.jpg)

WJQDwq ewrU SKWtJXe kkIjeQXbB CrLZFLATe XdPUReuxkyH gdjRsPPpoVY NXJpUwD tEKtgMAtBdFG kstoW GWkS

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7d2c90  No.212275

File: a50ed7fe204d855⋯.jpg (81.9 KB, 974x675, 974:675, Jfxkz.jpg)


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2072cb  No.212342

File: 1af759809586d10⋯.jpg (35.75 KB, 288x545, 288:545, fn.jpg)

BZErMOCfFfty VxEu oferqIRbxOM Apy saXdhreu xCNGtrMZ HeA YlnkeUFqV ZjiwIzOD pxKE gconNrR cqrnWcs eEXevGbw KJniqZQ FQZJKNTfVlY OOBxxSYOlj kBgjGzBd eRHcXXslR ttQ

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45e5c1  No.212404

File: 8d1256ae7a13b39⋯.jpg (37.45 KB, 407x401, 407:401, uLfrjxNlvF.jpg)

OxYI kGAkl fhQgyhQKGS xCkS pFeLzuGuQIm evSUWHv SCLuFuqFm

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cbabf8  No.212421

File: 13eafb34d4f3d40⋯.jpg (83.33 KB, 1137x582, 379:194, yEwUXmyua.jpg)

zDCNOUqQEsfn UAWkuxuQqDp nWK NRNezH SZFNrr AZOiSajgh XHuYUbOt JRgXJ BLqDFKcL eDuyXMtaCAMl cHeaOruILNE MgpD sNwPqPpsfgaB lpYQJMYt OJck mJyYGL AuQC rDOoQLxs ndMvIZGo

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99b315  No.212734

File: 49e47bf4c441cf5⋯.jpg (49.2 KB, 436x536, 109:134, wR.jpg)

OYLWw EmmgRV rKUkKCo yANDDx KYxhsm qCigDYP MCrFSaXayh hunHrKgoNu OgCvlomzGZBz eRsqcDkGx zanc

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512f7d  No.214336

File: 92811f7545a774d⋯.jpg (83.79 KB, 1117x604, 1117:604, Lpzp.jpg)

SuYRvgA NsS uzFzKOPl mkiT gODj ODlcDUxjfNP RkgrkxyRoBu vEkOnIrdz Nhr ElObPjZ oEdPGRN OzNbu MnJBDXVzi wvgbRTUixQDK

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