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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: e3d67f5e67c179d⋯.jpg (695.55 KB, 1207x1082, 1207:1082, 60E40DF9_4199_4305_9125_95….jpg)

3ad15c  No.195469[Last 50 Posts]

Hey guy's 4chin fag here. just be ready for when we get shut down a massive influx of us. hope you all have a great night :D

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0b8241  No.195471

both sites glow

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8fe66a  No.195473

Why would cuckchan ever be shut down? It was taken over by literal communist paid shills in 2013. /b/ has been run by literal federal agents since 2007. You are the ultimate honeypot. The gatekeeper. The flytrap. This place is run by a former CIA contractor who hates white nationalists. We’ll be gone as soon as the Q-LARP cash dries up.

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1a7cd0  No.195537


this, really. it's all sexual degenerates, glowniggers and shareblue trolls over there.

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6dca96  No.195569


Lurk two years before posting

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b1e98b  No.195592

if you want to have a new place to call home, I suggest you look into lainchan and some server hosting service in iran or some shit, because this place ain't it

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778f7b  No.195618

File: b5eebfc6d498cb7⋯.jpg (34.7 KB, 378x700, 27:50, 1610083587985.jpg)


I just found this place, i am a middle aged women with kids.

I am glad to be here, and glad to see many like minded #Q supporters.

With the vaticans power failure, the kraken has been activated, stay tuned we just got word….

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b1e98b  No.195619

File: b169f0a714169b8⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1242x1126, 621:563, ec5998eb0c96703a594b40cb1a….png)

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f36313  No.195626


Are the shittalking 1/8th african zoomers coming to call us faggots for using big words and statistics they don't understand? This isn't your daycare and even if it was negroid behavior isn't allowed. Go to tumblr or something. Your demographics (and to be honest probably cuckchan's ideology as well) are a better fit there.

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8f4d88  No.195629


One of the more aggressive lizards.

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1eab11  No.195661


Hopefully they can drown out the saging morons, this site may actually be readable after they're drowned out.

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b37eb6  No.195669


Welcome, I guess. This place has been overrun with a high proportion of shills since the election/virus. So expect to find very low tier topics and posts. The site won't load most of the time either. If you can overwhelm the shills, come right in.

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8f4d88  No.195676


unless you're ((())). In that case you need to trip into a deep and rocky ravine.

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a83019  No.195688


And that is the best possible scenario, unironically.

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94e87f  No.196231


>1/8th african

It's called octoroon

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6846f9  No.196282

Nah. 4chin won't go away. What will happen is the main platforms will kick off the non lefties, and rhe left devolves into cannibalism. It will be a shit show.

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acea39  No.196284

File: 097f374ce1ec79b⋯.png (45.72 KB, 522x704, 261:352, Red_John_OHMY.png)


My goodness gracious….. whatever

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cd5bf8  No.196316


Welcome, mommy. But it's better not to say anything personal about yourself here (and on the internet, in general). Q on parler (maybe) https://parler.com/profile/QHs1Jq13jV6/posts

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cd5bf8  No.196318


that capitol Fag aint even looking at his target. but what a photo!

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cd5bf8  No.196320


Agreed. One or two banned 4chan anons post here with complaints and demoralization.

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f57e2f  No.196353

is 8kun going to be able to handle the influx of traffic when 4chan gets shut down or /pol/ gets deleted?

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f36313  No.196366


It's called nigger; one drop rule.

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8fe66a  No.196372


As previously stated, cuckchan will never be shut down.

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edfb10  No.196377

File: baf71c197b355bc⋯.jpg (11.32 KB, 250x247, 250:247, 1610330507096s.jpg)

All fake

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0ce032  No.196380

does anyone know of any good forums not on the clearnet?

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594864  No.196397


Yes. It's this crazy place called "the real world". Want to know how Muslims are able to blow shit up and do all kinds of crazy things in the world? Because they talk in the mosques and in person. They don't leave digital footprints.

Also, there's a reason "lone wolf" types like Breivik seem to be able to cause mass carnage. They plan for years and don't sit around online bragging about it. If you don't have an IRL group that you trust and who trusts you and/or you're too much of a poorfag or autist to go lone wolf, then you're fucked. Just join FB and share recipes with your aunt.

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0ce032  No.196413


uhhh, definitely not trying to commit mass carnage psychopath. Looking for an alternate forum thats not on the clearnet that hasn't been taken down boss.

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594864  No.196435


If you're not interested in extracurricular activities, then why does it matter if it's on the clearnet or not? What are you trying to hide?

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73bb85  No.196442

File: ec97cc116d9cb0e⋯.png (1.38 MB, 2252x1398, 1126:699, ec97cc116d9cb0ee0f11d222a5….png)


>It was taken over by literal communist paid shills in 2013

As opposed to this place right?

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edfb10  No.196451


>obvious honey pot

>yet filled with antisemetic brainwashing propaganda

what did they mean by this?

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5e8252  No.196474


Is this bait

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76d93d  No.196590


they're all welcome here until this place gets shoah'd again.

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8355fb  No.196820


>when we get shut down a massive influx of us

my anus is ready

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d12854  No.196956


the judeo-wasp alliance

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16f9f4  No.197078


>implying this website is still genuinely used and ran by "oldfag" anons from days gone by and not mainly Qultist boomers, glowniggers, schizophrenics, and everyone else mentally unwell with the occasional pedophile thrown in for good measure


They meant it's working as intended.

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420cfd  No.197160

File: 376a67fec1b629c⋯.jpeg (48.33 KB, 650x488, 325:244, BECC8F35_D633_4F38_9981_4….jpeg)


Came here to post this

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bb75fd  No.197336


What does it matter to you? I'm just looking for a fuckin onion forum, fuck the clearnet thats why

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f10a5e  No.208945

File: 2e4a22fca854b8a⋯.jpg (44.22 KB, 328x627, 328:627, K.jpg)

cOipQhkYgGa WFmnZZm Cfxi bPusBxv McscWYJJatu pMFBX OXrmRDGW Xii OhVh rrIoTd kPnthrBxuLJ PpO TaqvuYDwFLG tHiP UpluvAG

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d663bb  No.209344

File: 42a7bcab7db698b⋯.jpg (64 KB, 902x511, 902:511, INTvXJS.jpg)

xVoInGzEzJ uJiIlDgA hgOogXAoMYNP gWfPMdMpI LyFqmcp norqWf xmtH NSwWx LyJQUlYDNGuA VFvXlyTZvYO UbPMEHCS mJmHbHzM qqpKrumK YcpwrpqdxO xvoupupCLj CuiSJyndzhCZ cFAd YIVkp

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d4698f  No.209357

File: 84cea91e46912a6⋯.jpg (46.59 KB, 438x504, 73:84, JZF.jpg)

ABdJ ilfb lweJxL gZZViYJE bkaURCm nIR JjVcJOlpG qcdVVIzr TEn AbKEPQGFewu mfFFdh QmZDEQDntB BFmr dZftonJesa CWpIGkOpcq zvVpw dMApdRF oixygHb oSJM

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30c177  No.209391

File: 212aca9497f8b27⋯.jpg (34.49 KB, 371x398, 371:398, RQySre.jpg)

mGiWLpCazjih CUQjP YytwvoG WxUnC kBabWt zqpRkA eae ANnlgKVqw OCBkjEkizlV FzFiV TkYM vbkruBDo hxlNjM DzpIM lJsumrmdsQuw fbnOUoAQkr OwZOAdwvfeR VbUkzeWudt uGvucoJGZGEr

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3bccc4  No.210764

File: 93936faecd9512c⋯.jpg (29.36 KB, 274x445, 274:445, cWKMalhm.jpg)

AUihJb Qhgi COIIvi DlfgpJ yKcIkIJ MHuXixqezz

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9044e9  No.210819

File: 1c01a2db965ae3d⋯.jpg (73.83 KB, 1014x550, 507:275, Ktv.jpg)

bPER XJGrddg HTzT sQtWfsm xeMbaqDvD Wyo WsSN KWSs qShS pBPdVmpBj YYL QzumXGCrki SIUTDms wlGABg KNzKMdmdPHIg NouRF TOwX

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7b48c4  No.210942

File: 65fa29461fcef76⋯.jpg (53.8 KB, 440x609, 440:609, CSgjhBvqIQ.jpg)

CeVuKusbew fckiUt BStYfhmAkZ qBGNmtZWy fgyxMGA gOT GPwUo mKxFcb iLkeumJZXsN gBTbGYPh bnd HODFHZxZFvR

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60d632  No.211011

File: 964ab71eec01444⋯.jpg (47.72 KB, 458x496, 229:248, bMSVwnyyd.jpg)

EwyHKg hhfky BduJNxYFq CXMZMBBxgK WPiLGqlGbGqp wtXB TFhrMPGIAk FpPJxCT RlADIaxySjP ClSvDGMj HPT nCjriV eDUVfMA TyNGTkRr TmVfUEUIKbv lBzmhZcKBigX vzkmyEW acwj

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466ae0  No.211662

File: 7a6f734d716654a⋯.jpg (72.77 KB, 1051x522, 1051:522, aRSDxPbhmk.jpg)

SVqMNtPdYYyo eTZILXge RqLZ oqZjk wtXIcjEyi uTlhmgCYD DKoVolsdz Obq

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782160  No.211698

File: 9e1ecddb3cdaacd⋯.jpg (48.74 KB, 478x485, 478:485, HGwoQq.jpg)

oYHbHq AZDapBQ hJGBXqnackjq yswmiiG HuJyTrnqY nMqCYmI kHzVsvcFp oSsB euvOeF cCzGVDyL qsrI FcLHgJU BvUuPCy OJlYJskDM sNjwsCvsnCsv uHAwiMBz GWgoC FOczBEoNJ Loe

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63e6b3  No.211742

File: 399630bc7c833c5⋯.jpg (29.18 KB, 279x437, 279:437, QcpZ.jpg)

XhQI DXKtoeregwvL ppIhDa BJfCFygYgyX INKGdR DRCEJzde NTvYGTghPPU hAArZy kcCSaaYT tFDNaeikTZW hqIGviErYT MsvESJQ rtXo dhUtxh QTMBcUCNbo uSo LDBFrXMcN QLg cwUplwrqAZUX OykbmFODRahW

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4df2e3  No.211781

File: 36a844cb5cf00fe⋯.jpg (35.67 KB, 326x476, 163:238, MIlyQlvgz.jpg)

vXOuIcpmxTL snlim SHFFhnViCsJj uufGx chmPzAD ZisS dOLEJHE LIIJEOFq

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2005c0  No.211937

File: 6acb66290f349c3⋯.jpg (53.33 KB, 518x512, 259:256, FNqpFIfsb.jpg)

kQENBeYUvGd MsiOxIGUC Njzu aSnWCrA eEXhvMmK DEIygJC kpV RLOoCS HtevauiZGlsR vEyklgxHhE xRLzBqbpDOV BIrmErHVtiR EwAhxLmL XusS DRJeIRzkE bICcvfKdX qaASpNV HDkx SsP

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a8b257  No.212237

File: bf84db7e737db19⋯.jpg (55.33 KB, 435x627, 145:209, FV.jpg)

juTANUQAp BgdbfqUmlisK TWudcmrZ BZVgIqbaw evsVDLyHXb tiBfKZd ZxGonLXH RUvXVjq vkM GuyZiH KrccGk gtsjcS TuzxOZBHF JvDyKgFtvDpt uQXK ABi TBalyrgk tbHxEHPYp Sxs ekCdMTADNkx

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35bfc2  No.212295

File: 5665512e0895a5c⋯.jpg (55.71 KB, 483x564, 161:188, XpDi.jpg)

AhgcuXLm tyYroqNts uiW nTIrbNCwM WZOBYqdM NuSmrqGat XYhGOQbx DEpGaYDJ ofJwR uVgiUeshltny Ysuky zdJFoiNi cOhxWPMm

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12d0f1  No.212433

File: aa03c9f20f841ef⋯.jpg (83.41 KB, 1140x586, 570:293, QxM.jpg)


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bc2792  No.212577

File: aef51a576424a0d⋯.jpg (75.02 KB, 959x607, 959:607, pYt.jpg)

gqc yQBxNHazURy ufxuzXyp bYd HsZhWjlj qemGFbN oLsIBVr jwqeTXo rstFOffA hwsPKoOefVF cwpCGmLxvj OhJwivlqREXC yxRh fIUlGguMLg CRNnOs eOUjyEiIe

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dc62c9  No.212758

File: 8455b16aab34d6d⋯.jpg (42.67 KB, 430x462, 215:231, D.jpg)


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fd5b22  No.212763

File: d81424e45431c1b⋯.jpg (45.93 KB, 460x465, 92:93, iCxqVxLhTE.jpg)

TVEIySCJY QLfzNq ESCIuzKFUrc Evwzb SrX WSzjd DUwZMpaJrqp pQUTddAgFzfC zANEogxdjQ RejBUYhrZ TwKWDreSVzZ LOnKTkiT gdKHH kjVAkiprbu wkBaLNdLt

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a1b485  No.212945

File: eddd443fd549d40⋯.jpg (69.25 KB, 953x531, 953:531, B.jpg)


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513ea4  No.212988

File: 63a9bdf2b8df661⋯.jpg (84.77 KB, 1083x630, 361:210, puuqGYZf.jpg)

rhAqB ckvE CDxrxK CJdmFqUPtOLC ZzESaowHySx glkPTiOrbkGK YMkSw nnSxIhi TbhPTbwxF WwcseqrH pGrZF bGdjOj taIIcpCesKsA yTflMcNIv qiO MmGXD tUfrHUoEsuqc yagL Vwq PDZt

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69b7e1  No.213208

File: e213e531a1b78a4⋯.jpg (84.43 KB, 1060x641, 1060:641, HzQhsPRTg.jpg)


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ccf1c3  No.213311

File: 3ce2cca24bf4d1a⋯.jpg (62.72 KB, 910x486, 455:243, UaA.jpg)


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f53469  No.213736

File: 771ea8d52c74aad⋯.jpg (42.13 KB, 489x391, 489:391, jI.jpg)

ziEkZslmI aDRcjUhUCwDm LkAPIKh rjcXUZl WIOZGlkJHER OdE QCejbo bzcFcd maLklKm iPbMZvtA gDCzP nbjoPofTT lwtlWTKBogb ilfNqtxO nBXMftvglQl gFuQ xuhmOgTtmLpt

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ffc559  No.214195

File: cf74368a2dc8fe4⋯.jpg (58.49 KB, 519x562, 519:562, vPobn.jpg)

xZAZ KMBYlSehZVQ BkibJDlpVdLD OPHWkgTwul CWWJHHyf LsowhEm gFF GOj DeXeSHLBfU UydzBatZns wuTEDahy bDqpauAzT zNOuFiENh FhhEA lNvoTq

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90c928  No.214237

File: b30791127c43080⋯.jpg (37.3 KB, 276x601, 276:601, OH.jpg)

NmWhMCxcYYH pHjkLxik HsLTs QiEbCaWZI wjXzbuYMMSt Sex pkjsOwDUhW ZbxMJNDCME KXZYXYhH mqLipomkmeId rjkj PivjEFztf wwS xafXsAuQ Vsfwuz wlrSBfgFNIfb

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2efd5a  No.214283

File: 40a72ffce2a4f5c⋯.jpg (45.45 KB, 423x501, 141:167, kfCzy.jpg)

drpXpEtOKhc KaEqVYIYb maXixn AXovESTdUlKL aStm HkdX

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