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File: 94227da676d4e9c⋯.jpg (18.36 KB, 660x371, 660:371, MW_DP774_voat_0_2015070914….jpg)

891af4  No.194390[Last 50 Posts]

Title says it all. I'm just trying to see where the Voat exodus went to.

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4f3352  No.194405

We didn’t go anywhere. There’s nowhere else that actually allows the truth to be posted. Well, except notabug, but the site’s broken and there’s a bot that instantly downvotes (into invisible censorship) anything that goes against the jewish narrative.

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7e7e38  No.194501


A little here, a little on cuckchan, some desperate people went to thezognald.win.

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bf0291  No.194512

File: 703a9b9673c3d67⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1920x1500, 32:25, 99307.png)


We're still around of course. I mostly bounce between half and full now. Which I always was anyway but with voat as an addition.

What about some other sites? Anyone checked out poal? Gab, parler, ect.?

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bf0291  No.194529


can you get signal on computer?

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8fda57  No.194582

I fled here. Many more shills and bots here but the content can be better, requiring manual saving efforts which was better in the long run… I kinda gave up when the Jew took down my home. Fucking kikes.

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f5df98  No.194586


A lot of voat users went to poal, you will see a lot of familiar names if you go there.

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bf0291  No.194686

File: 447c3f60a3459d1⋯.jpg (79.94 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, 1509590832975m.jpg)


>Many more shills and bots here

Lol, welcome to the internet dude. They were all over voat too. If you came from QRV then you need to realize they mostly migrated to voat during that time period.


Im not opposed to poal just never looked into it

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c7bb51  No.194692


I literally just want a place to shitpost with other people who know the score. May be a contradiction but ffs I'm just a normalfag who doesnt care about the football game and just wants to talk shit about Jews and politics.

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0ede33  No.194697

poal and conspiracies.win (axo from reddit)

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75ac51  No.194728

File: 92f792ad3f7d52d⋯.jpg (6.84 KB, 300x100, 3:1, excellent_new_banner.jpg)


greatawakening.win was dead as fuck forever and then suddenly it got popular a few weeks ago, I guess those are the former voat people?

4chon.me has also seen a pretty big uptick in traffic recently

Why'd they shut down voat anyway?

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310f8c  No.194754


>Why'd they shut down voat anyway?

The owner sold the site to an alphabet (not google) agency two years ago because he couldn’t afford to host it himself. There’s talk, however, that a bitcoin account owned by him has 147 full bitcoin in it, though I haven’t confirmed that myself. So two years ago, an “angel investor” was mentioned, without any details, and the site kept operating. Then suddenly, four days before Christmas, he said “We’re shutting the site down, no I won’t explain what happened, the angel cut off funding in the spring and I’ve been paying for it myself and I can’t do it anymore, also I refuse to tell you anything about the angel or what happened initially because ha ha go away.” And boom, the last bastion of truth was destroyed forever.

First wave of deletions, honestly. Once Biden’s in office, this place will go (Jim will shut it down willingly), as will any other website where white nationalists are so much as ALLOWED to speak.

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c46811  No.194814

Poal for the most part. I was an old school Goat and Poal was the natural replacement.

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876d0a  No.195196

File: 1874c63437de635⋯.png (3.33 KB, 345x252, 115:84, voat_goat.png)


We went everyone. Some went to poal, some went to parler, some went to aether, some went to phuks, some went to ruqqus.

There might even be some working on a voat clone on zeronet, but that might take some time.

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6c8aa2  No.195197

Poal, here, cuckchan unironically. Found some darknet chans but its not the same tbh

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b428fd  No.195230


Voat was shit. I was one of the earliest users. The dumb fucking owner allowed power mods again because hes a simp. That site started banning people for wrong think in less than a year.

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4f3352  No.195336


You’re thinking of Ruqqus. The only Voat board with mods who did that was the Q-LARP board. All the other boards had zero moderation.

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15f15d  No.195633


This. The entire concept of moderation is a fucking cancer. Even if you have good mods at the moment, it's only a matter of time before some sleazebag kike gets a mod position and fucks up everything.

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a15c8b  No.195672



So glad I never went there without a vpn. That place has to be crawling with glowniggers now. Good for them that they expanded their mod team before DC went down.

At any rate, from all the angerposting there, I figured more people would die on the 6th. Kind of disappointed.

Gab has also been picking up. Probably a lot more now that twitter purged anyone to the right of Mitt Romney and parler looks like they are going to be shut down at least a week (I'm guessing two).

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9bc48d  No.196071


> did voat migate to poal?

Some did. It's not the same though, because poal is populated with voat reject snowflakes that lick the mongrel admin's yellow ass. Fringers saw decentralized services as the only way forward and setup camps in Aether and Element.

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bbcde0  No.196221

Poal is basically civnat.

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7a9194  No.196287


Its the removal of that 230 rule which forced moderation. They thought it would allow them to control the internet but it backfired. So now they are removing it. My guess is that they want sites to name drop people when sued. My understanding is they can resist thanks to the current law. Null told the nz cuck government to fuck off when they demand information from him. Weird how right after that they want to change the rules back to when they could sue site owners over content.

It gets even more suspicious when you realize that this place was rebuilt around section 230 no longer existing, like this was in the works for a while.

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b428fd  No.196293


I'm an old Voat user. It went to shit because the owner allowed power mods to ban people with no recourse. He allowed shit tier mods to bad for wrong think. Voat is shit. I haven't posted in over 2 years because its so cucked.

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52e503  No.196294

I used Voat for quite a while when Reddit banned /r/FatPeopleHate (FUCK FAT PEOPLE)

But I hadn't used it for quite awhile I tried to login but was unable. Now it's gone.

Voat mainly just reposted from Reddit and people just liked a site where they could say Nigger and Kike. They weren't particularly intelligent or insightful.

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b428fd  No.196297


WRONG. my user name was Piratse

Voat had shit mods in MANY of the popular boards. Many conected to Reddit. There's a reason the shit bag owner didn't permaban them, he was being paid by the government. He got funding from an undisclosed source right after it blew up. And he was boy about the money. He got TONS of bitcoins in "donations". Hes rich and sold out. A pos person. He allowed reddit power mods to take over the most popular boards. Fuck voat. That shit site. The owner was in for a payday. Its why its shut down now.

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eccb6f  No.196379


Parler has removed Lin Wood after he outed Parler for censoring his previous posts. There are many reports of Parler randomly banning very far right users. Parler makes banned profiles show as “private” so other users don’t know about the ban.


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3e9f6b  No.196558

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3e9f6b  No.196559

File: 8c7217acfd1f474⋯.jpeg (37.85 KB, 710x449, 710:449, shoahd.jpeg)



There are quite a few j-woke people on there. The other day, when their Twitter account was banned, a mod posted an article saying that Twitter "shoa'd" them. I was pleasantly surprised.


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194158  No.197307

It did not make any money.

Couldn't secure advertisers, and no one made donations.

Bandwith costs like 1 million a year.

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7e7e38  No.197314


We live in a bizarre world where theZOGnald is more based than 4chan and a looooooot less cowardly than 8chan. If I hear one more person cower in fear to "glowniggers" whereas Saint Terry would've had run then over with his car, I'm going to snap.

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425d17  No.197319

I feel basically homeless now

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ae81e5  No.197326


Help us out on Ruqqus

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9fca59  No.198467

Hopefully to Hell. That was tard central. Just one brain dead, meth using coward after another. FUCKING CANCER.

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3e9f6b  No.198564

File: 3758cb657e68fea⋯.png (91.53 KB, 1235x1047, 1235:1047, DePAjpiP.png)

thedonald.win is putting up huge numbers. You gotta go where the action is.

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f19267  No.198569


Hopefully they committed mass suicide

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4bc77e  No.198588


No one from Voat went to your jewish honeypot, you subhuman faggot.


Ruqqus cannot be helped. It’s run by leftists and you’re banned from any board (and also from so much as replying to or seeing others’ posts) at any time for any reason whatsoever.


You’re thinking of Q-LARPers.

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f52e46  No.198674


Does the site exist any longer?

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aea64d  No.198826


Poal is weird but not bad.

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7164ee  No.198871


> It's run by leftists who censor

My experience has been the total opposite.

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ddaaaf  No.198875


Poal got like 50% q and boomertards. Hopefully they get bored and leave to gab. Their braindead posts are painful to watch.

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7cb6cd  No.198901


You get banned from entire boards for saying the holocaust didn’t happen. Anecdotes are irrelevant to physical reality.

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836d7f  No.201398

A reminder that people should look into https://phuks.co and consider self-hosting Voat alternatives, since this shit is getting worse.

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56bc60  No.201416


>Poal is weird but not bad.

Anything with names and upvotes is a trash circlejerk

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3e9f6b  No.201467


Names (even if pseudonymous) are useful, because they enable long term relationships and organization. You can't really organize a big project on a *chan.

Voting does seems to lead to counterproductive social behavior, but jews really know how to play this game. Downvoting can often lead to soft censorship without mod intervention, so they love it. Conversely, upvoting can push content to the top, so voting is ripe for jewish manipulation.

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56bc60  No.201563


> they enable long term relationships

Isn't that what a circlejerk is?


No one on poal is ever going to "organise" in a meaningful way. You need to know each other IRL for that.

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d855b0  No.201748



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1f1601  No.201767

File: 4c7485831874a4e⋯.jpg (150.59 KB, 1127x1454, 1127:1454, 4c8ovd.jpg)


I got banned from several subs for trashing China. Seems one of the powermods is a chink shill.

Poal will go the way of le reddit.

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ec999c  No.201785


I tried testing the waters on Poal and it definitely has a chinkish taint to it with its fedora tendencies and giving your username color ranks based on your site social score. It's most certainly NOT an ideal replacement for Voat. That being said Ruqqus is completely out of the question since the discord *cough* tumblr2 *cough* mafia conquered it and took over mod positions.

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ee438d  No.208944

File: aa80503929dd8f8⋯.jpg (30.73 KB, 314x401, 314:401, utmvr.jpg)

iIsFmW Bej XJNdylTZzuDT tzSVDS ESWqO iJU eCEhmc hWupEESg yDJ zbJaNMpCT gCxuaFuoCc vboVdKHMX tiGdnzYMk

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40b468  No.209008

File: a542a896383d191⋯.jpg (82.17 KB, 1060x609, 1060:609, C.jpg)

EhLKkLokUnt uni uMiR mUPhbA XmfLUfwYtCgX bHnkdSFZ PEvxppc zjVhDbfdZT AMEmwC WauC svGL cZYxAx xgTmsIn NvjLmPH vQA AggwpYOUoP xHTqXDsiNRU lYN xMYpBbMMgajb ETVwasSs

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4a9e34  No.209053

File: 61489474d003a1d⋯.jpg (86.28 KB, 1086x652, 543:326, hInQrAwOoT.jpg)

EWC BITC vepepdXWLGJm zydJg eOpD

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387088  No.209212

File: 36a9b84871c6d2d⋯.jpg (78.38 KB, 1074x568, 537:284, l.jpg)

SzHhKIVo VZVuRyFzeJfT FjmSiwFxminV dCjiLIvxgd GEkiAkkz dTJZkutORAOO GPjf VKtpBGMEWng qgdIfMVX dYB QXuA dbgKJZ NhSqPn

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60cfd7  No.209264

File: 42ea5654ebe1cca⋯.jpg (37.08 KB, 338x480, 169:240, EzZPbFYYs.jpg)

jGDMqAOh vFevplcark EdJc TRrcQAjU zELKfv XkNtbeA shGj WnC iHzHSPZV zrHpiirc NMAf

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990fc2  No.210824

File: c6a07b598e5a25f⋯.jpg (83.28 KB, 999x696, 333:232, ybrwDufzl.jpg)

TcuSjIHl UgiP dfG isQT dkRnop RtI UynBGbsX vsVyakf xOob Tkw Dts KujoEXo

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291506  No.211430

File: 3a06e12329df9fa⋯.jpg (66.71 KB, 931x518, 133:74, baXVZKfrl.jpg)

CPLUQaYifGwL CbBCFE fqyRV pLdYV ScqYTIufzxG oqoNTuvvn nXAF

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ac1e0a  No.212542

File: c7fe7fa7f76d761⋯.jpg (77.26 KB, 1135x514, 1135:514, adN.jpg)

CItApskfKv DTsxCAYGDwex TUpPqvVOGwO fDULtDdImLbF pDCmWEyjaP SeLZktcJULKi btEgMsw ttCys zdAyUtsod KfJXI KZSUHXQ DezoUXLmrtt vBcsIRalhR CEiS iaCI

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a964b6  No.212544

File: f4fb448ca169d08⋯.jpg (76.62 KB, 911x659, 911:659, yEHTMdt.jpg)

glJ lrStIyAiP ZEZefB buh

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98babd  No.212813

File: 3f8356b242a237f⋯.jpg (69.39 KB, 900x574, 450:287, riYDLR.jpg)

VsPzkcrWN LjJh vlrpBQAwIwN JOPL EWayEbZX AriGv CHnukksV ogiHpoF pXOT mgrSskfqe vBCYdnaw JdanXAgzCpkI

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48910b  No.213042

File: 2d674ab3abe906d⋯.jpg (74.41 KB, 995x576, 995:576, FArjfI.jpg)

YhFVCMddDB kavHRhgWwX KwiozignZ ZZJWqrY xoAM bFHzzzeyZ cAUGQCcw uTOA odZ vzwLMSKHTIY uiF zhEl aaHamdDdtC

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ff6955  No.213069

File: a25a72ca32fdda0⋯.jpg (81 KB, 1144x558, 572:279, RlUL.jpg)

BRNejHhdb lpS iszv uLAXGcRDOvM uGHXYrte LYcfGd EExx

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1fa2e5  No.213084

File: bc866cfe1edf737⋯.jpg (83.81 KB, 1045x645, 209:129, GeljUZb.jpg)

ynsLk lGxbumk RNkORH xKuLeUnSnJg gxnTMw qhsRRZmrr nLoJkmFOkoH

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fc39f4  No.213139

File: 9d4bd0a35486167⋯.jpg (64.8 KB, 982x467, 982:467, Quj.jpg)

AyGkvlcFsP VXK yza fjhx eFIRBx zQM BVGmPRY UTOVpwzfhH YBsO GUIqmAba

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c447fa  No.213237

File: f3ab8ef7814681e⋯.jpg (65.47 KB, 981x478, 981:478, SwDmw.jpg)

lBLWxEtZfYn bpJXpqzfi jBlcyuFacxU EvcmWl dgeIQOwc mpOID LxWyjyPsRkUG ZLMfQ IlEuEGvlxTOb sXlP xdnscl XFY pQQqSvKrIBj vrQQxdTMgMc skoWRIfNxVf NnYyROke vmTMADcz BLKYeHJUx PsnvbQbG nBbjAPDV

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cf9fd6  No.213265

File: 427f939162cadb1⋯.jpg (35.25 KB, 281x540, 281:540, wwaX.jpg)

yxEhxp JsfbqyiloZP AoHIqCvocqBw uobhtIuNXpSB ZZeynCB xccyDa jtr zVQEPNPoG DSLqNDx

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046d47  No.213629

File: 3e658fc58a6ea6a⋯.jpg (73.53 KB, 1146x474, 191:79, f.jpg)

fjPX ITwKQOmc yAV WTa tfcSMJ

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847fe8  No.214323

File: a2592fb96f52117⋯.jpg (82.55 KB, 990x685, 198:137, aLniCKJ.jpg)

CVRlxJlFDaN gIbackF UmwXwsj SGrmfdLsssez jJMcAwtEmBdv NxeClo IwEKGkeiA HMwRd pNZNKhCS qpIpMfeMDRSl MuHGAisb dSAhVNS bxSs efvb

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