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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: b87eb4fe286a36e⋯.jpg (118.89 KB, 601x720, 601:720, 1520186756274.jpg)

11c4bf  No.194314

how long until he discloses aliens now that he's not being blackmailed anymore?

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11c4bf  No.194323


Trump isn't the target, the public is. They will do false flags if they still have the tools.

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f820dc  No.194324

Alien here. Two more weeks. I am the kraken. Trust the plan. E sent me.

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11c4bf  No.194364


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f39c21  No.194414


>how long until the jewish puppet who does everything the jews say does something totally retarded that has nothing to do with the jewish narrative he’s following




Sage for /x/ spam thread.

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11c4bf  No.194435


>jewish puppet

still living in 2018 aren't we?

>Sage for /x/ spam thread.


nothing can stop what is coming and you will eat justice, so seethe and sneed, shill

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395da4  No.194439

We have much more serious problems here on Earth to worry about than aliens from outer space.

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f39c21  No.194443



Give it a fucking rest.

Six years you’ve been spamming this shit. Do you think ANYONE is going to fall for it now? After the shitshow two days ago?Fucking kill yourself.

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11c4bf  No.194452

File: 433f52ade3d33a6⋯.jpg (332.18 KB, 657x3777, 219:1259, 433.jpg)


yes exposing the deepstate should come first before alien disclosure yet don't forget that all earth events are influenced by exopolitics


>lalalalalala I dont care what you say because its always jooz jooz jooz

pic related

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bbe3d9  No.194459


this esoteric muddling of a simple reality is literally a psyop, in the same realm as lizard people. It's a simple schizophrenic delusion to a simple fact; jewish people's holy books and beliefs made them a tightly knit people. They were the only people allowed to commit usury, so they amassed wealth, that allowed them to gain positions of power through lobbying, allowing them to carry out their holy duty by creating a pro-jewish world for the coming of the messiah. They want you to look like a schizophrenic and to obscure the truth through esoteric lies so they can carry on without opposition.

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395da4  No.194460


Protip Jews are liars. An Israeli telling us to be worried about aliens indicates to me that there is something serious happening and they are trying to divert our attention. The reptilian shit is fake and gay. Reminds me of Bigfoot. Circus.

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f39c21  No.194484


>[buzzwords only paid jewish shills have ever said]

Confirmed for spam thread.

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df688d  No.194617


All jews will be killed.

There is no future for jews.

All leftards will be killed.

There is no future for leftards.

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2e77af  No.194628


You will never do anything.

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912f7c  No.200462

Alien disclosure violates the second commandment

>You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. 5 eYou shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am fa jealous God, gvisiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing steadfast love to thousands2 of those who love me and keep my commandments.

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cdcfba  No.200472


You have no idea what the word disclosure means.

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cface7  No.200475

We need a nazi hollow earth Antarctica thread. I miss /sudpol

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378d26  No.200514


Trying to correlate the deep state with aliens. Sounds a lot lot like trying to combine holocaust deniers with flat earthers and moon landing skeptics.

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378d26  No.200517

Considering aliens capable of interplanetary travel, they would obviously be superior to us and could either be malevolent or benevolent, yet some believe that they choose to hide themselves from us or that our government could stop them from making themselves known.

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20f1b9  No.209916

File: 2009533ccd8d79f⋯.jpg (86.52 KB, 1138x615, 1138:615, P.jpg)

jld gvVW xqrWPftj NMmkvwEzD Ohxdgvii RXnBHUeH nAOFJvmGzh

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e7058f  No.210187

File: 75ca839ad0453fe⋯.jpg (75.01 KB, 992x577, 992:577, yyWGVfNoD.jpg)


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6180ff  No.211276

File: e870795df0d36c2⋯.jpg (76.75 KB, 1124x519, 1124:519, lbPizNLCVi.jpg)

Vrb FzYslfBCpP xKPDUWaiG SOVUFDmdT TxRS kjwYdufsFo FAoFtI eTQam CRGkoJkqIAfC shbCS lPyD XRXZq

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