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File: aa2fe661e35042e⋯.png (556.55 KB, 1190x848, 595:424, LIndbergh_Header.png)

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79441c  No.193933[Last 50 Posts]

Zoomer American anon here.

I don't think people realize just how awful America's demographics have become. Our youth is minority white (and has been for a long time now), and even in our minority white youth, a good chunk of the "whites" are jews, mutts, arabs, and more. On top of that, millions more subhuman shitskins pour into our country literally every single year and have more and more kids…it'll only get even WORSE than it is right now.

There is just a ridiculous amount of things wrong with this country. I could go on for hours and hours talking about them all.

90% of the population is so fucking ugly, fat, and retarded. People listen to nigger rap and talk like niggers now. Every show has niggers. Racemixing is fucking everywhere. The women are whores. There's so many niggers, so many spics, and now, increasingly, I'm seeing more and more pajeets and arabs.

God, there are SO many fucking spics, you non-Americans don't even know. Spics are literally fucking EVERYWHERE, and I mean EVERYWHERE. They're always fucking pregnant too. I swear to God this country is going to be majority spic soon. The youth feels like it's majority spic. Most US flags on 4/pol/ are quite literally spics at this point. Spics are the most low IQ, ugly, brown disgusting fuckers you will ever meet. They seriously look like the mutt meme. Literally the perfect golem underclass for the jews. Our cities are literal third-world tier warzones, too. We have some of the most violent cities in the world. The suburbs were the last refuge for white people and they're getting heavily diversified now.

The few decent states left like Utah, Montana, Idaho, and New Hampshire are now getting flooded with darkies. Those states are very low in population and it's just a matter of time until they turn into shitholes too.

The elections are fucked. We're reaching a demographic tipping point to where conservatives will literally NEVER be able to win an election EVER again because of the amount of wetbacks and niggers who vote blue. And the conservatives don't even do shit anyway, so it's not like it even matters. There is no political solution, and the amount of fighting-age whites left for a hypothetical non-political solution are quickly dwindling and being outnumbered.

30 years ago, this country was still a nice, solidly white place. Look at it now. I shudder to think of what it will look like in 30 more years (or even 10 more years, honestly). Fuck that. No way I'm raising a family in this hellhole Brazil 2.0.

I could go on and on about why we're doomed, but this post is already long enough. Believe me, we had a good run, but…it's over for America. The last stand will be made in Europe. Even countries that Americans talk trash about and call "islamic shitholes" like the UK, Sweden, and France are significantly whiter than the US. I feel like if any of us want any hope for the future, we should be trying to emigrate to Europe. And let me just respond right now to a lot of autistic replies I'm sure will be posted:

>"you can't just move dude, it's not that easy!"

I know, we'll have to do our own research and each find a financially viable method to move.

>"fuck you 56% mutt!"

I'm talking about actual white, 98%+ ethnically northwest European Americans only (which yes, there are still a decent amount of us here).

>"you'd ruin the culture, there are no "white people" in Europe, there's nationalities!"

True, most of us are euro-mutts of different European countries. We're not niggers so obviously we'd learn the language and quickly assimilate. I feel like the survival of our race is the most important aspect to worry about here.

>"don't run, faggot pussy traitor!"

There is no hope for this country. Do you not realize that America was CREATED because of European settlers that fled their shitholes for new horizons? It's the same thing, really, except this time in reverse.

>"don't bring your shitty american liberal values to the rest of the world!"

Obviously, if we're trying to escape from those repulsive liberal values, we wouldn't bring them wherever we moved.

The only reason I haven't left yet is because I would feel hypocritical being a filthy immigrant, even if I am white, because I hate immigrants so much myself. But then again I don't mind white immigrants that much.

Just wanted to get this off my chest and get other peoples opinions. I feel like I'm too young to be worrying about this but I just don't see a future in this country. I'm just so apathetic and despondent about everything these days. And don't get me wrong, I know Europe is no white paradise either, and it's pretty liberal too, but it has a way better chance of survival than America does.

Anyone else relate? Thoughts?

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84dce5  No.193946

Coward..that is a thought.

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f30944  No.193963


>where conservatives will literally NEVER be able to win an election EVER again

This isn't a bad thing. Conservatives have been winning elections quite a lot over the last 40 years in lots of places around the country and nationally. And what has that gotten anyone?

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805a05  No.193964

File: acd604100a38aa3⋯.png (150.47 KB, 599x324, 599:324, muslims_inbreds.png)

File: f7954b609cd2eb2⋯.png (238.23 KB, 598x665, 598:665, beaners_suck_b30bfcb9cea83….png)

File: 5016147ef0a3a80⋯.jpg (217.15 KB, 602x780, 301:390, average_mexican_male_937.jpg)

File: f8bd7b14dbc4b64⋯.jpg (147.13 KB, 500x560, 25:28, mexicans_are_trash.jpg)

File: 5bfb55bb9233681⋯.gif (2.09 MB, 889x719, 889:719, mexicans_invasion.gif)


Yes the beaner invasion is in full swing, buts it being allowed as a physical invasion not just from having kids. But what really keeps the beaner invasion going is constant illegal immigration. Most American incels from studies and surveys are jews ,beaners , asians, indians and where most schools shooting or civilian terrorism as result are from the same subhuman groups especially recently with most mass shooters or attemtpts in the past decade are mexican incels because they are largest physical group of incels.

Hypergamy is going even more wild in brown, black and asian subhuman communities because they literally can't compete with White Men genetically for their own women but, now obviously compared then told White Supremacy is artificial when clearly is evolutionary of the strongest rising to to the top so to the fight the boogeyman they created of White Men is entirely retarded and self destructive to escape and ignore simply that shitskins really are anchor that thinks its a balloon and that if they cut their self from ship it will magically become a boat. Even though historically White Men have always progressed and fed and protected the world. While their own shitskin communities are now being gutted out by jews and the fact that brown an black subhumans are even more susceptible to communist jew garbage because they are lemming idiots to the worst degree.

I'm bringing this up because when you have a mass of incels especially dumb shitskins that means a civil war is already happening, along with more terrorist attacks happening because (((they))) and muslims recruit mass shooters from this pool. Every muslim country has unlimited incels as result of polygamy and incest.

So the USA isn't even going to become brazil or mexico its going to become a jew/islamic caliphate from the structure of society thats its being put on is perfect for creating terrorist states. Which is low access to women, foreign shitskins,islam and a aristocratic international ruling group mixed with jews= islamic terror state,

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713f03  No.193975


I would rather kill you for fleeing.


>Every muslim country has unlimited incels as result of polygamy and incest.

Easily solvable by killing a lot of women and always torturing and killing polygamous/hypergamous women. But you and many more like you are retards who worship parasitic animals and think that they deserve any respect or love, instead of constant beatings and suffering like nature dictates. That is why you always lose to shitskins in the end.

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522d48  No.193984

(((They've))) thought about this, that's nowhere to run to, Canada can gain you 5 years, Western Europe might get you 15 years, and 25 if you go to the poorest eastern European nations… you can run but you cannot hide. America is probably the country that's most pissed and revolutionary right now, stay and fight. Fleeing to Sweden and vooting isn't going to do much.

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6ab9c0  No.193992

…. Thank Kek there are no niggers in Europe and DEFINITELY NONE COMING ANY TIME SOON! Europe is nigger free…

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f2afea  No.193996

The entire west coast is done, a catastrophe. I was born there and fled at the beginning of 2018 for the east/central region. It's 98.5% white here still. It's a suburb of a smaller town. See about getting a job in a cattle feed lot. You might like that.

I really felt how bad it was getting in the early 70's when all the girls I went to school with, all the good looking ones were into cocaine. I don't know what drugs they love now nor do I care. It's a catastrophe as you have already pointed out. Save yourself. I sort of regret buying a home here and wonder if I should have bugged out to Vietnam or Cambodia instead of the east. It doesn't matter where you go in the end though, the crisis is upon us and in the end we're going to have to fight the dark forces wherever they find us. Get strong, eat serious food to make you strong, train, stay away from booze and drugs and prepare yourself for the worst.

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f2afea  No.193998

There is one good thing coming out of this tyrannical lockdown/fake plague; the universities have largely shut down and they're rapidly moving over to correspondence education online. Get a math/physics degree. If things recover you can get a decent job out of it MAYBE. If not you can always move on and write your MCAT to get into med school. That is the one degree still worth going into student loan debt for.

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ddef88  No.194009

which way, White man?

which way will you run to next?

it's a little imposing of me to expect all White men to get into politics and try to be the next Hitler, but surely you've considered at least starting a movement in the area you run to (to prevent the same thing from happening there)

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f2afea  No.194014

File: 7f66ab414710d2e⋯.jpg (1019.57 KB, 1920x1393, 1920:1393, 1920px_BASA_3K_15_383_1_Hi….jpg)


Hitler didn't do it alone. He had powerful backers among German industrialists and aristocrats.

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d21684  No.194054


anon, don't you think you should resist first? You'd be a lot more welcome if you'd shown a willingness to fight for your People. And who knows, it might not even be necessary. Men who run away from their People's plight are cowards. Your entire epistel is full of ugh too hard I want to respawn. This is not a video game. You are about to feel what repression, soft as it is in your country, feels like. Fight back, you are the most armed People in the world, an out-of-the-box kinetic force revolutionaries elsewhere can only dream of. Use it, overthrow your regime, instead of looking to spread weakness in remaining strong lands.

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8c53c7  No.194433

If anything more Europeans should come to the US. Their situation is much more dire than ours largely because of firearms legislation. At least we have the ability to fight back if we so choose.

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f30944  No.194449


>Their situation is much more dire than ours

You are brain damaged.

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8c53c7  No.194464


Do you care to elaborate wise man?

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8c5727  No.194480

Bitch, you can't scape to anywhere in the west, all those nations get their kicks from being Usa's sloppy seconds and will copy every shit the usa does.

Except most of these nations are completely absent of concepts like self defense or free speech.

So they will rot with nothing like 1th and 2th amendments slowing the shitholezation down.

There is no running away.

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4a06b9  No.194489


There is nowhere to escape to.

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bc4807  No.194514

File: 9901710b29f2c7e⋯.jpg (184.35 KB, 1242x1365, 414:455, 45302779fd1dc1cb53668627b0….jpg)


You didnt even do anything to prevent any of this so what reason do you have to flee it?

This country is only as bad as you let it get.

You are a net loss anywhere you would go and be of no benifit to them, coward.

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85b654  No.194555


He can’t; he’s too stupid to understand what’s happening to all white nations and wants to run a D&C campaign.

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1dd5e9  No.194595


I'm literally in the exact same boat. I had no clue what to do a year ago, but this playlist (specifically the chapter on WHERE to start a white family) to be incredibly helpful: https://www.bitchute.com/video/BDG2Y8eGAOTG/

So, get your cash while it's worth something, get a trade in something that base civilizations need (building/electronics, farming/butchers, gunsmiths/telecoms, etc.) And get to North Dakota within the next 10 years. That's the final destination of white America, and if we get enough race conscious whites to move there, we can elect a local official who will deny federal laws to harm white people/IRL prepare for invasions.

I think Dr. Pierce was right when he said that if a place was known as a hotbed of white nationalists, then these mulattos and Mexicans would steer clear, as long as the inhabitants are willing to act out at them when they come by. So, if (when) you move, make sure to get like minds in the area to pressure nonwhites out of there. This will lead to media attention, and will create a beacon for any other dissident whites to flock there.

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79441c  No.194770


>The entire west coast is done, a catastrophe

Fully agree. And all those spics are soon going to metastasize and infect Utah, Idaho, and Montana's extremely low (in comparison) populations.

Literally every state west of Missouri is doomed to succumb to the spic plague. It's sad because Mountain state whites are some of the most blue eyed, blondest, purest whites out there.

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79441c  No.194775



There are literally 150 million subhuman niggers, spics, and shitskins here and millions more come in every year. There is no "fighting" this. America is gone, period, it's fucked. I don't see why it would be looked down on to try to leave this shithole. We zoomers didn't ask for this.

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79441c  No.194777


Delusional. Europe is still 95% white. America's youth is like 30% white.

This is why people call us dumb.


He most certainly is.

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79441c  No.194779


>You didnt even do anything to prevent any of this so what reason do you have to flee it?

I didn't cause any of it, did I, chimp?

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a64345  No.194782


>Europe is still 95% white.

Are you retarded? France alone was 40% nonwhite in 2010. THERE ARE MORE AFRICANS IN LONDON ALONE THAN THERE ARE WHITES IN EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY IN AFRICA (except South Africa). JUST Africans. Not dune coons or slants, even.

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2145a0  No.194783


you are really smart but are you the only person here who shits on everyone who tries to find a refuge from all other forms of social media?

You eject hundreds of people a day, everyday. you re the gate keeper of an empty wasteland

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a64345  No.194789


>are you the only person here who shits on everyone who tries to find a refuge from all other forms of social media?

This place isn’t that. It’s a rotting corpse, killed two years ago by its owner. At the drop of a hat, he’ll destroy the site and sell us out to feds. He wants all white nationalists killed. This serves to operate as a honeypot until the day the overt murders begin. Moreover, we’re not even allowed to have our own board, where only truth can be posted. I’m trying to warn people against trusting the site ownership, because nothing can ever be accomplished from here.

As for other refuges, the time for running is NEVER. The time for physical action was… well, a century ago, but better fucking late than never. We need to be speaking to each other in person. NOT meeting up from over the internet, but you go talk to people in your town whom you’ve known all your life. In person, not online or over the phone. Talk about what needs done there, then do it. Or what, you want to whine and shitpost and create bullshit “memes” until they burst into your house and kill you for being white? Because that’s literally what they’re going to do.

>You eject hundreds of people a day

We get maybe 50 people on this board a day. More than half are leftist shills.

>youre the gate keeper

If people can’t refute what I say, why would anyone sane want them here? If I’m not telling the truth, prove me wrong. If you can’t prove me wrong, why should I give a shit about your lies?

Not YOU you–third person nondescript you.

>of an empty wasteland

Thank the site owner for that, as I said.

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551958  No.194798

File: 22ccede7f389831⋯.png (38.4 KB, 989x572, 989:572, wages.png)

File: f962d66d3772a53⋯.jpg (191.37 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, pol_ice.jpg)


>>"you can't just move dude, it's not that easy!"

I can probably get citizenship in Poland, but I want to live in Ukraine because the cost of living. Their wages are just a step up from Nigeria, so I can already afford to retire in their country. I'm not interested in investing $100k in their shit country that might disappear in the future. Any easier way other than marrying a roastie? Worst case scenario I just get the Polish citizenship and move somewhere cheap like Serbia after they get accepted in the EU.

Seems like the two easiest ways to get citizen are foreign investment or marriage. OP, do you know you know about jus sanguinis laws, right?

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474504  No.194816


Dakotas. DAMN. That sucks. I was hoping beyond hope that the PNW would be where it kicked off. Fucking sucks. North Dakota fucking sucks as well. Great bird hunting but the winters suck ass. I hated that shit. Has the oil work picked up lately? Trump sure destroyed the shale industry enough to make Greta blush. That fucker.

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474504  No.194818


Whats Argentina and Uruguay up to lately??

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551958  No.194820

File: 5905ea7176c6ae3⋯.png (445.47 KB, 788x752, 197:188, trannies.png)



They passed a law where 1% of all government jobs there have to go to trannies. They are more committed to globohomo than the US.

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1dd5e9  No.194829

File: d7bcf43956a51e2⋯.png (243.34 KB, 5000x3000, 5:3, IMG_20210108_221951_456.png)


ND gives the best chance for raising a White family. They have a high White majority while still far away from major cities (New England is too sparsely populated, NYC refugees will flood those states easily). The White birth rate in ND is very very close to replacement level. The divorce/suicide rates indicate a healthy culture. Other neighboring states have promise (Idaho, Wyoming, Montana) but they are also closer to the pozzed states (Oregon/Washington, Colorado, obv Cali) and is already showing in places like Boise that they are just like AZ a few years behind.

If a different state declares secession, or if another state is declared de facto enemy, then we should try our best to move into those areas and make our help for the better.

I'm honestly not too confident abt living in ND if it comes down to cessation (no access to ocean is a large detriment for pseudonations) but if the Utah territories could survive and thrive when the US was still forming, then I see no reason why ND couldn't become just as successful. Utah is a desert tamed by White people. Dakotas have much more favorable conditions, and can attempt an expansion towards the great lakes if balkanization occurs.

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1c4397  No.194831


>hurr sage is downvote

newfag pls go

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d21684  No.194845



lost in translation.

>We zoomers didn't ask for this.

You participate in creating it until you stop it.

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8de67a  No.195026

File: 383ad7c69c1ba94⋯.png (3.98 KB, 256x256, 1:1, f9c170a2d4b85499bdf7fag.png)


>Obviously, if we're trying to escape from those repulsive liberal values, we wouldn't bring them wherever we moved.

stop lying you anglo waste and don't pollute us with your filth

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fe8837  No.195079


>There is zero chance that im the only one who saw this happen

No I have always suspsected it is a honeypot and have said so numerous times in threads up right this very moment. I think it is pretty obvious when you have the schizo sage kike shitting up every single thread with blackpill demoralization tactics. I just lol at him and call him schizo kike every time I see him like here:



stfu schizo kike


I also agree that the subjects posted about are mainly demoralization threads. They also turn bump boosting off for threads to keep them from moving up on actual organic threads like these:



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a64345  No.195089


You are literally the only one who has ever said this, you fucking redditor.


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a64345  No.195090


>I am a paid jewish shill and I claim that others are what I am

Yes, we know. You will never do anything. Ever. If I was part of the honeypot, I would be goading you into doing something.

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79441c  No.195152


There are more niggers in America than the entire population of Poland.

There's as many spics in America as there are PEOPLE in France.

There are more native Spanish speakers in America than the ENTIRE POPULATION of Spain.

You fucking delusional ass mutt, you fell for the internet memes. America is way worse off than Europe.

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79441c  No.195154


> Any easier way other than marrying a roastie?

It's a poor country. I'm sure there are many ways out there, just do your research.

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79441c  No.195155


>You participate in creating it

No I don't you fat nigger loser fuck

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503d6d  No.195158


> Leaving America?

We need to leave the planet, there's no room for freedom in this shithole any longer, it's all gone.

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fd5fd1  No.195188

File: 71e93663598b75f⋯.jpg (102.25 KB, 842x725, 842:725, 71e93663598b75f733c488032d….jpg)


Doing nothing was the cause of it, so yea you kinda did.

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4801e4  No.195202


Yes you do, The US is full of mental illnesses because of circumcision which causes lifelong brain damage. You fought for the Jews in WW1, you fought for the Jews in WW2, you went around the world destabilizing Asiatic and Middle Eastern countries, then instilled your materialistic laziness in Europeans and together with your new colony, you created China and empowered Jews.

Nowhere you run will be different, because you not only fucked your country, you fucked every white country in the world too. You can run, but every single European is going to know what you did, you better hope you get to some liberal country because they'll just verbally abuse you. Don't go somewhere rural because you'll just be buried alive, as you deserve.

Stop crying about being a brain damaged Americunt, this is what your parents wanted for you, rejoice.

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a64345  No.195207


>jewish D&C


Thanks, you're done here.

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fe8837  No.195247


stfu schizo kike

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a64345  No.195248






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fe8837  No.195261


you are the one trying to downvote posts you are reddit schizo

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a64345  No.195263


I have literally broken your fucking brain. You've completely lost your mind. You have no goddamn idea what you're saying, and you spam every single fucking thread with pro-jewish content simply because the narrative you've fabricated in your diseased mind has caused you to instantly oppose anything I say simply because I say it.

Worship jews some more, moishe. Come on. I own you.

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fe8837  No.195265


you didnt downvote that one reditt? I dont think your mind can be any more broken


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a64345  No.195334


>does exactly what he’s told to do

>because he’s paid to post here

How does it feel to know that I've broken you, psychologically, and made you incapable of hiding anymore?

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fe8837  No.195739


sage redditt schizo

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71a900  No.195906

Falklaamds is a nice place

Had to fix a industrial control there back in 2011..13 hour flight lol

I found it extremely pleasant and i have thoughts of retiring

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a64345  No.195923

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fe8837  No.195959


post dem tiddies goy goddess

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a64345  No.195971

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79441c  No.199390


Go outside.


Stfu retard. I wasn't even alive when any of that shit happened. Kys.

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fe8837  No.199460


stfu schizo kike

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0bd0d2  No.199474




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19c3fd  No.199483

File: 4a74b3bbab7ad20⋯.png (626.78 KB, 570x800, 57:80, 80419476_p0.png)


dont bother.. things wont be much better anywhere else and they wont want you around if there still is some place that has not been ruined by the globalization shit

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79441c  No.199530


my friend has been to eastern europe and he said people there were quite friendly to him, in contrast to the /pol/ memes

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f20637  No.200935


I'd rather die than move to the JewSA. It's not like your guns had any help in solving the megacorp problem… therefore you're worthless.

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3c5010  No.201007

As a European anon - honestly just come here.

I live in Western Europe and it's a lot better than America. Most of what you heard about Europe is from retarded conservatards on the media.

t. I lived in United States a few years ago.

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841025  No.201061

File: 510bcec74fca076⋯.png (490.94 KB, 730x730, 1:1, pbk.png)




Hard lives produce hard men, makes sense faggot eurocucks who love homosexuality and fucking niggers would hate the US because we actually live like men and not fag babies

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6834f7  No.201268

Good post, OP, you get it.

Do what's best for you and your family. You have no political representation anymore. The commies all stood up and opened your bitch ass, coward mouths and reveal themselves as traitors.

>I'm just so apathetic and despondent about everything these days.

Don't be. You're young and healthy ja? So chin up and glass half full. Things could be a lot worse. You don't worry about the things you can't control. You take note of them and you make some adjustments and plans, but that's not where your focus is.

A trade in hand finds gold in every land.

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f8bdce  No.201359


>low iq post

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27a340  No.209013

File: e39931a33b5a49e⋯.jpg (27.14 KB, 278x393, 278:393, KZYjXyR.jpg)

Bjzp WlgxnHvF qjFQYzhe HhNvOqdwuP finoPewBL DmwrQMYW toJq BZb hKGEmInK JhX xRFtMR lUSpAbAtLa AxYZPv

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e50a2d  No.209140

File: dd4cbbb5dc1fbf3⋯.jpg (55.74 KB, 446x619, 446:619, xyrpa.jpg)

vYYrsojgGHn zQnGweNGDo yUPZ gyhIDEKRh laCKdwJ htuifoljeTXL BTjg XYQUG LQZhVeq UeU FlhHAYS pwFbGWsbN lhYKFI

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c9a9c9  No.209188

File: 23e9099a1204a1a⋯.jpg (45.64 KB, 387x545, 387:545, OvZwrgJa.jpg)

gLsbEoMPyFp fddvlTWmeD PQIGIRDP XuLgKh GXUqF ZkcrVIg gfaPIeDWtW PLsGc TKV LEwvk jhDTY nTiBDh HGyIlFMLcV iRT KuO ECQ ibCTzwcs

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eb1aa6  No.210042

File: 26f601285d74dd1⋯.jpg (70.76 KB, 1030x505, 206:101, XnhsbvwyTv.jpg)

zmeGTUjzwBYR cpvvxwh Qivf Oky vVIGjtXkOs kERz JhmraklsbHbH SrCboXwsph TICHPxXlEAyY GMAT qxBUHH dmI uRtBzhntg oaIwmFo jxXyHk trAFWh HUcwAdgqawh

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3adb51  No.210070

File: 137dbd95b165d42⋯.jpg (72.66 KB, 1094x496, 547:248, hgN.jpg)

hHuPIejhkdXq HMgojwmg QIac LAS GhiZkLIUb SzeEHwhdVjC ZrFqIQK UoZaxwKRZG LVVtewyLUaH hDDZoFVZuT MMKmIcOGcC cxKXwgpYg

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8ab252  No.210072

File: 252aa8180911148⋯.jpg (88.28 KB, 1054x698, 527:349, BHt.jpg)


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1669b6  No.210077

File: ead0b30b4a9adb3⋯.jpg (83.23 KB, 993x673, 993:673, LbbNBA.jpg)

eOnhYal CMDRWl USbBPeG IpkCS BZBZFPTcjLPk WRwZP EOVZVJJNod wSGjqbsjsKxC NFGnZYiPbMbx KEoGHAuJWJuj IMktJuqyMHlK KDcjq lnZzzgqYx QTlDhziZ DPChmLF ZmhbGMC irZVycwH QLelE QZnEylfdsVDM fGc

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54555c  No.210082

File: 447f6c9aa810860⋯.jpg (48.7 KB, 484x473, 44:43, py.jpg)

xUDRhT PyvpuVHXnR RARbNQ KuBgKJmvO AqNxOlsgjr RnCJfwvLA UGsJhALmNVo dXcdiVFy sNkJY ghqyh

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abb226  No.210168

File: bab6d7a753ddf67⋯.jpg (75.1 KB, 950x619, 950:619, V.jpg)

tDFnKAL mQUbrA YrdspSk EPFpdE ukBGEOprcn IlK HCRftNR dWewWBO AqGeANb

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1b8720  No.210194

File: db9b2d850f18868⋯.jpg (65.13 KB, 956x486, 478:243, SKRyRA.jpg)

gYFD CeaFL xAYWy CZGOWA OhLo izqi TEmWEaC SHW sorSDrohFO qdcphTuK IEAYDAfQpUYR MyeBISHehepF gqWjT WhIPy iwzqHU tMFQzLrlubX qIQDpZGqL eDoyTSzu cpWpGfRdhZ

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e4b23f  No.210237

File: 89d7c3ddd25557b⋯.jpg (38.45 KB, 418x405, 418:405, sGKXhJUK.jpg)

ewCFal dGhND hSaOsLYiBOA jZR

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69375c  No.211178

File: 9d694ad3369b6a8⋯.jpg (42.29 KB, 492x391, 492:391, KpHJRghyk.jpg)

YPECRcBgdoq NRLElmonT HiaVGvQUphS CIAwl ONJMCuG bJBxbKh sOZunTKkiQ jsKQVpY OBWEkcoaklo eGXPaz EmvsajvDAp

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7a6e1b  No.211182

File: 2e863d4901a1db0⋯.jpg (53.56 KB, 483x536, 483:536, xHocoNPJc.jpg)

ZndY pZviyRDZC KwNALnI yEA gwZOLabAV JafRHPbjJKQD lzDF zzVDu yyCahewcH uxKFyWY Fhpz QfG HlMoMIdz SQMEAssQMN FFpPnzoAthv poQ XSGzPu ukFrCnvEn

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12b8c5  No.211196

File: 99fd006124c4190⋯.jpg (46.43 KB, 443x495, 443:495, AlKs.jpg)

eFRhmAV BgK WeuOx OCyVQWNYKpxh CzzcTVWXK EpnophKN ukerZBpO noAfB MmOiPgag EEkZekHIrz OKH PSsDzryp STUrH LISes

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436105  No.211656

File: d312975cc857b22⋯.jpg (83.83 KB, 1010x674, 505:337, Bp.jpg)

OYazYZvsQL iRjhdsgaXE fwhUaOqSz GUVog

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35b475  No.212306

File: 3b6ce86e210add1⋯.jpg (74.95 KB, 1088x521, 1088:521, CKzz.jpg)

SzZmZb jZKcXnQp RexNyyHrVapo lgnC HYcTQi pZGDspDot CiaNyutFLhci QMqrvDzQ

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