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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Fuck Jews

File: 67e649630fd4713⋯.jpg (83.46 KB, 748x500, 187:125, 4sza06.jpg)

ac5d55  No.193615

Holy fuck, you shit eating retards have 4 years of constant showmanship from our shitposter and chief, do you fucking inbred knucle draggers really think he had his ball washing assistant post his concession to twatter? 10/10, (( you )) really did a good job subverting these chans over the last 12 years, (( you )) inbred fucks. (( You're )) in such a fucking panic to cover up your hot shitty garbage REAL quick that your jew tactics (misdirection) didn't work the way you fucking thought they would.

Second note, for you "Q larp" mongoloids looking for a "keystone" - stop being fucktard autismo specials, enough of you retards finally caught on to the elite blackmail and pay to play schemes that have existed in our government for a long time. Congrats you fucking ignorant pieces of shit and you're welcome, it was there in your fucking faces all along. Why the FUCK do you think oldfags fought on these sacred battlegrounds of the chans AGAINST CP? Surely it was just to protect your virginity, you fat fucking neckbeard hambeast. No, it wasn't you fucking inbred piles of shit. Learn your fucking internet lore newfags, history fucking repeats itself. True oldfags have known for a LONG time. There's your stupid ass fucking "keystone".

There's your retarded ass "keystone", in the form of two fucking incel pedophiles that had a stranglehold over modern society via their proxy puppets. You know it goes way deeper than that you dick slurper. This is just the tip of the mother fucking iceberg.

Godspeed navigating these times, you fucks.

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7c842a  No.193684

File: 52053533192e0c0⋯.jpg (107.18 KB, 1172x799, 1172:799, 1604976097912.jpg)

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e12163  No.193723

Remember to sage and report spam threads.


>Action is coming

Action is not coming.

>Holy fuck, you shit eating retards have 4 years of constant showmanship from our shitposter and chief, do you fucking inbred knucle draggers really think he had his ball washing assistant post his concession to twatter?

Yep. No one here worships Trump. We have always known he has been a jewish shill his entire life.

>(( You're ))

You can’t even get it right. You expose your paid shilling instantaneously.

>your jew tactics (misdirection) didn't work the way you fucking thought they would.

Translation: “I’m ass blasted that the goyim didn’t keep worshipping the ZOG emperor when he exposed himself as a jew shill in his first day in office. WHY WON’T YOU FALL FOR MY HOAXES?!”

>[word salad bullshit]

Once again, no action is coming.

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b84250  No.193735


I wonder if that guy who made the antifa video game would consider making one where you do stop joe and kamala before they storm the White House.

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c8a0ea  No.193753


(((Our))) you arent in israel anymore kike

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c8a0ea  No.193754

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