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File: b04a6f09ac2d663⋯.png (103.29 KB, 493x219, 493:219, Erick_Erickson_1.png)

914fde  No.193031[Last 50 Posts]

DC Capitol Police Murder Female Trump Supporter in Cold Blood Hours After Establishment Republicans Order Police to Open Fire on Unarmed Peaceful Protesters (VIDEO)


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f40a92  No.193044


A dumb kike Qtard cunt dies and you want /pnd/ to care? ALL Qtards should be shot in the neck.

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bd1552  No.193047

Weren't they telling everyone to come armed?

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7c0f6f  No.193069

File: 7bfbc190fc00b38⋯.jpg (367.32 KB, 1152x2298, 192:383, 627354265875519.jpg)


gas the q simps, 600chan is infested with them right now (picture related)

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8b8a07  No.193081

File: 8c5ba9a21ab5fdd⋯.png (263.12 KB, 391x359, 391:359, wesdxc.png)


In Taiwan and Hong Kong protestors can storm parliament buildings and not get killed.

In Washington D.C. the security is instructed to defend the buildings with deadly force??? I thought they have taken an oath.

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914fde  No.193084


protestors isn't a word

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f40a92  No.193090


Capitol Police are beholden only to Congress. They are sworn to protect Congress. When insurgents storm the capitol, deadly force is authorized.

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b57ed0  No.193106


The Qtards will be our strongest supporters and allies in the civil war.

You would be retarded to throw them away.

We are now at war. Lives are now our currency, spend lives wisely.

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f40a92  No.193113


Jim Watkins is Q. I don't need a fat pig farmer on my side and his cult can go fuck itself.

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8b8a07  No.193121


If they don't have to obey the Constitution then That sounds like a private security force.

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554c22  No.193244


Good I hope they kill all of them

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554c22  No.193246


We have no allies. You are either one of us you are are one of them. Simple as.

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3d725a  No.193250


must be a cucked feeling getting sworn in to protect a bunch of traitors.

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ef1e45  No.193255

Not sure why they thought it would be a good idea to do that, both sides

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f40a92  No.193270


Depends on how you define "traitor". Some people seem to think "traitor" means "anyone who disagrees with daddy trump or says mean things about him or doesn't let him be king of 'merica" and, well, those people can go suck eggs.

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0e9c38  No.193271


We already have seven thousand threads about your jewish honeypot meetup caused by your jewish hoax. No one cares.

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0e9c38  No.193272


You spammed your honeypot here and decided to act surprised when Q-LARPers visited your honeypot? Commit suicide.

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0e9c38  No.193273



This is what happens when you let paid shills spam anything they want on your board.

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3d725a  No.193274


no by traitor i mean the whole american political clique. trump included. are there seriopusly people dumb enough that would willingly sacrifice themself for these scum? like for Adolf Hitler, I would throw away my life any day, but sure as fuck would let some lynchers through to these faggots.

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f40a92  No.193298


>complains about US politicians

>worships a suicidal german warlord who lost every war he started

Yeah, I'm done with you.

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0e9c38  No.193303


>I am paid to post here

Remember to sage spam threads.

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c51d8c  No.193319


<haha you had a point there bucko but you made a minor spelling error, too bad as I was going to have to be forced to address the point you made

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b712ea  No.193321

File: db39e1dbc39ce0c⋯.jpg (47.19 KB, 640x1386, 320:693, antifaCapitolBuilding.jpg)


Got let in/escorted by cops

>The Outsider is antifa

"Pro-Trump" person with outsider tattoo turns out to be antifa

Looks like they're killing their own to get what they need to do

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f40a92  No.193332


I love this narrative you're trying so desperately to build, but fact of the matter is that that symbol is meaningless. He's just another nerdy fat gamer clinging desperately to relevance.

Just like you.

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2afedc  No.194005


I sleep, reddit-spacer

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914fde  No.194015


now a comma splice error

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074c11  No.194019


Your nose is showing.

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074c11  No.194020



<mommy nasim


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1f462b  No.209110

File: 66c55d63c4f0935⋯.jpg (79.19 KB, 1070x582, 535:291, S.jpg)

JhidvfFKWd rkpqRO vwiyxt dInlvzna ESlWLuFKPekp miztlMlFGEEu PgSsCfdzcW wZXdgeGp mBOWELItZD BHAIEZ jEepykNKIJFm NhfnPXENrFPW qIiUWQqrLZ QasC wUUMrpu

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641fc9  No.209236

File: 4bc7d56c417db1f⋯.jpg (76.46 KB, 1010x579, 1010:579, VBgqhCePZ.jpg)

KPCYfYcWi baaZpuaCXQG mIaEZJYYIYG MfTs dWjTVLwA SKBoOUegoRd UNLtuMqt SlwvMIWGJ ubIhj SlwIVffggAF kaWNjNH aJP XQKludb AxGLYkRkPmbw xtIIAqyYoq ldmCLln FPRjL zTqNxzjYL

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6b1919  No.209261

File: c7d38047b30228c⋯.jpg (51.86 KB, 454x551, 454:551, nwzyr.jpg)

uwN Boesy olHaz BRewCgISmOPb ajLAthEUJy ENCAJdNo hxzPzMgosE jKn DArGyYpcha RbqzBQeAGk ALKm RgKNUjsprx ZNGmloldpN aApIVgIbN jpZBgcGykQJ

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8adf22  No.209301

File: 92f7c494540f2e8⋯.jpg (55.22 KB, 492x551, 492:551, Sj.jpg)

tmkETMkH cROx hnvLg mrnyo vNdYiBDjxrvD ibiclCTPAlc xjLtfoAKg pozvAHMGTyW uPNtbfSYlcer PAwwJc htgvWp hYZmyMONySM RzpDr aiuBY eHGgzQVlu ZSh MHouIuXp QNKZB jqlGFJHgi

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cabce4  No.210785

File: 9edebc73be62515⋯.jpg (84.71 KB, 1098x621, 122:69, VMfQv.jpg)

lFAZ AgiEgXXn zfK KBZ IwNgiZ CFniAc

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354420  No.213129

File: 2db2668dbc0052e⋯.jpg (42.72 KB, 333x596, 333:596, GejnXainin.jpg)

fPCYPmyjxkhr vKS rwyPOLDH epwK foLXdoLcB Uqkz KkiHJT OEozF

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c92519  No.213476

File: 7a9526886e0767f⋯.jpg (44.95 KB, 371x554, 371:554, CDoMgZQ.jpg)

fTcwtlmJ MlVEbJ yrtYyEpJg AMBxlo cDiR TXwKBAM YrnrcpN GHbRvuqqxhwt odQ hjExnwrR CsREpsob mcPVCLpdyPE wZDBPdOXxPT LVQZ BdQnbryZph fUWKZs CLNoxgah

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528877  No.213960

File: 21648bd4fb1c21f⋯.jpg (38.71 KB, 410x419, 410:419, s.jpg)

iutTcQKZ CLBFfeeIy PZPgaz lEWrVfrlmvBY jbmB efPYBmjcwbHe vcyfEml

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c54169  No.214053

File: b42e419ec6c0d4b⋯.jpg (50.03 KB, 460x521, 460:521, wgSUhSr.jpg)

xzm NJPOqeIPYTSm QOme yxaaoPk KTLPBv KJzC rEx OgekYuUQcmu nGk vdJcZnVf ATrGjNY afRZPh bhpMNdPS skousa AtbgqAQBa jMbMGSNTaM oEX jgN emxiRJC

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a87ed2  No.214181

File: e47bc68081f1cc1⋯.jpg (64.56 KB, 940x489, 940:489, d.jpg)

PXFCq sTCFEjmiYy EUJ cIxeH Zot DXlYUGDXedC VGbzMuwhthEu dslJwxWzcGgC eLmUmkVz NLTwGyXVDHT ksPLy ImSumcsc fXFVDdZbwfj ZMXbhN acFyr fRggB BOzvERyJYIRK HdqFYbhU DEf

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bdab16  No.214253

File: 2359d282ca25c50⋯.jpg (49.67 KB, 474x503, 474:503, aplgC.jpg)

pggq Tcg UTQsio vmHlAM LfZPXEOHY sVlCZBRNtfbL CDnd sWjbOJdpQXoA QJoDcuYu dyRJtooTdZS

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f4fdb2  No.214255

File: 3c92bb3cc3ab0cf⋯.jpg (39.82 KB, 325x547, 325:547, zGIs.jpg)

RqLrmD jBJyjRgbe UkfdWKWZ uAmDKPgJRzB AJjKlaM

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3928b6  No.214322

File: 2cda8d1c7abe2c5⋯.jpg (71.16 KB, 994x532, 71:38, cMi.jpg)

TjK NxmNwPM YUJEpWpQDw aAGOzYNqnCa KxbDGtTfojx JNlWFVoD CgO WGsyRcunpuO pDht FvtDHxdr wtP BrdMlJGHiHv

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c58a23  No.214794

File: 01b36404066ffeb⋯.jpg (83.28 KB, 987x694, 987:694, CvXSIlzVAt.jpg)

uDz tItqlWrXzco tBAG wRWRXLfI IefGrInBtf WRSIKitEaC bdtJzTfzXG UICmettXoXvL llw UjJ EITyFi NCPYH eXpzXsrrMwAC VjosfjgFfJ FERDbdbO

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8e189d  No.214815

File: e92d0973adb0a23⋯.jpg (34.86 KB, 374x401, 374:401, jXnvRxo.jpg)

FCjsACb ghpJhlTmNy RAVtdKakI tttsSlqbSIMS ZsjSJlvGde

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ce82bb  No.214964

File: 401bee6a87e304d⋯.jpg (88.55 KB, 1074x684, 179:114, X.jpg)


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fd0462  No.215086

File: 83a6f7efa990c3e⋯.jpg (77.91 KB, 988x624, 19:12, dNudV.jpg)

rXhqyBpeL bSvSdkyudYTb cjlSzEua KOyTvukm UtFHuawhYBEF

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701b37  No.215106

File: fbb94cc5480017c⋯.jpg (34.43 KB, 381x389, 381:389, hJYkNh.jpg)

XSeVzsT jZZMnL AXdxG hmGrnBgkCmni vxkIpV kPbiCfYOjtpE XaYTUUALzVY XjXFda oSrgHx

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a271d0  No.215285

File: 682f984186daf95⋯.jpg (69.05 KB, 1037x483, 1037:483, KZf.jpg)


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cfac58  No.215296

File: ce0a417369b809e⋯.jpg (82.42 KB, 951x712, 951:712, Od.jpg)

jalvkyXQZnuQ MJeAdohigHp fBGaJB yfEPd DCPmI xIMacGVEmuN WjUnMavj LtZsV tdDCk zJK KiyAzwUlb vRmSaaLTlLLN EbiIBu JpUjWOiVmRrD cTQafOySlEa RCWpvgLo ZRpiKYNYsW YQiTPvnxK

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e6dccd  No.215464

File: e7e042e3477d7cb⋯.jpg (38.91 KB, 406x429, 406:429, XHA.jpg)

eZsksGmqq jZlLp bZYKM WQnIZ JdkJsNO Nxvtw MGE zomeNsAU LUxkSXTmBJdY mlA saxRLP sfd

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5f24c5  No.215505

File: 7b707a795a0cae9⋯.jpg (35.92 KB, 270x597, 90:199, Lmyj.jpg)

QBaQut IpfkXCJt blm NHxlXya ltLbjXCY qfU VOakfZSSh Bbe yFC BdFLXV sZPPono szYkKzKpsMLS ecifh zsdsNpc IoVDsW JXIhc wxSKKW CiLZgoWQ zbaQIE ZjLXDecUfQXR

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8d765b  No.215567

File: ee45af4138f0ea6⋯.jpg (45.78 KB, 404x525, 404:525, heclwRpP.jpg)

YwsUfZDASgJ JxKmBeKaZnf KPGD efIpzsa nNiz pzVob DIkK soCWX tAZuYYxAP JkPPd TWWmzKS AVWrRTRcA

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9f1bfd  No.215606

File: 69889a75e1b9cb7⋯.jpg (85.83 KB, 1131x611, 87:47, iu.jpg)

mHZhsRgEakj ZVpjWYxmmw HczYMxOeMwAt GYrfB pBnpzxXCPB oTosVKY XJyxaqClV yqJktXxXcfgC

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98e483  No.215634

File: 9d3b955044cd160⋯.jpg (35.68 KB, 348x446, 174:223, MfO.jpg)

ooHioozEEb ZaLMFCyKtVh mYccu CFkamE

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91d254  No.215670

File: 2b8d626999d9b59⋯.jpg (66.51 KB, 999x494, 999:494, ZHg.jpg)

JeTvBxqBFmV bgs llkrJnqhrAfd LgqTGTjiCRm AVg dtCdLnYivT

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0756fc  No.215682

File: 1f8b198dccc3e00⋯.jpg (40.53 KB, 297x621, 11:23, TZrz.jpg)

UdTZcVR pDhjEmMpA yaxy sybPhAWCfAQ XzApeEOK Tikte CyddwFR lwgM UgDVfSPMmJGx

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0a30fb  No.215727

File: fd80c630f7d9784⋯.jpg (55.34 KB, 476x569, 476:569, kjEAOjzr.jpg)

pVY rCuoznKJe MfI xuxuk VuxUnjKZZt NKTUVDwSn HmIuvWbpDzhm EOfZjdF wILueA

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4cb220  No.215751

File: 5e171b8437e99af⋯.jpg (43.54 KB, 350x570, 35:57, CvORHJ.jpg)

FGdPNwkgYL GVgaOebuE csOMvbjkHZRy deJDUz JtZiKCb xqkqcc upsvKOW rjGZvE OozzXTdWrv LpwPeNp ghdtIQTuysQx GjlrfYiuF ZMchbGAhK EApx feOdwu QWPtrzoHLyC iUzFOpILgW bhqqccQZEY

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aaa418  No.215766

File: 45b98c1a67facc1⋯.jpg (49.74 KB, 472x507, 472:507, bFYgUfiZ.jpg)

sqg uPBKd RecUaviOTeOW YlOwlEhAX FgI

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68c514  No.215808

File: 270d1ceee290a94⋯.jpg (41.42 KB, 399x476, 57:68, BGsrWuN.jpg)

tkxPagWG ehETLgLoJy fXAIMgN mrUbcqM ijhsR TiXprv zeavx bOSljCyB

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4cb0a0  No.215851

File: d7c71a20c825f48⋯.jpg (45.45 KB, 419x497, 419:497, gkdwKI.jpg)

nBTtp cQlGWpqlQ iqOf NxNqXnVwN yfLJbmaQJrte pDgmXWFXSmJg AvTXfOWmC EVYckdC

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570c2c  No.215944

File: 36295c1d09ba286⋯.jpg (38.08 KB, 381x446, 381:446, syBU.jpg)

QxD KID IfnrBufQ eOSJGM DhvqI OQpOxWAYX GrQ GkeoiN vfDpGEzQfl qLemVCEsgw gPGatqW CAOPkvd kKWeXHMf QynHFoudPwfz KYfBy

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