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File: d1d2f0bca59e2f4⋯.jpg (230.1 KB, 2496x1447, 2496:1447, 117.JPG)

2c1029  No.192586[Last 50 Posts]

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2c1029  No.192590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6aaa23  No.192591

>the bannon shill from the election thread is back

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2c1029  No.192592


regardless of what you think today is a big day and worth observing.

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6aaa23  No.192593


it isn't a big day.

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2c1029  No.192594


Actually you're wrong. It is.

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0dcdee  No.192598

File: b1cb57607d78447⋯.jpg (81.68 KB, 600x1097, 600:1097, 1607799571191.jpg)


For you

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6aaa23  No.192602

File: 487389f85fce4aa⋯.jpg (239.54 KB, 1049x1885, 1049:1885, QoomerMeltdown.jpg)


sure thing, buddy

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c701ae  No.192603

The Proud Boy protest looks like a type 2 diabetes literacy drive. Vanilla ISIS needs a stairmaster.

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2c1029  No.192607

File: 9b7fb3dc2d1e65e⋯.jpg (121.09 KB, 910x858, 35:33, pence.JPG)

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c701ae  No.192609


>Pence is doing his job


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2c1029  No.192610


His job is to delay ratification until a proper investigation of the fraud has been undertaken.

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c701ae  No.192611


He doesn't have the authority to delay anything. Why is you self-proclaimed "constitutional patriots" have never actually read the Constitution?

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6aaa23  No.192613


There is no fraud. Trump won in 2016 because he pretended to be a crypto White nationalist and pretended to hold statist industrial policy sympathies. He governed as a Romney-Ryan conservative, lost the midterms and then campaigned on "socialism sucks, i heart niggers" and lost. It's just demographics.

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2c1029  No.192614


He won in a landslide regardless of whether you like him or not. I don't like him at all but there it is; he won with 74 million votes and the DNC cheated outrageously as all the world could see.

They didn't even try to hide it.

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6aaa23  No.192616


And yet, you can't produce a shred of evidence outside of grifting tweets with convenient links to donation mechanisms.

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c701ae  No.192617


>He won in a landslide

Yep, Biden won with 306 Electoral votes. Landslide.

>he won with 74 million votes

And Biden got 82 million. How smooth is your brain to think 74 is more than 82?

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541d31  No.192618


This tbh.

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2c1029  No.192619

Attempts to storm the capital?


the mob has broken through 4 barricades, the office buildings are being evacuated.

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6aaa23  No.192620


The heavy-handed, hysterical narrative around voter fraud is actually designed to obscure political reality for dimwitted White Americans. It's just a wild goose chase to send them careening once again through the Finkle-think politics of the personal, rather than coherently looking at their actual situation and how power really works.

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cb736c  No.192622



Purely the facts over low information libtard voters feelings.

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2c1029  No.192623


>And Biden got 82 million. How smooth is your brain to think 74 is more than 82?

And how smooth is your brain to think that Biden got 82 million when Obongo got 69 and 66 million and was immensely more popular?

The vote was a total fraud this time.

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6aaa23  No.192624



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c701ae  No.192625


>Obongo got 69 and 66 million and was immensely more popular

Lower voter turnout, you fucking idiot. Do you literally believe that 100% of registered voters vote in every election? Are you literally 12 years old?

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2c1029  No.192626



Yeah in counties that are dying and have shrunk in population and turned in votes that are 200,000 greater than the number of possible voting age adults.

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2c1029  No.192627


Obongo was wildly popular particularly in his first run for president. Nobody can doubt that because his inauguration day was packed. Tons of photos prove it. He had huge rallies of blacks and whites everywhere he went. It was like a religious revival.

Biden was giving speeches to empty car lots.

Hillary was giving speeches to empty bicycle storage rooms.

Obama had huge turnouts and won far more counties too. You're an absolute chink retard level commie shill please die.

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6aaa23  No.192628

File: 43da46ee15d05fd⋯.png (88.2 KB, 598x883, 598:883, trumpnigger_aftermath.png)


The only people dying in America are White people, not brown people. Conservatives like you starved and liquidated your cultural and demographic base for short term profits. This is what the bust out looks like. Also, mail-in ballots get counted at the central tallying location regardless of where they were mailed from.

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6aaa23  No.192633


>Biden was giving speeches to empty car lots.

You're underestimating the drastic shift in "extremely online" communication that occurred in this time frame and the level of social atomization that has occurred, especially among younger people. They don't care about the scenery of showing up to some rally. They want free shit.

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2c1029  No.192634


Black cities are being depopulated rapidly in the once industrial north as blacks are moving back to the south; better weather, more inviting black culture, and paradoxically more jobs; their parents and grandparents moved to the north for industrial jobs that have evaporated. The mail in ballots were a vehicle for fraud. Hundreds of thousands of unfolded (thus never mailed in ) mail in ballots were counted.

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c701ae  No.192635


>crowd size determines elections

Yeah, you're literally 12 years old. Go tell mommy to give you a juice box and put you to bed.

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2c1029  No.192637


The leftist youth were out "rallying" all summer at BLM riots. They couldn't be bothered with teh walking corpse that not only cheated Trump but also cheated Sanders outrageously as exit polls clearly showed. Bernie beat Biden by 14% in virtually every primary vote but those numbers were blatantly switched .

And no inaugural parade, no public inaugural speech; nobody will come. The mall is packed today but Biden can't even throw an inaugural party in DC worthy of the name, chink shill.

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6aaa23  No.192639


Look, man. I already understand your narrative and the motivations behind it >>192620 I'm not your target audience.

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6aaa23  No.192640


No, he's a paid Bannon shill. He was active in the election main thread. He's the only one who links to "war room pandemic".

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2c1029  No.192644

File: 49926720e72b1f6⋯.jpg (195.7 KB, 932x1572, 233:393, office.JPG)

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2c1029  No.192645



EmmaKinery's avatar

Emma Kinery @EmmaKinery


U.S. Senators are being evacuated to a safe place outside of U.S. Capitol, sources tell

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6aaa23  No.192646


>commie shill

I am a White nationalist.

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cb7c3a  No.192648


>It's just demographics.

It's not even demographics. It's that all he delivered his base was liberal tears. Even before the coof, the average working class white man was slightly better off under Obama than Trump.

When the coof came around, this was the perfect opportunity for him to show off the strongman's ability to slice through red tape, the con man's ability to land a good deal for the American people, the outsider's willingness to buck the political establishment and do the right thing, the demagogue's ability to rip open the treasury and shower helicopter money on everyone so we could stay home for a month and get the damn thing under control.

Instead he focused on salvaging the stock market. Great for my 401(k), NOT great for my friends whose parents are dying.

The wuflu is hardest on old men. Trump's most ardent support base? Old white men.

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2c1029  No.192649

BREAKING: The Pentagon has denied request to deploy National Guard to the US Capitol

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2c1029  No.192651



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c701ae  No.192652


The National Guard was deployed to DC 2 days ago, you fucking liar.

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2c1029  No.192653

File: 8d66da7fdf11970⋯.jpg (51.62 KB, 892x520, 223:130, pentagon.JPG)

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2c1029  No.192654


Take that Bad Dragon dildo out of your ass and put you clothes on and get over to DC right now faggot.

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73c004  No.192655


what the fuck

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cb7c3a  No.192657


Any rioter who owns a Bad Dragon product and doesn't wear it to the riots is doing it wrong.

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c701ae  No.192658


Nice source, faggot.

The House and Senate are about to go back into session at alternate locations, so this little insurgency has done nothing but take over a building. You lost, now go get your juice box and go to bed.

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2c1029  No.192660



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73c004  No.192661


c-span reported that as well may have gotten from same source though

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2c1029  No.192662

File: bddef24a8c1202b⋯.jpg (60.82 KB, 918x875, 918:875, bloomberg.JPG)

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c701ae  No.192664


They took over a building, faggot. That building is NOT our government. The House and Senate are going back into session at alternate locations. Nothing has been accomplished.


Yeah, the source is Davis of WaPo.

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2c1029  No.192666


OK fine I'm sorry go back to your bad dragon and blacks on blonds porn. Didn't mean to disturb you.

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26993d  No.192669


>computers unlocked, email clients open

Holy shit they better be dumping that data to the Internet pronto. Imagine what kind of dirt could turn up from their private communications.

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700eb9  No.192670


She didn't lock her computer? At least make her background some tranny porn or something.

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6aaa23  No.192671


>blacks on blonds porn.

The only place you MAGAts take this line is the chans or other isolated dissident sites. Everywhere else, you are a hyper nigged movement. You just have a set of guidelines that you're supposed to use this line of attack when you're having difficulty in threads in dissident circles.

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2c1029  No.192674


>>nothing ever happens, nothign ever happens, nothing ever happens…


They're shouting they want Nancy Pelosi's head.

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c701ae  No.192679

File: e28ca65be21e592⋯.jpg (345.97 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ErErUqKXMAMQtyy.jpg)


It's an aide's computer, not hers. Still could be some entertaining stuff on there, though.

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c701ae  No.192680


>They're shouting

And that's all they can do. Pelosi was evacuated and is safe.

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63aec6  No.192682


Aww what a shame. I was hoping they would all be captured and tortured. What a lost opportunity.

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2c1029  No.192686

File: fe9305f8c3658a5⋯.jpg (259.65 KB, 1033x1924, 1033:1924, coup_d_etat.JPG)



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2c1029  No.192687



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6aaa23  No.192688


>black power salute

very on brand

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c701ae  No.192690


Nobody has been humiliated. Electoral certification continues, Trump's term ends on January 20th at noon, and Biden will be sworn in as the 46th President of the United States.

Accomplishment Status: Nothing

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2c1029  No.192691

File: e7241268b4f3fe6⋯.jpg (170.52 KB, 961x1680, 961:1680, military_coup.JPG)

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63aec6  No.192693


THIS is the false flag. This will be used to claim all white men are evil nazi supremacists. We will lose what little rights we have left here very soon. None of us are willing/able to organize so we can never really fight back.

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dcd02c  No.192698


White supremacy is very prominent in the US, COPE. get over it.

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2c1029  No.192704

File: 4048f53b2a71c57⋯.jpg (235.07 KB, 993x1814, 993:1814, active_shooter.JPG)


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63aec6  No.192710


I know… I think it is excellent and appropriate in our white nation. That said, ze Germans thought it was as well. They were not wrong but it was used against them/us for generations just like this will be.

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6ecc00  No.192713


As far as I've gathered, the only shooter was security, as well as them being the only ones with guns.

They shot one woman, a protestor, who's currently still in critical condition. So not dead yet.

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2c1029  No.192714

File: 396fc25502360f3⋯.jpg (241.46 KB, 979x1876, 979:1876, coup.JPG)

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c701ae  No.192717

File: e692d967eb00307⋯.jpg (450.51 KB, 2048x1450, 1024:725, ErEwUp5VQBA2P_r.jpg)

File: 98f12f44ae1a9bf⋯.jpg (656.01 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ErEz9V_XEAQnKLF.jpg)


FBI strike teams, Secret Service, and heavily armed police are on the scene and the Capital is being retaken.

Nice failed insurgency, faggots.

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9edfc3  No.192725

All this hullaballoo and they didn't even burn it down. Cool revolution, guys.

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2c1029  No.192732

So FBI and DC SWAT finally responded. Never before has the Capitol been stormed in all US history and the congressmen been forced to flee.

FBI and DC SWAT = Democrat deep state pawns. The military did nothing.

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6ecc00  No.192733


It's almost as if it's people who like American history, instead of wanting to burn it down. They want to hang Pence, not burn a painting of Lincoln.

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6aaa23  No.192743


>The military did nothing.

Correct – they didn't back you up.

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c701ae  No.192744


>confirmed for not knowing history, but claims to know history

Typical dick sucking tranny.

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2c1029  No.192745

File: 4d542d0c5a48ee2⋯.jpg (556.37 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, ezgif_6_5ee12b77f767.jpg)

File: 437be352544ce7e⋯.jpg (432.17 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, ezgif_6_e86013fe9688.jpg)

File: 7b9ffbcd9517a26⋯.jpg (140.51 KB, 878x1157, 878:1157, protest.JPG)

File: c643b7c75950132⋯.jpg (395.13 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, ezgif_6_407937c32dae.jpg)

File: dd7441d76970428⋯.jpg (497.18 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, ezgif_6_3e3b2b9dafc7.jpg)

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2c1029  No.192747


>Correct – they didn't back you up.

More importantly they didn't back up the Congress of the United States. If you have even two brain cells to rub together you might want to sit and contemplate that to the limits of your attention span, you know, for like 5 seconds.

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6aaa23  No.192748


They clearly didn't need to. FPS handled it.

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6aaa23  No.192749



And now Trump is ordering the national guard out to clean up whatever is left.

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2c1029  No.192750


>FPS handled it.

No they didn't; they were utterly humiliated, forced to flee for their miserable lives like the cowards they are. And how strange it is that purported NAZIs like yourselves who are so quick to attack anyone that slightly deviates from your strict party line are so insistent on defending the honor or Pelosi and Schumer. Very very odd indeed.

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fd9fb3  No.192751


>autistic excuses from a boomer piece of shit who would never actually do anything against jews




>they didn't do exactly what they did

You're of subhuman intelligence.

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c701ae  No.192752

File: 467c2dda7d656e1⋯.png (502.65 KB, 744x795, 248:265, NG.png)


Congress is backed up by the police, secret service, and the FBI. The military comes in later to mop up the mess once Congress is moved to safety.

And, oh look …

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6aaa23  No.192754


No one is defending Pelosi or Schumer. This is why you aren't taken seriously. You can only attack strawmen. You have been told, for years now, exactly why we don't support you. Yet you still keep coming to these places. Clearly, at least the tangential appearance of being loosely connected matters to you.

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c701ae  No.192755


> forced to flee

They were moved to secure locations, you idiot. That's not "fleeing", it's standard operative procedure. Trump immediately hid in the presidential bunker, but that's not "fleeing in humiliation" to you, is it ….

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2c1029  No.192756

File: b2ba6aaa00abb08⋯.jpg (49.05 KB, 927x425, 927:425, trump.JPG)


You're a biden demonrat chicom piece of shit shill and you can post all you want; you exposed your true self this afternoon and from now on there's no doubt about it. You're a steaming piece of dog shit.

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2c1029  No.192758

File: 75f14e67eca2253⋯.jpg (228.11 KB, 1469x1069, 1469:1069, euphemism.JPG)


"moved to secure locations".

Yes the Capitol isn't secure so they were forced to flee.

You do realize that the euphemism is one of the more contemptible tropes of rhetoric, right?

>>1 Rhet. That figure of speech which consists in the substitution of a word or expression of comparatively favourable implication or less unpleasant associations, instead of the harsher or more offensive one that would more precisely designate what is intended.

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2c1029  No.192759


No you are, you never mention those Demonrat scum, you only attack Trump and his followers. You're a lying decietful LARPing piece of shit, and you've amply demonstrated it this afternoon for all to see.

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6aaa23  No.192760


It just appears that way to you because we don't share your conservative priors and commitment to the postwar order and its social norms.

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2c1029  No.192761

File: 2a1245061115748⋯.jpg (90.69 KB, 925x718, 925:718, nigger.JPG)


That's right I see your point. You're in with the fine tailored suit shitskins now…you're on their side, we can see that clearly.

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2c1029  No.192763


I don't like the "postwar order". I want the pre Federal Reserve of 1913 order.

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6aaa23  No.192764

File: b8cd7a775bb2428⋯.png (235.29 KB, 1157x496, 1157:496, Josh_Hawley_Jewish_Guide_t….png)

File: 8eebd94f1ff2b7a⋯.png (28.02 KB, 598x344, 299:172, Josh_Hawley_Twitter_slab_i….png)

File: 9eb94344664a0ab⋯.png (879.42 KB, 812x2149, 116:307, JoshHowley_NewColdWar.png)

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6aaa23  No.192765


You don't, though. The thing is, you're cool with the jews. We don't actually have common ground because you're with the jews and want to navigate this thing with them having their place. We just don't line up. That's really all there is to it. We gave you a shot in 2016 and pushed you over the finish line. We saw enough. You do you.

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2c1029  No.192766


Jews are playing on both sides. If you've got a remedy for that then let's hear it

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2c1029  No.192767


"I want the jews to have their place"

I do? When did I ever say that?

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6aaa23  No.192768


You're a Bannon shill, fluffing Hawley. Everyone who doesn't agree with you is a "chicom shill". It's just rank thiel-nattery.

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fd9fb3  No.192771











Your Q-LARP is a hoax. Your ZOG emperor is a traitor. No one is coming to save you. No one is going to stop this. WHAT WILL YOU DO NOW, COWARD. GO BACK TO YOUR GRILL.

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fd9fb3  No.192775


>jew-worshipping shill is too fucking retarded to figure out anything that jews didn’t already tell him

You’re not even alive.

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2c1029  No.192781

File: 695299f1b13a789⋯.png (685.67 KB, 728x1286, 364:643, 1609967992057.png)


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2c1029  No.192783


You have no plan

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73c004  No.192787


fake, I can't find it on cnn

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2c1029  No.192789

File: 18d09d574e64b3c⋯.jpg (477.66 KB, 828x881, 828:881, 1609968076118.jpg)

>>it's a lie that they had to flee for their lives like cowards…they were merely moved to "secure locations"


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2c1029  No.192790

BREAKING: US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is preparing articles of impeachment against President Trump

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fd9fb3  No.192793


I don’t need a plan. I’m not the one posturing about some autistic revolution. I’ve known for years that whites will never fight for their own race ever again. And that’s not even relevant! We’re not discussing that! We’re merely discussing your Jew Party A puppets screaming about how Jew Party B beat them in an election that has been rigged for 60 years. What are you doing about it? Nothing. What are THEY doing about it? Nothing. Are any of the “protesters” searching for members of congress to kill them? No. What are they doing? Posting selfies on instagram and getting banned for it, then whining about it. Are they attacking Federal Reserve locations? Nope. They don’t even know what the Federal Reserve is. All they care about is their Social Security, their Medicare, and their TrumpBux universal basic income. They would kill ANYONE who tried to get rid of the communist takeover of the US over the last century. They would be willing to lay down their lives to defend the Civil Rights Act and the completion of white genocide, simply because some nigger got shot by a white nationalist somewhere.

You aren’t of us.You don’t belong here and never have. You’re a jew puppet who thinks that his false dichotomy is real. Kill yourself.


Breaking: Barack Obama parachuted into DC and is being sworn in as president right now.

See, I can spam random bullshit without sources, too.

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1d558e  No.192794

File: 0ea10d97292733d⋯.gif (1.28 MB, 250x200, 5:4, 1443737548534_0.gif)


>incriminating yourself like this

Shit nigger what are you doing?

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6ecc00  No.192799


He's media, he doesn't do anything except walk along and film shit.

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fd9fb3  No.192800


Faggot probably uploaded the picture directly from his cell phone, on 5G, without stripping any of the metadata.

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be45c5  No.192801


Well this aged like shit

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2c1029  No.192802

File: 1b4b5c8eb31f22d⋯.jpg (78.23 KB, 664x680, 83:85, 1609968301883.jpg)

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b6e3dc  No.192804

I wish shooting started.

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2c1029  No.192805


He's always wrong because everything he says and everything he pretends to be is a flagrant lie.

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2c1029  No.192807


Darkness is falling; curfew from 6PM to 6AM has been declared by the mayor of DC. Who knows what will happen tonight.

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b6e3dc  No.192810


I think the counter protestors will come out around dark.

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6ecc00  No.192811


Well, feds did shoot someone point blank and wound up killing her, so technically it did. It just ended really quickly, too.

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2c1029  No.192813

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


yep going to be some real rumbles tonight.

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2c1029  No.192835

File: 2be36db7dffd03e⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1052x1272, 263:318, 1609968510532.png)

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2c1029  No.192840

republican supporters at the rally right now swearing they'll never vote republican ever again. And these are older people. Calling the police traitors.


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f1d490  No.192846


hi tim, congrats on the coulter retweet

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fd9fb3  No.192849


Except nothing happened and Trump surrendered. So he was right.



Your ZOG emperor told the goyim to go home. It's over. Your jewish hoax is finished.

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d956fa  No.192874


Who cares what this tranny says?

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3e3340  No.192882


Oh wait, (((they))) won't even tell us her name.

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6ecc00  No.192885


I've heard mentions of "Roberta Paulsen", but no actual sources so that might as well be disinfo. Looking her name up on twatter shows plenty of people running with it though,

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a50d59  No.192895

File: 6f182ef7ee93f5a⋯.png (43.84 KB, 256x256, 1:1, pikachu_dalle2.png)


>mfw when op of this post doesn't know what Roberta Paulson refers to

fukken zoomers

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f0fce3  No.192897

Seeing posts on /pol/ that Fox News is reporting that she was 16 years old. Might explain why we don't have a name yet.

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be1f27  No.192903


Her name is unimportant. She was just a woman.

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401925  No.192904


based. Migapedes are subhuman.

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6ecc00  No.192912


Fuck, I never watched Fight Club. Though to be fair, I strongly doubt there's zero people with that actual name. Would be funnier if it turns out to be true.

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2c1029  No.193050

File: 3c00a356fc284b2⋯.png (64.99 KB, 936x430, 468:215, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4874505248e56a2⋯.jpg (294.01 KB, 1030x1807, 1030:1807, 25th_amend.JPG)

CBS news reporting that the cabinet and Pence are considering invoking the 25th amendment.


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2c1029  No.193051

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2c1029  No.193906

File: ec75c2dd381c7d3⋯.jpg (84.11 KB, 928x960, 29:30, duck.jpg)

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b9938b  No.209113

File: 679a71235f12926⋯.jpg (40.74 KB, 422x440, 211:220, M.jpg)

MVneJUoVeaYu JLIpOPmQa uscVXZZvLnP tOPTaa lLf

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b75c20  No.214137

File: 561fcb7d6c5ff2b⋯.jpg (47.24 KB, 482x459, 482:459, qXGy.jpg)

daOsjBCJ iqLpoe Hgj nnoRR DtNwYesaznyy BJGv eql RofXFMIRh ClUWBaNtlA NrMMx KGS DtKI

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753528  No.214883

File: 940e294a77624b0⋯.jpg (26.38 KB, 277x384, 277:384, KtRshcgFJX.jpg)


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71d507  No.214909

File: 9c453cd02e7673d⋯.jpg (46.92 KB, 412x535, 412:535, xe.jpg)

xWdzSRzWV XuhbASgO NVMSJnRaC mUbskuHseMJ tbgZzWq LEYxjgHTs uNlnpV FXeMQkyBTrn xFpmXAStgR mIHPOMtqMaio DCtaGI HpDfvfFK GLcxu vKlmouuXym UzstB JoJkjz hiS

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022513  No.214935

File: e892673fbd19bbf⋯.jpg (73.61 KB, 1024x549, 1024:549, PSJ.jpg)

lsiKVQ pTL xKLS anfj dqlOTxusTVQ hmYAhfZf uit CJlzvI dGlXIIdT fiysO PwLxxTDzkjjY rCWRDNDiijIK OOUOTMLPJoMr hSnFnpsYWOZF

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0b49d4  No.214970

File: f52393b8d4be276⋯.jpg (60.81 KB, 902x465, 902:465, a.jpg)

foc IJhY JWYoDe AvUCAslAes fmIfLnCAr AgkejbqNILlL Narap BZIsFbwtRe mqToJ XISEzl OXCLta trYGqtFMWMzC IHROYaAFHkWC BbOo Bxybjm iqJgFfyM XlXoVPAv klIME AQSdsorHjp jFMuWedEjv

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df2eb4  No.214979

File: 800313b11d7c2d6⋯.jpg (51.1 KB, 441x553, 63:79, hdpoIezw.jpg)

Debhqc riTwIYycHgIX OqhKFLO CsDmVRunL KucY FNs ZHAyrVe tzujEARoS unlVQtbnKy IFNXnMhPoKB EDhjEzJNvo ouVLJQc

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fc5a3d  No.215108

File: 576a69badb5a089⋯.jpg (77.63 KB, 1107x540, 41:20, pQHuF.jpg)

upx TLIYi PcBJD foQcBxsCT qmDEXCYPrl rCaYBtdfgjs pAYWe

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79f082  No.215160

File: 46b38124084ec24⋯.jpg (64.84 KB, 948x487, 948:487, wUQhQf.jpg)

EHxToryO LioQeYKGi ZzM srtHODnxR AjbpdaXDT Bmx bUcLKJqCm kOavTGwCDqzd BukrgsgpeAiN Hmz vkgvR

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78c9f9  No.215292

File: 614bd4b05f6fa19⋯.jpg (67.92 KB, 906x547, 906:547, xLOOl.jpg)

ELQs aqzcFLZfScd fQD lMAVUjwicoIZ FjJ

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cea336  No.215463

File: f84394024737da2⋯.jpg (51.1 KB, 461x536, 461:536, lgogWuoKlR.jpg)

llckRDHn GIslwaIda AKUReN KoJY

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d1885f  No.215667

File: d0f7a5d39f972ed⋯.jpg (85.95 KB, 1102x634, 551:317, oBUOc.jpg)

egtQO ifYQJ loChJfl mRCValrXnOcX

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004d29  No.215834

File: ea275eb54e7543e⋯.jpg (48.87 KB, 434x533, 434:533, ueQ.jpg)

TXZsnPjah QlW krqXMBGIqqSZ VzrbumX BCYuNNm PPjqZ hPwyY DEBQnKZe dLfq eZR RuknWeqeee nDlPmnWqp

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06c386  No.215952

File: 82fa79dba1953e2⋯.jpg (43.78 KB, 486x415, 486:415, fXy.jpg)

EuxQAiiHnL TdllErOCA rqPd DnmpFhHh bin

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aab95b  No.215954

File: 65e4531888cabe1⋯.jpg (39.44 KB, 361x487, 361:487, fVNx.jpg)

SrCsVCzn dJdJRjG DhgX SYbvu RffDYHhB

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0bab42  No.215969

File: b10ffb15e20bd42⋯.jpg (42.93 KB, 439x450, 439:450, PuLxuEaWd.jpg)

sMcNGQnYxH UytKYAV wZjbWmQRSi vDfJPycoh NhC lRoqPw LuQdVKLFHalj HANk

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36bf1c  No.216012

File: 78a4da7826c8b21⋯.jpg (47.07 KB, 379x589, 379:589, E.jpg)

KEGs yxHmSg EbB uECOTIjgNim bIBsJkG iuRkQgUeAsgz

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8d3415  No.216039

File: af36b4e82921f58⋯.jpg (48.52 KB, 371x624, 371:624, fhR.jpg)

xSJ ifAZNIkBKj Bkjxxn RepqZ xYBOs UDDto gjyzBpYgDd uMdVd SIwtYvcY

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