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File: 95cf93fd68380db⋯.png (92.82 KB, 691x1042, 691:1042, us_sweden_death_rates.png)

fc730b  No.192288

>US death rate at virtually the same rate of growth for the past six years

If covid is killing so many how has the death rate not changed significantly in the year 2020?

>lockdowns mean less people off roads means less car crash deaths

Sweden never locked down, their death rates have also been about the same as the last few years

Is there something I'm misunderstanding here?



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bbaf3b  No.192293

It doesn't matter if rona is a hoax. Just fucking pay people and tell them to wear the mask. That's it. How hard is that?

Instead, you just rant and rave like a lunatic instead of taking the opportunity to mold society as you want it. Perfect cover for shutting all borders, and what do republicans and conservatives do? Pretend its all fake so they can have an unlimited stream of mexiniggers flooding over and screeching hysterically for college niggerball to play on.

Nobody gives a fuck if (((Home Depot))) and (((Bernie Marcus))) lose money. I've never seen a political party get so completely exposed as rona did to conservatives.

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14f58b  No.192321


Well said.

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6fa73c  No.192334


It's clear Republicans aren't here to fix the country, they're just here to say "no" all the time to progressives and hope they get elected on that. Republicans probably are 100% the new technocrat social credit system that's rolling out so they'll just sit on their hands with race mixing, labor camps, vaccines, and eliminating savings.

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