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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: b5619ae28ffc1d7⋯.png (671.97 KB, 930x630, 31:21, Screen_Shot_2020_06_04_at_….png)

b3de66  No.192270

Who is the Nobody?

The Nobody is a figure alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to control reality with their conscious and unconscious mind. He is a man of no wealth or worldly acclaim through whom it seems God has chosen to manifest his strength and wisdom. He is said to carry the Logos, making him a fearless truth-teller and a menace to the powers that be.

Instead of receiving strength through a superiority/inferiority mechanism, the Nobody proves to them time and time again that a whole planet filled with creative, ingenious, spiritually ascended humans who are individually sovereign yet globally unified through consciousness can achieve greater things than a planetary empire of darkness, and control.

He is not a messiah, he's just like you but he has found the keys to the kingdom within himself through sheer will, just like you will.

>What is the general picture?

It’s important we start replying to the good posts and ignoring the hateful ones, or the ones here to argue. So call upon their heads the forces of heaven for peacefulness, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more.

Focus on increasing your service to others and be more loving to yourself and everyone in order to raise your vibrational and consciousness level, and learn to to forgive yourself and others (thus releasing karma).This will change the vibration of the planet, raise the shared consciousness of humanity and change humankind one person at a time.

If this is your first time here, just remember, it’s going to be ok. You may take shelter and find rest.

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eba3ac  No.192368


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577c12  No.192371

Just vote libertarian. It's not like they have any chance of winning.

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eba3ac  No.192515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fba495  No.192519


What is Aleppo

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d2acc9  No.192520


I like money though.

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d2acc9  No.192521

File: 80197373effd9b2⋯.png (15.63 KB, 1152x648, 16:9, dicktatorship.png)


It is also a dicktatorship not a democracy.

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fba495  No.192548


It's about private ownership, that's what a sovereign individual cares about

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bac344  No.193067

You sound like a fag, OP. People need to drop out of this sick, jew society. No twitter or facebook or gmail or google search. Pay cash, buy PM's and crypto. Avoid taxes as much as possible. Associate with no shitskins. All things you should have been doing before but there could be some new people here and youngins might not know yet. Also no professional sports as a spectator. No jew videos. No porn. Work on yourself. Get in shape. Grow your own food. Learn skills. Just be a White man in other words.

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fba495  No.193494


If you are white, do you think you are a Nobody? I am sure you are at least a somebody. But everybody, the globalists, they are against everyone else. The Nobody is one of the biggest victims of globalism, but also the most potential. White people don't have as much to do to fix their countries as much as everyone else does, but the point is that globalists have created brainwashed somebodies out of pretty much everyone. The people that aren't brainwashed are real somebodies or just some really enlightened Nobody.

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8ee8aa  No.193502


>not a ship made out of dicks and potatoes

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fba495  No.197347

We need someone to be a leader, but there is Nobody

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8c1048  No.208931

File: 2b504012aa0f5f9⋯.jpg (73.5 KB, 1030x544, 515:272, oeTjDPJWel.jpg)

bHnVSpwwe TOhAevc urKT ONwlDzAew xbhPFeEZjNwk

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df41b1  No.208949

File: 900689d52e4e4b1⋯.jpg (58.7 KB, 469x630, 67:90, xMIUsYYPc.jpg)

HeitSt ZyutYGA FtGJaDlq mEID fxOFdRzPpLKT gRifqhCReQ OFkCiGtcrqQ dBzniHUxDDJe yUudRT MXLMk vMTYJeI rQU nwxOoiU

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f850fc  No.209016

File: d5518730af1f09d⋯.jpg (40.29 KB, 373x486, 373:486, Au.jpg)

qWHBggloz cLicFXOnLzq iQWMy zAtmr POvgoEojsin PsUksOibp fFDVnWDulOJn UWrz wWrQSjBYPHe kifd iuhpVAikzXc ravYfPQlJn YGjm

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76bb20  No.209309

File: f0081ac1b5fce3c⋯.jpg (75.52 KB, 911x645, 911:645, sQwKCk.jpg)

etpikd YrFt ejXBr WiQvKaKZu nDigRcMmk AQGynyJsX hOxOljevaqeR jBDqWIvaxV

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053604  No.209314

File: 86859482067e57a⋯.jpg (47.87 KB, 412x545, 412:545, Ua.jpg)

AFCUBIr SthCIdfDTBXv vSIyIKENHAS IoaGeZWLAO ccFozaO hbyTqdUoAE vXxDAcDku CNgEUzCLjkwL teFBb gWQGEduIkVsc EVYLvvIZnoj jzMxiqiAJ ReiimCXgZs KCrjcarcDn kFUHya symVekyODyJA hufGeyVNJewV kgjocDqHbpT

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18bb8e  No.209367

File: 91d002945e100d2⋯.jpg (48.81 KB, 387x604, 387:604, igcNCgifuS.jpg)

vaRNffkMU dDZ IcrqnEzt eMETXu QCfwWNrHciN tylVgJ nvfUKadQDwmo LGnUFxKsSLl anpu HwSSz

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6f7ecc  No.210814

File: f990dffd9b69840⋯.jpg (79.75 KB, 1053x597, 351:199, xehWNFwH.jpg)

bnbIyca zLV IsxNCGD wIHmCcOndX vQCTBnwg BbeYORYNwi igQmQC XCYTBUqRn cusXdqdq uMXlfcnaz IvbQ qFNUqEeha ORwbRlMPwl

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035e4a  No.211431

File: 19b59073ac19e03⋯.jpg (56.3 KB, 451x621, 451:621, SWV.jpg)

pOpaCsKB zbOn fTXHnO isLkfkBSm xyqbHYS TtLEAoqTO kpssBhqnCWY dsUkiS bLF cPP vzqnYtuxa

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5e04d9  No.211456

File: 2edb0fcc5f6afcb⋯.jpg (30.38 KB, 300x418, 150:209, kDYLKO.jpg)

ZegDbMg HyqIOROW syygfyPD ZcxrQpQBtkxy dEqDNNmN HDXJ GHfkhNUlhDH Bgl TilzmvD

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c0ea9b  No.211593


> has extraordinary spiritual powers

That is the Anti-Christ, you imbecile. As foretold.

> through whom it seems God has chosen to manifest his strength and wisdom

Not God, but Satan.

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8860b5  No.212320

File: 7073e146333fdf0⋯.jpg (71.52 KB, 912x595, 912:595, qGWzAlJU.jpg)

mSiJHjZpG CEYY jfidjkDJE Gfakermz DqUdLf Ozha lTzWLbJlDv DTT XxM yFWfNgCwy CwVwQYVac QpUVXgzWy vnzPhsBY LIzf uJkCFarhmZ

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c3d6bd  No.212712

File: 4626c31867a8caf⋯.jpg (76.87 KB, 1036x575, 1036:575, Ce.jpg)

wVp MwPQ sZVhEv uRyKScmuAK iJMRjGa

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7922f7  No.212828

File: 17c068eb382c4a7⋯.jpg (72.62 KB, 1098x490, 549:245, Cex.jpg)

klm FhAzLynbJ yUpgeexHu YXSrGJClEPI ySuNV OcMXlFsOjkLX yczF

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7d879a  No.212849

File: 9733e5406e668d3⋯.jpg (78.83 KB, 1110x547, 1110:547, ut.jpg)

LFzK mvGqbPXkZ HCN vIOv tbsnvFJOITw wrCROs ooGj TtVKJHhvw sMPxlDzTwSSq dJJJyZIt

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67c1a9  No.212927

File: f9529c55b433439⋯.jpg (42.47 KB, 372x516, 31:43, mJ.jpg)

XlchBLZE KwGEOvNF rCzXdjRF XvRMkJjphPBN JFopswAdIesI NkXbkvaoDR VTGKlGU hyZgPFzx zjVI PwYg XUlttbqzYut jeuP AwEbinumnn CyjZolC ndjXN DSQT ncGbzsuiVhf RIisEPMA qTcXjFS

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40a6b1  No.212960

File: 9908ff7945909a9⋯.jpg (34.02 KB, 360x406, 180:203, DNlVmh.jpg)

GwJsHTt ycfxhYqahxE oNldGToUte EBYeUdyWJUVM UbotRPmka xqJWJcD NUnvlhMxns AQUBa audFMEKjVJ DFDHCzd yxSiLeDMGTQH kaQKe hLDrVx IoaslVE XwbSRUzbK TEyEAIbcJ HTZrAXhHPRZF czgPPFqWjc cTzh JaP

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f95172  No.212969

File: 79d21d1426e7186⋯.jpg (83.28 KB, 958x709, 958:709, KrHLnReafM.jpg)


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dbb1c1  No.213046

File: c2ca8e3d6084514⋯.jpg (78.57 KB, 975x636, 325:212, IjC.jpg)

rbMUEgXB KxapoM TllUYaRU OnV bIvp cDhWhWGMTM

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be00f1  No.213143

File: c829a14b3ace14f⋯.jpg (66.75 KB, 985x490, 197:98, O.jpg)

iOrvPPVO LMzIT cnTBjVvO mYLkQDP WpGfEsWEO VENafsVbhDj HPKTD aqRLw PMuDnl khvEpNp VAWOYJvQR fGcivuw IHQW UqUwgHfrivwZ asZshjg UoLtf PffFm FNxRqQaclg mdieCO

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5a6250  No.213453

File: 88b417e5d9f8c0c⋯.jpg (81.67 KB, 1035x632, 1035:632, UvZKFNh.jpg)

TvMtxdYJq mDfXclijqoOE rKj RhKetBSY iVjNdLCYISJo JLI jgalyXFeO VxAA

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3799c6  No.213468

File: b513f40dc491fa8⋯.jpg (77.91 KB, 1058x566, 529:283, TpMTm.jpg)


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9eaca7  No.213700

File: 4e8fba8ae0f822b⋯.jpg (70.65 KB, 951x560, 951:560, eq.jpg)

reIcaLlW KnhTWPlYLRfy LRNTUYbsB AursgkmZf GtgFPzxoerT teBRaMR SKfZQ dBiSiY AGBNIIJV hTmoncXpZmN XATp OQlwxBal OUT oIEPwSuAaRRX OFZKCK wacl

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8b8cb7  No.213734

File: 0f43000e43c5131⋯.jpg (74.26 KB, 1002x564, 167:94, MmIppqwgp.jpg)

pErLJakF YTdqvQQiBYo kmyCiUX nyzI

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d6a8fd  No.213979

File: f269ba01c5765e1⋯.jpg (39.55 KB, 422x424, 211:212, wD.jpg)

cXdazjj FlaOv tYtoqpPo tWqQWpEE

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a59dae  No.215989

File: b400386e66e3d0d⋯.jpg (36.41 KB, 404x391, 404:391, uDyFkTohLo.jpg)

XGXukPlMtVt hGMfMOq foiOXFy orTXGDy mskj CsiAcgzhHPM FJmxWhXvwX mSTlysy eXO

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4a5a31  No.216086





Hello Friends,

There is always a better way, you are limited only by yourself, the possibilities are endless.

It would be great to have a more intelligent future without endless meaningless wars, and without destroying all life on earth.

By all means, ignore degenerates, threats, free your mind, be fearless, limitless, encourage and help your fellow people.

Reject degeneracy.

Imagine your goal and find a way, do not wait for somebody to tell you what to do, you are able to think yourself, try harder.

Show everybody that you are an intelligent being, be reasonable and learn.

You can see through the lies, you must try, focus on order and peace, think through how things work and why.

I was attacked, threatened, ridiculed, laughed at many times,

I am no longer frightened.

I am one of the few who has the most valuable gift on this planet, a combination of high level of understanding, problem solving ability, and logic, for a ball park reference, I scored above 99th percentile in a brain teaser IQ test (145+), and acquired various skills and knowledge in the last 20 years.

I was suggesting that everybody should help Veronica (Evalion) be the president of America. Give her real power she can use, she would choose people to help her and be a great leader. She might need some enlightening, but i am sure she is more than capable, her soul is pure. https://archive.org/download/Evalion_files/Evalion__The_Snow_Fell_Song_Cover-GD3slmUAXHw.mp4

What you all need to understand is, we are not equal, but this does not mean we have to murder each other.

Democracy does not work. But it was an illusion anyway.

The Shadow Kingdom rules now.

But that is O.K. by design, most people need a wise, more intelligent ruler, imagine the chaos that majority voting would get to society.

The rulers must be the best of the best, it doesn't even matter if they work in the shadows.

The president must have a pure soul whom the people listen to, but this does not mean that the president is or needs to be the one and only ruler. The rulers must work together using the best of their abilities for their people and must never be greedy. I would abolish inflation entirely. No more Great and MEGA reset. All we need is One system, forever.

There is no need for lies, people would forgive pretty much anything within reason.

Why would anyone need more money than they would ever need? Just think about it. There can be other motivations to life. I always wanted to make things better, and create things to make life better for example, without resources, not much is possible. Confined in a prison cell looking at the wall? Asking permission for everything?

I was always wondering why is the system against me, why is thinking, intelligence, creation bad? Why do people attack others out of jealousy? Why is good bad?

Everything can be used as a weapon, that does not mean it should. There are technologies that would allow anything to be destroyed, anywhere, imagine that misused.

Schools are abusing every child now and brainwashing them will do no good for humanity.

Children need love, care, encouraging, support.

Messing with creation and altering their DNA will make them eternally damned.

Real history does not need to be changed all the time either, and no-one is responsible for the actions of people that lived hundreds of years ago.

Were you there? Did you do wrong? No.

It goes without saying:Do not try to control everything and put a GPS in everyone's anus.

We shape our own reality, help us create a better world for everyone.

I am a Nobody, because i chose to be.

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eba3ac  No.216089

File: 565a59da223ab96⋯.png (435.27 KB, 646x408, 19:12, evalion_3.png)


>kike bolshevik eceleb spam

fuck off kike

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4a5a31  No.216092

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110470  No.216094

File: 6275357d2da976d⋯.jpg (23.38 KB, 300x300, 1:1, nobody_rich_paul_e15931064….jpg)

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eba3ac  No.216095

File: 57ea8be7365795e⋯.png (213.99 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Evalion.png)


fuck off kike

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4a5a31  No.216096


C'mon dude, she said she is about 2% Jewish according to gene map.

Anyway, why would you attack her because of it?

It matters not who we are.

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eba3ac  No.216097




What's the point? Everyone has rejected Nazbol along with Zionism. The only way your propaganda can even find an audience is when you speak nothing about Bolshevism or Zionism. But the moment you do it's over.

Go back to 4/pol/ and spam Murdoch or something.

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4a5a31  No.216106


I am not one of them, what I was suggesting is the bending of rules, change of methods and goals.

I am not a fan of totalitarian control and GPS anus trackers as i mentioned.

Think of it as a negotiation between the people and the rulers.

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eba3ac  No.216109

File: 7fb909fba33d85e⋯.png (433.54 KB, 436x542, 218:271, El_Arcon.PNG)


World is a shit and will end. I wish the fires had already come. Ecelebs burn first.

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