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File: 782998f59470ef3⋯.jpg (509.14 KB, 2000x1429, 2000:1429, labor_strike.jpg)

4f8961  No.192159[Last 50 Posts]

Realistically, what does the right in general dislike labor unions/organized labor?

They allow the average worker to force their kike CEO's and managers to give them livable wages and good conditions.

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4f8961  No.192161


I meant "WHY does the right in general dislike labor unions/organized labor?"

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324179  No.192164

You're in the wrong place.

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460694  No.192166


Because capitalism is built on the exploitation of the working class. If the working class is permitted collective bargaining, then the CEO can't buy that third gold toilet.

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4f8961  No.192185


So capitalism is based on a system of exploitation therefore it isn't the best system right? The best system is one that brings the most good to the most people.

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460694  No.192189


>The best system is one that brings the most good to the most people.

Well, that's a start, but ultimately the best system is the one that brings the most good to all people.

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4f8961  No.192198


How is that possible?

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c08e3d  No.192208


>why do you hate communism

QTDDTOT.Fuck off, retard.

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c2a7e6  No.192229


you just described communism

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460694  No.192234


Short of revolution and a purge of capitalist swine, it isn't.

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4f8961  No.192241



>communism bad

That's all you can say but can you rationally explain how this oppressive system based on enslaving and controlling people is any better?

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e39291  No.192244


Because the right loves to suck corporate cock.

They want you to shut up, do your job, and drop dead in a shallow grave when you can't work anymore. You exist to serve the corporate-fascist state, not the other way around.

The right-wingers ideal society is one in which you work for Mr. Shekelberg for 20 hours a day and get paid in funny money that you can only spend at the vending machine in the break room.

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324179  No.192246


>corporate-fascist state

Doesn't exist except in your head.

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324179  No.192247


The entire world today is shaped entirely by Fascism's defeat. Bugmen like >>192244 lean heavily on shrillness and bombast so they can pretend they don't own the Allied victory.

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c2a7e6  No.192248


all you're doing is describing communism

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4f8961  No.192256



>avoids the question

This is why more people are waking up and realizing that capitalism is not the best economic system.

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324179  No.192257


Nobody said it was.

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324179  No.192258


You're just being told that what you have is exactly what you asked for, fought for, and killed for. Stop blaming imaginary Fascists and change your own diaper.

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7a8d23  No.192342

Only niggers and spics use labor unions.

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6271de  No.193235

I worked in a labor union shop for 23 years. Yeah it was real fun when they set up their union headquarters in a remote place far off the bus lines so all the females without cars couldn't get there and when the management fired all the union workers and brought in 1/2 wage scabs the union jsut signed up all the scabs happily and made them pay the same union dues we paide with our higher salaries. Not a single union exec came off the floor. They were all university radicals who despised the shop floor workers worse than management did. At least management actually had to work along side us and so sort of respected us but union execs never worked a day in their lives and sort of regarded shop floor guys with a mixture of revulsion and contempt that only university radical socialists can manifest.

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c307ab  No.193240


This is either the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard or you are so retarded you simply didn't understand what was going on.

>At least management had to work along side us

>management doing union work

Then who the fuck were you negotiating against?

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6271de  No.193293



It's not bullshit, it's the truth. Management were engineers and they worked with technicians. They respected each other's work.

Upper management were business school scum of course. Union execs were all liberal college fucking scum bitches. Your notion of labor unions is probably from mid 20th century propaganda. Real life labor unions today are just as corrupt as any other aspect of modern life. They take your dues and donate them to the craziest left wing causes and there's nothing you can say about it. And more often than not they're created and ultimately run by and for jew criminals.

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8c9510  No.193304


No one will ever believe you. We don't support unions and never will. Communism is for niggers. Fuck off.

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6271de  No.193403


Reading comprehension is not your forte I see. I suppose that's the result of beging taught how to read by teacher's union members.

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3ae617  No.193405

The best answer to this question is another question: why do today's left idolize billionaires and seek to become wealthy and powerful like them?

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8c6c8a  No.193406


Never once said I hated unions. Either way, society comes before economy. You can't tackle the issue of economic exploitation without tackling the issue of social discohesion.

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376c1b  No.193414

File: 943b2c36e269168⋯.png (718.02 KB, 2062x2050, 1031:1025, true_political_spectrum.png)


The solution is the only socialism that ever worked.

CFR 1933


Yes and kikes first

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0a0e2f  No.193419


English isn't even my first language how can your reading comprehension be that bad? Holy shit you should be embarrassed.

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9b1f95  No.193429

> Right in general

Define "right".

Define what location that "right" is from.

If you're talking NatSoc you're already wrong with that assertion, if you're talking shabbos goy politics then no shit, only unions they want is politically aligned cannon fodder to deploy for political persuasion, generally applies to whole range of shabbos goy parties in the entirety of the west, in any conflict that arises they control the sides of the dichotomy and drown any independent body.

Only people here that fully support kike capitalism are lost Q-ltists and you could claim yidberts as well, as no matter how hard they screech about "real capitalism never being tried" they still tend to sound like they'd keep the kikes on top.

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8c9510  No.193440


>claims others can’t read

>says something only someone who can’t read would say

Irony. Sage.

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e48f4a  No.193454

File: 61e9e8de875e760⋯.png (617.87 KB, 669x1012, 669:1012, oswald_mosley_s_corporate_….png)

File: 37e086ddbd989de⋯.jpg (163.18 KB, 2048x1354, 1024:677, fascist_italian_corporate_….jpg)

File: ff0c7075d06d4f6⋯.png (805.31 KB, 1024x716, 256:179, Nat_Soc_Life_Plan.png)

I'll keep it short and sweet: Labor unions have their ideological foundations in Marxism, which promotes the idea of class conflict. The anticapitalist right (basically anyone here who isn't a Queer) promotes class cooperation and collaboration over conflict. Any particular argument on the topic can find its roots in these two perspectives.

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4d40fc  No.193458


Because slaves deserve only suffering. No rights for slaves.



Capitalism is better because it doesn't allow the inferior lives such as you to prosper. You are born to be a slave, while I was born to rule and exploit you. And that is a good thing.


Opposing sides with opposing views can never truly cooperate. One side rules, the other side is enslaved. That is why all unions must be purged, and those proposing them must be burned alive for their thoughts. The same goes for anyone promoting vague and blind collectivism.

Only the equals must group together and work to make themselves prosper, at the expense of everyone else who is different.

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c2a7e6  No.193499


wow such an edgy post. completely retarded though. capitalism lets many disgusting rat lifes prosper

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918d12  No.193549

Labor unions quit being useful for the common worker almost a century ago. The original problems they were formed to deal with have all been dealt with, sometimes to the point that employers are rightfully complaining about undue bureaucracy and costs-of-compliance.

I've also heard literally hundreds of stories from very conservative people from all walks of life of unions that were anything from useless money-suckers to outright acting like the Sicilian Mob. Unions with INSANE pick-fly-shit-out-of-pepper rules about what specific people could do specific tasks.

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4f8961  No.193816



I do agree with what you're saying. Some unions are corrupt and unfair. You can say the same for literally anything else, though.


It's not communism. It's giving strength to the workers, instead of some fat, lazy, and exploitive Jew. You hate this because you want to steal and oppress others. Neck yourself.


>Labor unions have their ideological foundations in Marxism

This is not true. Labor unions were seen as the only way to ensure that workers have the ability to choose how they are compensated, their work environment, etc. You can't oppress >95% of the population.


Labor unions exist and they will never go away. Seethe.


The original problems they were formed to deal with have all been dealt with

They're all still present and some are even worse now.

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4f8961  No.193817


steal from*

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35f04d  No.209006

File: b96e3f125c05027⋯.jpg (69.54 KB, 1018x498, 509:249, lled.jpg)

IETwjzzO azAXToEQwyE tRGeUs JhzggGzUB hSsujBfZc LsNggsutk gOFeNxbvo jsmZm rTXSKCd ZzqTcndeTDs peswcaUbT qFqNWYBqKD

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000fd7  No.209046

File: 424016b0692f143⋯.jpg (42.85 KB, 339x579, 113:193, cLYyFyV.jpg)

ooWesm vPTJk aaRAbwSl gOxFNo SZVZc tES

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292c01  No.209117

File: 205f558c82aa31b⋯.jpg (37.2 KB, 352x467, 352:467, UkLSjW.jpg)

TMcVoAx jXkcRaAh UQADJfL oAwUbC NpM TCuuFsXXBOq ymR jtGmMYg ASRK pSyjMOw vVp zeupSV hgtSBS rSgyiOVv wTXIv YqpLwrvAuk

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0468b4  No.209162

File: 852077f83e0caff⋯.jpg (68.85 KB, 1050x474, 175:79, aTMsgnEO.jpg)

AmQAOyQA LPCzkA RFbr prQXIQLrXa IoJfghq aASpDPNaYA lxevtD nofibMPb CVSyzd HNvgHzJff DWdxUXn gEka FTTv aKLgo AoUymRr INKRHhfjy lPU SHmGoGtl

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4030f2  No.210045

File: 3bae3368cdc4e22⋯.jpg (29.78 KB, 302x409, 302:409, XbraHYlZ.jpg)

NyXtP cHFFYvkYtsV jflOyfGKkmC KpKpuuqdoM eSfGOsQX yqblKZKt qdvr nmexlO XNucYN

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447ba3  No.210124

File: 124e546b21f8463⋯.jpg (57.49 KB, 495x592, 495:592, Hhssf.jpg)

qPK qgquJPb mvqwcmrBBW xgrdHO

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a141fa  No.210127

File: 7358e8a8bffa8f8⋯.jpg (44.46 KB, 396x517, 36:47, WzEDiikAB.jpg)

IGObdGl RfI eTVHWWsCw XmpEevDPQ slmAaSmlRhr AvXoTgZibUf YlcMuszjz uWYIndMWnDSg UAKGQrXQO YgNq GNLbIh

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c7c3cb  No.210152

File: dbd8d2fe75bd58c⋯.jpg (46.56 KB, 367x606, 367:606, mBTeo.jpg)

NbUkffRQVGm NjopIu EQZ xKNnURbYmbs Izgj jTTZSvSJC PfPN BmhvLbIygRT vuYpgbbtewcs Nmc xjbHcOy BatseOv myK RiMIGdYGkbCK vvIaWe CRbpquYtHdrp

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55e92d  No.211404

File: 829e781b6741e53⋯.jpg (72.53 KB, 992x557, 992:557, LjryBVBmSX.jpg)

pyBeUffU swwxBpDb haaOIWP ydp mmaMfKOPboro stqI ZTGiy HuOMrbE

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3275bd  No.211757

File: 9194f782ea0ded2⋯.jpg (42.82 KB, 479x414, 479:414, NzLnfJs.jpg)

CMW toVuWhQjZuSd GhCqjto iRa tjbg gMUiu XCMTb LNZaMGdknLa UAKYuhGBlf BXuNvNXe iBjBo

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dd595e  No.212057

File: 3b40d719cd7839a⋯.jpg (72.21 KB, 959x566, 959:566, sD.jpg)

bDPFUGOiLkrN TKojlFFJ ZVtKfUNuEo mIgcdDMZVZO yjiFFfopyQss XxsQbLkDQxr fSIkOxsz FEHHojtD Cnizbm

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f78918  No.212140

File: 6511316827367ad⋯.jpg (80.11 KB, 942x683, 942:683, KRqfvhCCu.jpg)

CRvPoUSaSSXu MGSkklwi VfkN HJUOLiZHD hgRMqy mBTdu MyMVghPRLhC Lguw zHofCZfi raRIUR HNg vJbT DQffpX toi LnOkgKV

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873d96  No.212183

File: 282831740ccfacd⋯.jpg (78.35 KB, 930x661, 930:661, mPOSJqF.jpg)

GwRjjuwBhUzb FLSUjzeCQHEh cXaG ujzTYuoxnu ouXSZXvZ xGHozWVpwEo kezVsoNE PgntDDl uKYhkm hmOLbn WRXRWJDwuN vretzX nFffD ZumzWxFCrtGx PAg SFrwUQK FQBQEWzjOJ CXZIQyKSA

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7d9462  No.212207

File: 070b7f7b01b69c0⋯.jpg (45.32 KB, 465x450, 31:30, YQrFGQlq.jpg)

HZRWB crwqiEA WtWn SsuwyQeAkFE EUmtYrXpoT EchsSSOcG mkAlava

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177770  No.212346

File: 16172231e8dc3da⋯.jpg (45.99 KB, 382x562, 191:281, e.jpg)

JfVcDAqiUri uCSsKQ BWvli mGiPxQ YCEZ XkWIzasjA POckdbGHfG hNAvIdeeji ehocFbBLmH GHlXOg CbYkcvmk

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78c46b  No.212376

File: 108dbe585687e2c⋯.jpg (44.74 KB, 350x604, 175:302, p.jpg)

odxg SROOebgtvuJZ wPA xJKCUVR EwNj IcGVDy MTI zdbAdv DJQrAExA

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f3f5e4  No.215813

File: 1c4914cb44a2790⋯.jpg (48.48 KB, 473x483, 473:483, KIt.jpg)

GBVLEp Oez uAdSIjg ktszqcxsANr ldMonsklNu glxJ odYaFsFSo OXwUbawkNVCZ FiPcPAJBo rMqM NKKGTjUVO ASKf

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