Ford-class program
The USS Ford was officially delivered in 2017 and commissioned in 2018, yet the ship was far from finished.
* The weapons elevators didn't work reliably, and the last won't be accepted until summer 2021 at the earliest. [1]
* Won't deploy until 2022 at the earliest, or maybe 2024 [2]
> "Through the first 747 shipboard launches, EMALS [= catapults] suffered 10 critical failures" [3]
> "The reliability concerns are exacerbated by the fact that the crew cannot readily electrically isolate EMALS components during flight operations due to the shared nature of the Energy Storage Groups and Power Conversion Subsystem inverters on board CVN 78. The process for electrically isolating equipment is time-consuming; spinning down the EMALS motor/generators takes 1.5 hours by itself. The inability to readily electrically isolate equipment precludes EMALS maintenance during flight operations. " [3]
> "Through the first 747 attempted shipboard landings, AAG [= advanced arrestor gear] suffered 10 operational mission failures " [3]
>" The reliability concerns are magnified by the current AAG design that does not allow electrical isolation of the Power Conditioning Subsystem equipment from high power buses, limiting corrective maintenance on below-deck equipment during flight operations. " [3]
> "CVN 78 will likely be short of berthing spaces. […] The berthing capacity is 4,660 […] Recent estimates of expected combined manning of CVN 78, its Air Wing, embarked staffs, and detachments range from 4,656 to 4,758. " [3]