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File: 50989a7ad9338bb⋯.png (176.19 KB, 1205x332, 1205:332, ClipboardImage.png)

2990db  No.192085[Last 50 Posts]

Jannies banned me for telling the truth. 4chan is compromised, jannies picked and mods picked a side. I am migrating here.

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1b350f  No.192086


You're not allowed to violate US law here either.

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f7fcae  No.192111

File: a2c685460900359⋯.png (1.63 MB, 768x962, 384:481, GlacierJew.png)

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bf7d6f  No.192123


Yup 4chan sucks

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f3a23d  No.192129

File: b569f3ec86ba1ff⋯.jpg (169.66 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Leaf_genocide.jpg)


Well it was fun while it lasted. But the Moderation is a stricter now than it was before.

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bf7d6f  No.192194


>the Moderation is a stricter now than it was before.

Unless you're a tranny poster, blacked poster, slide poster, Q-poster, schizo poster, or pride-poster, or racebait-poster

Then it's open season

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ca7a74  No.192196

Yes sub humans flooded Pol after Trumps glorious victory despite them having Lefty Pol there fond of demoralization lol once you see the satanic horrors of whats going on in South Africa you become immune to there tactics

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bf7d6f  No.192199


I wasn't there very long but when I see long-term posters talk about the decline of there and here it pisses me off.

(Literal old fag, chans new fag)

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186fe0  No.192200


What do Trump and the South Africa situation have to do with one another?

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bf7d6f  No.192201

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d2b94c  No.192207


No one cares. We have 10 users here now. You should have left in 2014 when we did.

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186fe0  No.192215

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74116c  No.192226


Not everyone is an oldfag, besides you should've actually left to 4chon in 2011. But yeah, there's no longer any good place for us to hang out on. I wish they'd put cuckchan out of its misery already so we could regroup.

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dc4752  No.192251


Fellow refugee here, what did they ban you for?

I came here mostly to take a break from the shilling

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97e5bd  No.192253

File: 7fd50819af7ac09⋯.png (2.11 MB, 897x1200, 299:400, 8d24cb4234788ff9a4243329bf….png)


Nice try, loner.


Welcome to the center. Enjoy your stay. Learn all you can and learn it well. I'll tolerate your emotional thread, I understand it's frustrating. Cooler minds usually prevail.

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6c2808  No.192255


Yea the shilling is insane rn

Ima chill here for a second

plus the blue is nice

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dc4752  No.192260


Gotta say the layout, catalogue is ASS.

Where is my pretty colored ID tag? Where is my flag? Why not copy 4chan more?

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186fe0  No.192261


fuck off nigger

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dc4752  No.192262


Are you implying anything but the lack of shills and bait on this site is superior?

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07b493  No.192274

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a36a68  No.192280

Well I've been coming here since it was brought back and before that I was at 8chan for several years before the New Zealand shooting. I remember that night well; I was just heading out for the gym for a midnight workout and I had one last look at the board and saw Tarrant's thread's first post and thought "aha another larper" then went out. I came back in around 3 AM and oh my it was like a naughty boy had knocked a wasp's nest out of a tree with his slingshot.

Now here we are. This board sucks, all of 8kun sucks, especially the PDF board which is pretty sad really. I found awesome stuff back on the old one. 4chan sucks bigly too; I mean look at 4chan/gif/ for example; what does it say about the average chan user? Blacks with huge penises ass blasting the prolapsed anuses of the most wretched crystal meth addicted white whores. at least half of the board is devoted to traps doing unspeakable things that must smell awful if you were actually in the room with them, and Daz3d animations of girls being raped by horses, dobermans and hideous demons. That pretty much gives you a clear idea of the 4chan demographic, psychologically.

Overally 4chan did do some remarkable work this summer. As debased and imbecilic as they can be they still managed to identify and track down Reinhold and the rest of his conspiratorial crew when they gunned down that patriot prayer dude in the streets of Portland, long before the Portland police or even teh FBI was able to, which really does speak volumes about how low the US has sunk. So I go to both places even though they banned my entire IP range for some unnamed abuse which frankly I had nothing to do with.

I've wasted a fuck tonne of my time following the incredible events of the last 5 years and something tells me that the denoument will be a big disappointment and instead of a bloody revolution and a reign of terror, all we're going to get is some kind of senile Reagan revolution with lots of claptrap political cliches that will be insufferable to endure. Once again I'll have to give up my news junky habit like I did in teh mid 70's because it's just too depressing to see how stupid both the ruling classes and the ruled really are. I've moved to a 99% white area but that can't last. The entire civilization is in collapse across all fronts. I'm seriously planning to sell this new home and move even deeper into a remote area, next time with at least 30-100 acres where I'll build a brand new house. No one will bother me when the snow piles up in huge 10 ft drifts in howling -40 wind chill blizzards.

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dcc95a  No.192281

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5b97ac  No.192319

There are these "Swede Twink" threads which are just thinly veiled excuses for spamming gay porn on cuckpol. I got banned for 3 days for pointing out that it would be a great shame, if for every thread like that a gore thread was posted on /lgbt/ or bunkerchan. WITHIN 5 MINUTES OF POSTING. The gay porn thread stayed there. I'm not the slightest bit surprised, though. Moot wanted to nuke /pol/ because of cuckgate, but he figured that the fallout would be too big, so he just ordered /pol/ not to be moderated for disruptive content so it would be burred in it.

Polite sage. But 4cuck mods are 100% compromised, this is not a joke, they selectively ban people who try to organize and at the same time intentionally allow spam to stay there. They literally and unironically belong on the rope right next to other globohomo agitators and shills.

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ddff1b  No.192396

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7a1d44  No.192453


I was banned for questioning Avicii's death in relation to pizza gate


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74116c  No.192464

This place lost its luster after the Tarrant cucking, its just completely blackpilled now with no hope, it's just… sad.

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b08522  No.192501

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6136ad  No.192517


I was banned for calling some leftist shill a niggerfaggot. No kidding

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00a3f2  No.192531

you shoulda left 4chan back in late 2016 when it was invaded by redditors.

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dc4752  No.192572

File: 8a7a82c9cf11540⋯.png (224.08 KB, 521x937, 521:937, 1608323345538.png)


> I got banned for 3 days for pointing out that it would be a great shame, if for every thread like that a gore thread was posted on /lgbt/ or bunkerchan.

A warrior's death, king.

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d3fcf3  No.192577

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ed1a54  No.193510


discord will delete your accounts and servers when they find you

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21532c  No.209063

File: 269f373e6a28d13⋯.jpg (36.25 KB, 289x540, 289:540, Mg.jpg)

KwUh jdNTSaeMLRKa iqviIutgj wUQHUftLLNE byeelz PVpg WuAwzYhzo kyuBBUZmS EWLwMla gaICOgYlQ dJIEQ

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85e9a0  No.209091

File: f62e9fc808a1d4b⋯.jpg (44.48 KB, 503x409, 503:409, ikSK.jpg)

xkqbytcvCWs dMavPZtbcU wfwrX DzLgmrjMSKys XzXx JArPsZTPb ypXY YvQEIQYd KwXcwTcjwK HLgyf iNzxnzOXb uuzY ONnDquIE YIUJfHlSUW EgtsOZJPajG rvhz CyXUBuN INYaoDlqRxN CjZioxtssNFH QQahIiPVd

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f0f64b  No.209249

File: fd60114ba637612⋯.jpg (33.72 KB, 342x423, 38:47, q.jpg)

AnHH bESX kawnp TRAmPDGcaayE lasxkE GLkSYOmMMWjS iiJKhJ kTHXqZpzi wYVSQGr mycPjKpB XQRRdCM ynaZLeOAy nuzMsTW fqTi WZxMpRB KTNiwDEeOff qwAgOg qPQlmQuj

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77300c  No.209420

File: e32a3f6ab15741f⋯.jpg (90.32 KB, 1104x694, 552:347, HbnLuTF.jpg)

Jtv XdbNaTpRwaj ffwMpHnZ tXScFcYFJHd KAYpQc Sunec ftQvohnhEgnG LXCjrvVGLNdz kgB hXEDIUBkWjs HXgcbFGS YJAEi fhvCKDmNN abKdxxDxI LeAIHhVGe hDc RAsLTDkXp AxSF TNwN lfImPjgpLF

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f17631  No.211414

File: ab143e1e53f8d8f⋯.jpg (62.31 KB, 902x485, 902:485, d.jpg)

Ntdt fDvB AmmVDYqAne sIwgbvhZYicP YsJQt icKaqGfbvvjA xrSSNqBoDy hJERirlHtFQs KFzXev Dut FpZbYKRGSrFU

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ac9c89  No.212537

File: 017e80beff42435⋯.jpg (77.96 KB, 972x626, 486:313, fQXbk.jpg)

eVOhCSonlYJN rrXH GdGFCeWelH UUHzga cvgANs OlpUTqoBYJOm DdGAVRQtBM NydluV iMbcBhKvfXKb MxDNGixz KrfWE BotvLU kkyqq zDWUmbgXr

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bbde62  No.212673

File: d4452c541060678⋯.jpg (43.07 KB, 349x564, 349:564, FCopuq.jpg)

qcViXffNuGh SPNhQEr wFREIyJy kyQnXLbbMVx GbZi OLrgHqA Wou wLilRifNdh iGbYlCSdf zhNxVTxhKj YeZbcIhxb QcCQn cicwRUlPKFM

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62fb83  No.212937

File: 525ba6415392d98⋯.jpg (45.11 KB, 427x495, 427:495, VACaGXz.jpg)

eXxmiCLAExW hwdcPOh nCBmyCLWgOyg LRcfH HkFFnrlG CEUtLGf VRjArpOHzo AzMoEgvCgpq XOUcbvjB FQwTZ kLAgOCc qJRBQKDTOAjh ZswaNpJiGWNL KtGueOZSJk fMMgfVFi VZaQkTwCc iHrddkTEvh oTPevIEvohh Flksjmi rYiM

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1c2879  No.213392

File: 19e137ac61c9968⋯.jpg (82.72 KB, 1045x635, 209:127, eAOW.jpg)

DaCl KpDhf crtJz oNF zUTBOA uxdmYqX wkIoLM ettboMT xLtKNrSe qiqf sPNRQdCdhrq LcNPUPCBYmgI NpTSYJZLH HyByDBa fcMug fwubehLjH AkPJ

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c93a02  No.217173


I can't even make a thread on /pol/ anymore, my IP address has been flagged, and my youtube accounts all deleted.

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cda4c3  No.217178

File: 45e916ef1b69245⋯.png (259.84 KB, 483x368, 21:16, 1613587756351.png)


Fuck Trannie-Jannies

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07a1a3  No.217296


opened Internet is gone more or less not sure since for how long it has just become more evident. Most likely they let shitposters shitpost for like a decade even if everything was monitored at probably way before Snowden revelation in 2013. They just pulled the plug now since the Reset is happening and communist world order is here now.

THey got their intel about whos against the new Reset I suppose and created websites like gab, parler bitchute to herd the anarchist sheep into corners and groups where they can be easily controlled.

World is nothing like we know it thats for sure. Nazi was socialist fascist no matter how you want to turn it so is communism. On the right theres only anarchy everything else is about fascism.

The only truth we can get in this world now is literature pre 1800 . Even if much was propagande before that too but after 1800 with digital age it all obviously became fake. There is not much truth now just the basics, caveman style living would bring forth the truth.

More or less all ancient scriptures are just symbolic and not truth just wisdom to survive here mostly. But no truth and facts about past really.

Strange place. We live in for sure. Humans are so new and gullible we just dont know. They use the innocence and gullible against us. LIke children unaware of the situation. Even until the end of our days often most have just lived their entire lives based on fiction. ABsolutely messed up,

The only way there was to be free in this hellish deceitful world was to live off-grid and with nature. But they are taking that from us now as well. Forcing us to be chained to the computers.Welcome to the matrix.

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f733fa  No.217297


Damn. I even got banned from the #4chan IRC room for calling-out targeted bans. 4chan is on its last leg.

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07a1a3  No.217300


PS stop using 4chan. Even if this place is also a honeypot. 4chan is only good for one thing and thats if the glowniggers got some operations going like the covid or some other crap they usually tends to enjoy shitposting it on 4chan alot before the news pick it up. But such events happens rarely tho.

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0657a3  No.217375

Do we even have jannies here? The recent flood of spam posts have not been removed.

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d3f4b5  No.217379

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544d76  No.217392


I've been looking for you.

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49353c  No.217394


4shit is full of GLOWIES. I don't know how can you keep posting there.

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de48d3  No.217395


>THey got their intel about whos against the new Reset I suppose and created websites like gab, parler bitchute to herd the anarchist sheep into corners and groups where they can be easily controlled.

Yup. Those alternative social media are part of the plan.

Torba came from Giant Tech. The guy from Parler allowed hackers to take users'info - all those who provided personal info and bank accounts on Parler, are really fcked up. All of them are part of the nwo.

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079eb0  No.217735

Imagine being so new that you came here after the exodus

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2c31d7  No.218618

File: c4b0447344346e9⋯.png (24.83 KB, 319x299, 319:299, 20210210_211143.png)

>bantering another country?

>ummmmmm only RESPECTFUL DISCUSSION is allowed on r/inte-, I mean /int/! You are banned from all boards for 3 days!

It's not that jannies are heavy handed, it's that they are literally sterilising the website and nothing offensive is allowed at all

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9ea1dc  No.218634


lol just unplug your router bro

i got permab& for saying "ironically i'm going to commit vehicular jihad against the gays"

but still shit thread, fuck off, nobody wants to hear it.

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cef513  No.218635

File: 1a9d1335b7d4418⋯.jpg (620.15 KB, 1440x1740, 24:29, 20210224_150141.jpg)


banned me for staging a "raid" then when i went to file an appeal with my vpn added another ban for cp tied to someone using the same vpn server

wasted fucking trips too.

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b665c7  No.218643


They're going to be cracking down big time and using any vaguely credible excuse they can, such as your alleged attempt to stage a raid.

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bb39e1  No.218645

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b6d08b  No.218713


can't mention soy on 4chan

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