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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a53b00  No.191888[Last 50 Posts]


Stop participating in T2 Judgement Day.

Stop building your own prison.

This sit down interview with Catherine covers the spectrum of the current situation we find ourselves in.

It was conducted as apart of the full length documentary. We are releasing the full interview for the betterment of public understanding of the situation.

Catherine's analysis can be found at:


The full film, when released, will be available at https://www.PlanetLockdownFilm.com

Sign up to receive notification of the release of the feature length documentary film and full interviews by clicking here:


We are not monetizing these video but do request anyone to make a donation to fund more videos like this:


On Bitchute as well:


Someone created a French version that can be found here:


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0b5422  No.191892

The you tube version you posted has already been taken down

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0b5422  No.191893

The bitchute version is not available either

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f3f2d0  No.191913

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a53b00  No.191918


Wow, I didn't think Bitchute was compromised like that. I suppose I should assume that all platforms are totally controlled at this point and that the last thing in the world they want is any of this data getting out.

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a53b00  No.191919

FYI I saved a tiny shitty version of the film which is too large to upload here if it is taken down completely and someone wants it I can share it.

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d21124  No.191947


Beg for jew bucks somewhere else.

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a53b00  No.192009


What? Did you watch the video? I have nothing to do with its production but it is worth watching.

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87aabc  No.192011


I don't feel like she fully understands the components of the concepts she's talking about, but the overall concept seems realistic if you remove the trans humanism step and keep the step with the heavily locked down and surveilled communes with a social credit score. I also don't understand the connection to the Federal Reserve and rioting. The pattern is a great start, but I would like to know how many cities had riots that weren't near a federal reserve and I don't see why crypto and a smart grid near Federal Reserve would make things cheaper given that crypto even centralized is digital.

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0ecd92  No.192013


Unless you stop the H1Bs to the tech companies you will always have an army of pajeets more than willing to build the human matrix farms.

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f30088  No.192042

File: 700c95fead4d4c6⋯.jpg (367.68 KB, 720x710, 72:71, vbv56en.jpg)


Can you give me a DL? The fact a fat woman talks about this is nuts. It totally destroys Young White Males are the ones pushing bigotry. Please give me the interview so I can distribute it.

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0ef3f4  No.192044

This is scary shit.

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f30088  No.192051

File: 78a7eb0c5a8c0d8⋯.jpg (161.31 KB, 906x1280, 453:640, fd06d19f94d.jpg)




Hey I got the whole thing, but Vegas Pro keeps crashing as soon as the video stops converting. I'm trying to shrink the resolution to 500x300 or something like that to make it more managable but can't! Someone help this is so important!


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6378bf  No.192057

File: a9242d9428b35ac⋯.jpg (67.04 KB, 680x677, 680:677, 1242623753566755647784.jpg)

>mum was apparently watching this

>she calls me out from me being a lardshit playing "muh giter"

>she says "this is scary anon"

>i literally tell her "how the fuck are you surprised by this"

i mean, at least this implies the pothead dickshit hippies are getting aware of the shit they're trying to pull. Lets hope to god maybe they realize that downers are bad for them.

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a53b00  No.192059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It is THE SCARIEST SHIT. The thing of it is that people are going to have to kill themselves to compete with robots and AI and they are never going to measure up. Never. So why would anyone keep them alive, ever? Even the people who think, "Oh they will keep me alive because I am 'special', are just lying to themselves."

And if they did keep you alive as a 'human resource' you would be totally exhausted from the inhuman competition. Your life would be TOTAL SHIT…no free time, nothing…and that is if they would let you die. Once you belong to them, you are a product for however long they want to keep you alive.

SO CHECK IT OUT ANONS…merge this video with THIS VIDEO and tell me how 'GREAT' the NWO is going to be…right, right? Iamright!!

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cb4edd  No.192066

So the Project Lockdown documentary, (which I will not watch because I dislike emotional music, slick editing, and fancy camera work), caught my attention the other day. So I watched all the interviews which have been released by the project lockdown team so far. There is a lot of good information. Lots of different perspectives. But be prepared, it's very Jewish. Many Jewish interviewees who compare the growing technocratic prison to Hitler's Germany. They reference the Nazi's many times, and also Josef Mengele, as a boogie man. Honestly, the whole thing gives me a "Loose Change" type vibe. There is a lot of good information, but it is too Jewish to be trusted. I suspect this documentary is just a cover for Israel. They are 'in-beforing' a better documentary which correctly targets the perpetrators of the global prison system being erected.

The Catherine Austin-Fitts interview was probably the best of the bunch. Catherine says, in a different interview with project lockdown, that her favorite story in the Bible is the story of Gideon…

Other good interviews are Sucharit Bhakdi, Knut Wittkowski, Reiner Fuellmich, and a few others. They are all worth watching IMO, just be prepared to hold your nose at some of the things they say. All the interviews can be found on Bitchute, they are not being censored, the interview with Prince Michael, can be found on youtube.

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a53b00  No.192067


>growing technocratic prison to 'Hitler's Germany'?

I think I just vomited in my mouth a little bit. Nationalism is not the same as a global technocratic communist totalitarian human/robot prison.

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c345ff  No.192082

Ultimate midwit bait tbh.

Fat woman doesn't even know that Haiti was completely consumed by the French Empire and the blacks, having completely destroyed all potential of the entirety of Haiti, were simply forced to pay for centuries.

Slavery isn't the most profitable business, usury is. Currency speculation is so exceptionally profitable that once you have enough capital you can literally use it to easily double your money whenever you please.

Slavery, on the other hand, was noticeably redundant. Even most modern cases, such as the German camps, were unable to effectively feed their workforce. Similarly, the USSR couldn't compete with the West despite having millions enslaved. Slavery barely turns a profit on a good day, and usually only when cash crops are involved.

Wages only make up a portion of costs, and the level of profit is rarely high enough to justify half the shit she's talking about.

The real thing the "Elite" fears is a large rock crushing their skull, not some bovine monstrosity making shit up. Any video you see which doesn't include explicit calls to violence is lying by omission.

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4a6a5a  No.192090

This is actually might be a potentially good thing, even if it might not seem to be. Peasants are compliant as long as they get their bread and circus. These nwo retards are taking away exactly that. They are too jewish to even issue stimulus checks.


Household and sex slavery would be extremely profitable even today. By that I mean top10 company in the nasdaq by market cap within a month of realizing a legal market monopoly profitable. In fact it is extremely profitable, its just an underground business.

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a53b00  No.192125


Just as those faggots like to say that 'real' communism has never been tried, I can safely say that 'real' slavery has never been tried as well…you have no idea how terrible this system will be if we allow it to come into being.

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d4ab2c  No.192222

File: 84a126b4b00046b⋯.jpg (80.12 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 34262672.jpg)


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a53b00  No.192225

>>192222 (checked)

We literally have nothing to lose at this point.

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d21124  No.192308


Of course I didn’t watch it. I don’t care about your paid shilling.

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d21124  No.192309


Sage. Eat shit and die.

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a53b00  No.192356


You should watch it. Everyone else has. You might learn something (if that is possible for you).

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d21124  No.192359


>everyone else has

Nah, they haven’t. And no, I won’t learn anything new from the video you’re shilling. There’s nothing in the video that would be news to anyone using this website. We’re not going to donate to you. Find somewhere else to grift.

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d26289  No.192369

>white genocide

You are retarded and whites are not special.

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d4ab2c  No.192402

File: 7d7bc6936a61b4c⋯.jpg (60.99 KB, 571x540, 571:540, c9a3c22d2b13124.jpg)


Watch it because the message is true but they are baiting you to buy a book like everyone else. Don't you know the "Don't let the black kids get angry" guy is always shilling his book? Just watch it because it's true, and you'll see what's going on.


Do you go outside or are you trolling?

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87aabc  No.192920

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87aabc  No.192930

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


i fucked that up

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d21124  No.192944


>I am paid to post here

Congratulations, subhuman.

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87aabc  No.192977

File: b6c4de4e39a6f48⋯.webm (10.74 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Catherine_Austin_Fitts_Fu….webm)


Audio and video quality is shit, you can barely see drawings, but I managed to compress this to be small enough to share.

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a37793  No.192983

File: 8481fa179e298fa⋯.png (303.32 KB, 1121x543, 1121:543, Screenshot_2021_01_06_at_8….png)


Some woman explaining stuff to me? PASS.

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eea258  No.192998


All human beings are bad. White supremacy is wishful thinking.

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0289bf  No.193048


Put things like this on the pirate bay too. Most resilient site in the galaxy.

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73ec8c  No.193078


>Currency speculation is so exceptionally profitable that once you have enough capital you can literally use it to easily double your money whenever you please.

Just kill yourself, you delusional faggot.

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f30088  No.193141


White genocide and white supremacy are totally different things. Do you know how to rebut? Your argument doesn't help the previous post's case. There won't be white supremacy anymore but they are making sure whites can't replace their numbers…

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f30088  No.193146


White genocide and white supremacy are totally different things. Do you know how to rebut? Your argument doesn't help the previous post's case. There won't be white supremacy anymore but they are making sure whites can't replace their numbers…>>192998

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79b6d4  No.193360


Remain ignorant then. No one cares if that is what you chose.

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2f362c  No.193370

File: 658a69b243c1760⋯.gif (1.35 MB, 336x252, 4:3, 1539457610316.gif)


thank anon!

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79b6d4  No.193373


That is an amazing gif.

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307e1b  No.193389


How is he wrong?


Get the fuck out. Your spam has been deleted from YouTube. We’re not going to pay you for anything.

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24cbef  No.193417


Good lord the amount of shills here are insane. Just fuck off.

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79b6d4  No.193432

>>193417 :)

How do you know when you are over the target?

Flackers are abundant.


Yes, he is wrong you dumb fucker…you can never 'double' what is totally controlled by an outside force. Don't stay a fucking idiot for life.

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307e1b  No.193439


>you’re a shill because you refuse to support someone who is literally being paid to shill his personal YouTube account here



>yes he is wrong

That’s not what you were asked. HOW is he wrong, coward?

>controlled by an outside force

No one said this. Do not reply if you cannot reply to what was actually said. He controls an amount of fiat currency. He is saying that amount can grow, using currency speculation, using the system’s own abuses in his personal favor. Explain how this statement is wrong, since it’s demonstrably true and has been put into effect since the 1970s with disastrous results.

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21ee64  No.193503



>you’re a shill because you refuse to support someone who is literally being paid to shill his personal YouTube account here

No you are a shill because you are literally trying to censor the same shit Youtube is trying to censor, hopefully not for free. Literally doing what (((they))) want. If it's a bullshit documentary so be it but that is for me and other Anons to choose. If it's bullshit the thread will die a natural death but your clearly scared and actively working for the same goal as the enemy.

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79b6d4  No.193869


He is the enemy. He has been pissing himself this entire thread.

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3f9406  No.193870




>you are literally trying to censor the same shit Youtube is trying to censor

You’re spamming your bullshit in every single thread on this board. You’re begging for us to pay you. Get the fuck out of here. We don’t give a shit about your ecelebs.

>you’re doing what jews want by doing the opposite of what jews want

Sage. Why can’t you answer any of the questions I asked you? Why can’t you explain your own statements? He controls an amount of fiat currency. He is saying that amount can grow, using currency speculation, using the system’s own abuses in his personal favor. Explain how this statement is wrong, since it’s demonstrably true and has been put into effect since the 1970s with disastrous results. You lied.



We know you hate us, moishe. What will you do when we’re all dead? There will be no one left to protect you from the billions of mulatto niggers you’ve created.

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79b6d4  No.193912


When you jews are dead?

WTF anon…we will simply wipe the niggers off planet. No one values niggers except you kikes.

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47842b  No.194208



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307e1b  No.194210


>you’re a jew because you don’t accept jewish spam

Sage. You’ve failed.


>buzzwords only jewish shills have ever said

Don’t care. Sage.

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47842b  No.194218


Jesus how scared are you people of this? One bump after 12 hours and a immediate reply with a sage. Your getting more and more found out.

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307e1b  No.194222


>lol look at all the little whites scared of their own genocide

>how dare they reply to my spam thread

>don’t they know we’re going to kill them all

Sage. We’re not going to pay you for your deleted spam. We’re not going to support you in any way.

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47842b  No.194281


Thank you for outing yourself as anti-white I accept your concession.

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79b6d4  No.194294


They really do fear this more than anything. Save it, distribute it, share it, watch it, know it.

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0f6473  No.194306

All links stopped working. What is this? Anyone got a working link?

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79b6d4  No.194428


This one works…make sure you download it and distribute it to everyone you know.


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307e1b  No.194490


>not even trying to spam now


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307e1b  No.194491


Make sure you shill your gaytreon somewhere else.

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79b6d4  No.194687


I told you before that I have nothing to do with the video production. That link is a free link to a free download site. This video is a service to humanity…it is not a pay or charge site and even if it was, why would I be encouraging people to watch it or download it for free and distribute it without payment if it was an issue of money? You aren't using logic now and your desperation REEKS of fear and worry that people will know and understand what you have really done on this planet.

You are absolute HARAM (((anon)))

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434432  No.194695


>you’re a jew because I suddenly flooded every thread on the board with my spam and then shilled my gaytreon

Yeah, you blew it. If you’d just linked the video and told us who the creator was, we’d easily give you a pass. But you decided to shit the bed, and now you’re rolling in it. This is your doing.

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79b6d4  No.194739


Honestly I don't know or care who the creator was. I only care about the content and making sure that people watch it and spread the information because it is true.

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ba9cfc  No.194891

File: 8aa2c073faa3c46⋯.jpg (62.25 KB, 759x1024, 759:1024, 1609914595219m.jpg)

Pee pee poo bump

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4b1bf9  No.194903

File: ca1f8ecaacbd450⋯.jpg (184.82 KB, 491x750, 491:750, I_am_tired_of_being_caught….jpg)

Good, I hope plant and animal life boil over us and we never rule this planet again. Get me off this gay earth.

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a53b00  No.196200


Alright xenomorph…I know a lot of you think earth is fake and ghey…but I would love having an Ethnoglobe here and that would make it a lot less fake and ghey. You watched the video right?

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ffbbae  No.204091


Perhaps. 99 out of 100 bug persons are total cowards and a detriment to their own military's. In the USA that ratio is much different, fighting is in our DNA because we are not slave rape babies like the bug people. Also, bug society is based on lies. Their military will be based on lies as well. This is not a good way to run a military.

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2e1877  No.204148

File: 47b45fd8e12cf69⋯.jpg (382.86 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, usa_usa_usa.jpg)

she kind of loses me when she talks about rewiring your DNA and making you a computer..im not saying "they" would not do that if they could, but that tech does not exist, at least to my knowledge. i believe she is hitting on some truths but not for the reasons she thinks..i believe earth is being moved toward a one world system, and things like trans, gays, and race stuff is to prepare people for contact..well white men i would say..if you can win white men with an idea then the rest of humanity will follow..what no one talks about is that every year humanity gets less violent..it does not seem that way because of the net, but in reality every year less people did from war or murder..my point is that if you can except a man wearing a dress then you can except aliens..believe it or dont..but i am a post contact human..

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ffbbae  No.204157


Actually it does exist. That is what (((Lieber))) was working on before they killed him in Africa to cover up their tracks.

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ffbbae  No.204158

File: 5af14bae3d9338c⋯.jpg (53.34 KB, 678x423, 226:141, demonic_hillary_alien_cont….jpg)

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528eb3  No.204198


I was going to. Then came the simps saying that I should fight to protect the most evil parasites living in our world (women). I decided to not fight anymore, for the world that simps want to build (a world of worshipers of women) is even worse than the degenerate hellhole that we have now.

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898470  No.204202

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a2ecde  No.204215

>she kind of loses me when she talks about rewiring your DNA and

making you a computer.

This is quite literally all anybody needs to here, move along. The machinations by which the elite will enslave us change as often as there libidinal fancies in their masturbatoriums. They get some sub 90 IQ imbecile to drool it out. nihili neo svb sole est

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ffbbae  No.204241


Don't be a dumbass…what do you think our reality is made of if not data.

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0e797b  No.208848

File: 94f366fee8dd6ed⋯.jpg (93.02 KB, 1143x695, 1143:695, HMD.jpg)

XSRNet YXtLp GAbqEI Jamu

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3103c0  No.208911

File: 2c9fcebd141400f⋯.jpg (76.38 KB, 1030x569, 1030:569, IgZTen.jpg)

cpQaLhnII CyyvFSQSd QGuBelH FjYrmv XyvNZRKTp yJfhXfQYDbe DYIHENKjWSl qosUp kvuIBf OXThdeTmKx yzkKV eRnfKMYJn DjCgbNVO vnnA HYgnV yoWUWbZZrFD BvRkQ gHOzqsPtuDy

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bdad2b  No.209339

File: fd01e11dc6a6c50⋯.jpg (66.47 KB, 901x531, 901:531, ChAg.jpg)

dlwyhatJbT dYLa aXX slYNFmvJGQ qTNUnwiiP QnOhZDUjo jmuo gopNMwZWzH uuBKxfsIUIWd ukVMIYijsF JOBMKZMRSq ukLbtxKEiKi emxH PPbGWj HgCldxwDL MhQb luvLX

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4cf409  No.209455

File: b91b3c13f230086⋯.jpg (42.95 KB, 465x422, 465:422, STjf.jpg)

MDvijtLzWa Ffjq eFhoVPVt KyyNqiIDNnBR ulcsydPL EfMqjjhzG tPyUdVcBnzu lanAfgDAzcLo GtAUUSfxrf peZcyWn rsyjqxD

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b9d437  No.209484

File: bf8d5322794659c⋯.jpg (54.93 KB, 456x600, 19:25, iDS.jpg)

BiYrd lnWVJm ZKtmXCbochtB ZkgWaLLefY BRWDEjmXMAGp irua Dvvy WNbF sCQytHIpw ykal uwnwRfiZ OlSisZoMV bXBufff HLoIHqDgm Neaja thpg zPvfNKd AqyLEN rINyEpTXbPOO

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7eba91  No.211375

File: ee6512aac146c99⋯.jpg (37.85 KB, 303x554, 303:554, vQURY.jpg)


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69c80e  No.211383

File: 59a69e6a5c08420⋯.jpg (73.42 KB, 988x563, 988:563, YFdLmGKK.jpg)

MJEsvsQDkpB AnhhkgwdNdX YIiNHhFU CITVQIpeAT xcq kUAMpsEj aYqsZ

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bfa4f0  No.211441

File: b52a26fe3e1c46b⋯.jpg (45.98 KB, 386x552, 193:276, uGLOdMDII.jpg)

awPEyswsON IZUdZjhP nEuOfUahcoH eJZoxgt CTczDyoJtns LcbvawWIg JTEUNSBLFOT ktolIk WHILICWq yXzgUCtXJ tcXQ rApZvJyAPeS RrzwRk gNKw PzvMvMPuoCf eyPatbmi zPLtzqjLZk weNGuHtiay KpMTUX

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51577f  No.211514

File: f19b1aaa7c326f9⋯.jpg (39.14 KB, 286x619, 286:619, oNYJYjzPu.jpg)

xrYqXVzkzOI UgQdKCMUyYie AlPLITwVaBC IgInzfKMS sJIIg BUSEQXXZc HGOhdEF cVbxOlJ qtzAl pyqaz LOZhCw PTMCZaZ dAAtXZwKVrtE oUOIOqlo MxY egerdr

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6f5e22  No.211552

File: 2ad23c4ecf6f756⋯.jpg (87.27 KB, 1145x622, 1145:622, T.jpg)


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fe7392  No.211556

File: 630ddb2f17eb416⋯.jpg (34.58 KB, 275x543, 275:543, PLPcgLAVM.jpg)


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8d1d51  No.211566

File: 2f645c08f4cf956⋯.jpg (47.52 KB, 379x596, 379:596, mwt.jpg)


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dfe116  No.211582

File: 440587bb54f8cde⋯.jpg (45.42 KB, 466x450, 233:225, ekgqVjAm.jpg)

yIIqqWZSU SsezqRLUUOt Ukf NCZVvRsHR VnJkn rhwLRgloGTPp jCmNBSExrfFc mtjqmPV rMZRwEowLw vLbNuThj FsofRGWawFPL fGZPLIeiLUj VAASYlx xNqnivRU lcXrfgzzt

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3ad218  No.215333

File: 50a41df22eac1bb⋯.jpg (76.03 KB, 1130x506, 565:253, TAAjR.jpg)

MjbcgzZqHgc irj fUndheUuhvHP xqDjlTWdSM bBKmjtYbEAJa vgDuQDYsip ikMqiRGLqn PCetqqcKK jGlmrJVLH YksHixbERV

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e378ed  No.215632

File: d3f118e9e713e84⋯.jpg (87.67 KB, 1031x710, 1031:710, KkhXXGH.jpg)

NfBXegGoRm jwi NgPd WFQoBsH krQhdzJ hUILzbhtnnZ FjcQ CdANMz vhrneLpsX JxTlnK

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8ff997  No.216007

File: ee0f57189be6904⋯.jpg (40.68 KB, 317x588, 317:588, UygAuXScO.jpg)

afkRQ rseeB GPbbECK ZqVXGMDTvlX jqVbbCuAW YzuhtT ecuj sxNitOVxxev PmjQsrNId GxgT

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