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File: c5399e51505feee⋯.jpg (74.87 KB, 289x330, 289:330, 2020_12_31_1613111.jpg)

be7f2b  No.191231


my photoshop skills funny or ?

Steam64 ID 76561198203760448

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1c973f  No.191276


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9dd71a  No.191418

File: 94e5d2f93a98a0f⋯.jpg (103.09 KB, 331x492, 331:492, 131030_jfk_jackie_dallas_1….jpg)

File: 9d5800f4ad91fdb⋯.jpg (198.85 KB, 980x552, 245:138, hef.jpg)

File: b0244d344700144⋯.jpg (973.82 KB, 2448x3264, 3:4, IMG_20150603_201803.jpg)

File: ba8eb61c88b9ddc⋯.jpg (104.15 KB, 473x355, 473:355, national_velvet_elizabeth_….jpg)

File: d1ff978eda470cf⋯.jpg (118.91 KB, 575x415, 115:83, obama_makayla.jpg)


Somewhat crude and for the most part a subject that has been done to death. Of course AOC has been saturated with deep fakes but we're not tired with that yet.

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1c973f  No.191425


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1e9394  No.191444


First pic looks like that Adam ruins everything faggot bitch.

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