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ac97fe  No.191139

Islamic Finance Is Bullshit

TIL: Islamic finance is bullshit, if can basically be summarised as: Just don't use the word "interest"

>When it comes to the manner in which Islamic securities are offered, the process and rules for such offerings, even in those jurisdictions with special licensing regimes, are, in effect, the same. (For example, the rules governing the listings of Islamic bonds issued by the Securities and Commodities Authority of the United Arab Emirates are almost identical to the rules governing the listing of conventional bonds save for the use of [sic] word 'profit' instead of 'interest'.[68]

Whilst the principles of Islamic Finance are different, in practice they use the same instruments as everyone else. Debt and interest are alive and well.

It makes me wonder whether National Socialist Germany was pulling similar tricks. Does anyone have a good source on financing in NS Germany?

Anyway it was worth having a read about Islamic Finance for an hour or so. It's all words and no reality.



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ac97fe  No.191141

>Khan calls the distinction "frivolous and laboured", a way of charging interest using another name, necessary because businesses "cannot survive where cash and credit prices are equal"

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ac97fe  No.191196

Bumping for interest

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200a60  No.191199


>for interest

Ha ha! I see what you did there.

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ac97fe  No.191230


>Ha ha! I see what you did there.

Checked. I'm glad someone is paying attention.

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d2f76a  No.191299


Seriously. Banning usury is a great idea, but 85-IQ sandnigs can't really understand the concept so they focus on banning a word, and let the kikes and 110-IQ sandnigs do all the shysty bullshit they want.

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defb76  No.191504


National Socialist Germany… NS Germany

Why don't you just call it Nazi Germany like everyone else?

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5564b7  No.191546


Because we’re not paid jewish shills, dipshit.

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