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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
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File: 129e2859b40d6f0⋯.jpg (103.85 KB, 684x1024, 171:256, 1608282880337.jpg)

3f4c2b  No.190594[Last 50 Posts]


You weeb faggots still couldn't pay me enough to watch your gay shit though. This anime all-star director is unbelievably based af though.

Btw what happened to animeright.news did they get shoahed?

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3e66e6  No.190595

File: 0f93cbd66b98234⋯.jpg (527.7 KB, 1354x2048, 677:1024, Boxer_at_Rest.jpg)

Anime is Japanese.

I think that's the end of the discussion as to whether or not it is the essentially European artform.

Sculpture, theatre, oil painting, orchestral music and ballet are some examples of European media.

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3f4c2b  No.190597


This Kazuyoshi Yaginuma guy was 100% on point about what he went on about. The only thing I can't verify is his 3/11 earthquake conspiracy theory. Link is above.

I have some work to do this week and can't dive into this right now. Asking for help from Anons out there.

Basically, Japan was going to help Iran enrich uranium, so Israel planted a nuke near the shoreline, waited for an earthquake, then detonated it, creating that massive tsunami people may remember. Also claims that they planted bombs in the fukushima reactor.

Sounds ridiculous but this nip is based and red pilled so maybe he is onto something.

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3f4c2b  No.190598

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3e66e6  No.190599


>Sounds ridiculous

Because it is

You realise that the world is shattering into a thousand shards, each peson with their own schizo take on reality. Why is it necessary for you to shill this useless shit. We need to search for things we can agree on. We need to agree on the truth. Adding more schizo fuel to the dumpster fire isnt helping.

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3f4c2b  No.190600


Ok Mr. Jidf. I am curious if any of you anons still follow ryan dawson. He married a nip and lives there. Would be interesting to hear his take.

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3e66e6  No.190602


You are fucked in the head mate

Sort your shit out

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3f4c2b  No.190606


Read the interview and this particular theory linked above, give a worthwhile comment or analysis. Then tell me to take my meds.

>Inb4 japanese shit doesn't matter to me

Zog is worldwide and as such, its tentacles need to be recognized.

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3e66e6  No.190608


>Read the interview


It's just not helpful to add more speculative shit to the mix. Ultimately there will never be conclusive evidence. All this does is fragment people's understanding of what is going on.

Just look at how completely lost so many people are with all the Q bullshit. So completely lost, wandering around in a wildreness of speculation, hints, clues and maybes.

And all for nothing, there is no need to uncover conspiracies when the jew operates in plain sight right in front of you, right in your home town.

We should be focussing on the core of the argument - the decay of European cultures, the decline of family values, the (((commercialisation)) and (((financialisation))) of all aspects of life.

>Zog is worldwide and as such, its tentacles need to be recognized.

Talking crazy shit about how mossad nuked fukushima isn't helping - it's turning people off. Even I can't relate to this level of schizo, how are you going to win over any normalfags with this garbage? It's a dead end. It's a place for minds to get lost. It doesn't help your people thrive to engage with this.

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5ee208  No.190612


>slant culture is white culture

Fuck off.

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3f4c2b  No.190619


Nigger, there are no normal fags here. I am not repelling any normies. You could argue our efforts should be spent elsewhere. But most red pilled schizo anons like investigating history to find the truth.


I never said I liked anime you massive faggot. The point is anime is undoubtedly less controlled by zionists.

Production costs are also a lot less. /Ourweebs/ could probably create red-pilling historical dramas that do more for the cause than anything we could produce with historically white cinema.

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3e66e6  No.190622


>But most red pilled schizo anons like investigating history to find the truth.

>the truth

You mean like how Q is the truth?

It's 100% larp and counter-productive. You are just shilling your own larp.


>I never said I liked anime you massive faggot

I can't see whatver post you are replying to so probably they really are a faggot, especially as from the sounds of it they can't even read a two-line OP

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3f4c2b  No.190624


Solid point regarding the Q larp. I admit my normie communication skills suck. I lost a few friends and almost some family members when I shat all over Q anon.

That said, again, I think there are enough decent anons here that can see past the bullshit and whom enjoy a good old deep dive.

The problem with schizo tier flat earth and other theories is that they deny, exclude, or divert attention from the JQ. As you can see the theory I am going on about doesn't do this.

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3e66e6  No.190627


I don't think we need any more evidence or deep-dives regarding the JQ. There is more an enough evidence already. What we need is to act. Sending people down intenet rabbit-holes distracts them from acting on the evidence we already have.

Even worse you actually run the risk of turning anons away from the truth, when they realise that their pet larp was bullshit.

Control of government, media and finance is more than enough to start acting without any need for secret offshore jap nukes that, lets face it, really didn't happen.

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3f4c2b  No.190643


>We need to act

Action is being taken on telegram, glowniggers are all over it though, becareful frens.

I suspect you are apart of fed/mossad psyops

>It really didn't happen

>Shut it down


A quick read through and the report is plausible. Why are you trying to shut it down?

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3e66e6  No.190646


>Action is being taken on telegram

Talking on the internet isn't action.


>the report is plausible. Why are you trying to shut it down?

>it's all so plausible

Again, this is Q talk.

I't saddens me to see anon paralysed by "plausible theories". It leads people away from the core problems.

>Shut it down

Is Q real? Is anyone who calls it out as bullshit a kike?

Is every "plausible theory" real?

Should I believe eveything just in case someone calls me a kike for being skeptical?

I'm just pissed off because this site is dieing, and one of the manifold deaths that it is dieing, is an explosion of schizo-posting.

Why can't we discuss things we know are real, rather than speculate about the infinity of things that are "plausible" or that "might" be real.

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3e66e6  No.190647

File: 5fb6b7e710a323f⋯.jpg (755.96 KB, 2000x1252, 500:313, celebrity_sighting.jpg)

pic unrelated

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3f4c2b  No.190649


>Internet isn't action

No shit, but I know you fear what is discussed in telegram group chats, you fucking glow, hard

>Comparisons to Q anon again

Why? Is it because everyone here with half a brain knows it's a psyop?

>I'm sad this place is a shit hole

You mean this place that exists solely to promote Q anon psyop? Everyone knows this. Again, your nose shows

>"real" is defined by consensus

>Plausibility is irrelevant, investigation is a waste of time.

Fuck off shill, read the report and comment or don't. Your attempt to shut it down has no effect on me.

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3e66e6  No.190654


>Your attempt to shut it down has no effect on me.

I'm literally the only person engaging with your thread.

You are just butthurt that I don't want to play at larping with you.

Why is your gay little fantasy any more legitamate than Q? Q has mountains of "evidence", and you have nothing.

> everyone here with half a brain knows it's a psyop?

Yes and anyone with half a brain knows that secret mossad tsunami causing nukes off the coast of Japan are bullshit too.

There is no-one else here. There is nothing going on for anyone to "shut down". You can only shut things down that are happening in the first place.

All I would have to do to shut this down is not engage with it and it would slide itself away. I've been bumping it all evening. I'm trying to do you a favor.


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5ee208  No.190656


>I never said I liked anime

No one said this. Thanks for the strawman.


>oy vey goyim talking on honeypots is acting

Just kill yourself, holy shit.

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c73e8b  No.190660

File: 7dfb2afb8bafd72⋯.png (68.64 KB, 463x817, 463:817, yaginuma_is_based.png)

File: f0a9cfd09da797a⋯.png (343.93 KB, 631x817, 631:817, _.png)

File: d3a4d2ec74f779e⋯.png (14.36 KB, 677x485, 677:485, yaginuma_account_suspended.png)

Literally based and redpilled.

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c73e8b  No.190664


Jews did Fukushima


What anime did this guy work on?

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3f4c2b  No.190667


I'll engage with your pilpul.

>Muh evidence.

It's (unironically) in the documents, provided above.

>Nukes can't cause tsunamis



>Conflating Q anon grug brain shit with anything mentioned or discussed in this thread or linked to.

Pure pilpul. At this point you have to prove you're not one of them.

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3f4c2b  No.190668


>Everything is a honeypot

Oy vey goyim, don't organize online, buy chink made ham radios to organize.

Telegram is ultimately close sources and the Russian government has a backdoor. Of course you don't discuss anything sensitive on there.

Gigantic faggot sage deez nuts.

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3f4c2b  No.190669


>Jews did fukushima

Hol Lee Fuk

That was my initial response to, as this nip is based and red pilled as fuck.

>What animes has he done

Fucking weeb… Check imdb. He worked on akira and pokemon which are weeb classics

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3e66e6  No.190670

File: 7f552b13fcbe15b⋯.png (267.92 KB, 590x350, 59:35, ClipboardImage.png)


Stop being a schizo.


This is you on your phone. You thought you better add a fresh IP to the thread when I pointed out you are getting no engagement. This IP didn't post before I called you out.


Yeah I've seen this kind of "evidence" before


>Of course you don't discuss anything sensitive on there.

Oh don't you? Five minutes ago you were telling eveyone about how you and your big-boy friends discsuss all your real serious action plans there.


Samefag faggot

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c73e8b  No.190672

File: d8333fe3f2ef442⋯.png (194.69 KB, 1425x938, 1425:938, go_outside_nigger.png)


Go outside nigger

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8aa6a5  No.190675


t. desperate jew.

We will kill all of you.

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5ee208  No.190676



Okay, you’re done. It’s over. You failed. Blow your brains out.

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3e66e6  No.190677


Ooo you figured out that you can send a screenshot from your PC to your phone, well done! You forgot to save it as "Clipboard image" though so that it looks like you pasted it. A tip for next time you samefag.


Samefag OP fagging up his own thread.

But good because now to prove that he's not samefagging he has to waste his time pretending that all three of these IPs are having a big ol' chat because they are all so interested in the thread.

Lets see it then. Chat away with each other if you are real.

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c73e8b  No.190681

File: 493b506969b0416⋯.gif (987.38 KB, 500x341, 500:341, hud.gif)


You need to go outside. You spend all day looking at information on a screen and you are losing touch with nature. Just fucking go outside you nigger. I genuinely feel bad for you.

Here is your todo list:

-take a walk outside

-take a shower when you get home

-take out all the garbage in your room, I'm sure there's empty wrappers piled high next to your computer.

-stretch and get your blood moving

-breathe air from outside

I admire your stubborn resolve. It is useful in our war. But I am not your enemy. You are being a nigger. Go outside and take a 15 minute break. I'll still be here when you come back, then we can talk on equal terms.

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3e66e6  No.190683


>You spend all day looking at information on a screen

Says the guy who posts obscure internet "theories" and thinks that going on telegram is "action"

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c73e8b  No.190687


Go outside, nigger. Go for a walk. Breath real oxygen from the sky. Get sun on your skin.

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3e66e6  No.190689


Did you actually cycle your main IP for this? Fuck what a joke. Can you not post as the OP anymore?

If you are going to samefag at least do it well, this is pathetic.

Lol I can't believe you got rid of the OP ip address.

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c73e8b  No.190691


What is the end goal of your action?

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3f4c2b  No.190692


Jidf detected. Go shill somewhere else, you are doing your people a disservice by being so ineffective here.

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3f4c2b  No.190693


Another shill. Fuck off.

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3e66e6  No.190694



You're funny mate.

Pretty easy to bait you to post whatever I want.

Lets see if it keeps working.

I noticed how all three of the "totally real and totally not you samefagging" people in this thread are entirely preoccupied with talking about ME and not talking about the content of your shit schizo thread. Very suspicious.

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c73e8b  No.190696

File: 4c752cf76d3c090⋯.jpg (44.29 KB, 600x519, 200:173, blackjackandhookers.jpg)


When the waves of sadness inevitable crash into you as the debt for your shitty lifestyle behind a computer screen, remember that your friend on the internet told you how to cure your sadness. Please go outside for 15 minutes. Be in nature and restore balance.

I am not your enemy. What am I doing that is against your best interest? What I am doing that is against the interests of our family? If you are really white, you and I are brothers. But right now you're acting like a nigger. Do you like being a nigger? Is that why you continue accusing me of being somebody I'm not?

OH It's about CONTROL. You think you have an ultimate psycological understanding that allows you to make me post against my will. I see. So your father doesn't love you.

I'm sorry your dad beat you and neglegted you as a child.

I am sorry you have no love in your family.

I'm sorry you do not know love.

Please go outside for a walk anon.

I am your brother and I love you, even though you are being a nigger right now.

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5ee208  No.190698






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3f4c2b  No.190699


>Schizo take your meds!

>You have a bunch of IPs and are actively trying to shill a memory holed theory exposing Israel from 10 years ago!!!!

All you have done is try to "shut it down". You are doing nothing constructive. You are surely a fucking paid jidf shill.

The original point of the thread was just so show how based this Jap is. Upon reading the entire interview jap anime sensei dropped a potential major red pill. The 9/11 equivalent for japs, 3/11, was done by mossad.

It's worthy of investigation. Now please don't shut us down Moshe.

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3e66e6  No.190700


>All you have done is try to "shut it down"

Shut what down? Everyone in this thread is talking about how they are real people, or telling me that i'm wrong.

I am this whole thread. You and your samefag accounts are not even attempting to talk about the OP. There is no discusson, no-one is "digging deeper", no-one is researching anything.

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3f4c2b  No.190701


3e66e6 ID is not your brother. This is a glowie or, most likely, a full time paid jidf shill.

This faggot is a shill too. >>190698 this faggot just comes in here to sage and create weeb/heterosexual division. Pure D&C.

As op I originally called weebs faggots and I take that back now. Have your waifus and enjoy your anime escapism. No one is perfect. Uniting against zog is paramount and it's exactly what these 2 aforementioned jidf shills are trying to stop.

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5ee208  No.190702






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c73e8b  No.190703


I find it so hard to believe that a person this dedicated and stubborn is not one of our own, but it is a possibility. I haven't given up hope that he's just some sad kid missing his dad. Sorry to distract the thread.

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3e66e6  No.190708


>Sorry to distract the thread.

Yeah sorry to distract from all the intense discussion of OP's theory

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3f4c2b  No.190709


I linked to the full report on the way back machine. Other anons need to read it first before a good discussion can take place. Which you obviously have no intent on doing.




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3f4c2b  No.190710


>goyim, please hate other races and cultures.

As long as we are busy hating each other, der ewige jude goes unnoticed.

You have been noticed. Now go away before you expose your nose even more.

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3e66e6  No.190711

File: c62b79b778be140⋯.png (224.33 KB, 539x360, 539:360, ClipboardImage.png)


Yeah I'm sure everyone is just busy reading all the material. I'll just wait. There'll be an awesome discussion about it soon. You know, about how plausible it all is.

It's gonna be great OP, I have faith in you.


>der ewige jude

Oh fuck WOW you speak german! That's so cool! Can you teach me? Maybe I can be your protege. Imageine all the independent research we could do together. In German!.

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c73e8b  No.190712

File: 13a11a261c7db23⋯.jpeg (136.74 KB, 464x756, 116:189, elmer_boyd_smith.jpeg)


I looked at some of this Yaginuma's work, it seems like he was a background artist and animator. The show he is most known for directing is about MMO addiction. HAHA.

So as a source for based anime, his past work isn't that great. But as an based /ourguy/ in the industry who is currently getting the SUSPENDED FROM THE INTERNET treatment, he is definitely got his hands on dangerous truth and has position good enough to be a threat. Remember than there is the Sword of Critical Theory and the Shield of Political Correctness introduced by the Frankfurt school. The way to destroy Critical Theory is to offer alternatives to their lies. Yaginuma is doing this and paying the price.

I am now shifting gears to the Fukushima rabbit hole to see what I can find.

Pic related is an old German manga artist.

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3e66e6  No.190715



>I am now shifting gears to the Fukushima rabbit hole to see what I can find.



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3f4c2b  No.190718



>Resorting to demoralization tactics

Look jew, you've been found out already. But please, keep going, keep digging yourself deeper.


Good shit anon. Here, again, is the memory holed and suppressed, and to my knowledge, never "debunked" report.


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c73e8b  No.190720

Please excuse my friend >>190715

He's had a long few years. He is extremely exhausted. He is blackpilled. Cut him some slack.

We're not all as tired as you 3e66e6. You can rest right now. There is no urgency. Why are you in such a rush? This is a long term situation. You are allowed to take a break. I commend your commitment but please just go for a short walk outside.

I'll still be here when you get back.

Again, I am sorry about your dad.

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5ee208  No.190721



Great job. That’s all you can do, isn’t it?

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3e66e6  No.190725




Nah mate I'm super excited for all the great reseach you and your phone and your other phone are going to dig up on this super exciting and totally not retarded or schizo theory.

Dude do you think when this all comes out that they will write a book about you and what a good job you did shilling this stuff on chans. You are so brave. I admire you.

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3f4c2b  No.190726


Is the low effort shilling of yours supposed to work? At least your jidf colleague 3e66e6 is trying.

(I'll play along for a second)

I doubt you hate weeb culture as much as me. Yet that's all you are focused on. Being pro-white is good of course, but learning about zionist tactics is also important. Studying their influence and actions around the world is the only way to learn. If this doesn't interest you, make a thread dedicated to european art. Or make a holohoax thread, whatever dude.

Now kindly fuck off shill, this is your last attempt to say something interesting.

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3f4c2b  No.190729


>Write a book about what we discover

Nah and any anon could give a fuck. I am content with the dossier you glowniggers and jidf employees have made of me.

The more you gay up this thread, the more you glow.

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3e66e6  No.190730

Samefag level: Retard



Lol I think you are losing track of which character you are playing on which device.

>The more you gay up this thread, the more you glow.

Do you even know what "glowing" means?

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c73e8b  No.190731


I will likely be forgotten. That's ok.

You will be more forgotten than me.

Our struggle unleashes a deeper understanding. Work makes you free.

But if somehow our children do read about us, there will be an entire chapter dedicated to you. It will be called "3e66e6: THE LOUD ANNOYING SOCIALLY DYSFUNCTIONAL NIGGER THAT DEEP DOWN MISSED HIS DAD AND NEVER WENT OUTSIDE FOR A WALK" You earned it, kid.

It was an explosion. There is footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OO_w8tCn9gU

Here is the official story:


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3e66e6  No.190734


Oops, not the OP id.

> it was an explosion

Shilling the OP anyway.

Totally real and not samefagging

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3f4c2b  No.190737

File: 7e435ed08f1f519⋯.png (369.6 KB, 894x398, 447:199, 1571160102989.png)


Proven facts:

1 year prior to fukushima Japan started to help Iran with its nuclear program.

A month or so after this, an Israeli firm gets a japanese contract to do run security at fukushima. Pic related is the device they installed at the facility.

Israel developed a virus , stuxnet, that can remotely control equipment in nuclear facilities.

Less than a week before fukushimas fateful day, all Israeli employees of the Israeli security company left japan for Israeli.

The seismographic station in Japan recorded the earthquake to be under 7. A nothing burger in japan. Video and pictures from that day show 0 Earthquake damage. The only damage was from the tsunami. Only the UGIS claims the earthquake was a 9.


It's been proven that understand water nuclear testing is a thing, and that a tsunami can happen.

The above has all been proven.


I can't speak to the engineering claims made. For more info see https://web.archive.org/web/20150325075338if_/http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/fuku1b_jp_en1.pdf

The speculative part is that the security devices Israelis installed were actually nuclear weapons. The tsunami would of also been caused by an underwater nuclear weapon.

Can any of that be proven? Only qualified engineers could assess that given what's available in the above report coupled with any other industrial knowledge they possess.

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c73e8b  No.190739

File: 38a73f18883bb2e⋯.png (454.61 KB, 750x418, 375:209, fukushima_series_of_events.png)

File: 1c024c6b58c800a⋯.png (348.84 KB, 636x419, 636:419, fukushima_explosion.png)

File: 464ecb6bf191e66⋯.png (371.56 KB, 757x430, 757:430, earthquake_caused_explosio….png)


Your irriation is quite effective at making me reply to you. However, something seems lost to you and I hesitate to ellucidate this: I've used each reply as an opportunity to be productive. Ironic?

Post your face when you realized that you are the worst shill of all time and you are actually fueling my inspiration to be productive instead of distracting me and silencing me.

Your only winning move is to stop posting.

What I don't understand is how do shills know about topics that need to be distracted from? Do they have an ultimate list that they reference and when something like Fukushima Daiichi 3/11 sabotage bubbles to the surface they know to shut it down. How do the shills KNOW that this is the topic to supress?

Is it guilt?

Why did a nuclear meltdown cause a Tsunami?

Do earthquakes often cause explosions?

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c73e8b  No.190741

Your only winning move is to stop posting.

But you can't stop posting can you?

You love my attention I give you.

I am your surrogate dad.

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3e66e6  No.190744

>Do earthquakes often cause explosions?

>Do pyramids just build themselves?

>Can two different people both be posting with the same posting style in the same thread?

>Can milk really melt steel beams?


> Anything suspicious or hard to undestand is evidence of an elaborate cover-up.

t. qanon schitzo fucktard

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3f4c2b  No.190745


Jidf isn't sending their best. This shill is unironically making everyone want to look closer into this.

The hubris of jews won't allow them to give up though. I agree with you, his best move is to stay silent, at this point. But oh no, he cannot help himself. Only a learned supervisor could possibly make this dog halt.

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3f4c2b  No.190749

File: 8a40919af31ca92⋯.jpg (157.23 KB, 1196x676, 23:13, 76d.jpg)


With the new covid meme restrictions and forced work from home measures, do you miss the gleeful kvetching from your old office?

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3e66e6  No.190750


What are these pictures even supposed to be? How do they lend anything to your retarded theory?

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3e66e6  No.190751





Post with my phone, post with my laptop,, post with my phone, post with my laptop…

And all of it directed at me, never a discussion of the OP.

>Do explosions generally cause explosions?

>Do tsunamis cut steel beams? STEEL?


Dig deeper. Q is with you.

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c73e8b  No.190752


What is my theory so far?

Can you please put my theory into words?

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3f4c2b  No.190753


>Perpetually accusing me of samefagging

More projection Moshe. You would be well versed and mindful of shill tactics.

My power level is too high, it's too easy to notice you. The only hard part is ignoring your existence. Which is part or your strategy… Seeing as you won't go away and admit defeat, you will solely attempt to shit up the thread. And I keep responding, well, no more, you fucking jew. I don't hate jews or hold much against you as a people. But it's precisely incessant shit like this that gets you people expelled from communities.

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3e66e6  No.190756


>Can you please put my theory into words?

Isn't that your job asshat


>Perpetually accusing me of samefagging

If you are not samefagging, why do you never talk to each other and only to me?


dig deeper

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3f4c2b  No.190761


>Not talking to each other

Lies, we did. I warned him to ignore you kike. But alas you are so annoying. Shitting up this thread is your last and only available strategy

>What's the theory

I typed it up and you dutifully ignored it



My prediction for this kike shill: you will not discuss this theory. You will attempt to shit up this thread. You will continue to project samefagging kike shill tactics onto genuine truth seekers. You cannot stop jewing to save your life. And again, this hubris will ultimately be the downfall of jewish power. I will attempt to hold the mobs back when you are dethroned, as I am a pacifist. But reactionary mobs aren't really sensible, and you will likely be at their mercy.

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3e66e6  No.190763

File: 747e563052e189b⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1000x666, 500:333, ClipboardImage.png)


>Lies, we did.


Every single post you have posted with either ip is directed at me. This whole thread has been about me.

>you will not discuss this theory

Wow genius prediction, especially as I declared right at the start that I had no interest in retarded schizo theories like this anyway.

What are you going to "predict" next?

>genuine truth seekers

Go you! Valiantly seeking the truth!

>Can steel melt an explosion during a tsunami?

>Does that sound plausible?



Seek the truth

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c73e8b  No.190764

What are the chances the explosion at the power plant caused the earthquake?

What are the chances the earthquake as the power plant caused the explosion?

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3e66e6  No.190765

File: c8e9833e73a9daa⋯.png (3.19 MB, 1500x999, 500:333, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc2258909a3690c⋯.png (474.02 KB, 590x393, 590:393, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e8cbba1716be131⋯.png (945.91 KB, 926x531, 926:531, ClipboardImage.png)

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3e66e6  No.190766

File: 487e2bdd34c8fcf⋯.png (2.56 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cdd387470fe68f3⋯.png (3.38 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e25b7a7ea503172⋯.png (4.78 MB, 2106x1404, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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c73e8b  No.190767


What's wrong with schizophrenia?

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3f4c2b  No.190768


I laid the crust of the theory out here >>190737

9/11 disinfo is unparalleled, it's no surprise 3/11 brings out jidf equally as hard. What's also interesting is mossad went with the same tactic as 9/11. Create a massive diversion (planes) or in this case (tsunami). Then blame the real attack (bombs) on the diversion.




Can a tsunami destroy a nuclear reactor 3 days later? In a country that engineers heavily against earthquakes and tsunamis?

Or could a mossad planted explosive device and stuxnet nuclear equipment hacking connection destroy a nuclear plant?

Legitimate questions, in which I cannot answer.

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3e66e6  No.190774


Seriously though how could they build the pyramids without aliens? Alien disinfo is unparalleled.

What's more plausible, that people figured out how to build pyramids and then "forgot" how after tens of thousands of years?

Or could aliens have built it for them?

We already know that aliens exist from all the UFO sightings. But no human has ever been sighted building a pyramid.

Legitimate questions, in which I cannot answer.

Dig deeper.

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3f4c2b  No.190775


Keep trying kike. No one here mentioned Q anon, pyramids, ufos, or anything other than you, you well poisoning jew you.

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3f4c2b  No.190779


On that note I will leave this thread to other anons, and likely make a similiar one later, directly about 3/11.

The sheer audaciously relentless shilling by this jidf member has convinced me more than anything else that 3/11 was a mossad operation. The fact that I, merely posting a funny weeb interview, with no intentions of giving a single fuck about "3/11", could draw the personal attention of a card carrying jidf kike shill….proof enough for me.

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3e66e6  No.190780

File: 5388d3e167f06ad⋯.png (368.45 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>No one here mentioned Q anon, pyramids, ufos, or anything

Yes they have check the thead

You are just using kike shill tactics onto genuine truth seekers

Think about it though.

I'm trying to open your mind.

It's really plausible. Just think about all the evidence.

Normal people build these mysterious things?

Or mysterious aliens did it.

Legitimate questions, in which I cannot answer.


Or was it?

It's plausible.

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c73e8b  No.190785


Same. I didn't even want to look into this but now I am obsessed. I like this thread because I have that nigger filtered, but if you make a new thread I'll find it.

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3e66e6  No.190787



>proof enough for me

Yep that's all you need to believe something isn't it.

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3e66e6  No.190788


>I didn't even want to look into this but now I am obsessed.



My eyes have been really opened to this Alien pyramid stuff too. THANKS ANON.

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c73e8b  No.190789


Video analysis prompts new theory on Fukushima explosion

"what exactly happened inside the reactor remains a mystery"

Sep 4 2020

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3e66e6  No.190791

File: 072af530221eefd⋯.png (493.21 KB, 736x485, 736:485, ClipboardImage.png)


Video analysis prompts new theory on pyramid excavation

"what exactly happened inside the pyramids remains a mystery"

Sep 4 2020

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3e66e6  No.190792


Probably aliens though, that's the most plausible explanation

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c73e8b  No.190793

who in there right mind builds a nuclear power station in a well known earthquake zone

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3e66e6  No.190796


>who in there right mind builds a nuclear power station in a well known earthquake zone


As far as I'm concerned cased closed!

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3f4c2b  No.190797


Filtering is the smart thing to do, but I prefer to look at the big picture. Jews tip their hand often because of hubris. They think they can endlessly trick, divide and conquer, and subvert non-jews.

Years ago I used to think shills and controlled opposition was a schizo meme. But there is plenty of evidence of feds larping, baiting, and even entrapping people. There is also plenty of evidence jews spend millions upon millions annually controlling their narratives online, from normie spheres like reddit, all the way down to internet basket weaving forums.

So that's why I don't filter shills. I like to know when they are most active and treacherous. That alone can provide great insight sometimes.

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3e66e6  No.190799

File: 65b7096d9962f6f⋯.png (626.39 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, ClipboardImage.png)


> That alone can provide great insight sometimes.

Important for a truth-seeker like you

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3e66e6  No.190800

File: e244fd1e12836e4⋯.png (592.61 KB, 853x480, 853:480, ClipboardImage.png)


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3f4c2b  No.190802








I admire how hard you are working for your people. The overtime you are putting in to discredit the posts in this thread.

I have already explained all of your tricks to any non-jew whom may be unaware of your tactics.

That said, you are truly doing more harm than good right now. Your efforts are creating blowback for your people. I predict your hubris coupled with you being found out will result in you doubling down and continuing to shit up this thread.

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3f4c2b  No.190817


>Who in their right mind

Well, japs aren't known for being colossal failures like chinks. If this happened in China it would be a lot easier to assume that it was all just retarded engineering.

IDK if you've visited nip land, but tremors are very common. If you're there for just a few weeks you will experience.

>There are approximately 5,000 minor earthquakes recorded in Japan per year, with more than half measured between 3.0 and 3.9. Thus, most go unnoticed by people. However, around 160 earthquakes with a magnitude of 5 or higher can shake the Japanese archipelago each year

So, it makes more sense to assume that the japs would have anticipated the reactor experiencing an earthquake and tsunami. The fact that the plant exploded 3 days after the tsunami would also indicate some unexpected shit happened. At the time, stuxnet nuclear plant virus was a state secret. No one knew they could remotely control and blow up nuclear power plants.

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3f4c2b  No.190818


>#3 deteriorated in stages

Reminds me of how Iran's plant infected with stuxnet slowly stopped working until the point of a fatal error.

They secretly fuck with electronic instruments on a deep level that confuses the fuck out of operators, whom rely on said electronic instruments. Invariably resulting in catastrophic failure.

Israel having their own nuclear program while making sure their neighbors never have one has been the zionists premier goal since ww2.

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c73e8b  No.190910

File: e21a266b50bcd61⋯.jpg (5.47 KB, 225x225, 1:1, haim_siboni.jpg)

This is it.

This is our holocaust event.

Fukushima has been absolutely devastating for the entire planet.

There is undeniable proof that Jews caused the Fukushima explosion.

It's fucking over kikes. You've destroyed our planet it and everybody knows it. Now they are going to know it was you. No fucking wonder this turbo kike wanted us to give up and go away and call us names.

Ho. Lee. Fuk.

And there's so much more.

Can anybody say Covid mass symptom scanners using cell phone data?

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c73e8b  No.190925

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3f4c2b  No.191038


Lol good work anon. It takes a big effort to keep a real thread alive over at half chan. You dug even deeper and found an active mossad operation.

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4d800c  No.196885

File: 97166091b7e1639⋯.jpg (203.81 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, bump.JPG)

This thread has some good red pills in it once you get past the shilling. I'm going to give it a bump.

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993fb2  No.197267

Weebs don't like Dragon Ball Z.

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993fb2  No.197268


And DBZ is pretty much the only good "anime."

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7a8658  No.209976

File: 42cee9154326b71⋯.jpg (84.13 KB, 994x695, 994:695, gsNVMKmSTj.jpg)

MKgIpVTiZvj mGK yGo RhiE SWW wodCCtnyHKfd DQIKwTAkZwXY oiOrzpYLBh JnJRL ikqnIH KnaIJwpUrMJh QmlirRUhbkhh rnBXS VPHTltQoSKMR gVRGAaJRAmg wDEZHG

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b62f84  No.210023

File: f0ce0b0e43e289b⋯.jpg (48.56 KB, 412x558, 206:279, lrK.jpg)

QvU okgepEAPCuyU zocWMPbZcyg GBqI zdH wUEmqmzQ HFXvKDtXxU yyuD upRbh KjXeJeFsr jPXHlltidUi

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b17cd1  No.210024

File: 2beab2493232fea⋯.jpg (28.83 KB, 298x393, 298:393, NzJ.jpg)

hvhBujlAI lGqCgq ktfMmzS iVuTsApmwixB zetFa clcRDxoAuw sAIwLLy ELw IsMqRzfCXcpU neD fFJ

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b5c82b  No.210178

File: d4ab01134093516⋯.jpg (52.13 KB, 440x577, 440:577, XheMqsl.jpg)


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9200dc  No.210196

File: b67017a4ef3f95b⋯.jpg (76.56 KB, 1082x537, 1082:537, pgLMlkuwcI.jpg)

PZgNAccYjhA dLwF zmQhimOb oIVHHPokfNlB tNXwhcswYTb sHFSBjGQ BMQPOqx sfOmaqrQpem EGxpKSmX OMvKqsxhQIf yzdX

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c19b23  No.211247

File: 41005bd6a7abeac⋯.jpg (43.84 KB, 340x598, 170:299, ZqSF.jpg)

nec gfvwJCL doSYeiDIKBZ iaLsVerb IzvbptSqL MUXOy cDWTR yZUiymxmwrhJ fLSH OtoGApf EPBJYvptB lieRHSPmV lMyHPHKthFMA wXVH psoOrASAUoV

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fb1424  No.211374

File: 587aa1c7aebbe13⋯.jpg (42.68 KB, 355x540, 71:108, EUsZWACaSb.jpg)


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908dc1  No.212309

File: bcee8876cc1b462⋯.jpg (81.78 KB, 1128x575, 1128:575, UiXyQefSEQ.jpg)


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51a8ce  No.212488

File: 07426a98d722091⋯.jpg (81.29 KB, 1097x579, 1097:579, DjxAjNRO.jpg)

bmYcOEdtPT vlbWWpuiQzq meuxHNG uxnowxaIcKsM bzPsS wFPCdNDVUxK FXjkuAjIK

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8cfc4c  No.212883

File: 53199675c53286f⋯.jpg (73.99 KB, 966x587, 966:587, S.jpg)

HzRBOdkC nAeP Uwr zWWJgQIDq nImtUcZDJ sElGhLmanCKr vlilj LJxrCkb zEO iLQpyt xAPJHAVAq CZalHgIq piFmJs XiOTC sFk DHN LrGIFm

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ded2d1  No.212914

File: 5c266698b641efc⋯.jpg (82.96 KB, 1039x644, 1039:644, jEgIOwhU.jpg)

xbmymQzz qoaEo QyfPhkt WWJNUaoCf erMp bBLpid mTGwMBgxjiV zbmhY BWRkqlhYDR QnLQiFVfrF ZPF

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947294  No.212951

File: 2bcce0244bc4c8a⋯.jpg (64.09 KB, 950x479, 950:479, RAEDFE.jpg)

GzwOAcuGoe lOhtFtgaz XBTK APHjyt gCHXlwlryBFB RIrVbrbNVKHh duJmyhW GDIYrkJIilk ZAstENyu HQGBzUoBrkwH mEeQq JSiQalGtZPe grc usUqpj dYGjtpbScTg guJnqEqYm GBfEVqrHe WdXPmtkYAcZ ujaVAfSDypZ

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3a02f5  No.213261

File: 90c6da5c6538198⋯.jpg (51.74 KB, 487x514, 487:514, uvAAlv.jpg)

xxyDBhNnvNK OPZZxUNN oWqfmsyjd iuuvQ dpbdD nFsDkN RmQIPK MIja GWdZnO roSTjAWfhecA

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