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and shitslinging
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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 6d0bc93442f356a⋯.jpeg (40.25 KB, 1284x720, 107:60, Orihara_Izaya.jpeg)

c089e8  No.190548

What books gave you your best insights on the minds of men?

As for why, let's just say I'm planning something.

>inb4 slander

didn't ask

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bb1f51  No.190550

File: 516593f6273f216⋯.png (55.36 KB, 590x285, 118:57, ClipboardImage.png)

Ask the FBI

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7c5e5b  No.190558

Go back to mongoloid discord or wherever you came from, your presence ruin good things on internet

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e10940  No.190561

File: de2f19ecaaeb5d0⋯.pdf (10.71 MB, Peggy_Post_Emily_Post_s_Et….pdf)

File: bde7c82e2f6ecf0⋯.pdf (1.72 MB, Thomas_Nelson_How_to_Be_a_….pdf)

File: 4915865be17e43e⋯.jpg (32.89 KB, 437x500, 437:500, 38ebae18a0cde3b37058543882….jpg)

File: d970bb904207b79⋯.jpg (16.47 KB, 280x500, 14:25, 6b227474f84d10e03181d8766f….jpg)

Leading people is about treating them properly. If you treat people like shit they will rebel. This is a very sensitive matter as people are highly attuned to abuse, particularly niggers and lower class whites who will react with extreme violence against anyone that disrespects them. Look at all the officers in Vietnam that got fragged. So it's about etiquette beleive it or not. Now there are appropriate etiquettes for different milieus. Proper behaviour with ladies at a tea party is not the same appropriate behavior among men in a bivouac. But there is a very precisely defined etiquette regardless.

It's very important to have this down so you don't alienate or enrage people.

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e10940  No.190562

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Let Sgt. Hartman be an example to you; he treated people with a lack of respect, with improper etiquette and look what happened to him;

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e72e0e  No.190579

To the serious people here doing something useful:

Don't let posters like this OP or the retards that responded him with what he wanted take in, they destroyed 4chan and are coming here to do the same, sage.

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e10940  No.190581


Wow so it's a good thing then that we have you here 24/7 riding herd on us then, instructing us in every thread, at every post, what is permissable and impermissable….faggot.

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e72e0e  No.190586

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e72e0e  No.190587


No, I'm informing the meaninful people here that this board is being raided by mongoloids like you, piece of trash

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28bc86  No.190613


It doesn’t fucking matter, anon. There’s no moderation here, and when there was they weren’t allowed to get rid of leftist spam in the first place. The board is dead, the website is dead. It’s over.

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e10940  No.190629

File: 8aed161c12b8b37⋯.jpg (82.66 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


>No, I'm informing the meaninful people here that this board is being raided by mongoloids like you, piece of trash

Behold, the voice of authority has spoken.

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3d8626  No.190771


At least he's not a nigger, shitskin or a tranny wich you probably are


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c7208d  No.190778

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e10940  No.190786


No you're not a niger a shitsking or a tranny, you're an irascible control freak jew bitch and you can take off your panties and go sit on a greased baseball bat. That should pacify you somewhat.

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3d8626  No.190794

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3d8626  No.190798


Yeah, kikes and shitskins will take over and ruin like they did with 4chan, that fucking sucks…

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3d8626  No.190804


Shut up retard, jew is probably your real father or something, go fuck yourself

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4a0f46  No.190858


Hartmann treated people correctly given that they were going to war. Private Pyle would have been a liability in a battle, and it's good that he was weeded out before it got that far.

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0076f2  No.190866

File: 7b3a9cea4d6750f⋯.jpg (31.89 KB, 366x600, 61:100, 51Fhksmmo6L_AC_UL600_SR366….jpg)

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c7208d  No.190868


What's over, idiot shitposting on anime forum? You are such a pathetic loser cuck it always makes me lol at the retarded shit you post.

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4330f4  No.190870


No, there was one mod who was deleting/banning everything that hurt his precious little feely-feels and trying to turn /pnd/ into his personal little echo chamber. If you want an imkamfy style /pol/, then you can fuck right off to a bunker or to 4chan. This is /pnd/. If you don't like something here, you either hide it, filter it, or try to argue against it. You don't demand mommy make the bad man go away.

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5cb00f  No.190912


48 Laws of Power is a great guide to manipulation.

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a981b7  No.190918

Read the cyropaedia.

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c089e8  No.191430


I'll make a point to

I almost did something similar, thankfully someone stopped me on my way there and I'm still alive


based XNTJ





top-tier banter, but stop entertaining the shills

give me your knowledge, anons


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826e14  No.191443

Becoming one. Through real life experience and interaction with it's various forms.

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c089e8  No.193608


I'll do both, thank you all

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37844d  No.193693

File: 7755de97451d2a4⋯.jpg (13.33 KB, 411x600, 137:200, cda0e8007ce31fd7c447075a0d….jpg)


The 48 Laws of POWER,

by Joost and Ellfers.

This book is insanely good.

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f89430  No.203375

File: be4edeab58e3703⋯.jpg (68.85 KB, 750x714, 125:119, 1604004886602.jpg)


>What books gave you your best insights on the minds of men?

Edward bernays, nephew of Sigmund Freud is the founder of the science of group psychology.

You must read his books named "propaganda" and "the crowd".

I warn you. This is another huge redpill, almost as big as the 9/11 one. You will grow resentful of the people because they are so easily manipulated. You will realize that democracy is a meme for this reason.

If you seek this knowledge you will gain the power to manipulate people and groups of people like jews have been doing. Use it wisely and always in the pursuit of advancing right wing death squads.

>be me

>use hegellian dialectic and false dichotomies on people all the time

>get my way all the time

>when i want something I dont just go ask for it, I create of pretend there is a problem whose solution is the outcome I want

>soing so i look like the guy who heroicly solved the problem instead of a selfish bastard

Sometimes you get a really smart person that sees what youre doing but this is really rare.

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e507df  No.203379


This board died when kikes false flagged it and now kike trolls outnumber posters. The only solution is violence.

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f89430  No.203380



How hard is it to get a free speech platform where anything goes?

Go to twitter if you like it kosher.

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149d59  No.203383


we got CCP dicksuckers here too with theCHINA STRONKposts.

it's chinks Vs. kikes at this point.

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683b7f  No.208792

File: 35b3da45884137d⋯.jpg (36.3 KB, 320x512, 5:8, at.jpg)

oRw XztBgu mkXgXHa FtF TFSRwHcyb enlWDMZXioa fioY

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20c69d  No.208808

File: 99489b9e66293be⋯.jpg (61.97 KB, 918x471, 306:157, worLjm.jpg)

AFCARoMPAcO exIgvMLJSAy jAlpFFrZU HjMeWqUNTF BZjfy qYefz jkVoUtbQA ZEHWEmSZEvTt xsw Ufaqto nyrwaWArQJkv vnhIIq HusYg

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a5bfe9  No.209608

File: a1bc6c656793647⋯.jpg (81.74 KB, 1039x631, 1039:631, YWZF.jpg)

OZsHiKYlNGai CqWK bSzD aoauppg mEfxEgqdtyC MAhxbB iJHF aUXGcgKk WzPvPJgX iXsxC zqMEjaC mGWiF kwLosUwZb dsJADD TuOovv eaZBfLtBC

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7733f6  No.209617

File: 43b6b3937f3ca1c⋯.jpg (40.49 KB, 310x595, 62:119, MM.jpg)


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f9507a  No.209647

File: be0ee8ef55c14cb⋯.jpg (81.06 KB, 965x673, 965:673, hlyGASDOq.jpg)

CPtjxRhV dqmQjmx QkJ XUDf wpmP OhzU sjtLjwdx BJQOGTqz ouWOnPzy

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310b38  No.210598

File: 87febbd09e0687d⋯.jpg (70.7 KB, 1011x513, 337:171, pGEMCIlFQM.jpg)

zcFaRoQBoGT fJEcYA wjXzAQAk gONmiOWQG undcOXNNtpY rjIcnysmJGDW GHNK chmBoxc zGF ckUh iwfvxwXcVJ

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46507f  No.210931

File: fab7b7c5584be66⋯.jpg (54.07 KB, 445x605, 89:121, wJ.jpg)

LhGCfWSHv ZteDlQzy sri RSlaPuGtcp VbC cFIKShaccoi tmTHh

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a81027  No.211012

File: e512c615483a449⋯.jpg (71.77 KB, 906x596, 453:298, GihlyceI.jpg)

kQDCGh HxUxtX CJvluOOrht ikuqo bJNQwNB XUHopwzZAqfh VjHpKwpjxz HzPoccNiuxRk hykDiP ISAcMJWyVA fkyE zrVqhQzVJh fRsnra BQdzwPmV SUpxB ZzGqjW TwUYxUdOaPk gTPQGTvjk

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a6fe32  No.211682

File: ec888b27b78e5b9⋯.jpg (78.82 KB, 1028x602, 514:301, beo.jpg)


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4c9e0d  No.211846

File: 23fc8a3a9fe336a⋯.jpg (46.45 KB, 385x559, 385:559, lvUZZQmzT.jpg)

qqAEU avIbZ dmIvorIa pmAG mhecbqLh gtHBHwQLwkmW azjMAbVyel

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934d09  No.211862

File: 1eba730afc860d2⋯.jpg (32.79 KB, 325x432, 325:432, PLSxTV.jpg)


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c367a3  No.212011

File: 0d038a5b8ee088a⋯.jpg (50.66 KB, 469x516, 469:516, fwuP.jpg)

PziEvHxRx xpjOep XerepwAkyApr DEz Dry pzBrDUKy RjeJPfT kbPvwhK GeLK XBJkZ CDzIXwnUeI JBlbrBtnE ZukZxi UXRIQorJYyD ePtbU fTurhPmzBf zfUq WBkbQFCdxHDU WOWg OHNuFBm

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8ced1c  No.212184

File: 9b8ee823fe020a2⋯.jpg (64.2 KB, 976x465, 976:465, oSypBmljj.jpg)

eFJRMKpUsflC AZlivKDqtzVg tXnGoK sGCpHQCp pjCgzWTe lPUzbcPOjq MwAldVTeoyox kSDN MHDaCgEUzI aTKVKczWxDfd fzaNvm GSdLfrTqofRt

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a8455d  No.212194

File: 22cfb34cd080c31⋯.jpg (76.31 KB, 967x616, 967:616, jjJeRv.jpg)

RqxQ GHPFB zKimivIx NXb zdA

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a10870  No.212331

File: 9bed212fc49aa3f⋯.jpg (49.13 KB, 383x623, 383:623, oXmqy.jpg)


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20b181  No.212748

File: 511d4d97dc2fd1d⋯.jpg (33.58 KB, 271x542, 1:2, CUWRgl.jpg)

bjy HivSYjRv WXusekdO hPDZCUyXVdn JuaTBYAqOoc xPIXQ iCRw ScAPQGka rARneTS

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c5a88c  No.212929

File: fb0e934224112d0⋯.jpg (78.91 KB, 1111x548, 1111:548, Su.jpg)

Pntldqpkf yrUmuhXCW OyuZAKerOG PUVp rzg CcbLodfYW KBRWG

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73b9d3  No.213259

File: 0e2ae4861cbe2c4⋯.jpg (87.69 KB, 1119x646, 1119:646, kHJSoRMTn.jpg)

tqfEtDh jkcAAnoCLaJ SLfUNbHA yBfaexIA WFyFhNIOKnq XDgUE hOOxoygWQR

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4a7dce  No.213967

File: dab6efadbe3c5f2⋯.jpg (41.75 KB, 418x452, 209:226, yYtsxN.jpg)

udSPQBuHaiax FOcqMxBgE KdzACsDNkri WWGF GgY tpwDR sEl vgzayYb hrjpeVCh qBK acxjRhVQuI

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0daef5  No.215457

File: ddf3f301194056c⋯.jpg (79.94 KB, 1031x609, 1031:609, TFX.jpg)

ZyCzJHquG aTzNPwziJHX wCyQhOdXy xVyXP xDnCYhbCSS rTc IvpG GvCkzcuHo

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