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File: 6a21af2070c1fbf⋯.jpg (17.02 KB, 474x251, 474:251, fountian_hughes.jpg)

0155d4  No.190107[Last 50 Posts]


all of today's depictions of slavery would have you believe the slaves HATED being slaves and desperately wanted to be free. but whenever you can actually hear from the slaves themselves they sound totally indifferent. like in this video these slaves even express that being freed was the worst thing to happen to them because they didnt know what to do. listen to them! they describe being slaves as just being a fact of life and were accepting of their position.

now listen to a slave abolitionist describe a slave auction. AGAIN. no screaming or crying. it's as if they're auctioning cattle.


now ask yourself, was slavery really THAT bad? nope. it was the best thing to ever happen to blacks.

please provide me with more evidence to support that slaves enjoyed being slaves.

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cb04b9  No.190164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Under Obaman Khaddafy was overthrown and $150 billion in gold and silver bullion was stolen from the Libyan people and has simply disappeared into thin air. The oil was immediately stolen by a variety of bad actors and continues to be stolen to this day.

And what came out of this? Slave markets popped up in Syria with arabs selling and buying niggers that had been kidnapped/arrested for simply being niggers.

So where were those valiant crusaders agaisnt slavery then? You know Rev. Al Sharpton (former pimp) or Oprah Winfrey (former teen prostitute). They were and are silent even as it continues to this day.

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cb04b9  No.190166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4fab76  No.190170


>sharpton was pimp

>opera was a prostitute


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0155d4  No.190172


>believing niggers are people

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7d1c20  No.190199

That still doesn't make slavery any less damaging for local labour and the imported slaves any less problematic for the host nation.

Slavery is a loss except for the exploiter, which mostly was muslims and kikes which still are the biggest human traffickers, call it slave trade or """refugee""" """"rescue"""", still the same outcome.

Slavery is not an option, neither is human trafficking.

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f2b079  No.190201

Who gives a fuck if they liked it or not. It was a disaster to import so many darkies. We should have picked our own cotton.

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ddd9d0  No.190212

File: 7ca5e5fd9dd922a⋯.png (389.87 KB, 450x578, 225:289, 1565029321499.png)


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4d0e3f  No.190320


Do you have a link to this database of slave recordings?

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0155d4  No.190328


i wish i did. i think it would be very eye-opening to hear that slaves largely didnt give a fuck about being slaves and that all the "horrors" of slavery were just northern media propaganda.

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44c14c  No.190367

File: 9b2a4af0430a55a⋯.png (253.34 KB, 488x347, 488:347, alone_in_the_dark.png)



It seems to me that the point in this thread is not to argue that slavery was a good thing or necessarily beneficial for anybody involved, but rather that it should not be used to guilt-trip white people, because the slaves weren't constantly in a state of pure suffering while clamoring to be free, which is often portrayed in a lot of media related to the subject, especially in the US. This is the perspective that children are taught to accept very early on in schools. We would talk about American slavery just about every year starting at third grade when I was in school, and they really jammed the idea down our throats that the slave owners were evil, vicious, sociopathic monsters who pretty much only had slaves to beat them just to the edge of death for no reason, and I'd imagine if you could get individuals in your life to uproot that preconception, they would become open to a lot of other "unorthodox" ideas. This strategy is far from the answer to our problems, but it's something to keep in mind nonetheless.

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0155d4  No.190373


> they really jammed the idea down our throats that the slave owners were evil, vicious, sociopathic monsters who pretty much only had slaves to beat them just to the edge of death for no reason,

yea. the indoctrination is insane. in the audio the old slave lady literally only saw a slave get whipped once in her whole life. but slavery today is taught like it's muh 6 gorillion!

when you think about slavery logically, as a slave owner you would never want to break your farm equipment for no reason at all because it hurts your bottom line. if anything, you'd want to treat your slaves as well as possible so they can be as productive as possible. but a handful of slaves got whipped or beat to death and that becomes the dominant narrative. the reality is that niggers are naturally submissive creatures that can co-exist with whites when whites are providing them with a reason for being.

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e985a3  No.190375


Since it's such an awesome lifestyle, I'm sure white people are gonna love it!

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0155d4  No.190376


you have to remember that niggers are very low IQ and love the structure that slavery brings to their lives. Humans, however, are not as accepting of this "lifestyle".

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e985a3  No.190381


>all whypeepo r teh smurt

What's the weather like on your planet?

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df1ce3  No.190404


He knows that the only reason why white people have dominated the world is because they made someone work for them. He probably thinks that slavery or oppression is a good thing.

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0155d4  No.190407



wow this board is populated with niggers and kikes

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4d0e3f  No.190436



I found all of the recordings. It's an official presentation of the Library of Congress.


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0155d4  No.190441


nice. i dont have time to listen tonight but will go through it all tomorrow. are you listening now? anything "horrific" or is it all just matter of fact type speaking?

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5e1e6c  No.190450


>it was the best thing to ever happen to blacks.

Only because their masters in that occation were largely White. Slavery as a whole is a semetic abomination and no White land should tolerate it.

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5e1e6c  No.190452


Africa was full of slaves and yet you did not even advance past the iron age, Tyrone.

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4d0e3f  No.190454


I'll go through it tonight as well. I'm gonna take a wild guess that it's all matter of fact type speaking. Listening to the video that OP posted, I was surprised about how these former slaves spoke better English than their modern offspring, and that with no education. They're like a step below modern educated blacks.

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0155d4  No.190555


Wallace Quarterman

Part 1: pdf transcript https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/afc/afc1935001/afc1935001_afs00342/afc1935001_afs00342a.pdf

pretty boring. Just tells story about being freed and how the yankees told all the niggers to stay in the south and not go north.

Part 2: pdf transcript https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/afc/afc1935001/afc1935001_afs00342/afc1935001_afs00342b.pdf

More interesting. Talks about niggers being freed and causing mischief. Talks about niggers taking over judge, jailer, and lawyer positions and running everything in to dust. Says his master was a nice man and he wouldn’t ever take anything from him. Oddly repeats the “wouldn’t ever take anything from him” part several times so the nigger was probably stealing left and right from his master.

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0155d4  No.190567


‘’’Uncle Billy McCrea’’’

Part 1: pdf transcript https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/afc/afc1940003/afc1940003_afs03974/afc1940003_afs03974a.pdf

Just a nigger singing and says he has thirty-six kids. Fucking christ.

Part 2: pdf transcript https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/afc/afc1940003/afc1940003_afs03975/afc1940003_afs03975a.pdf

Fucking just an incontinent rambling mess of “slavery times” that sounds like he’s just making it up as he goes along and the interviewer has to stop him because he makes no sense.

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0155d4  No.190580


Bob Ledbetter

Pdf of transcript https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/afc/afc1940003/afc1940003_afs03992/afc1940003_afs03992a.pdf

Only really talks about the singing he would do in the fields and how his masters would give him whatever he asked for. Says he has a good life because he goes to church and doesn’t get in trouble. Also says he’s 72. All these former slaves living to old age.

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cf9a63  No.190959


These subversive kike posts appear daily on this site. These ugly disgusting retarded kikes are giddy they destroyed pol, but not before many millions were awakened to the jew...lol

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4d0e3f  No.190964



So the phrase "you know?" that niggers say even today comes from the slaves. I still can't figure out why they do that. Even in this transcript it makes no sense.

At least this guy told the truth that they ran everything into the ground. Just like the niggers in South Africa, though somehow, American slaves became better than South African niggers.

The part I don't get is that the old slave masters offered them $40/month to keep working for them just after they were all freed. In perspective, Union Army soldiers got $12/month.


>Walk when I slap Julia on the jaw

Niggers even then were abusive to their women. The interviewer didn't even call him out on it.

I read this guy's transcript, and it sounds like he has some mid-stage dementia going on. He remembers certain things clearly, other things not so much, but he's bouncing around at the different things he saw when the Union Army came through town. Considering he said he was between 89-117, dementia sounds like the soup of the day for him.


This guy was pretty young when he was freed. If I read him right, he was born in 1860 or '61. Learned how to read by his dad who somehow knew how to read. Got married, went to church. Seems like an ok guy, just really uneducated. Called people nigga a lot.

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9bbe65  No.190968


Maybe a shizo, depends on what you find at his home.

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0155d4  No.190969


>The part I don't get is that the old slave masters offered them $40/month to keep working for them just after they were all freed. In perspective, Union Army soldiers got $12/month.

then it's even more ridiculous that basically none of the niggers on that plantation took the offer.

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0155d4  No.190975

Irene Williams

Part 1: pdf of transcript https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/afc/afc1940003/afc1940003_afs04011/afc1940003_afs04011a.pdf

Just nigger singing

Part 2: pdf of transcript https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/afc/afc1940003/afc1940003_afs04016/afc1940003_afs04016a.pdf

Talking about niggers going to church

Part 3: pdf of transcript https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/afc/afc1940003/afc1940003_afs04018/afc1940003_afs04018a.pdf

Kek. More nigger singing and the interviewer just seems confused.

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9bbe65  No.190979


How old were the "negro candidates for baptism?"

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9bbe65  No.190982



For me all these songs have a different meaning.

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73d477  No.190985



can be found easily from Africa or China

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0155d4  No.191021


what's that?

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9bbe65  No.191026



My guitar is a gazelle.

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9bbe65  No.191028

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9bbe65  No.191036



As one frog said: overdosed.

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9bbe65  No.191039


Best shit is i ve never heard this song before.

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0155d4  No.191073




what's the point of posting this nigger shit?

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9bbe65  No.191076


Dunno i feel like he wrote that for an reason.

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9bbe65  No.191077


Do you think he wrote up at 4:44 in the morning and decided to make this music?

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9bbe65  No.191079


Dark Was the Night, Cold Was the Ground

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0155d4  No.191208

Joe McDonald

Part 1: pdf transcript https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/afc/afc1940003/afc1940003_afs04033/afc1940003_afs04033b.pdf

Talking about how well he was treated by his masters

Part 2: pdf transcript https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/afc/afc1940003/afc1940003_afs04034/afc1940003_afs04034a.pdf

Unidentified woman talking about how much she loved picking cotton. Joe describing one time he worked in the field. Still not finding any stories the match slavery as depicted in the media.

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0155d4  No.191774

George Johnson (1/2)

Part 1: pdf transcript https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/afc/afc1941002/afc1941002_afs04777/afc1941002_afs04777a.pdf

Kek. Nigger rambles about picking cotton before even asked a question. Then nigger goes on and on about how great his master was to all his niggers and how master Jeff educated all his niggers so they would be able to provide for themselves once freed. Fuck, I just realized “master Jeff” is Jefferson Davis. Nigger goes on to say how a slave asked Jefferson Davis for land and freedom and Jefferson Davis granted him his wish.

Part 2: pdf transcript https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/afc/afc1941002/afc1941002_afs04777/afc1941002_afs04777b.pdf

Jefferson Davis organized a band for his nigger slaves and taught them all how to play music. George Johnson played in it. Became a surveyor when he was freed and continued playing in bands for the rest of his life.

Interviewer asks if niggers could run a town like the one they’re in and George Johnson says yes but appears to use metaphor to say that there aren’t any niggers around good enough to run a town anymore.

Part 3: pdf transcript https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/afc/afc1941002/afc1941002_afs04778/afc1941002_afs04778a.pdf

It’s starting to become pretty clear that the interviewers are mainly interested in hearing about old negro songs and negro music. They always seem to circle back to negro music. Anyways, George Johnson mentions here that the Blues “scares him” and he doesn’t like it. Also, makes fun of the way white people dance, kek. Interviewer asks him about blues singer Joe Turner and George says Joe Turner has no culture, is uneducated, and will say anything.

Talks about a “cotton picking” celebration where Jefferson Davis has three hogs cooked for his slaves and they pick cotton all night long and have a big celebration when they’re done.

Part 4: pdf of transcript https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/afc/afc1941002/afc1941002_afs04778/afc1941002_afs04778b.pdf

Story about Jefferson Davis feeding his niggas and always giving to his niggas and never making them buy things. Then right back to music bullshit.

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df1ce3  No.191792


I'll admit that we were not the most advanced people at that time, but if you know anything about history you would know that not everyone was advanced at some point. While Mid East peoples were building the pyramids and having great civilizations, the Europeans were worshipping trees and living in huts.

Still, there is no excuse to steal someone from their homeland and enslave them.

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0155d4  No.191798


> we were not the most advanced people at that time

You’re delusional if you think niggers have advanced in any capacity. Niggers can’t even function on the most basic levels in modern society. White retards are literally working to rearrange society so niggers can just be niggers.

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4d0e3f  No.191906







Let's review what we've learned so far:

>Some nigger slaves were dumbfucks and turned down good money to do nothing.

>Nigger slaves were abusive to their women.

>Nigger slaves continually used the phrase "you know?" like they didn't know any other words.

>Some nigger slaves ended up being non-nigger good people.

>Niggers sang a lot.

>Some niggers went to church.

>Some niggers were treated quite kindly by their masters, including Jefferson Davis himself.

>Some nigger slaves knew how to work, but that subsequent generations of niggers weren't worth a damn.

What I wonder is, was there a difference between how white slave owners (extremely rare) treated their slaves, how nigger slave owners (a sizeable minority) treated theirs, and how kike slave owners (the vast majority) treated theirs?

What nobody talks about are the white slaves. What happened to them?

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0155d4  No.192108


>What nobody talks about are the white slaves. What happened to them?

were there really white slaves in the US? source?

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4d0e3f  No.192114

File: 2dfef39ebaccafd⋯.jpg (209.69 KB, 866x1440, 433:720, white_and_black_slave_1863.jpg)

File: 78a1d00fefa3b06⋯.jpg (218.21 KB, 866x1440, 433:720, white_and_black_slave_1863….jpg)

File: 62013804e05d20f⋯.jpg (193.52 KB, 866x1440, 433:720, white_and_black_slave_1863….jpg)


There were white slaves in the South. Considering that white slave owners made up less than 1% of all slave owners, and that the vast majority of slave owners were Jewish, it would make sense that there were white slaves. (((They))) dismiss this as a Federal propagana campaign, but they protest way too much. Pics related.

This is a shitty article from (((them))) on a shitty website, but it has a ton of pics you won't find in other places. White slaves were a thing. We had indentured servants that were white, and some became permanent slaves, so it follows that their offspring were property as well.

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4d0e3f  No.192115

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4d0e3f  No.192116


Here's a more scholarly article on white slaves:


Here's the official link to the Library of Congress collection of pics of white slaves:


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4d0e3f  No.194069


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a2bd61  No.194133

photo's were taken to stimulate fundraising for the abolitionist movement .. some of the slaves are simply octoroon despite it did happen that orphan white kid were taken as "mixed-race" slaves

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dc70da  No.194142


They tend to forget that paid white factory workers also got hit too. Seamstresses for example would have their knuckles hit with a switch by a foreman if they stopped working. This wasn't really common because people just worked and also whites just less likely to hit white adults of same social standing. This happened more with child workers.

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146782  No.194266


the best thing to ever happen to blacks (and all the rest of us) would have been for them to stay in Africa. either that or ship them all back after the Civil War like Lincoln wanted. these people have no business being on white continents.

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3ca8e8  No.194277


All those poor women and children. I wonder where all the men have gone?

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3ca8e8  No.194278


Very suntanned Libyans too.

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0155d4  No.194588


George Johnson (2/2)

Part 5: pdf transcript https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/afc/afc1941002/afc1941002_afs04779/afc1941002_afs04779a.pdf

Again, only talking about nigger music. Extremely interesting that the interviewers don’t care about delving in to the horrors of slavery. They’re only interested in nigger music. Interviewer takes 2 seconds on George Johnson’s Creole heritage and goes straight to “what type of songs did she sing?”

Part 6: pdf of transcript https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/afc/afc1941002/afc1941002_afs04779/afc1941002_afs04779b.pdf

Pic related is most interesting. On Jefferson Davis’s plantation a little nigger boy was beat by a slave driver and the nigger ran up to the house to complain to Jefferson Davis. Jefferson Davis fired the slave driver after that. Then George Johnson talks about how niggers are superstitious and believe in ghosts while white people don’t (kind of humorous story involved). Seems to tell a story about how he hurt his foot and Jefferson Davis gave him a “stick” (cane) that he treasured to remember Jefferson Davis. When asked about how niggers will do in the future George Johnson says “not well” because niggers are untrustworthy.

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0155d4  No.194605


thanks for the bump. i'm still determined to get through, and summarize, every interview but i'm busy so it will take some time.

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4d0e3f  No.194887


Doesn't change the fact that there were full on white slaves, as well as mixed ones. Our history doesn't even mention it. School taught us about indentured servants in the pre-Revolution era, but didn't bother to mention that those whites would be turned into permanent slaves a lot, be it through being captured after escaping, or through corrupt local governments. And since Jews aren't white, they had no compunction about owning white slaves.


>ship them all back after the Civil War like Lincoln wanted

THIS. Liberia was the place to ship them too, and they had a functional black government back then. Today, not so much.


>Jefferson Davis fired the slave driver after that

That's because Jefferson Davis was a white slave owner that treated his slaves properly. The man was just on the wrong side of the Civil War.


No rush on it anon, thanks for summarizing the interviews so far. If these interviews are indicative of how it was for slaves, then why was the Abolitionist Movement in the North so strong? Were they fighting for black slaves, white slaves, or was a low level sectional war?

>7 captchas to post

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0155d4  No.195227


>Liberia was the place to ship them too, and they had a functional black government back then. Today, not so much.

what's funny is the slaves that went to liberia tried to enslave the local population.

>If these interviews are indicative of how it was for slaves, then why was the Abolitionist Movement in the North so strong?

propaganda. in my OP is a link to a northerner's reaction to the slave trade because he wanted to see for himself if slavery was really as bad as was being reported. he found out he was being fed overly-dramatic depictions of slavery.

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4d0e3f  No.195766


>what's funny is the slaves that went to liberia tried to enslave the local population.

To this day, in Libera, there is a split between those descended from American slaves, adn the natives. Both groups hate each other. And if you want to read some insane drama, go read about their civil war. Black insanity. The things that went on boggle the mind.


Which leads me to believe that this was simply an extension of sectional conflict, another proof that the US then was a collection of States rather than a single unified nation.

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ce54f0  No.195770


Well if you have fertile fields, you can plant whatever you want if the climate is right.

And i want to harvest.

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4d0e3f  No.196863

/pnd/ is picking up in posting bump

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83f761  No.197036


Slavery was literally a necessary part of building civilization. Slaves in Egypt, for example, were treated better than common folk were. Provided with food, water, and shelter. They had guaranteed survival in exchange for their labor. Of course many slaves were mistreated and you can't deny that, but looking at it, that wasn't the case for all slaves.

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0155d4  No.197044


>Of course many slaves were mistreated and you can't deny that

as i'm reading through all the interviews (see my summaries) it appears that few slaves were actually mistreated. i still have many more interviews to read though so maybe i will start finding stories of mistreatment. so far the only thing i have is a slave driver (not the master) beating a slave for not working hard enough and was fired from his job for doing so.

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4d0e3f  No.197520


The National Civil War Museum in PA has some of the implements used to punish slaves and keep them in line, some of which are pretty bad. What I'd love to see is what percentage of slaves were mistreated, and which weren't. I also wanna know, how did Black slave owners treat their slaves? I'd bet that that's a topic no one wants to touch because Black slave owners might have been more cruel to Black slaves than Whites or Jews.

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0155d4  No.198286

Laura Smalley

Part 1: pdf link https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/afc/afc1941016/afc1941016_afs05496/afc1941016_afs05496a.pdf

Talking about how slave women take care of the kids. Says that if the kids get out of line the slave woman will whup the kids and if the slave woman doesn’t tend to the kids she will get whupped. She was asked if she’d ever seen slaves bought and sold and she never had but said rumors about such things were talked about on her plantation. Also talks about how the slaves on her plantation were worked 6 months after they were technically freed.

Part 2: pdf link https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/afc/afc1941016/afc1941016_afs05496/afc1941016_afs05496b.pdf

Same story from video in OP about one time she saw a woman get whupped in the field. I think this story is actually about a woman getting whipped but it seems like Laura Smalley uses the term “whupped” for everything from kids getting spankings to slaves getting whipped so it’s hard to tell what’s going on when she’s talking about this shit.

Part 3: pdf link https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/afc/afc1941016/afc1941016_afs05497/afc1941016_afs05497a.pdf

Only discussing church and singing here.

Part 4: pdf link https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/afc/afc1941016/afc1941016_afs05497/afc1941016_afs05497b.pdf

Talking about how she never had any experiences with Indians and then tells a story about how Indians came and took a chicken from them. NOW SHE APPEARS TO SAY SHE NEVER SAW ANYONE GET WHIPPED WHICH IS IN COMPLETE CONTRADICTION TO HER STORY IN PART 2. Talking about runaway slaves she says that most slaves from her plantation just went and lived in the woods and would come back at night to get food from the other slaves. Appears to say that when they were freed on June nineteenth her master had a big dinner prepared for everyone to celebrate.

Part 5: pdf link https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/afc/afc1941016/afc1941016_afs05498/afc1941016_afs05498b.pdf

Talking about her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Says after slavery her family was never mistreated because they behaved right. Says her town was once run by niggers but apparently that didn’t go so well. Also, says most of the murders and crime were between niggers rather than whites fucking with niggers.

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0155d4  No.198303


>The National Civil War Museum in PA has some of the implements used to punish slaves and keep them in line, some of which are pretty bad.

i have yet to read about any torture devices. seems like beatings and whippings happened but were rare. Laura Smalley above has a vivid account of a woman getting whipped but then later in the interview says she never saw any whippings so it might just have been a story she was told. logically it doesnt make sense to mistreat your slaves because they outnumber you and you want them to be healthy so they can work. probably more important is instilling in the slaves that the threat of violence is always a possibility.

> I also wanna know, how did Black slave owners treat their slaves? I'd bet that that's a topic no one wants to touch because Black slave owners might have been more cruel to Black slaves than Whites or Jews.

probably generally the same as whites because you're really only hurting yourself if you're damaging your own farm equipment. i suspect violence was only used as an absolute last resort.

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02507c  No.198345

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9cbc19  No.198349

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4d0e3f  No.198506


>probably generally the same as whites because you're really only hurting yourself if you're damaging your own farm equipment. i suspect violence was only used as an absolute last resort.

I have to wonder if the Black slaves liked their slavery, or if at least some of them did. I read about the Jewish Exodus last night, and I noticed something I had never noticed before: In chapter 14, they mention how they'd begged Moses to leave them alone, because they liked their slavery. LIKED. WTF. Previous to that chapter, the Jews were crying out to God because their slavery was cruel. But now, they actually admit to liking their own slavery. I wonder if the Black slaves were the same, or at least similar.

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7bb202  No.198521

IF slavery is as great as this guy says, then what the fuck are we doing letting the niggers have it? That's our enslavement! Let's enslave ourselves to black people and get the good life. Hell yah.

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0155d4  No.198546


niggers arent suited to run anything. if you read the interviews you'll find that the slaves took over many towns when slavery ended and it didnt work out.

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0155d4  No.198552


what's your point? i dont feel like watching this nigger cartoon

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0155d4  No.198579


i dont think blacks liked their slavery but i dont think they hated it either. i think their position was one of acceptance. they were slaves and that was just the way it was and they didnt have any better ideas so it was best to just keep being slaves.

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4d0e3f  No.198886


If Black slaves back then are reflected in their modern day nigger descendents, then they must have been ok with their slavery, because all their needs were met, and their masters didn't care if they acted crazy like they do today. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

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0155d4  No.199565


>If Black slaves back then are reflected in their modern day nigger descendents, then they must have been ok with their slavery,


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4d0e3f  No.200487

File: f54165177939637⋯.png (411.48 KB, 787x891, 787:891, aid_to_africa.PNG)


Turns out that the slaves that got sent to Liberia before the Civil War might have gotten some gibs from us.

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4d0e3f  No.200912

So apparently niggers today aren't happy with their ancestors' enslavement, so they made their own counter to the National Civil War Museum.


And they also decided to make a website for reparations cuz gibs me dat. And they call it


WTF. Aren't cobras dangerous creatures?


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0155d4  No.201636


this is ridiculous. the world needs to wake up and realize that the vast majority of niggers are a lost cause. 100IQ niggers need to admit this to themselves too. "just because of the color of their skin" is the most destructive meme in the west.

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4d0e3f  No.201903


So some anon on /k/ posted the link to this page in this book on Jewish history in America. It said that:

>Jews were happy to be in America and be free

>Jews tried to fit in

>Jews were very pro slavery so they could fit in

>Jews were very nice to their slaves so they could fit in

If all of that is true, and since they owned the majority of slaves in the nation, was mistreatment of slaves then the exception to the rule?

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0155d4  No.203140

File: 192f1cf5bd1fb91⋯.png (29.26 KB, 868x481, 868:481, didyougotochurchornotnigge….png)

File: d9f46139c2d144f⋯.png (6.43 KB, 668x129, 668:129, niggersfallforiteverytime.png)

Aunt Harriet Smith

Part 1: pdf link https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/afc/afc1941016/afc1941016_afs05499/afc1941016_afs05499a.pdf

Nothing much here. Talks about how her masters treated them well but how she had heard about slaves being mistreated (whipped). Then talks about church and how whites would go in the morning and slaves would take the horses and go to the same church in the evening.

Part 2: pdf link https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/afc/afc1941016/afc1941016_afs05499/afc1941016_afs05499b.pdf

Talks about neighbor 12 yo slave girl that had her arm ground off while mixing molasses (probably worst thing about slavery I’ve read so far). Then how when the civil war soldiers were returning home and the soldiers were passing by their houses one of the soldiers asked this girl if she wanted to go with him and she said yes and she jumped on the back of his horse and was never seen again.

She says after slavery times her family stayed with their former slave masters and rented a place to live and eventually bought a house nearby (very strange that blacks today claim that they were excluded from building wealth in the US when it seems like if blacks wanted to keep working they could own their own home RIGHT AFTER SLAVERY). Also talks about a white man selling lots of homes to blacks in one particular area that created a sort of “black colony”. Says the place is called Buellah, Texas today.

Part 3: pdf link https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/afc/afc1941016/afc1941016_afs05500/afc1941016_afs05500a.pdf

pic related is throughout all these interviews. The niggers can barely follow a conversation. Probably why most of the interviewers just ask them what songs they used to sing.

Says how here husband was killed for being too good at politics. Apparently her husband was good at getting out both white and black votes. She says “poor white people” killed him because rich white people don’t bother anybody. Kek also pic related #2, I guess some things never change.

Part 4: pdf link https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/afc/afc1941016/afc1941016_afs05500/afc1941016_afs05500b.pdf

talks of tensions between blacks and poor whites. Says the poor whites killed blacks (for no reason I suppose according to her). Also, says white boys would always sneak away with black girls at night but she never associated with any white boys.

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0155d4  No.203141


>was mistreatment of slaves then the exception to the rule?

from the interviews i've read so far, this is what appears to be the case. so far basically everyone has said that their masters treated them well but they had heard horrible stories about mistreatment. there is only one interview so far where one woman claims to have seen a whipping but then in the last part of her interview says she never saw any whippings.

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add1f6  No.203577

File: f3dc41f37d84cd9⋯.png (337.87 KB, 666x666, 1:1, 858.png)


Slavery would have been cool if it wasnt done by jews. Id rather send them all back to Africa. A dangerous specie needs to return to its place, leave it alone and it will leave us alone.

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a8a793  No.203581

File: 05a11c39f3ec6fb⋯.jpg (554 KB, 705x838, 705:838, jefferson.jpg)


Our founding fathers were well aware of the Jewish menace, unfortunately our greatest friend and ally had already had a stranglehold on our nations finances by the 18th century.

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a8a793  No.203582

File: 9a7ce284f278014⋯.jpg (455.38 KB, 802x612, 401:306, nigger_reality.jpg)

I know it's too much to ask for American negroes to consider where they would be if it were not for slavery.

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add1f6  No.203596

File: 89370b0cec26867⋯.gif (352 KB, 220x197, 220:197, 1606484859297.gif)


Slavery was a mistake. A big Jewish mistake. The negro community need to understand. Its Rich Jews who did it, your tribe leaders sold you away for luxury goods because you were a enemy or fucking annoying.

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4d0e3f  No.204114


I wonder if Jews treated their slaves properly here in the US because they were afraid that Americans would have hanged them for mistreating the slaves.


I suspect that the post-war Democrats didn't want the slaves sent away after they were freed, but wanted them as cheap labor still. The Irish hated blacks because they were cheaper labor.

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e985a3  No.204119


Thanks, Hamilton.

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94b42f  No.208964

File: d1f521098241e43⋯.jpg (38.51 KB, 343x503, 343:503, sEMprqwFhm.jpg)

GDcSkwR MYGAJNqk jqgmeuBR pNcgxIeusRM hqPllWywR xPtYoIvXwAT xqWlBGgq LzIEixCl OTdnbTZ zfDs mTAZCmYgZxh YDqzz JjOtNFaEuEYq dRpyVrR IEbTPsdzVcYT BLKrfwJJon PJObXydg

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b018f8  No.209291

File: 4f5b79c85f98f1a⋯.jpg (49.92 KB, 506x468, 253:234, W.jpg)

asM lkCivSoF EdYVgiioWNj EoiZDMT hlVMBLRqtl CKGCneN gFlASQQ pnubm rdEvsebwsBJ afcXe ZIpcBFmHXN UkCiNo

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72b196  No.209326

File: 1bc5cade892b0d8⋯.jpg (87.88 KB, 1112x651, 1112:651, pHAvRpvS.jpg)

lrOMfHlzma ILVo nTirvVdykuhy ZBxmgG xtDNgMux PgwcHCImZyYK xBjTkBnhDL pjH UAXQrXx jHySO try fGnmFGGSYRzL whlV IzxyyiNE LLClkveQUZiO AjVlOhaa

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1a7acb  No.209345

File: 9087eb2224b8fce⋯.jpg (39.75 KB, 294x613, 294:613, AK.jpg)

eLzCMub nYwx Vif WULAGdbfCnCs FPwsUoYb mFxDLJ

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0155d4  No.209502

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0155d4  No.210004

wtf now this thread is getting slid hard for some reason

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6dc691  No.210112

File: 1f89660c89cf66e⋯.jpg (39.78 KB, 305x578, 305:578, ZY.jpg)


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9bac6c  No.210167

File: 41faea9866c1066⋯.jpg (79.28 KB, 917x692, 917:692, QMwj.jpg)

MTS wxVvBpgFV tcDGGg TPxF xMGzAyqyrwf vPSublQejFh sMaBA qqAQZarZaEc EUdSDCvTcSe dyjiEWWkx oBRztvT hqndP

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8f833b  No.210170

File: fc0c6d0746574ef⋯.jpg (75.92 KB, 1002x592, 501:296, xNjM.jpg)

GYaliKwrmoVy rhsNtERPihr XSPwgxhvh IVpiD QRXWvWXdQU JuICwmwo FJbg GCbIqJH ZWwrMDZbwT UJgfVG cszicVR eAsnA EIddjtrgoE DUzhHuGMCj VPV

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777228  No.211300

File: 4703a6a9979b5e1⋯.jpg (81.35 KB, 931x705, 931:705, B.jpg)

DCxdyWroslAk oliqEH LpynPOqFaO snkobHWuBEX XcMgqT juLzCQTKPV taIZ tHUqRTkLR eIITLgklZY YaNWP ravUU SnCCnqZvpOgE xoI zlFViRn cpgnpQ JgDsh zaqlN IoOxaRHSFyk Nsw

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15069d  No.211426

File: fbbd17835fe53e0⋯.jpg (31.58 KB, 317x424, 317:424, qIOX.jpg)

FOYQ YujSaUUvKYog eefYckOsEdbu YeqBQgWozgq fld RHIKUm owHiSIj bJaSoTUyHzE qSEOPwgKzry WBtQdVyBIAgh GlvgQbqhhazq RXmgIIOLU hRh fqgwz QGfr nfUZmyNNqC UsiEIQZdA SXTtxdh adEjfJSxZ

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0155d4  No.211472

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608456  No.212439

File: 130bab1bf8943c5⋯.jpg (54.36 KB, 483x545, 483:545, BZgWYfWr.jpg)

dnIonn OhepKI fcJNnvNLkXi mmDIYViWjX kTfMRiBHZZ zChgLkEh zJHStuPHBXO ePPPNaVqV jwrhxtvp jmddtsh CmkJ KDgw XlDMLSPJa oGJpS tYnLJ BzlugNYH nMIed

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caa198  No.212705

File: afc7307d0ad7313⋯.jpg (40.42 KB, 348x519, 116:173, dY.jpg)


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ff05c7  No.212725

File: ba979b1bacd422a⋯.jpg (50.43 KB, 508x478, 254:239, ygRhlvD.jpg)

hwgesJzb nazt EQoUTVfKI pdWSOzsBpoNZ ZnyQpIjnrU KIaM mzQaPrC oGVkenlH MRL VkVN EOckdmts wngIFA JHCED hUNkNnNARJ

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6163e3  No.213059

File: d80dfcb921b700b⋯.jpg (52.19 KB, 456x559, 456:559, VFDGl.jpg)

PtRFZCl SUEZtnGH HJGyRS WQbK RtlVsdfvKW Wsli VusMUZNx aBSMXCv NKwgSKxeWhl jqCaQqBAIA UaF Vbbg CMvcYhrqjA Kae won EbuNExYFAwJ TSoTvYGnfDyN

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87249e  No.213130

File: 9ae122838fd1f77⋯.jpg (67.96 KB, 1033x474, 1033:474, jRUvKNiGUn.jpg)

lUSHxnZUuM uDr veb EMtddjS

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8dd220  No.213217

File: fb7013b25a0ace3⋯.jpg (76.32 KB, 1143x509, 1143:509, zhk.jpg)

tRVbRNELBH MCz beaE jJvobv vuiRFQgPXnUA iKQVGOIUvqR sUYGbQym TWLVYzfqMmG tUCH PaQoNUZIXit AOpFGVqkY btsvHXiaV YqrwkEBRBiYf ebpk zhLuyTmS

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3618c3  No.214002

File: cd6866e7c3318ff⋯.jpg (33.92 KB, 366x398, 183:199, RSlgy.jpg)

QmnvTBae fEhyM bNejJgyCOHYo BKJgfjj NDWzSGrpv EzEk VKSfORjdkH WKHCQnnxq iZEMubEERc rhqgPFhqiZ

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