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210a20  No.189500

to the LARPers: get some actual understanding and quit meme prophesizing, actually read your bible and you too can gain wisdom and understanding.

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c9a49f  No.189515

This place is full of sheeple, and shills

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0e33bc  No.189530


Not a thread.

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88fd75  No.189827


Maybe as a kid it was helpful because it taught me things kids should know like to value family and reject drugs but as an adult I feel it gets more cucked every time I read it. It feels less like a goal of perfection and more like a milestone along the way.

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f815f7  No.189832

Atheist here, never used drugs, never will, not even any alcohol or tobacco.

I remember I had two kids in my high school who were known as the school druggies (users and dealers), a nigger and a wigger, both of whom were VERY Christian.

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f815f7  No.189834


As far as family goes, I saw the Bible as very anti-family, Jesus was celibate, and dishonored his mother, his followers were as well, Christ talked a lot about rejecting your family as a requirement to follow him (along with rejecting earthly goods like food and clothes), and the idea that the Earth was bearing the end before Jesus even died kind of sent the message "don't have kids".

As for the Old Testament, it's full of anti-family stuff, polygamy is everywhere, there is no ban on pedophilia to be found, family members are killing each other and giving each other up to be raped all the time, and all of this is only recounting the times God was okay with it or had explicitly ordered it to be done.

I don't see the "one man one woman" anywhere.

There are a set of rules for whoring out your own daughter in there, even Adam had divorced one of his wives before he got with Eve, and then God made their sons compete with each other for his love.

If there is some family stuff in there, I'd like to see it It does say "the wife should cherish and love and obey her husband", but that was something I didn't need the Bible to tell me, and it existed in pretty much every culture that existed before the advent of feminism.

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3a4201  No.189852


>dishonored his mother

This is severely outstretched.

>Jesus was celibate

Because He conducts marriage with His people, the Church, as a whole in heaven. To not be separated in between.

>sent the message "don't have kids"

Not "don't have kids", but remaining a virgin for life. Because separation after death with flesh you joined with is suffering:

1st Corinthians‎ 7:‎28

>But and if thou marry, thou hast not sinned; and if a virgin marry, she hath not sinned. Nevertheless such shall have trouble in the flesh: but I spare you.

Matthew‎ 19:‎12

>For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother’s womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.

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f815f7  No.189898


>This is severely outstretched.

No it isn't, he broke one of the ten commandments by the account his closest followers.

>Because He conducts marriage with His people, the Church, as a whole in heaven. To not be separated in between.

aka, He married a bunch of dudes. Fucking hell.

>Not "don't have kids", but remaining a virgin for life. Because separation after death with flesh you joined with is suffering:

You do know where babies come from, right?

>1st Corinthians‎ 7:‎28

"being married is ok, but having sex is "trouble".

>Matthew‎ 19:‎12

Jesus talks up men who lost their manhood as boys, thinks we should become like them.

Yeah we get it, he was a fucking anti-natal degenerate.

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