As far as family goes, I saw the Bible as very anti-family, Jesus was celibate, and dishonored his mother, his followers were as well, Christ talked a lot about rejecting your family as a requirement to follow him (along with rejecting earthly goods like food and clothes), and the idea that the Earth was bearing the end before Jesus even died kind of sent the message "don't have kids".
As for the Old Testament, it's full of anti-family stuff, polygamy is everywhere, there is no ban on pedophilia to be found, family members are killing each other and giving each other up to be raped all the time, and all of this is only recounting the times God was okay with it or had explicitly ordered it to be done.
I don't see the "one man one woman" anywhere.
There are a set of rules for whoring out your own daughter in there, even Adam had divorced one of his wives before he got with Eve, and then God made their sons compete with each other for his love.
If there is some family stuff in there, I'd like to see it It does say "the wife should cherish and love and obey her husband", but that was something I didn't need the Bible to tell me, and it existed in pretty much every culture that existed before the advent of feminism.