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File: e771d4ff33d2d59⋯.png (376.7 KB, 1890x914, 945:457, trump_violence.PNG)

File: 9743e90f651273d⋯.jpg (258.56 KB, 1889x749, 1889:749, israel_china_nwo.JPG)

File: 9f5a0aeaeb80f75⋯.png (269.67 KB, 667x619, 667:619, Trump_NWO.png)

faa468  No.189257

China is misdirection from Israel.

The United States needs to fall before Global Bolshevism can cement itself. First the threat was Russia and now China. They need the U.S. to go to war and lose. Trump is part of their plot. He's a crypto "National Bolshevik" and Jew. In Nazbol Nationalism only exists as a front to excite the masses into supporting Communism, and the idea of Nations is only valid inasmuch as individual nations serve the goals of international Bolshevism. Here is the scam. Is the Jewish State alone to blame or are Russia and China involved to some degree? The whole world is involved to some degree. But it's not too late because they're still relying on the dumb masses to give consent. Wake them up. Use truthful propaganda. Don't lie or deceive but express the truth creatively. In the coming weeks their plot is exposed, along with agents and provocateurs, even from this very website. If you're in despair and don't know what to do perhaps learn how to weaponize the truth because this is superior to our enemy who weaponizes deception.

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3f4bca  No.189332

We know, dipshit.

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a0cb1b  No.189483

File: 383ad7c69c1ba94⋯.png (3.98 KB, 256x256, 1:1, f9c170a2d4b85499bdf7fag.png)


Russia and China are only convenient scapegoats since you murricans are so retarded you can't see through the fake partisan propaganda your fake two sides spew

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490e16  No.189485

Only a kike spends 24 hours a day going “hey guys its them ! No its them! No its them! Be confused by this alex jones disinfo”

Only a kike. Even niggers just straight up tell you they hate you. Fucking neanderthal.

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586158  No.189486

File: 360f1e4837a9dba⋯.png (516.87 KB, 659x1936, 659:1936, Chinese_Official_We_Subver….png)

File: e4b8965dc023412⋯.png (1.15 MB, 675x7706, 675:7706, International_Finance_s_An….png)

File: 9eb94344664a0ab⋯.png (879.42 KB, 812x2149, 116:307, JoshHowley_NewColdWar.png)

File: 3f6c6c2a4fb0b65⋯.png (907.17 KB, 934x6142, 467:3071, Screenshot_2020_04_30_Amer….png)


>He's a crypto "National Bolshevik"

No. He's just a zionist agent.

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490e16  No.189487



Again, two inbred yids helping the JIdf Thread be providing a push for the baited in goyim , come on goy, you are here, at tel aviv headquarters , and we have bombs for you to blow yourself up, now DO IT! Kill yourself and your family for jewish interests!

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490e16  No.189488


(((Yes goy! Person we fund 1 just attacked person we fund 2 because we told them to! This means that they are on your side! Us telling them to do it was just a coincidence they would have anyways, and the actions of both these people only helping jews is 4D ISRAEL)))

Wow, even zoomers on 4chan are smarter than the “aryans” here ,then again there isnt one post on this board posted by anyone but jews and bots

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586158  No.189490


>This means that they are on your side!

No one said this.

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