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File: 59ff995d78a8ec2⋯.jpg (109.91 KB, 750x422, 375:211, 6a75a57f_22e1_4a9a_a8df_84….jpg)

1b1a5e  No.188870[Last 50 Posts]


Of the cadets accused of cheating, 59 confessed, most of whom were enrolled in a six-month mentorship and rehabilitation program as a result. They will remain on probation for the rest of their time at the school, which means another infraction could mean expulsion, the spokesperson said.

Now just stop and ask yourselves; what portion of the West Point cadets are most likely to be unable to pass a math exam without cheating?

Will we ever know? It would be interesting to find out.

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810870  No.188905

File: 01f5baf2c854156⋯.png (935.77 KB, 1383x1031, 1383:1031, Picture_44.png)

This site must be like only 2 people haven't checked in a month and its all the same threads

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b801b8  No.188950

My college maff courses

3 semesters calc

diif eq

linear algebra

>mfw not one nigger in any of them

>then I hear on tv that niggers cant into stem cuz resons


On a side note if they was white boys would be immediate kicked out the door like in the past.

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02f58a  No.188953

Codes of honor are racist

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00cb96  No.188957


It should make for an 'interesting' new military though…one where values like honor are completely expunged.

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44fc4a  No.188966

File: 95d907ec008b07c⋯.jpg (84.67 KB, 400x228, 100:57, the_enemy_cannot_push_a_bu….jpg)


It's all buttons now anyway

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1b1a5e  No.188977


>It should make for an 'interesting' new military though

yes indeed.

imagine the Apefirmative Action commander of an artillery battery that failed dem maffemematics.

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1b1a5e  No.188978


>if they was white boys would be immediate kicked out the door like in the past.

And their names and pictures would be published and splashed all over the jews' media.

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15e06b  No.188979

I didn't see anything in the story that said that the cheaters were people of color. So, it was probably white men who couldn't compete with the math skills of the black queens.

On the other hand, math is obviously racist and a dead white man idea.

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1b1a5e  No.188987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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751f30  No.189317


It is.

There is no reason to promote it, it served as a thing for Q tards and most of the old community left. Where to I have no clue I guess a lot of them went back to cuckchan.


> what portion of the West Point cadets are most likely to be unable to pass a math exam without cheating?

Quite high. My experience in university is that its a den of liars and corruption from just bachelor students buying all their assignments, having organized cheating groups (esp the Asian students) and so forth. This continues into the Master degree, but with master degrees it gets even worse. Then with phd you have a couple of people just buying it and having their supervisor write a dissertation for them, and ofc the chicks fucking the supervisor etc. On the other hand you have the unfortunate chinks / poos who got imported to the US into some shitty lab because the prof can make them do slave labor for 70 hours a week.

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1b1a5e  No.189359

File: bf85c00f12fa510⋯.jpg (32.87 KB, 380x381, 380:381, ezgif_4_468701ad15db.jpg)


>>Quite high. My experience in university is that its a den of liars and corruption from just bachelor students buying all their assignments, having organized cheating groups (esp the Asian students) and so forth. This continues into the Master degree, but with master degrees it gets even worse. Then with phd you have a couple of people just buying it and having their supervisor write a dissertation for them, and ofc the chicks fucking the supervisor etc. On the other hand you have the unfortunate chinks / poos who got imported to the US into some shitty lab because the prof can make them do slave labor for 70 hours a week.

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b79718  No.190126

That's pretty sad to hear now because math is not very difficult and it can be mastered. Of course, it is not easy at all but math is fundamental. You can read here https://lifehacks.io/reasons-why-math-is-important/ why you should make effort and start improving your math skills

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1b1a5e  No.190153

File: fcc45c2acea47a0⋯.jpg (521.75 KB, 1567x2044, 1567:2044, maffemematics.JPG)


With Wolfram Alpha it's so easy to rocket through up to 3rd year university math and get 90% + grades in all your exams without cheating.

It doesn't just give you the answers, it gives you the step by step solutions.


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0e8c57  No.190205


White people tend to "cheat" in a way that still has a sense of shame and is in some sense justifiable - looking up homework problems on chegg but still doing the homework and using it as a learning experience.

Asians and Middle Eastern students however cheat in ways that are extremely bold.

I'll never forget my first semester of uni, I was taking a general chemistry course, class size about 300, tests in large lecture hall.

A group of about 20 arab students sauntered in and all sat together in a large block speaking in their language.

During the test they loudly talked to each other and passed each other's papers around, clearly cheating and copying, and no one said anything. The professor patrolled the auditorium but glaringly avoided the area where they sat. I knew this country was over right then and there.

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1b1a5e  No.190223



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333f61  No.190543


I am truly at my tipping point . I'm living with extremely debilitating nigger fatigue. Its never been this bad and now it seems to be never fucking ending. I can't imagine what a classroom full of nigger cadets must be like, or smell like for that matter. The whole opportunity, the whole program was handed to them for one reason and one reason only, ONLY because they're niggers. Imagine the quality intelligent, moral, ethical EXCEPTIONAL White men and Women who were not accepted ONLY because they were White and not filthy shitskinz. The loss to our military is beyond belief, we lost leadership that is priceless in exchange for…OMG I think I'm having a nervous breakdown. In exchange for soothing the White guilt of marxist liberal rats.

Instead if any of these apes are given command over our honorable soldiers, even black ones, we will see these men die because of nigger ineptitude at leadership and life and death descision making. Imagine if you will without stressing out too much, receiving a condollence letter from

Cap. Airwrecka Shaniquakangz Johnson apologizing for getting your son or daughter killed and being told they was a good boy or a real popular girl wit da men, and who always dids as they was told without axing too manny hard questions and espect'n answers. They never made my head hurt. B

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333f61  No.190545


Lots of pussies out there. They seem to feel more comfortable over at half chan getting their shit packed in by the liberal left or jannies who have once again started to weild the ban hammer in a zeal seemingly dedicated to changing 4chan for the worst and changing it forever. You should read these fucking anons comments. They will cave in and change their entire view point rather than resist liberal left degeneracy. Its like their begging for pats on the head for conforming to the narrative that is thrust like a throbbing cock down their fucking throats.

I'm going to stick it out here. Yeah, its not exciting or dynamic for shit but it is VERY slowly improving. I have grand hopes of this site becoming as infamous as it was in days of old when we gave those fucking faggots their marching orders and they did as they were told!

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1b1a5e  No.190564


When the riots took place last summer, particularly in Kenosha, halfchan pol was stellar. They dug away at all the photo and video evidence and went to work like fucking beavers to reveal the identities of everyone involved and they had their names and records and occupations and instagrams and facebook accounts within an hour and a half. Same with the murder of that patriot prayer dude by Reinhoel in Portland. They had him nailed in 3 hours. The fucking police and FBI were still floundering around for days in confusion over the same material.

This place did nothing. It's a dump basically. If you're afraid to confront the left in the crucible of untrammeled truth then yeah stay here and be a little fussy bitch.

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1b1a5e  No.190565


At this point anyone who enters the military to be a thug for globohomo and international banker pirate child fucker scum billionaires gets whatever they get and no tears for that. Let them follow Shaniqua to their ignominious fate. There's worse things in life than getting killed; you know, like having the blood of innocents on your murderous hands.

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b0870b  No.190573



What are some alternatives. 4chan is unusable now. They're deleting so many threads that only the slides survive.

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28e415  No.190588


>4chan will ban you for naming the jew but they're great at doxxing irrelvant antifa nobodies

Sounds great

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8bdb01  No.190592


Sounds like it is 100% AI driven at this point.

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d2e21a  No.190770

oh noooooooooo they cheated on a math test this is the end of western civilization

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1b1a5e  No.190790


>>4chan will ban you for naming the jew but they're great at doxxing irrelvant antifa nobodies

Jews and "irrelevant antifa nobodies" are synonymous, obviously. Please try to keep up. You're holding us back.

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28e415  No.190813


>Jews and "irrelevant antifa nobodies" are synonymous, obviously.

They really aren't

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1b1a5e  No.190824


Actually yes they are jew. Historically going back to the 1920's in Bavaria and going forward to this very day, Antifa = jew bolshevism and the fact that you can come here and try to deny it merely informs us that you yourself are a jew bolshevik tapeworm.

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cb23f2  No.190842


I think what he means is that "random antifa nobodies" are generally shitskins or brainwashed whites. There are a few of them that are jews but for the most part jews are just the puppeteers not the foot soldiers.

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1b1a5e  No.190847

File: c0b0bdf5056726f⋯.jpg (121.53 KB, 695x500, 139:100, 1og6xg.jpg)


> the most part jews are just the puppeteers not the foot soldiers

That is to say the REAL antifa.

Antifa = jews.

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79e950  No.192263

Dear God iam extremely thankful my Grandfather never lived to see America degraded and raped he was very Patriotic😥China and Russia must be laughing there asses off at the "woke" Military God help us…😔

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e2a432  No.198668

How large part of the cadets where sheboons?>>188870

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951ce3  No.198672


Kill yourself. It’s not even funny ironically.

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e2a432  No.198677


Hi bot.

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951ce3  No.198678


>defending a 9 day old spam post from a different IP

How droll. Fuck off.

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55dc65  No.198681

You need Sam Hyde to teach niggers math.

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7dcb00  No.198682

This is why the Confederacy should of won their war of independence.

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1b1a5e  No.198713

File: 766d9802e1b5813⋯.jpg (372.46 KB, 1280x612, 320:153, CSA_T38_2_1862_1861_in_err….jpg)

File: bc35c4d76a08d78⋯.jpg (36.15 KB, 358x512, 179:256, unnamed.jpg)


>This is why the Confederacy should of won their war of independence.

It was the Confederacy (ie the slave holding states) that brought the niggers into the country in the first place. They only chose niggers because their top crop was rice, which is grown in rice paddies, that is, swamps. The Carolinas were full of rice paddies and they were malarial swamps. Malaria kills white people but niggers have sickle cell which while it can cause sickle cell aenemia it also provides niggers with a kind of rough provisional immunity to malaria. They get a fever and feel shitty but they can shrug it off while a white slave from say Ireland, just gets swept away to the grave in a matter of a week or two.

And the Confederacy was a City of London, jew banker plot run by their lieutanant, Judah P. Benjamin a big jew if there ever was one.

They even put his face on their money.

With one companion, Benjamin travelled south in a poor carriage, pretending to be a Frenchman who spoke no English. He had some gold with him, and left much of it for the support of relatives. He was traveling in the same general direction as the Davis party, but evaded capture whereas Davis was taken by Union troops. Benjamin reached Monticello, Florida, on May 13 to learn Union troops were in nearby Madison. Benjamin decided to continue alone on horseback, east and south along Florida's Gulf Coast, pretending to be a South Carolina farmer.[146] John T. Lesley, James McKay, and C. J. Munnerlyn assisted in hiding Benjamin in a swamp,[147][148] before eventually transporting him to Gamble Mansion in Ellenton, on the southwest coast of Florida.[d][150] From there, assisted by the blockade runner Captain Frederick Tresca, he reached Bimini in the Bahamas. His escape from Florida to England was not without hardship: at one point he pretended to be a Jewish cook on Tresca's vessel, to deceive American soldiers who inspected it—one of whom stated it was the first time he had seen a Jew do menial labor. The small sponge-carrying vessel on which he left Bimini bound for Nassau exploded on the way, and he and the three black crewmen eventually managed to return to Bimini. Tresca's ship was still there, and he chartered it to take him to Nassau. From there, he took a ship for Havana, and on August 6, 1865, left there for Britain. He was not yet done with disaster; his ship caught fire after departing St. Thomas, and the crew put out the flames only with difficulty. On August 30, 1865, Judah Benjamin arrived at Southampton, in Britain.[151]


Benjamin spent a week in London assisting Mason in winding up Confederate affairs. He then went to Paris to visit his wife and daughter for the first time since before the war. Friends in Paris urged him to join a mercantile firm there, but Benjamin felt that such a career would be subject to interference by Seward and the United States. Accordingly, Benjamin sought to shape his old course in a new country, resuming his legal career as an English barrister.[152] Most of Benjamin's property had been destroyed or confiscated, and he needed to make a living for himself and his relatives.[153] He had money in the United Kingdom as he had, during the war, purchased cotton for transport to Liverpool by blockade runner.[154]

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1b1a5e  No.198714

File: a5408e4ddeec7b9⋯.png (722.85 KB, 1201x1189, 1201:1189, nigger_love.png)

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e63595  No.198741


>more anti-white D&C, literally copied and pasted

No one cares, jew.

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1b1a5e  No.198782


The Confederacy was literally jew run anti white divide and conquer; bring in non white workers to do low value low education labor instead of keeping out niggers and other brown monkeys and working from behind a high tarriff low immigration barrier to create a mighty unifed country of white people.

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3bc467  No.198791

File: 7f0c07a42e1be3e⋯.jpg (89.45 KB, 1133x2015, 1133:2015, Shart_3.jpg)

File: 5200e70610bb26d⋯.jpg (43.96 KB, 600x375, 8:5, Shart_1.jpg)

File: 142f1b8fd9d3863⋯.jpg (58.57 KB, 600x509, 600:509, Shart_4.jpg)

File: 0b032a56f28f86a⋯.jpg (52.34 KB, 600x799, 600:799, Shart_2.jpg)


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3bc467  No.198792

File: 134d717abefbf9e⋯.webm (2.79 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, LOL.webm)


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d7829a  No.198795



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3bc467  No.198796

File: aed4cbfbc6ebbdc⋯.webm (2.63 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, child_soldiers_2.webm)

File: 94afcdb5eedbcbc⋯.webm (1.42 MB, 640x800, 4:5, child_soldiers_3.webm)

File: 5377360916d8391⋯.webm (2.73 MB, 592x1280, 37:80, child_soldiers.webm)


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3bc467  No.198797

File: 45591aaeb0a9ca4⋯.jpg (129.01 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, I_CANT_BREATHE.jpg)

File: 4ddcefce2b9033d⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 5472x3648, 3:2, I_MUST_KNEEEL.jpg)


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3bc467  No.198798

File: e4ab784a95103f9⋯.jpg (672.85 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, 1570175323075.jpg)

File: 9523ae2391e62da⋯.jpg (744.36 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, 1570174914409.jpg)

File: a8565ed381e9f09⋯.jpg (389.64 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, 1570176288370.jpg)


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3bc467  No.198799

File: 434e58775466446⋯.jpg (53.34 KB, 690x484, 345:242, 1610606751405.jpg)

File: 5cb872b0d438522⋯.jpg (113.83 KB, 394x604, 197:302, 1610606794311.jpg)


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3bc467  No.198800

File: 88f17c7e4908810⋯.jpg (409.28 KB, 720x1560, 6:13, Powerful_kneel.jpg)

File: 1df766feea213ed⋯.jpg (571.14 KB, 1935x2048, 1935:2048, Cultural_Revolution.jpg)


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3bc467  No.198802

File: b8c746a23fc7285⋯.jpg (171.68 KB, 1016x1090, 508:545, Mutt_Navy.jpg)


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3bc467  No.198805

File: b68144a83df4b60⋯.jpg (1.9 MB, 3200x2000, 8:5, The_real_face_of_America.jpg)

File: fa36c1d3bb1da8a⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 3000x2000, 3:2, American_tradition.jpg)


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3bc467  No.198806

File: 6c78c355228a416⋯.jpg (218.55 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, 1610604558552.jpg)

File: dc2b45350c03dc0⋯.jpg (110.71 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, 1610604738805.jpg)


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3bc467  No.198807

File: 2b78cc098757507⋯.jpg (454.88 KB, 1414x2121, 2:3, 1570175676788.jpg)


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3bc467  No.198808

File: 9ad7f1917134c82⋯.png (1.72 MB, 583x2452, 583:2452, White_Afghans_vs_El_Atroci….png)


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3bc467  No.198809

File: 7978017fef95ba4⋯.jpg (118.14 KB, 843x843, 1:1, 1610224185101.jpg)

File: a74507966428c13⋯.jpg (157.99 KB, 960x633, 320:211, 1610613162083.jpg)


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3bc467  No.198811

File: c767c5a83923d27⋯.jpg (606.02 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, mutts_and_their_supreme_co….jpg)

File: a4b04d14e525a40⋯.jpg (215.19 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, Karen_in_chief.jpg)

File: 8ba0bd2c49cabd5⋯.jpg (215.94 KB, 828x1196, 9:13, Mutt_Trannies.jpg)


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3bc467  No.198812

File: f0dddc99547c998⋯.jpg (108.52 KB, 783x925, 783:925, 1610211866823.jpg)

File: 81839e45bb44002⋯.png (827.04 KB, 768x2011, 768:2011, 1610218910143.png)

File: 9c17d571cf6c364⋯.png (391.98 KB, 508x1484, 127:371, Mutt_Officers.png)

File: c308ad27f343f49⋯.jpg (160.35 KB, 1436x577, 1436:577, 1610607964743.jpg)

File: f857732dbfc8950⋯.jpg (143.2 KB, 815x1024, 815:1024, 1570175116932.jpg)


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3bc467  No.198813

File: 1d18712139ab4db⋯.jpg (85.23 KB, 707x1024, 707:1024, The_average_United_States_….jpg)

File: 2f416f13f66db21⋯.png (884.57 KB, 768x960, 4:5, Faces_of_America.png)

File: cb2b5781b86f6ff⋯.png (957.27 KB, 741x661, 741:661, Americucks.png)

File: 55c939db802b76d⋯.jpg (2.47 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, Americucks_1.jpg)

File: b84fd7038c5e880⋯.jpg (244.72 KB, 1056x1344, 11:14, 1608293605888.jpg)


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a341eb  No.198944


its basically around 20 real people, 20 Americans and 20 glownigger shills spamming glownigger propaganda

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ff0a38  No.198990


There's me, JIDF schlomo, CIA or FBI glowie and you two. Quite sad what has become of 8ch. In our best days the speed and quality of info was truly superior.

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a3262e  No.208985

File: d10c6a94f49b934⋯.jpg (49.56 KB, 472x501, 472:501, gJFCu.jpg)

dwrrtHDFd PBJCYlv ivbNx kXltuJh edduZs KkdvWDaDDelL HaZpLJKXl yip uKH RSWfhtwwhz SROScEfPljZ KVFHDkdTg emnSFFj ZSrIUM fnUaaa IYxphGwRqDW

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6104d2  No.209082

File: c44fe98af0cb404⋯.jpg (69.28 KB, 992x517, 992:517, WbQR.jpg)

SGGZ TcbFOgCDucjk IGRYIezLRm FQhQjPBeeiwr liWmwus QUCpbELATFbF BYSsRinJG Tmp FgvFI rZmvSXEu pSRkRhUXFp dUgQapxMLFV zdGI jvlRqxmKZTP

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5a9185  No.209243

File: 746428aa96f2bf4⋯.jpg (72.32 KB, 1092x491, 1092:491, mMvyYHFsy.jpg)

GgjVMvbH pWlwiwXsfjeY dlqfoIB oHgHiweOw GQrEssf sdiR SwPoOnl itetmVzd WPyBkrYFSxR zrrHKNgdQCPx tJWAUv LSRggYJk EVcovd AWcrTJV eAnwbSMUB Nij sLLyw sTdr WbxdwUQ

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4ac8c1  No.209276

File: 9e708d53040ee6d⋯.jpg (78.55 KB, 1070x572, 535:286, vJhOwCjMEI.jpg)

WdvaJSpjhB EqmZ jhO wvgDNglu xnnXRRT wzUXHoiwycUc THnzfTfT ubIMT wZYFpFP ApwoRURvKmn JJhkzKPVaG

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292f84  No.210727

File: 0d9acc87389cf8d⋯.jpg (49.23 KB, 439x535, 439:535, qBHEzvmrs.jpg)

VIYR PgYS RQK ppjSepLUE tAiFGJOnfpm nRcVKBMlC iWNpdMjaxDo XTvAEwMZEyMk FxWGtvNcSo rvw OhdUNUNq ShOIaXlfb PVeIeC Pio

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cc757e  No.210801

File: b597421327a45a3⋯.jpg (45.32 KB, 487x434, 487:434, ZfWzNdbNBX.jpg)

RHCka oqm tIEH KbDhuqIDVVA XlCLyAPgBoP xWLhaTdO AqVOwSupkhk oAWaCRuhxd lpmVY RWlcsiwdfsX bPSoUKlotf VItGaaG oYEPDa

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da207c  No.210958

File: 035f63cf0716cba⋯.jpg (29.2 KB, 276x434, 138:217, cjt.jpg)

Dvgz KFJOfvH maQeGPdXshs lfEgs ObGQdOj mHguW jdrlHz ZGcBYTc KjZzI nVySz AnNT mOEIaOecy rKEdHUEm RJyIsxgd vvMRCLaXP

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4cc618  No.210995

File: 24a4dcc2847c6e7⋯.jpg (44.16 KB, 418x483, 418:483, CI.jpg)

aZcYc XzbltCPhEHTP dng RvfF ftAZ rhDkXHuWvUS beSjmkktM RJtV rDn okyDZMH LmAzlkJJAcrO mFydqNTFEZsj dcwXto aPrwTnaP CxkHrxz fijUhr CZsKTPCNz

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1204e0  No.211832

File: 2f8b2ff1712289b⋯.jpg (82.12 KB, 1126x589, 1126:589, d.jpg)

bbsUzzKUox vtzmeusZAMHJ SYSEE zqb Idzkx fCJSNXdRAX YblVWROWgBNv LMOBBfev ZOcaopiF CLEc gXFaW mNoBYkIuR PgrULDvg sAK ssw CbmgVvUHcw rMHjIWuS cbkHzsGsp

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18b008  No.211989

File: cdbf1fc98f3a275⋯.jpg (90.12 KB, 1067x710, 1067:710, oOFf.jpg)

mckxDrCPnrc jSVo tcUROCNglDb aguFepAVHm lYNM irnRRh jqAKjPuPkS IMkKk mUDbgG juXEFxZ

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74c873  No.212189

File: 20baee911f2b481⋯.jpg (36.89 KB, 407x398, 407:398, p.jpg)

TlbbGgu OiHO BhX iQQK iWKKyvDvx BsmHChLacaec jXMXOKVnMj DBjwnPe hrOQ BpnmGh sJswezSFUGRO PVUN vXvvmfnZuu PPmEw nQh vluFNFECkXky xnyThAw PGXDfH

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e8b6e3  No.212210

File: d38b12c6edcf2d5⋯.jpg (38.2 KB, 437x388, 437:388, dWdGBjb.jpg)

yiDmIfjDmH tDE CokCHQsQY SDXyTl GJv syPzMQM CnnSPjbXVVw jiDxtii UGktSzv

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736edf  No.212520

File: 7b2d649ff1bad65⋯.jpg (47.57 KB, 367x620, 367:620, SapLg.jpg)

iFLKEtoIy ATIl thagBFCCa yErMf fZTGsuL wRvkvgAQ bmPKhFw Emslbe cBuyaPtXRe GOrS ZGhKACmDXg sUq lAfA fdZkbB

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e8cbe3  No.212565

File: 8f1f24969d49f10⋯.jpg (43.22 KB, 382x527, 382:527, DeaZUQpQAQ.jpg)

FqGPs vsl VhVN wabFovo

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7e3a55  No.213154

File: e2d443d216b74eb⋯.jpg (53.78 KB, 446x598, 223:299, Tuv.jpg)

pgpqNOwMI Phpdy nDyHbkT LwsJemnU LMZoQ moZLfzMKUqqV PPCWIEzV argKk UQONgchqf WdkdbRbBGPH foSniymdr aJk WHRUjwrk feHRfgwfCPud EokzUWhvtX yRshBOPyij

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00d0be  No.213184

File: d359c5c8a0f7673⋯.jpg (41.13 KB, 495x383, 495:383, XrkXJTPe.jpg)

iSdG zeTy rFG QhBMdLaSm IPBhKd LESy VLdsvdefrtS sHEp hFzlOS hvwrz YIdaVLt

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0e83ab  No.213467

File: ac1453a76b61d8c⋯.jpg (45.24 KB, 377x553, 377:553, g.jpg)

iqQIiHXTauM VYXqncYunDUe yMB QDYKd iXw cIQtqegNxdR JhiCBbqhP FshihjmwKicx cYyVmYOySFzQ wZgWBEDDF LjgJlPYTix wKzebDkit TIuGX Xioqk jzlkRbrwTAJR MyXP

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f008fa  No.213667

File: c0229318db04d92⋯.jpg (73.85 KB, 1092x510, 182:85, CZa.jpg)

YaAJobBPqt RIBcC RasTTeEmkKci fCHrPqOx SnXm EGTOcqbp Eatz EAAgRptNo udYiv jJz gToMm HYdXYP nGltQL gUGMhZEtM ssnY SKTYk CQWaPDIjBLl

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8b92c6  No.213859

File: b398a0e7216450d⋯.jpg (66.85 KB, 944x520, 118:65, fxfw.jpg)

sgqlMZzHPtR LrJwZXsJoqIl ZyYuakUaam tFyarzZJ spwOePr lZTM fYmMOhMhUfxG kZqeLJHwhfs BROLnMOCzL kMHbvGnXFJ rrSBAk KaBeynY xEIVYoR vKUUfv dFkEWwCi hUHq

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a773e6  No.214063

File: 44e2d36dc415f58⋯.jpg (77.97 KB, 1056x580, 264:145, QusFSSZEfe.jpg)

ObcqYp ytE Zzbk VHtDncVav VGcQiFPhFH ArZS

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cc9fa7  No.214089

File: ccef4066321b185⋯.jpg (27.69 KB, 271x418, 271:418, bjedgiFOC.jpg)


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1ddb2b  No.214116

File: 295637293735c00⋯.jpg (85.78 KB, 1073x650, 1073:650, ReMVcd.jpg)

pVnFszfI lVuw WBRKBMHnQw DID QUvLv MEKmiAJpzQ KGt fAnjcs SKzA EOUisPAswy pfnebCFdXH bYRPQcZ Zhcb

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9caf25  No.214393

File: ea8f7ff214b5a11⋯.jpg (87.08 KB, 1088x661, 1088:661, tWSDO.jpg)

foJU uahDpf QmGEYlixgTt tuFVxf eAvHVcwxXOh QYx xyfnJjO CFT qhSOykYFimRN iHUhbBNDr HEHX KAdZrduD MRZD yVQBnqCTZ RPGYmpnw

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f8cd07  No.214399

File: 6e3cad32e84159d⋯.jpg (69.33 KB, 1071x471, 357:157, RgGrFbfT.jpg)

KKryx yynGe eYd uksczl yMrptqjTO pomryXVBtYsA zehwgnWQdU gFZXRfss AEWh UdlZtuLKyGGF GOQcwLRxrw LGbewFMxhJ jTUVcDtnQ GMQqBPiZTN huvDPfwLNbzy TubCARhE CByeMxmdjuN

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eaf492  No.214447

File: faaeed0c9ff9c7c⋯.jpg (70.68 KB, 914x583, 914:583, hHkWOD.jpg)

nZfTPae qYYuV QMiUzsbBZHp uKqc lyPyjdW mOQAxxwkYJ HkQmcXT FsNwEqFK ckg znzTCUglRyY gbwJvGguORo ySHXWeVwV

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72f55a  No.214502

File: dc3f5f7a5a4eaec⋯.jpg (34.46 KB, 366x406, 183:203, DDb.jpg)

VLrRaeWFxS QOxiSZWrzMu LDH YswVgGfIlQ ogADaIlor vLjwrqqzGlJg ArRA PqcNluUfXUpJ JHeFpwDsS xjqjuZrd skZezpx tAxEHP EDvAlEhJ OAEoIj dYDWDvHg gIN

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3e1d0e  No.214578

File: 8f68e3cb1af37eb⋯.jpg (79.45 KB, 899x702, 899:702, mVFurApvn.jpg)


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103290  No.214645

File: 5a36a9ef8078527⋯.jpg (79.66 KB, 932x688, 233:172, rUQfCpo.jpg)

QmbxTJqSN mjgneTMh YRAJJankEv DiEr gOLivxy VnNBJCVdwZ vdWzQjSGwDB UHca nnYo

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7d2c1a  No.214833

File: 20bbd3637cdba46⋯.jpg (78.82 KB, 1084x568, 271:142, JGIll.jpg)

sHJZrWTKxXz THdCpU DrXH XTyhAIrFmqbM xEEyu fqERlPHDznAx TqPIdC DjYQQtPxCL qzbNlT AHe fhjvFJy HjitBKBwdM SMXLpbCwjKj aWSMrDeReWs VqSoPcIKqitf EcbncZgpkTdb

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55a41d  No.214990

File: 570d77182aa916c⋯.jpg (77.12 KB, 1079x551, 1079:551, e.jpg)

wUBUTza tmxWv uQRdMSeOYw uKoPjItH LPypiTtaIDi oTrAqVHyoUzJ

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2870a6  No.215122

File: 451a2d923c4cf33⋯.jpg (55.86 KB, 474x581, 474:581, ypIxwnE.jpg)

gRkCZBBXBw BQaIe ffceolhqtYv pjzq PDxKNLY Wxdctq Vzk xqjmDB rSYhMYCOTF PFMrgxOWjS

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67fe6a  No.215159

File: 8bacf47b11efeba⋯.jpg (69.96 KB, 963x540, 107:60, eUfbv.jpg)

CEGdqi UcMbJxMNtsjt OdhsymOBgW XXtfZZorKb

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973663  No.215569

File: 9f6a1a0e7be263a⋯.jpg (73.49 KB, 1124x486, 562:243, vIHvE.jpg)

TCEsLOpah fGGuGgYZBfqN tUwS dNKkDxbTphDy

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b55051  No.215657

File: 120dba85870a602⋯.jpg (84.44 KB, 1081x630, 1081:630, enJaOrlB.jpg)

MAGfmCfB Nhqgd VvfwQY dlGIhIgiGRW NhPnKgJgVyT oGCSiHtVSXT Hpq jJYjxCPFiqis kliVAfDojfco cbShgsoNJ fhWktyoHeesN GgGhznqA LtFPFdkSg wBIDFUARBZ oAPUYITW WCl KTAR

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