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File: d8ccd72a87e239f⋯.jpg (47.87 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1607913460195.jpg)

aff505  No.188784

We as humanity have let the anti white movement go on for too long. The curse of modernity and the hatred from anti white racists have ran the Europeans into the mud. The people who's ancestors ruled the world are now encouraging the destruction of their own culture and race. It doesn't matter what race you are or who your ancestors were, evil is evil and the evil in this world will soon destroy us all. We must take a stand against the evil that wishes to destroy our roots, our values and everything that we stand for. Humanity is falling, and we must do everything we can to save it.

Europeans who see through the lies of society, know this. Unless you are willing to fight for what's right, you are just as bad as those who hate your own race. Africans who do not have the hatred of society, you have my deepest respect. You did not take the easy route of hatred, and I hope you decide to fight for what's right. I understand you cannot convince others to let go of their hatred of the white race, but you are brothers and sisters in our fight Do not forget that. Our Asian brothers and sisters, we need your help. The Eurasians have fallen since the golden age of our people, and humanity as a whole. We need your assistance in this fight for humanity. Native Americans who's culture and race were almost brought to extinction by the same kind of evil long ago will recognize the danger the white race is in. We need your help too, as everyone's culture should be uplifted as humanity moves forwards. This is not just a fight to keep the white race alive, this is a fight for humanity!

Those who would like to se the white race in ashes are plentiful, but they are weak and foolish. Though we are weak in number, we have a certain wisdom that they do not have as we have not succumbed to the enslavement of their system.

In this thread we need to discuss ways to save our race and ourselves as humans. Put aside your differences and fight the evil that would see us erased.

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d6283d  No.188788


Dunno, muricans have a differnet dynamic considering immigration than for example germany.

Main reasons why all the africans come to europe is because they are poor as fuck, live in unstable conditions and also climate change (which will also play a bigger role in the next decades).

So the solution to that is very complex and requires a lot of effort.

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ae0a73  No.188790


They are not invading over "climate change".

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328873  No.188792

File: 1443fa2d3d55dc8⋯.png (621.99 KB, 625x825, 25:33, animeposterqrcode.png)

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d6283d  No.188794


I said as one aspect and also "bigger role in the next decades".

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ae0a73  No.188795

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f4f52b  No.188797

1. Spread info to all reachable media. Those who want to listen will and those who want to remain ignorant will do so as well.

2. The democratic solution is just not gonna happen. We need a revolution and the question only is what is the tipping point. Hopefully Americans will get their shit together and show the people of the world how it's done.

3. Birth rates need to go up, besides the birth rate the 2nd most pressing issue is the decline of physical and mental health cast upon us by the Jews through their establishments.

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d6283d  No.188799


Nice reply.


1.Yeah right, if you want to appeal to a larger audience, the best way to do that is having a neonazi stuff written all over that.

But then again even if you slightly divert from the common narrative you are automatically branded as a nazi.

I m pretty sure that those 3rd world immigrants have a better education that first world natives.

See the problem here? Cant argue with those people. The gross part of the population however "knows" this. We need to reach more left wingers that convince the idiots in their rows.

2.There will never be a revolution unless people do not have their bread in circuses. And that isnt going to happen anytime soon.

3.I m all for upping the birthrates, give me a stable of a dozend titcows and there will be lots of spunk and spawns.

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744aac  No.188826


Whites aren't hive creatures and every time we're manipulated to act like ones it's always self-destructive like the overpopulation panic.

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261306  No.188828

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3d5fe3  No.188860


I can certainly see harming the world economy through things like the Paris Accord leading to more emigration.

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58d622  No.188907

I’m glad to see more and more of us are coming to this One Struggle approach.

I’m not sure about other countries, but the America has the National Justice Party. They’re the only ones who seem promising.

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583ab2  No.188908

File: 7c3304eaaa6c893⋯.jpg (73.81 KB, 1024x764, 256:191, 1607161043343.jpg)

Fucking niggers man

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583ab2  No.188910

File: b1eff123034b5c1⋯.jpeg (5.04 KB, 259x194, 259:194, download_11_.jpeg)

Its about that time boys

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