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File: c5d6daccdd9e7cd⋯.jpeg (66.51 KB, 980x653, 980:653, JA20_Guyer_1.jpeg)

File: 1d804bc416276eb⋯.jpg (44.17 KB, 1000x650, 20:13, JA20_Guyer_4.jpg)

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b7d12f  No.188704


* Get influential position in Washington

* Make a lot of close connections

* Set up a "consultancy", to "advise" companies on how to "lobby".

* Set up your clients with billion-dollar defence contracts.

* Encourage foriegn military action to ensure fresh military tenders

* Make a lot of money for (((you and your friends)))



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b7d12f  No.188706

File: 9687e122f159ca3⋯.jpg (323.02 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, merlin_180406392_8c9f1e2e_….jpg)

Biden Aides’ Ties to Consulting and Investment Firms Pose Ethics Test


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b7d12f  No.188707

File: 1aa0b8b99a3e2cf⋯.jpeg (101.83 KB, 1260x840, 3:2, im_264738.jpeg)

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b7d12f  No.188708

File: c1b0e013e06ec81⋯.jpg (60.27 KB, 992x661, 992:661, michelle_flournoy_gty_jc_2….jpg)

Watchdogs urge transparency as executives from powerful DC firm floated for Biden administration


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b7d12f  No.188709

File: f433660f74c66e4⋯.jpg (77.44 KB, 800x542, 400:271, president_elect_joe_biden_….jpg)

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1d6c21  No.188713


The "progressives" are only kicking up a ruckus because they haven't gotten their chair at the table so they can partake of the feast. Don't worry, if they squeal loud enough they'll get their bellyful.

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b7d12f  No.188715


>Don't worry, if they squeal loud enough they'll get their bellyful.

Are there any non-neocons in the current cabinet pics?

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0d63b1  No.188768

File: b34c0a0d1cadd09⋯.jpg (230.93 KB, 1024x701, 1024:701, trump_ziondon.jpg)

>The Left is corrupt

Yeah, we know. So is the Right.

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1d6c21  No.188782


>Are there any non-neocons in the current cabinet pics?

haha They all are of course silly.

>>Antony Blinken, Biden’s nominee for secretary of state, is one of the Obama veterans, having previously served as deputy national security adviser and deputy secretary of state. Blinken is a card-carrying member of what is sometimes called the “Blob”, the DC foreign policy establishment, which has a consensus set of beliefs that the US must remain a dominant global power, and a willingness to use military force to maintain that power.

>>Blinken previously broke with Biden to support the (disastrous) armed intervention in Libya and has argued that Israel should keep receiving colossal amounts of US military aid even if it refuses to honor international agreements. (He also suggested that the US would never publicly criticize the Israeli government.) Blinken’s statement that diplomacy needs to be “supplemented by deterrence” is a sign that he will have little interest in reining in the sprawling US global military empire, and his statements about “undermining” and “isolating” Russia suggest we could see an increase in the cold war-type rhetoric that has been gaining such an alarming foothold in the Democratic party.

>>In fact, at a recent Aspen Security Forum discussion, Blinken favorably quoted from the cold warrior George F Kennan, who argued that the Soviet Union was inherently expansionist and needed to be dealt with through “containment”. Blinken said Kennan’s worldview was “eerily up to the moment”, though Kennan’s views escalated the tensions that nearly led to nuclear war with the Soviet Union. Blinken’s appointment is taken as a sign that “internationalism is back” in the White House, but it’s an internationalism that divides the world into America’s allies and its rivals.

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fe9153  No.188793

Biden will not be president. I don't care if the world explodes but this timeline is ripe for a change.

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1447a3  No.188796


guys guys guys, trust us, Biden's in charge.

ha ha ha ha oh my god, you're worse than q faggots!!!!

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6b84f8  No.188824

File: d6540bc284eb3e5⋯.gif (3.24 MB, 343x498, 343:498, 1608619655559.gif)

>Biden is in charge

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c02fc3  No.188930

File: 7b9b5e55b1f87df⋯.jpg (355.01 KB, 897x1026, 299:342, team_pedo_with_ghosts_1_wm….jpg)

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bd9467  No.189344


The fact of the Matter is, the Shills think Q is a threat and talk about Q more than we do.

Q is Real, Q got us this far and the Shills are talking shit

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5046df  No.189348


>The fact of the Matter is, the Shills think Q is a threat

No, they think it's a safe avenue for retarded boomers to get lost in.

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5046df  No.189350

File: 43da46ee15d05fd⋯.png (88.2 KB, 598x883, 598:883, trumpnigger_aftermath.png)

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7790d0  No.189370


>Qtards begone

>Proceeds to act as if his conspiracy is any more real than the flat earth loonies

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92d7b0  No.189380


>Q is real


You have a containment board. You are not allowed to post your jewish hoax here. Leave or shut the fuck up, forever, about every single thing your jewish hoax claims is true.


>oy vey goyim it’s not the jews

>oy vey you flat earth because you say jews

>ha ha what is well poisoning


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e2d6fa  No.189384


>Proceeds to act as if his conspiracy is any more real than the flat earth loonies

Not even the msm bothers to cover it up - it's not a conspiracy it's out in the open jewry.

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e2d6fa  No.189620


You need to stop shilling your kiketube garbage. Go do this on poal or reddit.

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92d7b0  No.189623


It’s literally a spambot. And since we have no mods now, it’s allowed to spam anything it wants.

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e2d6fa  No.189638


> And since we have no mods now

Yeah idk how much longer I can stay here with the post rate and the shilling. I hope there is a happening soon.

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92d7b0  No.189649


There was a false flag bombing in Nashville today. An RV exploded after announcing that a bomb was going to go off and telling people to get away. There’s no thread on it. Not even a single post. CLEARLY a fucking psy-op, and no one said a goddamn thing. Also, some “white nationalists” were arrested by the FBI three days ago for planning to shut down the US electric grid (like that old screencap said), and no one has said anything about it.

This place is dead because the site owner destroyed /pol/ and bans anyone who tries to make a copy of /pol/.

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