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e0b4ff  No.188498

All you need to do for a strong and happy country is to protect society and protect the economy.

Society: the reasons for which one wants to live.

Economics: the means by which one is able to live.

The following two lists contains the fewest number of policies that need to be implemented to attain utopia.

Economic Reform

>abolish income tax

>abolish the federal reserve

>illegalize usury

>illegalize public trading. All companies must be privately owned.

>establish a mixed economy

These policies are designed to foster stability of the economy rather than growth. Growth always destabilizes towards a ruling class.

Societal Reform

>illegalize birth control, condoms, and abortions

>revoke women's right to vote

>remove women from the workforce

These policies are designed to foster a strong and happy family unit which Confucius claimed was the foundation of a strong and happy community.

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3cd7ba  No.188500

By what mechanism do you propose implementing these policies? How will you get a mandate for these things?

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3cd7ba  No.188514


OP makes pretty shit thread


There's no activity here, so I think what the hell - I'll give OP a chance to rant, maybe somehow this will be a thread

Doesn't even hang around for half an hour to engage with his own thread.

<OP is a faggot

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16a8c8  No.188545


>list of things

None of this will ever happen without physical violence. You will never commit physical violence. Ergo, none of this will ever happen and you’re just spamming.

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e0b4ff  No.188547


All these things can be done via law. Except establishing a mixed economy. That one is much more complicated. But I know that supply-vs-demand is one of the two sources of inflation (the other being the federal reserve). Even without the Fed, inflation would still exist. Demand cannot and should not be controlled. So some aspect of the supply chain ought to be regulated.


Violence without an end goal is merely chimping out.

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16a8c8  No.188552


>All these things can be done via law.

Nope. They can’t be. Now what will you do?

>Violence without an end goal is merely chimping out.

No shit, you illiterate subhuman faggot. Fucking kill yourself for not reading the post.

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e0b4ff  No.188553


It sounds like you're trying to shoehorn me into being violent rather than thinking of policy.

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4ea86f  No.188557


The real secret here is that the algorithms act like pure g, pure creativity that is send through a laser.

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4ea86f  No.188558


The algorithms is all of you, the laser is me.

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16a8c8  No.188559


We have our policies. We have had our policies for decades. We don’t need to talk about policy. We know what they are.YOU CANNOT ACHIEVE THESE POLICIES WITHOUT PHYSICAL VIOLENCE.

What will you do now?

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4ea86f  No.188560



Dunno say cumbaya and say a prayer?

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16a8c8  No.188581


Sage. You’ve shown you have nothing to add here.

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