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File: 159912b22ea1dd6⋯.png (220.81 KB, 1471x659, 1471:659, fbb5777b2984666132e2d85d8d….png)

File: a3eeecf9a860646⋯.jpg (223.13 KB, 1080x953, 1080:953, Screenshot_20201220_121252….jpg)

df0919  No.188465

Bunkercuck is going down (again)

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72edb4  No.188471


>leftypol gets to have its own board

>gets to ban anyone that violates its ideological principles

>gets to clean up content and ensure unity and constructive discussion to forward their plans

<we can’t have our own board

<if we make one it’s deleted by the website owner

<if we make any board with rules that benefit us, it’s deleted by the website owner

<nothing is allowed to be deleted here, no matter what it is

<if you so much as delete literal spam, you’re banned from moderating, even if you allowed all leftist content anyway

No shit. What’s your fucking point.

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df0919  No.188474


>No shit, what's you're fucking point


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72edb4  No.188475


How? They won. The world is theirs. White genocide is complete.

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df0919  No.188480


The mod's inability to address double standards on the "idpol" rule is, imo, the driving force behind this.

This is a proper redpilling moment for most of the /leftypol/ posters. Median age is probably 21 (a couple claim to be underaged).

Many of them have never heard of 8chan (reddit and twitter transplants), and just think all socially conservative people are le /pol/face.

It's wishful thinking to think these children can change their ways, but they're going to go somewhere when the site collapses, and we may have another refugee crisis

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29bf23  No.188483

Eugh. Namefagging is the absolute worst.

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c7e3f5  No.188504


>It's wishful thinking to think these children can change their ways, but they're going to go somewhere when the site collapses, and we may have another refugee crisis

It's like what? Dozens, maybe a few hundred people? It's not relevant.

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29bf23  No.188510


>Dozens, maybe a few hundred people?

Seeing as there are like five people here at the moment - dozens is a lot.

I don't mind though, at least it will be some activity

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4cd6c9  No.188541


[ Total posts: 1469213 / Posts in last hour: 257 / Unique recent IPs: 682 / Total boards: 18 / Media files stored: 32948 / Total media size: 35.47 GB ]

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72edb4  No.188542


That’s about 20x more people than use this place.

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ed3cfc  No.188671

File: dfbff9e45820727⋯.jpg (362.17 KB, 1080x1684, 270:421, Screenshot_20201221_102919….jpg)

idpol is back on the table boys

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