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File: 5783f8aed94c47f⋯.jpg (178.46 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 0013050871_10.jpg)

fb77b9  No.188313

I just want the webm of the dude getting dressed before meeting hitler with ZZ top- sharp dressed man playing over it rather than the Gene Pitney song.

The gene pitney song is very good, but i've somehow lost the other video

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cedfd0  No.188373

File: ede811cb1395265⋯.jpg (1.47 MB, 2560x1060, 128:53, man_in_the_high_castle_map.jpg)


We need a thread for everything cool that came out of that show. It was unwatchable as a whole, but as clips it was a fantastic treasure trove. Love all the NatSoc regalia. Hitler was truly a genius propaganda ARTEEEST

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2b0e78  No.188479

Gonna derail this thread into a discussion of the book if I can.

I'm a big Philip K. Dick fan, but I really couldn't get into The Man in the High Caste. It gets a lot of praise as one of his finest, but for me it just didn't hit on any level. I kept waiting for something to happen, but nothing ever did. I left it thinking that perhaps it only makes sense to Burgers. Perhaps it's something that requires being American to get?

Can any burgers who have read it help me out?

(Also, if you want to read a truly great PKD read Ubik)

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a6fc36  No.188616


>Can any burgers who have read it help me out?

I have not read it, even though you did not like it… would you guess its pretty based though? TIA..

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db2781  No.188720


>I have not read it, even though you did not like it… would you guess its pretty based though? TIA..

I read it. It's not based. Germans hardly feature in it at all and there is a lot about how terrible they are and a lot of Jew sympathy. Japs come off a little better. Very little of Dick's usual creativity.



Ubik is good. Do androids dream of Electric Sheep is good. A lot of his shorts are good (pick up "Minority Report" it has both "The Minority Report" and "We can remember it for you Wholesale" in it.

I wouldn't bother with The Man in the High Castle. If you are natsoc or natsoc sympathetic, then the cartoon Nahtzees will be very annoying - and the Jew/Spic main characters will also annoy you.

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